Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 5, 2018 Author Share Posted February 5, 2018 The small holographic Terminator has to be one of the most brilliant things I've seen recently! What a cool idea! What are those parts you've used for the tassets on the guy with the Termie hologram, by the way (not the Ork Nob loincloth, but the things at the sides)? I've seen that bit used like that several times now, but I don't recognise it. There from the Necromunda Goliaths set. Something I'm aim for my Trench unit :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 7, 2018 Author Share Posted February 7, 2018 Quick update Spent today painting up the Iron Warrior who execute order 66!!!! Time permitting I'd like to get the model varnish between tomorrow or Friday. Once that done, I'm going add gloss varnish to the epic Chaos Terminator Then the two renegade Guards who will help crew the second & soon to be Third Basilisk. Mange to get the finial layer of weather powder to the tracks. Now it just add soot weather powder & blood for the blood god, as well as glue one of the Renegade to this Basilisk & that will it be complete. While waiting (maybe Saturday) to get the Third Basilisk built. Here how the Iron Warrior will possible look. Also look like a few my friends are travel to Warhammer World next week. So I've polite ask them to pick up the reprinted Slave of Darkness book. As said a lot, Chaos is my main faction & this book pretty important to me. I'm really interested to finial getting my own copy & have that bit of Chaos history :D Sgt. Blank, hushrong, Subtle Discord and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BubblesMcBub Posted February 7, 2018 Share Posted February 7, 2018 How did you make/get that nice smal hologram termie from? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 7, 2018 Author Share Posted February 7, 2018 How did you make/get that nice smal hologram termie from? It from the out of print 40k Epic game. Using the Chaos Terminator from that, cutting off the peg near the feet area. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soldier of Dorn Posted February 8, 2018 Share Posted February 8, 2018 Always maddening to see the pace you work at, IP, especially considering the quality you maintain. The epic scale hologram is an absolutely brilliant idea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted February 8, 2018 Share Posted February 8, 2018 Oh man, everything looks terrific as always. The basilisk looks mean, the swapped heads onto the cultists body for the renegades is super awesome, and that damned holographic termie has to be the coolest detail I have ever seen added onto a miniature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lokkorex Posted February 8, 2018 Share Posted February 8, 2018 That holographic terminator is a brilliant idea! Also impressed by the combo of genestealer cult neophytes and mechanicus heads, definitely gonna use that idea for some of my own vehicle crews. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 8, 2018 Author Share Posted February 8, 2018 Thanks for the comments Always maddening to see the pace you work at, IP, especially considering the quality you maintain. The epic scale hologram is an absolutely brilliant idea. For what it worth, should be noted I'm also painting 200 models. 100 of them are Black Templars, the other 100 are Thousand Sons, painting them for two friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 9, 2018 Author Share Posted February 9, 2018 +Battle of the Dreadnoughts+ Photos taken by my friend from a game I had yesterday that my gaming club Canardwc, Subtle Discord and hushrong 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 10, 2018 Author Share Posted February 10, 2018 Update Forgot that I had these three Raptors to finish painted. It was just the shoulder pads that where needed to get added & painted to the model. The squad there part off. I just need to convert another Two Raptors to bring this unit up to ten models. All models in the unit have the flying stand just try make them look cooler & me wanting them mid air. Then the Basilisk has is crew glue onto the platform. Then here the third Basilisk. Then trying to get a photo of all three Basilisk together. Once this lot done. I'm going to add a few new units to my Daemons as I have 2x Skulls Cannons & 3 Bloodcrusher left to paint try get them ready gaming wise. Kor Dalron, deathspectersgt7, Noserenda and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sgt. Blank Posted February 11, 2018 Share Posted February 11, 2018 The Epic terminator hologram is pure genius! Your army is amazing but that may be the coolest thing yet! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 Update While taken a few photos. I though I'd get a new one of the Black Legion Lord from my first Chaos force. So this was the first conversion I done back in 1996 all because White Dwarf 202 with John Blanche art work & with member of the studio show off conversion. While the rest of the army gone with time. I've always made sure to keep the Lord who sit on display along with my current Iron Warriors force. When Chaos get there time for new models. I've always planned to go back & collect my Black Legion. Third Basilisk is getting there. It just need transfer & weather powder now. Got this recently. Pretty much I'm just needing the Skullcannon & the Bloodcrusher from this to help get my Khorne Daemons near gaming ready. The Bloodletter, I'm going to try & find left over arms carry the banner pole & try get icon done for the units I've already got. So try get something cool done for each icon make each unit different. I should be post the Primaris Marines to Syn in the next few days for some sculpting get done for the Herald, more so after re-reading the Storm of Iron novel with the slaughtermater scene. Other than that. I'm just waiting to hear back if a few friends mange get my a copy of Slaves of Darkness & more Chaos coins during there trip to Warhammer World. As I will not be down until April. