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Forté's creations: Started Crimson Fists (pg 67)


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Cheers hushrong. Hopefully I'll get that closer to completion and ready to trust Royal Mail with tonight.


Got a few things in mind with the bust too and wanted to share those ideas. So here they are:

1). Do I add trophies? I know it seems an odd thought and the Night Lord in me screams yes. But on such a small piece will they just be too much?

2). Same thoughts go for pouches and a side arm.

3). Weathering and battle damage. I'm thinking the stage it's at is pretty much first contact so actually damage would be pretty non-existent. But build up from use would be visible.

3). "AVE DOMINUS NOX". Would be rude not to put that on the front of the plinth. But...what is it written in? What is it written on? Blood on a stone wall? Sprayed on metal work?


Am I thinking too much about this?

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I wreckon have the phrase carved on a wall in 'blood' with a few bodies hanging on the wall that have been mutilated

Bare in mind the limited space. Though carved into the wall does sound good. Maybe lit by emergency lighting too. Though that would make any blood spatter look almost black...tempting.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well then. First bit of painting for 2015 and I've finished the first two of my Noise Marine squad. Not as bright as I originally had in mind but there's still four more to go.


Decided to try out the Nuln Oil by slapping it over the Chaos Spawn to give it a base for other wash colours. Though I have to say, I'm not impressed by it and still prefer the old Badab Black. Oh well, here it is.


Well thanks for looking and hopefully they'll be more soon. May your paints stay wet and brushes stay pointy :thanks: :tu:

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I cannot believe that nor understand how you've managed to make these two look like they belong together, but you did it. Stellar work, forte. Just simply amazing! :tu: not that i didn't have faith in your skills, but they looked soooo different... and now loo at 'm!
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Many thanks hushrong. Still not as eye melting as I was hoping for but still have four more to do.


Cheers Augustus. The squad is going to annoy so many people who are used to unit schemes, which makes it even better for what they are. Tempted to use a camo pattern on parts of one (it completely wrong colours obviously). We'll see.

Edited by forte
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Seriously eye-watering (that is good btw) Great painting :thumbsup:


....and that spawn is just disturbing (again, that is good!!!)

Thank you. Wouldn't say they're eye watering though. Need to try harder on the next two ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all. Hope your paints have behaved for you.

So then, it's been about a month since I updated this thread, not really helped by very much failing my Call of Chaos vow (which I still need to finish too for my army). And then there were other distractions too which I've managed to finish (but can't post here with the latest being a Blood Bowl Elf Cheerleader).

Now the current model on my table is within B&C rules so I can post it here :D

But let me explain a little something first as I'm not just painting a Marine or squad. It's actually only half a Chaos Marine. Night Lords in fact. You see, it's going to be used as part of my entry for a painting competition run by Massive Voodoo and you have to enter with three to five pieces as a display. So I'll be entering my WFB Orc Shaman, BB Elf Cheerleader, one or two other pieces which I shall not name as you have to enter one piece which has never been posted on the internet, and then there's this.


I've been wanting to paint a bust for a while now. For those who are unsure what a bust is, it's usually a larger scale piece which is usually from the chest upwards. Now, myself and Jack Crow had been bouncing ideas around as he's also entering (plus it's always good talking painting with someone who likes a lot of the same painters), and I thought of cutting one of my many old miniatures apart to create a "hero scale" bust. Well, to cut a story short, I've ended up making what you see in the picture above.

I'm going to have to push myself while painting this though as I don't want it to look just like half a tabletop miniature stuck on a bit of wood. So I'm planning on painting it to look like the light is from the front. As if it's coming from the darkness at you. But we shall see if I can pull that off.

Well, thank you for getting this far and hopefully I'll have an update in the next week. Happy painting :thanks: :tu:

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