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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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They almost make me think of the old school Harlequins. It's like each one is trying to be as visually loud as possible to draw more attention than their brothers.



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That's sort of the thing on how I view Slaanesh. Each person is an individual and the longer they are exposed, the more individual they would become.


I think I'll even be doing a Noise Marine in white. Thought of it a few years back but never got round to it. Figure he sees it as a blank canvas ready for whatever material war may bring him to decorate his armour. Not sure I could bring myself to model him mid battle. Covered in who knows what.

Harlequins look good and bright but usually have the diamond pattern as a theme. I feel the only theme here should be them being expressive. Though I may be biting off a bit too much. I do know that the more excessive stuff will be reserved for the more extreme worshippers (Noise Marines).

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I dislike Emperor's Children, typically, but those Kakophoni are awesome. The sneak peaks at the raptors are sweet too.

Many thanks. Even though you dislike the EC ;)

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This isn't a fashion statement!

Let me explain.

I've been getting a little frustrated with a few of my paints which seem to enjoy separating or having a nice lump of pigment which just doesn't want to mix (looking at you Imperial Primer and Ceramite White). I'd read in a few places about people using ball bearings as an agitator. The same way as the ball in an aerosol can. And had good results. But...a few people had mentioned experiencing rust over time. And this was something I wanted to avoid seen as I'm not painting Nurgle currently.

Then I read about ceramic beads which sounded good...but then I saw the prices.

Glass beads, fishing lead shot, garden stones (would be nice to have a garden), and a few stone type beads had come up too.

These are 6mm heamatite beads which apparently do not react to liquid or paint at all but only weighing in at 1g a piece I'm not sure they will be heavy enough to break up some of the pigment. At only Edited by forte

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Well...just tried out the beads I have and...success. The two main nightmares look smooth and an old brass is mixed within 20 seconds. First time since I bought it in the late 80's. Now hopefully to paint tonight.
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great looking raptor,personally not a fan of the lightning they put all over the new chaos models but that is just GWs design and nothing negative about your stuff.great work mate keep it up as its tempting me to the slaanesh  side

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great looking raptor,personally not a fan of the lightning they put all over the new chaos models but that is just GWs design and nothing negative about your stuff.great work mate keep it up as its tempting me to the slaanesh side

Funny thing is, I removed the lighting from one set of legs. Took a while too. Then I went and added the flesh to the front of those ones! I'll admit I was tired.


I'd love to see what you'd do with Slaanesh. Especially if you ignore the GW version and go the Angel Exterminatus route and let all limits go. Would love to see what freehand you would come up with.

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I always hate to be the bearer of bad news, but hematite is not the way to go. Hematite contains iron, which rusts. Obviously it won't happen right away, but it will over time.


The safest thing is glass. Barring that, pieces of (lead-free) pewter work well as well. Old pewter with lead will "rot" over time in liquid.

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I always hate to be the bearer of bad news, but hematite is not the way to go. Hematite contains iron, which rusts. Obviously it won't happen right away, but it will over time.


The safest thing is glass. Barring that, pieces of (lead-free) pewter work well as well. Old pewter with lead will "rot" over time in liquid.

Great...already in the paint now.

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It's that time. I've finally managed to sit down and put some paint on the Raptors again. Nothing too major. Silver claws one the feet. Some gold trim in places. Second coat on the champions skin and the start of a claw. So still tons to do but it's nice to have done something at last.

Group shot.


Bit closer on a few.


As ever, thank you for looking. Ideas, thoughts (family friendly), C&C all welcome. Till next time :thanks: :tu:

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I have two other pinks I can use so don't panic. So far I've used Screamer pink but have Emperor's Children and Tentacle pink waiting in the wings.


Hopefully I'll get another session very soon.

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I think the predominantly blueish Slaaneshi Marines is a great way to make a unique force! I really like it that you moved away from the traditonal pink/purple/black combos that we see so often! Unique but unmistakebly Slaaneshi! :tu:

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