Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 21, 2018 Author Share Posted March 21, 2018 Thanks Bio for the comment. Update Been really busy between painting a Thousand Sons force for a friend & a Custodian force for another friend. The Custodian took about three week building & five days in all painting them (not show in the photos 2 Land Raider & 3 Rhinos). It was 24 hour in all paint this force. Two days/12 hour alone to paint the Custodian side. While today was spent going back to my Iron Warriors. Getting both the Line Breaker & Warlord marker painted As always I like to have a sort of list sorted on unit I'd like to add & aim for during the year. Right now for the Iron Warriors side is Pre-Daemon prince version of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, maybe ETL time Get both Bastion sorted, they will get painted for ETL as one of them needed for my Armies on Parade board for this year. Chaos Hellwright on Dark Abeyant 2x Decimator Deredeo Dreadnought Trench theme Iron Warrior unit + Rhino, Throne of Skulls Predator for Throne of Skulls 1 Terminator w/Autocannon & Chainfist for the Terminator unit that've been Lord Narach bodyguard. ETL time, try get another Iron Warrior squad model & they will be base upon John Blanche art work from White Dwarf 202 & Andy Chamber Iron Warrior force, mix in with the look of mine. I've already got one of the classic Chaos/Genestealer Cult weapon spure kept aside for this. DuskRaider, Sagentus, Biohazard and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 24, 2018 Author Share Posted March 24, 2018 Update The tenth Battle Brother for Proeliator led by Sevatar Rauth. Allow this squad to have two Autocannons. The Terminator might be the model that get painted before a event which I've got pretty soon. Just depend how everything goes, as there a few other new models & unit that are currently getting built that the moment. Truly the Long War is eternal for my Iron Warriors!!! Then the Warlord Marker "almost" there. Just last few thing to paint before this get varnish & then finial details painted. Then, just got this Dreadnought in the post after buying him on ebay during the week. Pretty much I'm aim on using the helmet toward a Deredeo Dreadnought I'm planning on adding in May.While the rest of the Dreadnought will still be use, just use a spare Iron Warrior conetmptor Dreadnought face plate. While taken the Dreadnought out of the box. I spotted on it base was a list of models it had slay. You'll see in the photo above there a nid trophy, this was going to go onto one of my Chaos Knight but wouldn't fit on the shoulder pad. So that part been sitting there for a few year now. Seem like now the time to use it. So hopeful, once this Deredeo conversion done. That nid trophy will get added to the model. Sort of marking it past history. Tomorrow going to be about clear out my room & painting station. Then I start my week & a half holiday from Friday. Got a few Iron Warriors models, from the Trench theme unit along with there Rhino & a Predator all still need to get built & all will get painted during the week & a half off. KrautScientist, Shovellovin, deathspectersgt7 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted March 25, 2018 Share Posted March 25, 2018 Autocannon Terminators looking good bud, where is the Autocannon from? It looks a bit different to the standard Reaper. Looking forward to more updates over the next week or so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gederas Posted March 25, 2018 Share Posted March 25, 2018 Autocannon Terminators looking good bud, where is the Autocannon from? It looks a bit different to the standard Reaper. Looking forward to more updates over the next week or so.I think its the one from the Tartaros Terminators. Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted March 25, 2018 Share Posted March 25, 2018 Lovely markers! Seems like the perfect use for some of those bases -- they've always seemed slightly hokey on their own, but you are really putting them to excellent use! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted March 28, 2018 Author Share Posted March 28, 2018 Thanks for the comments. Yes the Autocannon from the plastic Heresy terminators. Found one spare after clean my room during the week & felt it look bit cooler & is more up to date. Here how he looking for far after spend today painting the new Terminator Battle Brother. So it just add transfer to the Space Wolf trophy & tuft grass to the base & he can get varnish pretty soon. Also going let tomorrow (game 994) be his first game. Then here he is with the rest of the squad. Who've acted as Lord Narach Honour/Body Guards since the Great Crusade. Each one a Champion in there own right, lot that is thanks to the great games they've taken part in. Then just debate, with my game tomorrow just change my list a bit. I'm thinking trying out a unit of 30 Bloodletter. I've never try summon & I've spent time in 2016 getting Bloodletter built & painted for my Daemonkin, there actual 60 Bloodletter in all right now. I want to try them out in a game & more so since there now part of the codex Chaos Marines one more. Beyound that. I'm really busy that the moment trying to build up the Predator & Rhino, with some parts taken longer than expected as I'd like to have them ready for painting this weekend. I've also got my 5 Iron Warriors for the trench theme unit to get done as well. Then some point next few days, I'd like to try get a squad by squad photo of my Death Guard force. I've still to try sort out a theme & names, beyond this warband been on a crusade in Nurgle name & with different unit from other warband join. Shovellovin 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 9, 2018 Author Share Posted April 9, 2018 ++Throne of Skulls April 2018++ Over the past few week I've been getting ready for Warhammer World Throne of Skulls April event. From painting 53 Custodian models for my friend to pick what they'd use for the event. Then painting new models for myself to take. Some models ended up not been taken like the Predator. That the start it was getting down to time, then when I written my army list - turn out it was making me over power level points. This led to trying find what to take. In the end my Helbrute with Twin Lascannon, the Forge World IW Dread, he became part of my list & it just really click keep with the theme & narrative I wanted for my force, most of all he was there for the 1000th game for Round 5. I've just return home two hour ago after travel back from Nottingham since 7am. A LOT happen, I don't even know where to start & there yet possible more happing. Let see how this goes - I have 5 great games during the event no matter the finial out come. There was a lot epic moment & for me that more important, that what made me enjoy attending & why I support