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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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i just got some pink and baby blue paint... -.- damn you forte

Don't blame me. I never made you buy it.

You kinda did :P

Planted the thought but nothing more.

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i just got some pink and baby blue paint... -.- damn you forte

Don't blame me. I never made you buy it.

You kinda did :tongue.:

Planted the thought but nothing more.


Since you planted the thought, and the thought is what made him buy the paints, you're responsible.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, really liking the look of your most recent work and I can't wait to see further progress on the Raptors :)

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he came to me in a dream, dressed the same was as baldrick in my dp. telling me if i didnt buy the paint he will get me with his lash of submission :'(

Yup. Pretty much.

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kinky?? nah im watching what i say on a family friendly forum :D when i get going i could make slaanesh itself blush


i see these raptors aint finished either... sheesh its almost like someones asked him to do some photo editing or somethiing :P

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That and I've been sorting out the parts for my Blastmaster marine.



I'm curious how you'll magic up a blastmaster. Seems like an opportunity for some wacky Forte magic 

Aww yeah! Definitely looking forward to seeing what you cook up! I want to make one to use with my army and as a central part of a kill team.


I need a bit more motivation though, so please post some WIP when available. All I have is a "boom box" backpack I had been messing with...whose idea was someone elses *Can't remember the original thread it is from. I think there is a link to it in one of the thread from the Legion of Excess.

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Finally managed some painting. Worked on the trim on two of the Raptors. Decided to use different colours on each.



Also did some work on the claw which I think needs a bit of highlighting.


Safe to say that it drove me nuts and I still have more to do lol.

C&C most welcome please. Thanks for looking :thanks: :tu:

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Love that color for Slaanesh! Anything that tricks my brain into thinking someone melted starburst candies over my eyes gets a big stamp of approval for the excess god's minis :smile.:

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How do you ever get cover saves with that armor, I wonder...

Because no one believes someone would ever go to war dressed like that. Best camouflage ever.


Besides...cover is for those who are scared of getting shot.

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Love that color for Slaanesh! Anything that tricks my brain into thinking someone melted starburst candies over my eyes gets a big stamp of approval for the excess god's minis :smile.:

I know right? They totally remind me of M&M's.


Anywho, still think the teal looks great. That claw, however, awesome! I think it's the neat contrast of something painted really organically clashing with other super in-organic colors. 

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I know right? They totally remind me of M&M's.


Anywho, still think the teal looks great. That claw, however, awesome! I think it's the neat contrast of something painted really organically clashing with other super in-organic colors.

Many thanks. The claw is the first time I've really tried glazing and I'm really happy with it too. Think I'll be playing with glazes on my Daemonettes when I do them. No way I'd be trying to do all twelve in one go though. Small batches at a time.


As for other Slaanesh related stuff. I thought I'd put up a few bits of art I've been looking at for ideas. This sort of thing will mainly be for Noise Marines to make them stand out against the crowd.








This one I actually really like. Gas a graffiti feel to it.





So I think it'll have to be one at a time and in a lot of separate pieces. May even try adding some texture using liquid green stuff.


Let me know what you think.

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Something I'm considering doing with my Emperor's Children is theming each squad, but still going nuts colour-wise. All I know for certain so far is that I'm gonna have a squad that has marbled armour.


I really like the second one. Looks like feathers.



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All I know for certain so far is that I'm gonna have a squad that has marbled armour.

I will be breaking out some more marble. That's for sure. It is satisfying when it works.

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that claw is looking good man :thumbsup:

as for the colours i wish you luck ,i personally think number 1 is awesome 




and this one would be cool if you could pull it off, but man that looks like a lot of work on a small surface.

i will be looking forward to seeing how this turns out

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Managed a bit of time while the young ones were asleep/ distracted with the PS3 so made a start on my Noise Marine with the Blastmaster.

Selection of bits to start with and my basic, single speed rotary tool.


Main groundwork is done but the barrel will need bulking with plasticard and green stuffing.


Still loads to do on him before primer touches but the Raptors need the paint finishing before this.

Thanks for looking.

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