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Hey Y'all, I've been trying to start my 30k Night Lords again and I've run into a problem, I can't figure out the right color scheme:furious: ! It's truly frustrating me and driving me crazy because I can't figure out a paint scheme that I really like. I'm not sure on what kind of paint scheme I want however. I'm not sure if I want to go dark blue or a lighter blue, however I've been leaning towards a more dark, deep blue. I've tried to look online for inspiration or anything thats really popped at me. The closet I got to inspiration was artwork, the most inspiring being the cover for Prince of Crows. The blue featured in both I really like:http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-EkKWooL2QoY/UzSJE-jixxI/AAAAAAABA7w/i8NVk6Tx7g4/s1600/chainsaw.jpg 



I know it's artwork, so it probably isn't going to be easy, however I've got to try it :laugh.: . Any help appreciated.


Hey ThatOneMarshal. The blue there looks quite medium, certainly lighter than mine. One attempt I've had which got close to that was a spray of ultra blue, over black basecoat. Wash with drakenhoff. If still too dark, wash again. Should get it to about that sort of blue colour. I'll find a pic of one of those marines, and send it to you :)

Hi everyone!

I'v been playing Night Lords since about late 2014. If you're interested in checking out some of my work just click here.

Sorry for the small photos. I'll put up bigger ones when I finally finish some of my units (I have a bad habit of not hilighting metal parts with runefang - I hate doing that)

I'm really tempted to cut some of the crows from archaeon's model and add them to Sevatar's...but somehow I don't think I could justify random crows appearing on a spaceship. Damnit.

Yes you could. Ethereal warp crows. Boom

Okay night lords I need some painting advice from you all. I'm re-purposing an imperial knight from mechanicus to night lords and am up to painting my lightning...


Now how I do my lightning is set, see the links below (sorry, tech limitations);






What I'm wondering...is how the hell do I make it look good on the top armour?! Do I do large bolts coming from the carapace mounted weapon point going in both directions forwards and back? Or smaller ones going all over? Do I dedicate a bolt to the door/hatch thing?


Also any opinions on the symbols on the void shield would be great, points to anyone who can pick what they are.





For all over lightning check out Aeternas' falchion, not only does it look incredible, it shows you can do a lot of lightning well too. Unlike my sicaran which is going to end up being repainted most likely.

Personally on larger areas I've avoided doing lightning, as it leaves room for trophies :p

There's presents for everyone in the skinning pits. :d


@qwerty2jam: go for a couple large bolts going from the weapon point on top, than add trophies. There are some links to tuts I and others made in the first post, which would be great. For the shield, I'd go for a legion symbol shaved off of a rhino door.

The 33rd wants to wish you all a Merry Christmas brothers and sisters! Hopefully you've all been 'nice' enough to find new knives in your stockings!





MERRY CHRISTMAS, my friends! May your CHRISTMAS be full of skinned corpses and flayed flesh. The black library has indeed left a great gift for us, a full novel with some good night lords action!


Enjoy your holidays all of you!

A great gift from black library indeed, it's past time Night Lords got another heresy book.

Another? This is our first. Even then, we still have to share it as we're the antagonists rather than the protagonists.


That said, it is turning out rather nicely.

My brothers of the VIII legion/various affiliated warbands in midnight clad, I come bearing news of the next Heresy Novel known as Pharos.

If you haven't noticed yet there are a few threads popping up across the forum regarding this mighty tome and boy is it a corker. Genuinely such a well written piece bringing together so many aspects of the Lords of the night.

I think one thing I like most is that the Night Lords are shown in their element as strategists, something too many often forget. Also, Guy Haley didn't try to revert to the "Raptor Legion" trope, so thank Cthulthu for that. All in all, the story is in some very good hands.
So with the release of Pharos I wanted to try to dive into the night lords heresy story arc. Where do I start? I'm already at book 4 at the moment though I would rather not have to go through 28+ books to get to my beloved night lords.
There isn't really much of an arc, although chronologically, you would want to read, Savage Weapons by A D-B, Prince of Crows by A D-B, Unremembered Empire by Dan Abnett, A Safe and Shadowed Place by Guy Haley, and then Pharos by Guy Haley. Associated stories would be Long Night by A D-B, The Dark King by Graham McNeill, and Child of Night by John French. Extended relatives that you can read if you choose to do so would be Vulkan Lives by Nick Kyme and The Value of Fear by Gav Thorpe. The Lion by Gav Thorpe isn't really too related to the Night Lords "arc" but it does explain how the Lion is able to do what he does in Prince of Crows.
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