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The last few days I have been working on something as extensively as I neever did before. And the first thing I will actually paint in parts.


TITHI sprqyed all the parts of it - which went absolutely amazingly smooth, look!




Siegfried, Slayer of Lyndwurms, is coming

TITHI got 11 pauldrons gloss varnished in prep for the first time I'll be applying decals to 40K models in 25 years of gaming - really hoping this Micro-Set/Sol stuff works out well!

It does. This is a really good video that goes over using those products:



I've been using them for my recent decal run and they work wonders on the curved shoulder pads.

Edited by thewarriorhunter

YITHI Did some more work on terrain, detail work on my knight army, worked out how many points it comes to after the newest round of deductions and bumps and did the heraldry and livery for my grey knights chaplain.


TITH I'm going to do some more work on terrrain, my ad mech and maybe even dabble in the gardens of the plague god and work on some plague bearers

TITHI started working on Sammael in Sableclaw. This is what it looked like when I sat down to paint:




This is what it looks like now:



Decent progress at least.

Edited by Gederas

TITHI went through my stacks of sprues and boxes of models along with my proposed 2500 Heresy list to work out what I can build.


Then realised I'm silly and hadn't stocked up on SW shoulder pads so I'm short about 30 MkIII and approximately 40 MkIV pads. I'd also like to hunt down one more running HH armour marine to make a full squad of dynamic Seekers.


I know it's not a necessity but I am a fan of moulded Legion pads so I think I'm going to have a load of minis assembled but missing pads.


Also didn't stock up on Sector Imperialis 40mm bases (why GW did you pair them with 25mm bases you terrible people!) or Dreadnought bases so slightly frustrated at that.


Tomorrow I shall actually assemble something.

Edited by Hfran Morkai

Gruelling work getting the base armour colour and all the details down on these guys. They've been languishing on my shelf wearing nothing but black primer for about a year until now, despite the fact I was super psyched and excited to get to work on them when I assembled them. Turns out they were just a lot more hassle to paint than I was anticipating- Lots of little details and complicated poses, besides the fact my conversion work has made a lot of parts harder to reach with a brush.

Primaris Death Comapny


Primaris Death Company - Partial paint


I usually don't paint in batches as big as ten for marines. Painting in batches like this is supposedly more efficient, but it's a real slog when you get to the parts you hate- In my case, for example, trying to do the metallic details without making a mistake you'll have to go back and re-touch. Paiting is becoming a very zen thing for me, in that way. I tell myself I enjoy it, but I always find myself looking at another shoulder pad, questioning if I truly do enjoy it; and have to force myself to persevere. Truly a master of my own willpower and resolve :biggrin.:

On the other hand, it feels great having all ten of them so near completion, rather than having, say, five of them done and knowing I'll have to go through the whole ordeal again with another five. Tomorrow I'll finish the second coat on the armour, get all the recesses shaded, then I just need to add a few highlights, add the glow to the swords, and they're ready for basing.

(Christ there's still a lot of work when I put it like that...)

Gruelling work getting the base armour colour and all the details down on these guys. They've been languishing on my shelf wearing nothing but black primer for about a year until now, despite the fact I was super psyched and excited to get to work on them when I assembled them. Turns out they were just a lot more hassle to paint than I was anticipating- Lots of little details and complicated poses, besides the fact my conversion work has made a lot of parts harder to reach with a brush.


I usually don't paint in batches as big as ten for marines. Painting in batches like this is supposedly more efficient, but it's a real slog when you get to the parts you hate- In my case, for example, trying to do the metallic details without making a mistake you'll have to go back and re-touch. Paiting is becoming a very zen thing for me, in that way. I tell myself I enjoy it, but I always find myself looking at another shoulder pad, questioning if I truly do enjoy it; and have to force myself to persevere. Truly a master of my own willpower and resolve :biggrin.:


On the other hand, it feels great having all ten of them so near completion, rather than having, say, five of them done and knowing I'll have to go through the whole ordeal again with another five. Tomorrow I'll finish the second coat on the armour, get all the recesses shaded, then I just need to add a few highlights, add the glow to the swords, and they're ready for basing.


(Christ there's still a lot of work when I put it like that...)

This is what they should have done for Primaris Death Company.

I usually don't paint in batches as big as ten for marines. Painting in batches like this is supposedly more efficient, but it's a real slog ...


(Christ there's still a lot of work when I put it like that...)

I feel you and I'm the same way. I painted my first squad of marines in a batch of ten. Then went to five and recently with the 3 man Primaris units I've really been enjoying that. It feels much faster and manageable. I think going forward I'll batch paint in 3s, I realize it means an extra session for 2 marines here and there but I'm ok with that.

TITH I had an awesome moment of gaming with my wife. We've been playing through Blackstone Fortress (which is a really awesome game).


Unfortunately for her Pious Vorne was in the wrong place when Traitor Guard reinforcements came in. She suffered ~10 attacks and ended up going out of action. The rest of the expedition was able to clean up the bad guys and get to a mag-lev chamber. I told her roll anything but a 1 and Pious would be live and be able to continue. She rolled a 2. We both held our breath during the roll and when the two came up with both cheered and yelled because it couldn't have been any closer. It sounds cheesy but those moments are what I love about gaming.



Spent a couple hours tearing my hair out trying to get the power swords on the guys I posted yesterday to look right. Think I got it.



Just need to finish the basing and touch up a couple of spots and I'm done. But these guys have taken waaaaay more effort than I ever anticipated, has anyone else experienced the same thing with Phobos armour models?

TITHI actually did what I said I was going to do and got round to some modelling.


Made two new Huscarls for Grey Slayers as when I made them it seemed great Frost blade was an option but it isn't so one is now Power Axe and one is Power Fist.


Also built a 10 man Veteran Squad with Meltaguns and Combi-Meltas.


Assembly isn't as easy as I remember and going to have to tidy them up at some point as glue got everywhere (might also help sorting a table at the correct height for my chair).

I've finished assembling Prophecy of the Wolf - the plan is to pick up a box each of Meganobz and the Nobz box with the Warboss to round out what I have access to and bring it up to something better than a Supreme Command. I built the Incursors as half Incursors and half Infiltrators, with minor conversions using the Grey Hunters box here and there to make them Wolfy, and I painted a single Nob to work out how I was gonna do them.

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