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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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I've heard mixed results about this stuff:

And the range in general, but I'm going to try it out. I will eventually be picking up an actual airbrush, but for the time being, I'm gonna try and brush it on, and see what happens.

I'm going to try it too, even though I suspect it is very close to Valejo Model Air Insignia Blue (Signal Blue)


Something entire different now.


Creativity runs in my family. My sister makes a living as a jewelry artist, glass blower, silversmith, and general creative hippy. She has tons of fellow hippies which are into similar things, and one of them paints pottery. During a surprise visit, she was busy with said hippy's shenanigans. So I joined them. This themed water cup is the result:





Just 2 questions for you lovely sadists.


Do you prefer the FW metallic blue night lords, or the more traditional ''normal'' midnight blue?


Do you think you can make effective 40k night lords with a combination of the new space marine kits (tacticals, assault marines, devastators), mixed with bits from FW, Raptors and CSM? If so, which bits do you think are essential to keep them looking chaos? The backpacks? The spiky shoulder pads? the gloved arms? The bolters?

^^haha all of tthe above. Ive seen beautiful night lords with both metallic and matte colour schemes, and night lords need to look brutal. Almost any kit combination can be used, and not one combination is better above the other. I know that's not the answer you wanted, but it is my honest opinion. There's some very, very nice night lords armies here. For effective colour schemes you could look at the armies and miniatures of Brother Heinrich, AlanOfAngels, Flint13, mrBear, Noctem Cultor, Fracture, Kol Saresk, Forté, myself, Elstonation, and many more. All have their very own style and look very little alike, yet all are instantly recognizable as Night Lords. :thumbsup:


Edited: I added "and many more", as my list of frater with Night Lords WIPs is of course in no way meant to exclude other equally awesome frater's WIPs. :tu:

Thanks for the reply. I think i will just give it a go. Will need to get a hoard of bitz first, so i can properly set them apart from loyalists. Mainly shoulders, helmets and backpacks. I think between a box of raptors, CSM, tactical squad, wracks and a FW night lord upgrade kit. Should make me 15-20 cool looking Night lords no? To give the whole story. I'm building a knight atm, chaos aligned, which will be joined by atleast 3 more over the course of 2015, early 2016. Once i have 4-5, i want to extend into allies. With my gaming group i have agreed that i could use my knights as if they are part of the chaos faction, and likewise with any ''Dark'' Mechanicum i'd like to use. The general fluff behind the knight household, is that they fought alongside an expedition fleet with Sevatar (pre-heresy), and adopted parts of the night lords culture. They became reavers and stalkers first, which degraded over time into psychopathic hunters. They learned to appreciate the fear that the night lords so valued, and even repainted parts of their Knights to show their allies. However, post heresy, this degration continued, and the knights armor started warping, morphing into something that reflects their nature. 


Either way, it's very WiP :)


Thanks for the tips on those night lord project logs. They do look superb all of them. Very diverse in paint too! That said, nobody uses the metallic scheme, which makes the choice quite hard...

Yup! AlanOfAngels uses mostly loyalist bits, with some chaos mixed in. And it works particularly well for the 'traditionalist', true-astartes vibe he chose for Night Lords. To put it simply, everyone is insanely jealous of those awesome miniatures of his. But that doesn't mean his way is the right way. Which brings me to having to actually say something substantial about building Night Lords. People tend to view them as hard-core non-aligned, in that they see Chaos as a tool. Corruption in terms of morphs, mutations or whatnot are mostly frowned upon if you go that route. So if you want to go with the 'traditional' Night lords builds, keep the chaos iconography to a minimum and shy away from too much corruption.


On the other hand, Night Lords do visit the warp and are thus inevitably corrupted: just look at Cyrion (Slaanesh), Uzas (Khorne), and Vandred (Tzeentch) in the trilogy. Three of the seven most important NL characters in those novels (which are somewhat considered to be the be-all and end-all of the Night Lords nowadays) are already on their way to eternal damnation! So if you want to go corrupted Night Lords, no-one is stopping you and you shouldn't let yourself be influenced by 'traditionalists' (there are some, even here at B&C :wink:). For an example, Brother Heinrich (here) and I (here) both have Night Lords plague marines, which are instantly recognizable as plague marines AND as Night Lords, while they look almost nothing alike. The possibilities are pretty much endless and I strongly encourage you to follow your own gut feeling and take what inspiration you can get from the B&C pages. Most importantly - do what feels right for you. They're your miniatures. :thumbsup:

I made some night lords from the standard DV chosen once on a blue monday. Then abandoned them because bat helmets dont work well on the standard CSM plastic marines (i think they do on bigger miniatures, like the DV chosen though). 



Now i'm building that Knight Household, and got that vision of them being stalkers, hunters and predators. Which made me want to create some suitable night lord allies.. And here i am :smile.:


I really liked Alan's Night Lords (all of yours), but he had that tactical squad as basis, and that kit is quite nice to play around with, so he is good inspiration. But i'm not going to limit myself to cleancut night lords either. Too much inspiration from all you for that.



ahem, back on topic :laugh.:


I have *almost* finished my fire raptor build, only got some conversions of ball turrets, and adding details to go. About the details, I really wanted some more heresy era iconography, like the rhino/LR doors forge world do, but I wouldn't want to butcher those with a knife. So, onto a question. Has anyone here used Instant Mold materials before, for anything to do with this hobby? I've linked a video below, and from the look of it a pack of instant mold and the doors would get me quite a lot of symbols to use...along side the undamaged doors themselves and, in my opinion, would work very well with the fresh, in season fashion of skulls, flesh, and the like.



