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Did it work? :tongue.:


Darnit Aasfresser, your BL guys makes me want a BL force too!


Oh, and for the combi+sword question, check out the FAQ: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/40K_8th_ed_Update_Codex_Chaos_Space_Marines_ver_1.0.pdf


They can have combi-wep + melee wep now.



Yep it did :) And thank you for pointing out the FAQ. And everytime I check your AL I have the same urge to start some AL.



Perfect, glad I've seen that now as it make the options for champions much more interesting.



I keep forgetting to also compliment you on the new models as he's a nice addition to the growing squad. 



Thank you very much, Mechanist. 


Still digging the Black Legionaires! I especially love the mix of bits and pose of your latest plasma gunner. Also, any chance you have a step by step of how you paint black? 


I too hope they come out with a new chaos kit. I have been using the BaC and BoP sets quite a bits myself hoping to at least get a Late-Heresy/Legions War look out of them.


Thanks, hushrong. I use a similar recipe as Prospekts drybrush recipe for his Sable Specters but with the colors I use for my BL. I'll do a step-by-step next week when I return next week from a lab retreat.


Looking good buddy :smile.:


Well, we just got new Thousand Sons and Death Guard, and 2018 will be the year of :censored:. Don't be greedy :wink:




and it won't be to cluttered with chaos bling

You kind of answered your own request already - no bling = heresy era stuff :wink:


Hm... I was hoping to see some extra TS unit entries for the codex, not necessarily new kits. I seriously hope there will be some cool new HH plastic units to build more cool csm from.


Cool, really digging your Sons of the Cyclops, the pose of this one is great.


Thanks, I love that pose, too :)


Great sense of motion in that last marine, really liking the eye icon too.


Thank you! After that squad I'll build 5 of the new Rubricae I think and than I have to paint the havocs and the Scarab Occult I converted from cataphractii terminators.

  • 10 months later...

I was googling for pics of painted Scourged CSM and the search led me back here. ^^


Great work I see!


What models are the ][ acolytes on page 1?



Thanks :)

Which ones exactly? The two with the rebreathers? Those are akolytes from the Luminark of Hysh/Celestial Hurricanum combi-kit with some 40K bits.

  • 8 months later...

Time to dust off the thick coat that settled here since my last update :ermm:

Without further ado and explanations:

There is still some more work to be done. The lens on the gun and some of the gems on it need some more love and I just saw some cabling on the backpack that I didn't see while painting :dry.:
But he is good enough for todays Kill Team Campaign.

Seeeexy as usual :wub:


Thank you Atia :)

Happy to see your Thousand Sons coming back!

Thank you hushrong! I'm knees deep into kill team right now. And after 11 campaign games (randomly picked, unfortunately), of wich 3 were actually victories, I am proud to announce that my Thousand Sons are the first guerrilla faction in our store. I had almost fairy tale like bad dice syndrome. When you're allowed to roll +2 saves against the majority of weapons and you still manage to roll 1s every time it is crucial even the most stalwart and somber mind starts to consider the concept of "being cursed" to be reasonable (my Aspiring Sorcerer died 2 times yesterday and 4 time during the whole campaign, like in "dead after the mission dead"). But my opponents were at least good sports and very pleasant and relaxed people. One more game to go and I earned me some official campaign mission markers :wub:

Oh the dice gods are fickle! I was in a similar boat with my CSM team. The only time that team shined was when I killed about half of my friends Drukhari team with overwatch alone. One marine killing four of them one after the other. The dice favored me with 6’s and my friend with 1’s. Normally my team got their teeth kicked in until I switched to necrons for that sweet reanimation protocol (and Dornian Heresy conversions).


The campaign sounds like a bloody affair for your sorcerer and it’s always nice to have fun opponents. Best of luck on that next match and be sure to show off that mission marker here when you can.

Impressive work all over this thread ...

Thank you :smile.:

Oh the dice gods are fickle! I was in a similar boat with my CSM team. The only time that team shined was when I killed about half of my friends Drukhari team with overwatch alone. One marine killing four of them one after the other. The dice favored me with 6’s and my friend with 1’s. Normally my team got their teeth kicked in until I switched to necrons for that sweet reanimation protocol (and Dornian Heresy conversions).

The campaign sounds like a bloody affair for your sorcerer and it’s always nice to have fun opponents. Best of luck on that next match and be sure to show off that mission marker here when you can.

