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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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Must admit im not overly sold on the blue just yet, but that may be down to the figs being wip. Excited to see how they turn out though :wink:


:cry: but...but... each to their own eh :cool.: Would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things eh.

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Must admit im not overly sold on the blue just yet, but that may be down to the figs being wip. Excited to see how they turn out though :wink:


:cry: but...but... each to their own eh :cool.: Would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things eh.


I was thinking about the very subject this morning - I think it's more about having a preconceived idea of what Slannesh CSMs are in my head (pink and black in case anyone was wondering ;)  ), than the painting itself.

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Must admit im not overly sold on the blue just yet, but that may be down to the figs being wip. Excited to see how they turn out though ;)



:cry: but...but... each to their own eh B) Would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things eh.


I was thinking about the very subject this morning - I think it's more about having a preconceived idea of what Slannesh CSMs are in my head (pink and black in case anyone was wondering ;)  ), than the painting itself.

The more I think about and try to understand Slaaneshi Marines the dirtier I feel. You have no idea how much soap and purrel I use while rocking back and forth in the corner of my shower, sobbing. And there's that damnable little voice whispering "it puts the lotion on the skin" over and over...


Despite those setbacks, I struggle with my own painting. I want mine to look heresy era as that's how I see them but a different style, like Forte's blue is very refreshing. *cough* c'mon amigo! paint! paint! want to see these guys finished up!

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Must admit im not overly sold on the blue just yet, but that may be down to the figs being wip. Excited to see how they turn out though :wink:

:cry: but...but... each to their own eh :cool.: Would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things eh.

I was thinking about the very subject this morning - I think it's more about having a preconceived idea of what Slannesh CSMs are in my head (pink and black in case anyone was wondering ;) ), than the painting itself.

Understandable. Especially with how all the other legions and chapters are pretty much set.


Thing is, I don't see how any legion filled with experience seekers would have any chance of its separate warbands looking alike. Let alone the individual marines. I went through my thoughts before on here when I first joined and it seemed like the majority of people just thought that it wouldn't work on the tabletop. But with all the Call of Chaos stuff more recently I decided to just enjoy my painting and go for it. And the Kakophoni payed off. Now I've been encouraged to go further.


Lately I've let the idea of building an army get in the way and it put me off a bit with painting. So...list in the bin and I'm going to try and push myself both with painting and modeling.

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They look good. I really like that gold of yours and how it works with the purple.

You mean the Tin Bitz» Brazen Brass x2» Burnished Gold» Mithril Silver ;)


Seemed like a good idea at the time. May still give it a little glaze too.


Reckon I'll use some Liche Purple somewhere too. A nod to my Kakophoni.

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Oh Forte! Could you do one with leopard print somewhere? I remember an old school death rock Slaaneshi champ from somewhere with a horribly tacky leopard print cloak. It was awful. And perfect. 



I think that would look awesome on one of these raptors somewhere. Would you mind trying a tiny one for me? ^_^

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Oh Forte! Could you do one with leopard print somewhere? I remember an old school death rock Slaaneshi champ from somewhere with a horribly tacky leopard print cloak. It was awful. And perfect.



I think that would look awesome on one of these raptors somewhere. Would you mind trying a tiny one for me? ^_^

Probably not on the Raptors. Though there is some fur on a shoulder pad which I was planning on doing as tacky white fur. Maybe I'll look at some sort of animal fur. Won't be going near the 80's hair rock with these. Though not out of place on a Noise Marine. Steel Panther here we come!

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Oh Forte! Could you do one with leopard print somewhere? I remember an old school death rock Slaaneshi champ from somewhere with a horribly tacky leopard print cloak. It was awful. And perfect. 



I think that would look awesome on one of these raptors somewhere. Would you mind trying a tiny one for me? :happy.:


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Oh Forte! Could you do one with leopard print somewhere? I remember an old school death rock Slaaneshi champ from somewhere with a horribly tacky leopard print cloak. It was awful. And perfect.



I think that would look awesome on one of these raptors somewhere. Would you mind trying a tiny one for me? :happy.:

Probably not on the Raptors. Though there is some fur on a shoulder pad which I was planning on doing as tacky white fur. Maybe I'll look at some sort of animal fur. Won't be going near the 80's hair rock with these. Though not out of place on a Noise Marine. Steel Panther here we come!

i did something similar on my vauhl harrack on the first page of my post and found it surprisingly easier than it looks ,once you get your base colour sorted for  a snow leapard type its basically c shapes and dots 

very nice blue by the way

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@daemonclaw. Cheers for the blue compliment. I've been having a look at some fur patterns. I may use the odd pattern but using different colours just to confuse things a little. But I'll be saving it for the NM.


@Flint13. Easy now. Calm down. Trying to keep the basic troopers a bit tamer so the more twisted ones stand out more.

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@daemonclaw. Cheers for the blue compliment. I've been having a look at some fur patterns. I may use the odd pattern but using different colours just to confuse things a little. But I'll be saving it for the NM.


@Flint13. Easy now. Calm down. Trying to keep the basic troopers a bit tamer so the more twisted ones stand out more.

bit tamer?!?!?! :O nahhhh bad idea :D

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Oh Forte! Could you do one with leopard print somewhere? I remember an old school death rock Slaaneshi champ from somewhere with a horribly tacky leopard print cloak. It was awful. And perfect. 



I think that would look awesome on one of these raptors somewhere. Would you mind trying a tiny one for me? :happy.:


Aaaah, I love that model!


One of the things I love is that he has a combi weapon, and the other weapon is a freaking guitar! :D Wild and crazy!

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Woo hoo. Managed to get a few minutes without the kids making demands so decided to quickly test my old Minicraft rotary tool on some unused sprues to see if I can remove some of the numbers and keep it smooth. Well...I could which is a bonus as I usually do it very slowly with a combo of blades and files. Even found one blade which cuts really well but have to be careful as it will melt plastic.

Here she is


And the bits that seemed to work the best. When I have some spare money I'll treat myself to a round bit too.


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Woo hoo. Managed to get a few minutes without the kids making demands so decided to quickly test my old Minicraft rotary tool on some unused sprues to see if I can remove some of the numbers and keep it smooth. Well...I could which is a bonus as I usually do it very slowly with a combo of blades and files. Even found one blade which cuts really well but have to be careful as it will melt plastic.

Here she is


And the bits that seemed to work the best. When I have some spare money I'll treat myself to a round bit too.


its amazing really how little time us guys get to ourselves:laugh.: and we seem to sneak off and paint little men with it:laugh.: and women dont understand us:no:

also be careful with the rotary blades i almost lost a finger to one ,accidents happen so quick with them and although she who devours will be happy with the sacrifice i find that she who must be obeyed would not be so:laugh.:

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I have the upmost respect for all tools (careful) and have been really lucky. I think partly due to the fact that I don't try and rush it and let the tools do the work. Something I learned years ago when I tried to rush with an axe and was glad I had boots on. Slow and steady ;)


At least now I know I'll be able to remove some Chaos icons from my DV minis so I can make them more Slaaneshi.


And you're right. My lady doesn't really understand the time I put into minis. When I finished my last ones the response was a "so now what are you going to do with them". Paint more thank you.

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