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 21, 2018 Author Share Posted February 21, 2018 Update The third basilisk is almost there. There just a few trophy left to paint, just been really busy that the moment painting a Thousand Sons force (40 Marines, 30 Beastmen, 15 Terminators, Magnus, etc...) for a friend. Hopeful get time sort this, if not then I've got a week off in March. I'm also aim jump back to my Plague Marine army this weekend. It just add a few models to these two units, from Icons & Champions. Then I'm going to look that my Plague Marines & see what I'd like to add beside a Lord. Also got the finial issue Fallen. Comic that been going on for four series with the Iron Warriors vs Dark Angels. Just find these help with idea, like Bloodquest comic which has been a big part toward my Iron Warriors over the past 16 years. Photo from a game I had last week against my friends Orks. Just after re-reading Storm of Iron during past few weeks. Though it was pretty cool to see my Knight run & charge the Stomp on turn 2, take it out but leaving my Knight on a single wound after the amount of over-watch done :( Then my Exalted Champion standing against the odds. He made 14 5+ armour save during two turn alone!!! Since last year he already built up a great narrative thanks to the epic games he has been part off. Spent today painting both the 2nd ed era Chaos Dreadnought & Forgefiend. Beside the two Bastion I've been trying convert** & a Predator. It just been these two models. Part of me was going to keep them aside for ETL, but I needed something to paint as today & Saturday are usely days I've kept aside to paint my own models. So though get both them painted **Bastion will get there. As said early in the post. I've got a week off in March, so aim on getting both them fully built. Keeping two days aside to get that done, to get them undercoated & spray. They maybe kept aside for ETL, but see how it goes. But ether way I want both bastion fully built during the week off. Here the Dreadnought along side his Brother. The one near the front been the first & who been part of my Iron Warriors force since 2001, getting him for Christmas time. Got paint strip a while back & was re-painted a few year ago to carry on his glory. Then the Forgefiend. So I think I've got 8 Forge/Maulerfiend in all. So going to get both models tuft grass added to them during lunch time tomorrow. Then just varnish them on Friday later on in the day. Then finish painting both on Saturday. Radiation, Noserenda, Subtle Discord and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted February 22, 2018 Share Posted February 22, 2018 Basilisk's looking good, any chance of some shots of the Thousand Sons you've been painting too? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 22, 2018 Author Share Posted February 22, 2018 Basilisk's looking good, any chance of some shots of the Thousand Sons you've been painting too? Here the 40 Marines. I paint different when it for other people. So this as a example, was to get all the gold painted that once. Once that was done, spend few days painting the blues. Then shade. Just getting bulk of the work out of the way & then go to squad by squad get the detail painted. Just that way, so if I'm painting red, I'm getting all that detail done that once & that where my mind that. It just having different mentality painting armies for other & deadline they've set. These where the Thousand Son's I've painted for my self during last year after already painting a Thousand Sons force for another friend. But I think it going be a little while until I go back to my own force. Just got this lot during today as well :D Limited ed Black Legion art work base on ABD Black Legion novel. No8 out of 250, same number as my Iron Warriors one I got last year. Iron Warriors Oath of Moment seal that arrive from the USA. The hoodie in the background was from Warhammer World, but I don't think they sell them any more. Then a few friends where that Warhammer World last week. So got them pick up Slaves of Darkness for me & a few more Chaos coins so I can use them as command points in my games. deathspectersgt7 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted February 23, 2018 Share Posted February 23, 2018 The Sons are coming on well, I think I'd certainly go down that route of segmented painting with such a number to complete. That's a great piece of art too, one of my favourites. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted February 28, 2018 Author Share Posted February 28, 2018 The Sons are coming on well, I think I'd certainly go down that route of segmented painting with such a number to complete. That's a great piece of art too, one of my favourites. You can pick up the art work along with many other cool once over on the Warhammer Art web site The Black Legion & the Iron Warrior art I got a few month back have both been really cool. If they ever release a Storm of Iron art work that would be the next one I would get. Small update. Been pretty busy right now. Along with the Thousand Sons force, I've also got a Custodian force to paint for a friend so he can use them that the Throne of Skulls April event. I've got until 23rd March get them complete. Though due to the poor weather (snow) it has meant I've not been able get to my local store pick up a lot of important stuff like plastic glue & undercoat :( But here few things. Armies on Parade I've been thinking about entering Armies on Parade again this year. There a few reason for this - I like the event. It really cool see how other go around making the board to fit the narrative of there force - For me, allow me to try out few skills from my NQ to HMD model making course I done that college - Back 2016, a friend commented I should maybe use AoP as a deadline to get a gaming table sorted. Something I've been trying to aim for a long time so I can try get more games. Been stuck that home today due to the weather. I though I'd get some idea & research done today. Overall theme to my board going to be a trench theme. But there more to it than that. Storm of Iron going to be one of the source for idea. The narrative going to be base around the Boralis Schism. This was the campaign weekend I took part in nearly a year ago that Warhammer World. Here the board that the new AoP display will connect with for games. I build this board back in 2012. Spent one day per week from May until Aug building & painting the terrain. Then the week led up to the day it self, painting pretty solid from 10am until 10pm, with Friday before Armies on Parade deadline been about 11pm to 12am getting the glass window sorted. This was the photo I took back that Games Day 2012. ] Then the board getting fix after bit of damage. Part this was when I was moving house & have the board kept that my local store as well to display few models. So spent time 2016 to fix & add some new part