No new miniatures so far, but with an upcoming Kill Team tournament coming soon there should some Tzaangors and some more Flamer-Rubricae coming. Today I had my 12th game (14 games including those 2 extra games I did with a buddy so he would finish his 12th game). So 3 games, 3 wins for my glorious Thousand Sons today :smile.: As I finishes the campaign I got the official markers and the badge for the best TS player (I was the only one, pics below as requested). The dice are for completing 8 games. The other badge is for the best guerrilla faction :facepalm: The campaign was awesome, I had so much fun and met a lot of nice and very chill people.


I'm pumped now to paint more Rubricae :biggrin.:

  • 2 weeks later...

I finally managed to fully paint my first Tzaangor... Those things are horrible to paint but they are worth it. This guy was a bit rushed and you can't make out the pupils on the eyes in the pictures but I'm quite satisfied with him. Now only 9 more to go for the first team...

I used this tutorial by MengelMiniatures, it's great!



I’m digging it! Congrats on the victories and I would never turn down the chance to see you paint more Rubricae.

Thank you and thank you! We will have soon a small Kill Team Knock-Out tourney in the store and I'm building some more flamer rubricae for it.

That model is beautiful.

Thank you!

Good job on the Daemon of Tzeentch.


Thank you! I have to practice some more on them goatsies. There is still a lot of mess on the paintjob, that you can't really see in the pics :D

Awesome paint job! Love the paint job, especially the light blue and gradual change to purple. It’s excellent!


And maybe get some sweet battle shots in the upcoming tourney.

Thank you and I will! Most of the teams are fully painted, so it should look nice :)


As elites and commanders will be included into the tournament, I'm painting a Tzaangor Shaman ATM. I will also sonn beginn to paint my Cataphract Scarab Occult conversions as soon as I have the elites book here.

  • 5 weeks later...

A bunch of cute Birdpeople you have there - can't wait to see the shaman :drool:

Thanks! The shaman is still waiting to be finished. The amount of gems on his disk is ridiculous...

It's so good to see you back in the game, dude!

Thank you! I'm very happy to see that you yourself are still active. After GWFW shut down it's gallery functions (because of some very uneducated decisions) I thought most of the (formally) active users will be lost to the nether.


ETL VII started and this time I really want to finish at least one vow. Luckily our next Kill Team tournament & Campaign are around the corner.

Here is my vow:

I, Aasfresser, rise to the challenge of the ETL 2019 and vows to finish the items below before the 1st of September, in the name of Magnus the Red!

Exalted Sorcerer
'+ - Force stave
- Warpflame pistol - - - > 123 P
Exalted Sorcerer
'+ - Force stave
- Warpflame pistol - - - > 123 P
*************** 1 Elite ***************
5 Scarab Occult Terminators
- 4 x Power sword
- 3 x Inferno combi-bolter
- 1 x Heavy warpflamer
- 1 x Hellfyre missile rack
'+ Sorcerer
- Power sword
- Force stave 225 P
Total of 471 P.

Success will bring me eternal glory in the eyes of the dark gods and failure will doom me to wear the badge of the oathbreaker.

Spawns and some old conversions will come in the second vow (if I manage the first before September 1st).

And here is a WIP of my kitbashed Exalted Sorcerer. I've done him and some other Exalted and Aspiring Sorcerers back when the kit dropped. I have still to do most of the cloths and a lot of details. And than cleaning up. Only thing that's finished is the head (well except for the eye-shaped gem on his hood).


Here is a picture from when I build him:


Wow I just found this thread.


I love looking at thousand sons threads and always look for motivation and have trouble finding it especially with ‘true’ Thousand Sons units.


You’ve done an amazing job. Lots of great work, Tzaangors too....which I try to force myself to paint again ( I sold my large Thousand Sons army a year ago and struggle to recreate it).

Great looking sorcerer! Especially the face got a good expression.

Thank you, Kor D.! That head and that left arm were predestined to be combined on a model :smile.:

Wow I just found this thread.

I love looking at thousand sons threads and always look for motivation and have trouble finding it especially with ‘true’ Thousand Sons units.

You’ve done an amazing job. Lots of great work, Tzaangors too....which I try to force myself to paint again ( I sold my large Thousand Sons army a year ago and struggle to recreate it).

Thank you very much, Prot. I love your CSM and TS projects. It's a shame you sold your TS army, as I said, I really enjoyed your work on them. I hope to see more soon :smile.:

I'm a bit late, but that's a really nice Tzaangor.

Thank you and it's never to late to praise someones work ;P

I'm very happy people like him.


Here's an update on my ETL VII vow:

Here is the finished first exalted sorcerer!


Now I just have to paint the rest of my vow...


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