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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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But Flint...it won't be long till you can if you really want to. Tips I'll give to anyone and I'm sure others would say the same.


1. Good lighting.

2. Thin your paint.

3. Good brushes with good points to them. This is one I've recently and finally found out. I was always happy using the GW and other hobby brushes but I have now tried a Winsor & Newton Series 7 size 0 (about £10) and have to say that I now see the GW ones as all basecoat brushes. Apart from the drybrush ones that is.

4. Use a wet pallet. I've mentioned these before and always will now. Used to use a plate or a wall tile and always found paint consistency changed too quickly etc.

5. Be comfortable.

6. Practice and try new things. The Eavy Metal way of painting isn't the be all and end all as I've found more recently thanks to sites like Massive Voodoo. Everyone learns no matter what skill level.


I've been painting GW minis since I was about 11. Worked in the GW Plaza store for a couple of years from 96 with a couple of amazing painters. One of which was a messy bugger and would always have paint on his hand and lips (and often in his tea). Still remember him telling me to "get your wiggle on". So I've been lucky. I'm now 36 (25 years...I don't want to know how much I've spent). More gaming would be nice but the time just isn't there right now but it'll happen.

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I was going to post about how I hate your guts for being such a talented painter. Then It dawned on me you have been painting for as long as I have been alive.


 9 models at 90% finished VS 25 years of painting, it all makes sense now.


Seriously, l love your style.

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@Disease. And I love your guts. You model them so well with GS. Nurglez pointed your wip thread and you have some serious modeling skills and I take your words as a great compliment. Thank you.
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Am I the only one that liked the fact the lighting bolt wasn't thin? What's wrong with a beefy lightning bolt? Have seen long, thin ones that span the entire horizon in a series of small chain, and short fat ones that hit a barn that was driving by.


It looks good to me, Forte. Thunder buddies for life.

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Cheers Nephlim. It'll probably end up being a mixture depending on the size of the bolt and the armour piece it's on.


Pretty much just the lightning and a couple of details left now so I'll complete my first CoC :)

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Forte this is brilliant work! The helmet is outstanding as is the lightning effect on the banner! Beautiful stuff... I only wish the pose was a bit more dynamic but that's a minor issue or personal preference...


Keep it up, I look forward to see evertything put together!

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Was meaning with all intention to put brush to model tonight but...thanks to it being a stupid day with crappy UK weather, first day back at school for the kids and...well...being tired. I've decided not to as I'll most likely mess it up, get annoyed and stop painting.

So, here's where he stands at the moment. Excuse the dodgy pictures. They didn't look too bad on the phone till I cropped them and saw them on the ol lappy.

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That's all the parts (minus the base) and it looks to me like I still have the following areas to work on:

  • Lightning (obviously)
  • Hair and blood on the trophy head
  • Highlights on the Burning Brand
  • Palms of the Lightning Claws
  • Material holding the skull to the belt
  • Extra fine highlight on the darker metal areas

Think that should do it. Bring on tomorrow night. Earlier and with extra coffee :eek: :thumbsup: :thanks:

Pre warning...up next will be my Emperors Children Chaos Raptors (6 obviously).

Edited by forte
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Chain-glaive with strips of flesh on the grip? Awesome touch!


Cheers Barabbas. Handle from an old Gorka Morka Ork axe. Got to love Brian Nelson's work. And inspiration from the FW Night Raptors. 

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I have always wondered what a Nightlord would look like with a silver trim instead of the more "traditional" bronze or brass. Freakin' sweet is how.


A question thou... will his flamer have a tiny pilot light?

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The amount of modeling put into the NL is great forte. Producing magnetized option of that extent is truly worth some praise.

The terror marking on the helmet is sweet!!

And the "I don't give a :cuss" pose comes off perfectly!!


End of Line

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Thank you all for the comments. Helping me stay focused on completing him.


@Flint. Hadn't thought of a pilot light really but there is a bit there that I could try and paint like one of those 'no flame' lighters.


And the silver trim is actually Tin Bits highlighted to Boltgun Metal so it has a slight bronze tint ;)

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