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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Right then. Side project is complete (Nazgob, Orc shaman, not in power armour) and I'm trying to resist painting a couple of Malifaux figures before starting building work for a possible upcoming Call of Chaos. I've managed to decide that I will be aiming to have the following ready to paint:

  • Noise Marine squad: 6 Marines with Blastmaster (part built already), bolters, BP & CCW. PSword, bolter & BP on the Champ with optional Doom Siren. May even magnetise a couple of home made Sonic Blasters for Kill Team/Zone use.



  • Chaos Spawn: at least one seen as a certain twisted B&C member sent me a load of random parts over the past year (cheers SlaveToDarkness)


  • Assassin: with the new Datasheet making these more readily available, and the fact that I've always liked 40k assassins since Rogue trader (and still have the old ninja style assassin, which is actually painted!), I'll likely try and get my Vindicare & Eversor painted for Chaos use (I have the normal versions painted in the standard way already).


Now, the assassin pic is pretty poor and I'm not too certain how to Chaosify them but that'll most likely be in the pain work. Spawn and Noise Marines will take a fair amount of work (and blu tac testers) so will be much more Chaotic once done.

Only problem I have now is time and distractions. Time due to me finally getting back into full time employment (builders warehouse so I'm surrounded by timber, large polystyrene sheets, sand, gravel, and other stuff screaming out to be turned into terrain (but home space limits that one). Then there's other game systems waving sculpted plastic, metal, and resin in my face (Infinity, Malifaux, and Infamy primarily. And not forgetting Creature Caster too). Crazy times ahead.

Watch this space and cheers for reading my ramblings :thanks: :tu:

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The "project manager" is being launched in September I believe but with it being a Kickstarter you have to expect delays. They've still been sending updates, doing hangouts, and were at Gencon so Creature Caster looks to be going smoothly.


Cheers for the congrats too.

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Congrats on the new job

When I see how many bitz I've stored I gratefull to only have access to GW product here in China because those 3 other brands are kick ass :)


Looking forward to see more blu tac project, so I can comment with a "still need to paint them, brother" :D

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I know. Other things have ended up moving to the front of the cue with ETL happening and then wanting a short break from power armour and bright colours.


Been trying to think of how best to securely attach a Doom Siren to the Champion's backpack and still have it removeable. Think I may have to get inventive with that. And I also need to invest in some Quick Mould to reproduce some little details.


On another note, I've also been watching "The Strain" and the look of the mouth thing (which I won't describe in case people haven't seen it) really has me thinking.

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I just finished striping my vindicator and now am stripping my calidus I really am looking forward to this datasheet. Hopefully be like 3rd edition no bloody inquisition.


Anyway on topic awesome list of projects good luck with the champion :)

How are you stripping your Vindicator? I have three that I'd like to take back to plastic at some point.

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Fill a jar with detol and leave them in there for a week(with the lid on). Scrub them up with a tooth brush or a hard bristled brush of some sort. I've then cleaned it up a bit more with warm water and vim with more brushing it's time consuming but effective Edited by Squeaky
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Fill a jar with detol and leave them in there for a week(with the lid on). Scrub them up with a tooth brush or a hard bristled brush of some sort. I've then cleaned it up a bit more with warm water and vim with more brushing it's time consuming but effective

Way too smelly! Fairy Power Spray is what you need, and you only have to soak the models overnight.


Well done on the job front. On the plus side you'll have more funds for hobbies, but now no time to actually do anything. Bummer!

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i second flint, do the noise marines already, and the spawn, not like you dont have the bits. i till think you should base the spawn on the beetle things from dark crystal :P

oh if you need any more raptor bits giz a shout, still got three boxes unopened so im sure i can part with a few more shoulder pads etc

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's that time again. Time to deal with some more Chaotic and brightly coloured miniatures. You really don't know when the Call will come so it'll be good to be ready when it happens.

I've thrown the idea of building an actual army for gaming out of the window as I find I get too caught up in what I still need to paint rather than looking at what I want to paint. So there's a high chance I'll end up with a mixture of squads and HQ models which may not be the most effective on the table top. But you never know, the colours may put opponents off.

So then...how far have I actually got. Well, being honest, not very. I've recently started a new job after being unemployed for far too long and as most people know, a bit routine change throws you for a little while. But what I have done is to got through bits and sprues to find the main parts as I'll show here...

Noise Marine Squad:


This member I started a while back and is the closest to gaining paint. Just a few green stuff details and a re-basing as I no longer like the base I originally made so I'll do the whole squad together.


One Champion with Power Sword. Planning to remove the star and chain from infront of the cloth and maybe figure out a Doom Siren to magnetise for Kill Team.


And the rest. May magnetise the two bolters that are held two handed too and make a couple of Sonic Blasters, also for Kill Team options.

Daemon Prince:


Yup, it's the metal beauty with plastic wings. Going to leave the shoulder armour off for a bit more skin and I have some other things in mind too. As for the hands though, I have a couple of options:

Option 1. med_gallery_29004_9973_266423.jpg

Option 2. med_gallery_29004_9973_268176.jpg

The left claw hand will happen either way.

There is also a Chaos Spawn in mind which has been on the cards since last years Call of Chaos. Got to have a good look and play with the ol blue tac fr that though.

Cheers for taking a looksie :thanks: :thumbsup:

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It's fun to see the pile of plastic and metal now. Just think, in a few weeks, they'll be a chaotic, super loud mass of bi-polar, fashionably challenged marines!


*exciting* This must be what prospective fathers feel like ^_^

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