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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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It becomes an addiction all it's own. You've been warned :)


It really does open up all new avenues in the hobby though. With your Painting skill and attention to detail I have little doubt you would pick up the GS skill in very little time at all.

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i also think that you should convert that sexy fella in the pikky (the slaanesh marine, not baldrik) for someone who claims to be not very good with green stuff your doin quite well, ive been sculpting bits since i got the heresy bug at the start of 5th ed and i cant do what you can. so chop chop i wanna see that fella in the pik come to life



k heres an idea, ill do something similar as well to give you the motivation, even though yours will piss all over  mine. the challenge has been set *slaps you with rubber glove*

Edited by SlaveToDarkness
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Mmmmmm....rubber glove slap. Sorry. You were saying?


I'll more use it for inspiration than anything else but we'll see.


The original


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It's the Golden shower that's putting me off!!!

Where's me incinerator......need to purge some dodgy coloured mincers!



Toes on the line there ;)


Come join. There's so much the Emperor has kept hidden from you.

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Not as yet. Kids causing sleep deprivation so I've not been able to focus passed 8pm. Not ideal when painting trim. Soon...or I'll never get them done with spawn and a fiend waving bits at me.
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Not as yet. Kids causing sleep deprivation so I've not been able to focus passed 8pm. Not ideal when painting trim. Soon...or I'll never get them done with spawn and a fiend waving bits at me.


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Well then. Update time, what with this being a work in progress thread.

+++ Session 8 +++

Managed to spend about three hours last night painting all the trim black so it's ready for which ever colour it ends up. Luckily, when I looked in daylight I was fairly happy with it which is good as I lost a bit of motivation with these. One thing that did jump out at me though...they are too uniform. The same colours in the same areas and everything. I may as well be painting Ultramarines. So with that in mind I'm going to mix the trim up a bit to get some life into them.

Here's the colours I have in mind. Now, I won't use the same colour across the whole mini and everyone will be different.

- gold, silver, metalic blue, black with another highlight (pink, green, blue. Think the typical DE sort of thing), white, and off white.

Likely only two different colours each.

Here's how one looks currently


Thoughts, C&C, ideas all greatly recieved :thanks: :tu:

Edited by forte
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Looks good so far, man.

I'd be tempted towards dark trim on the legs for that guy, since even as they are now the colours work quite well.


Did you mean off-white as in light grey, or more of a bone colour?

They're both good choices, but I was just curious. I mean, light grey would probably look better, but on the other hand it's Slaanesh, so anything goes and maybe bone-coloured would be the right sort of odd.:laugh.:

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Indeed! Really nice stuff - the blue especially is just fantastic... Look forward for the end (brighter?) result - especially on the purple!

I'll use some pink somewhere. Just for you ;)

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Can't. Stop. Looking. At the. Blue.. it has actually taken me a while to get to typing, theres just something about that blue. Its alluring! Man theres been so many good, nay, excellent paint jobs on this site recently im fearing painting my models for fear of living up to such standards.
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Get painting. Doesn't matter what level you're at, everyone here supports each other with praise, pointers, and constructive criticism. Everyone can improve and often it's someone else's eye that can pick up on something you've not thought of.
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