to the display. So the new board will link with this one to make a cool gaming table. I'm really looking forward to this. I'm also going to try get the new Warhammer World book when I'm there in April & use this for idea's. Then here the 2nd ed Metal Dreadnought I was painting last week. He almost finish, just I spent Saturday getting a game instead of painting. Just my Iron Warriors are near there 1000th game, something I'd like round 5 Throne of Skulls to be. Right now I'm on 987 games. So it pretty close. Then the Forgefiend. I'm going try spend a bit time painting the model after this post. Then the Predator. I'm chose to use this as part of my Throne of Skulls list. Once the weather settle I want to try get some undercoating done so I can paint the inside details. I've also got plans to make a line breaker marker & slay warlord marker, again both these are aim for Throne of Skulls April Line Breaker, I want to use the Trench base from the 40k Hero set. Going to have the Iron Warriors been another Order 66 member. Slay the Warlord - I'm going to try get 50mm base. Aim to add a pile of trophy base on some epic games. Something I'd like to add more trophy to in the near future.So some trophy would be like: Black Templar Chaplain - ToS April 2012 Imperial Fist - Dave from ToS Sept 2013 Space Wolf - ToS Nov 2012. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 5, 2018 Author Share Posted March 5, 2018 Update During last week, I had the fun of find out I ran out of plastic glue & all of the UK was hit with a bad storm. So not been able to really gone out of the house due to the weather warning, store close & trains not running. But mange to make it to my local store yesterday & pick up important hobby supply. Right now I've got a custodian force that been built for a friend to take to Throne of Skulls April. I've got until the 22nd March get this all built & painted. So right now a lot of time will be on this. But once that all finish. I've got a week off near the end of March & when I will be getting new models built & painted for Throne of Skulls. Rhino & Predator will be part my Throne of Skulls April list. While I didn't have any plastic glue to get any building done last week. I did spend time trying to get the second bastion ready. Saw off part to make it a bit easier, after building the first one. When time permit during the week or during the week off. I will get that built. Going try my best get these ready soon other wise both Bastion will be kept aside for ETL if & when that happen. Spent my lunch time today building my linebreaker marker. I can often forget set things in games, as you get caught up in the battle. As such I try make up marker. I already made First Blood one, after Dos challenge me to paint a Imperial Fist model a few year ago but didn't state how they where to be. So here my linebreaker marker. Using the trench base from the 40k hero base. It meant to be that the Iron Warrior Battle Brother has just storm a trench. There looking around while informing the Terminator of possible key location to deep strike or for ord bombardment. Follow on from the order 66 conversion I done a while back for the Basilisk crew member. Here the marker with my First Blood Marker. The Imperial Fist rep the game I had against Dave during Throne of Skulls Sept 2013. Then this will end up been my slay the warlord marker. The Leman Russ just been added recently after talk with a friend about a future game we've got planned for next month. So for this one, it going to be trophy. My Iron Warriors are near there 1000th game, though I've still got two games from the past week to make up for due to the poor weather. As such, my Iron Warriors have fought a lot of great games. As it well know, I add trophy base on my games, there still a lot trophy I've still got to add base on set games. But some games stood out a little bit more because of a epic moment. So I want the slay warlord marker just have those games. So I'm going to look back that past games & copy some into a new folder. Time permitting I might start building this up or maybe hold back until I have trophy from all those games. Pearson73, deathspectersgt7, Biohazard and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted March 7, 2018 Share Posted March 7, 2018 Really like the objective markers, they've got bags of character, allow you to play around a bit too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SystemSyn Posted March 8, 2018 Share Posted March 8, 2018 Looking really good buddy. Glad to see your continuing the hologram conversions. Its a really cool conversion idea! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted March 8, 2018 Share Posted March 8, 2018 Those markers are a clever idea, that bitter Iron Warrior I’ve the Imperial Fist is genius! Very neat free hand writing btw Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherJim Posted March 9, 2018 Share Posted March 9, 2018 Always love seeing your updates IP looking strong Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted March 9, 2018 Share Posted March 9, 2018 Awesome update and I LOVE the Order 66 flip up hololith. That has to be the greatest conversion detail I have ever seen. The bastion looks great as well. I wonder if you could take a dremel to the large, flat surfaces of the gun to get it to match the tower's surface? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 11, 2018 Author Share Posted March 11, 2018 Thanks for the comments. Update I was ask last moment to take part in a 40k team tournament that happen yesterday. With my Iron Warriors been part of the armies up for nominee. Along side a White Scar & two Eldar armies. Not quite sure how it all went as I had to leave right after round 3 had finish & the Iron Warriors in there case. Then here the Slay Warlord Marker. I just need to get a Dark Eldar trophy & a Death Korps for the Iron Warrior battle brother. Then this should be ready for painting. Radiation, Biohazard and deathspectersgt7 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted March 11, 2018 Share Posted March 11, 2018 The markers look great, those Heroic bases are perfect. I love the Linebreaker one and the Slay the Warlord is look good too :tu: You’ve actually given me ideas for something similar for my WE. Hopefully you won’t mind if I do something similar. Especially for First Blood and Warlord. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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