So, do you guys think it will work? Or would I be better of trying to fashion my own icons and such. All comments welcome :)

I personally M not a big fan of instant mold. Even if you get the details perfect, then there's a quick decay of details of the mold, plus the fact that you won't get a proper 'around-the-edges detail'. My advice is to actually saw away the detail of the front rhino doors, and then sanding away the excess detail from the back of the icons. It'll also yield you two awesome dead bodies with which to decorate your vehicles. This way, nothing of the door will be a loss. You used the icon, the two bodies, the one head, and you can even use the VIII number. The only loss is the door itself, but you get those in plastic in rhino's anyway. It adds to variety of your vehicles and it doesn't cost anything more than regular fw doors. :d :tu:

Has anyone tried using the FW paint as yet? I'm interested to see if it's usable with a brush rather than just the air variety


It works almost exactly like regular paint. I haven't taken a picture yet but the Night Lords blue comes out pretty much like the FW scheme, which is what a few people were afraid of. I for one will probably stick to Kantor Blue.


I'm dying to try out some of the others. Espcecially the Sons of Horus ones, but that's not for this topic.

+++ Incoming transmission from deep deep space +++


Hail brothers and sister! My name is Ambrogino Jareth. As Chapter, ahem, "Librarian," it is my duty and honor to introduce the long travailed and traveled 74th Night Lords Chapter, the "Nocte Varacolaci." Led by Corum Varagosi, the 74th were on a secret mission to far reaches of unknown space following hints of an ancient pre-humanity race of robot men during the time of the Heresy. Upon our return, we discovered we were now unwelcome in The Imperium and narrowly avoided total and surprising annihilation at the hands of an Imperium fleet. Following a rumor, we set off to find our escaped brethren in the warp. For thousands of years, we fruitlessly searched only to discover that, despite our gene seed's resistance, our bodies and minds began to show signs of chaos taint. After our escape from warp space, we made our way back to where our story began: in the vast reaches of uncharted darkness, searching for the robot men with the hopes that the long forgotten science could restore us. As the eons passed with our bodies and minds slowly succumbing to further corrosion, we eventually came to a Tomb World of newly awoken Necrons. After briefly coming to blows with the metal men, Corum Varagosi "persuaded" the Necron Lord to allow one of his Crypteks and a small contingent to accompany the 74th in search of a possible cure, for as advanced as the soulless ancient machines were, Necron tech could do nothing to help us. The Cryptek led us even further into uncharted space hunting for an entity that was only whispered ancient myth even when the Necrons held dominion over the galaxy. What we found did stop the Company's further warp erosion, but the cure was arguably worse than the disease....at least others may think so.


Now we have returned, in search of reunion with our brethren and something more insidious than chaos in our blood...


The Imperium will learn that it should not have turned us away.


+++ End of transmission +++

Welcome Brother! Come redden your claws and sharpen your knives for the skinning pits.  I look forward to you sharing your secret!

Nosferatu comes to mind, hmm!!!

I of the 781st  company, Partakers of Redrum bid you welcome!  

781 REDRUM!!!!!

Welcome Brother! Come redden your claws and sharpen your knives for the skinning pits. I look forward to you sharing your secret!

Nosferatu comes to mind, hmm!!!

I of the 781st company, Partakers of Redrum bid you welcome!

781 REDRUM!!!!!

Well met brother! Not exactly subtle about the secret was I, but then Night a Lord's methods are rarely subtle. I got my idea from a brief blurb about vampires in the original Rogue Trader rulebook. I know the fluff has been largely abandoned; but I thought, hell, why not? Space is vast and I wanted to go whole bloody hog with the NL iconography--wings galore! Besides, the Blodd Angels seem like such wannabes. Time for some real blood drinkers in the galaxy. Plus, zombies now make sense in my army.

I couldn't agree more with you.  Love the idea!  In fact a lot of the GW Vampire counts bits have made there way into my army, I think the combination goes together well. One of the mini's you might want to look at are the old GW Strigoi Vampire  They make a perfect devolved Night Lord.  It would be your answer to Space Wolves Wulfen.  Look forward to seeing your WIP

I couldn't agree more with you. Love the idea! In fact a lot of the GW Vampire counts bits have made there way into my army, I think the combination goes together well. One of the mini's you might want to look at are the old GW Strigoi Vampire They make a perfect devolved Night Lord. It would be your answer to Space Wolves Wulfen. Look forward to seeing your WIP.


Thanks for the tip. I have six Varghiest primed and ready to paint for my spawn. And I have a nifty idea for magnetized maulerfiends kitbashed with terrorgheist parts that can also serve as hell bats (I mean turkeys) and forgefiends depending on what ii might want to field. The funny thing is, I have never played a game and never really intend to, but I am anal about magnetizing and making sure of wysiwyg with my models. And I love building lists.

I the Reaper stand in midnight clad,

Lord Zar Orpheus commander of the 22nd company is ready to bloody his claws in the life blood of the weak and fearful

Here to remind the weak why they fear the darkness


So yeah thats his intro


I'll get a picture of Zar himself up soon :)


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