Throne of Skulls. I really dislike the mentality of turn 1 stomp it not fun, it not epic.I want games where it cool, lot great stuff happen & will make me rememeber those games for year to come & why I add the trophy. Also had a great game against my friend who live in Nottingham as we book the titan table for our game. - Always happy with army nominee. This event seen the most up for nominee as the standard was really high. There 12 of us in all who where up for nominee. It tend to be around 6 to maybe 9. - I've said before in this army log. One of my hardest fought & best games Warhammer 40,000 has been against Space Wolves, during Throne of Skulls Nov 2012. We both had 3 models each turn 4-7.6 year on... That game just been beaten which I though would never happen. Game 999, round 4 that Throne of Skulls saw Lord Narach battle Drago in Close combat from turn 4 to turn 6, they where the only models left in both our armies & both on a single wound each!!! Had a lot of the event team, Ceri from the community team & many other watching that game & comment how brutal it was looking & how little was left. Cheer both commander as they made there attack, there save. - Round 5 saw my 1000th game with the Iron Warriors, a great game against Alpha Legion with a Berzerker Daemon prince on a single wound (thank Lord Narach before been slay). I've kept count of my games as I think it something cool. I use to have the win, loss & draw, but few year back see that not really the point of it. Again I just want to rememeber the games as been cool & epic moment. My Iron Warriors mean a lot to me & try keep record with set things. I did not expect the Warhammer World event team to point out before Round 5 started, that the game was going to be my 1000th. I'm still sort though the photos right now. There a lot going to be posted over the next few updated. Just keep it easy right now as I'm starting to suffer a bit from the travel side. Here the photos that where from the Warhammer World facebook page from the Throne of Skulls events. There are some new models. Transfer I order transfer from a company in January but I've not really heard much from them since then. I was really needing a list of campaign for my new standard bearer banner to help with the narrative & just look cool. I was hoping to have them before Throne of Skulls April. But as time went on, I was losing hope that this would happen. Quick asking about. I got point out to a company called Wessex, base in Australia. They where VERY HRLPFUL. With in four days of me asking what they could do, they had the transfer sorted, they had x22 list of Campaign. They did try send them so I would get them last Tuesday, however the Easter holiday sort kick that in. But the transfer arrive on Saturday.I'm really happy with the transfer. Overall it been a great experience with Wessex, just how much they help with the littile time I had (two week before Throne of Skulls when I message them). So I'd really recommend them for custom transfer. Really impress.I will not be adding the transfer right away. It going to depend how I am tomorrow, as said travel like this does take it toll on me. If I am ok, then I will be getting the list campaign added to the banner & a few other models tomorrow. If not, then it going to be Thursday. Not sure if it show in the photo. But they will show when I post the models later in the week. Then a few thing I got while that Warhammer World. Diorama book - The display is one of the main thing I spend my time seen that Warhammer World. It something I like & done a NQ to HND model making course. So I know & see it in a different light from other see how there built.It really great & got a lot idea.Then more Chaos coins along side once I've already gotten a while back. I use them as command point in my games. Then the Long War is eternal. The FW version of a Warpsmith, narrative he going to be the "main" Warpsmith who deal with the Daemonic tank side of thing. Then the Iron Circle models are going to be converted into Decimators. That it for now. Over the next few updates I will also add some photos of my games. About the epic moment that happen, as ever game was bloody. I'm really grateful to gotten my 1000th game that Warhammer World. This is my home away from home. It wired, ten year ago I had my 500th game, two year ago I had my birthday there the day after Throne of Skulls September 2016. Trixie and Biohazard 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonlover Posted April 9, 2018 Share Posted April 9, 2018 Dude, using those coins for CP is bloody genius! I got one when I went up for the Open Day as a novelty thing and all its done since then is sit in my pocket and make think I've got 2 quid to spend! Definitely gonna have to grab some more. Dragonlover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted April 9, 2018 Share Posted April 9, 2018 Pics look great and looking forward to seeing more of your games. Really excited to see the Warpsmith as well. Can’t wait to see how he turns out :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trixie Posted April 9, 2018 Share Posted April 9, 2018 Lovely thematic army, complete with loads of personal touches and conversion. Well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 That titan table looks awesome. I would love just to game on that alone. Those are also cool and a great idea to use them as CP. How do you earn those or where did you get those from? Looks like you had a pretty cool time at Nottingham. I always love seeing your army displayed too! Looking forward to the new warpsmith and decimators! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 10, 2018 Author Share Posted April 10, 2018 Thanks for the comments. Chaos Coins - There from Warhammer World & are £2 each, you can also get a Imperial one which has the Primaris Marine on one side & eagle on the other. There are some been sold on ebay from £6 to £20. Some people use them as wound marker for there Character or as object marker. Not been as bad as I have been in the past the day after return home from Nottingham. But also not the best as I've been a few time. But get this done while I'm in a ok phase. Photo of each game from the weekend from game 996 to game 1000. Round 1 was against Nids, game 996 Second game against Eldar 997 - Not all Eldar armies have to be Warp Spider spam or Dark Reaper spam or what ever horrible internet list is kicking about. This game, along with the campaign weekend last year remind me why Eldar (not included net list) are among my favorited armies to game against :D Round 3 998 against Black Legion Game 999 - Which saw only Lord Narach against Drago, both single wound, both in combat from turn 4 to turn 6. With the event team & Ceri from the community team watching this game, saying it been among the bloodiest they've seen. Then the big 1000 game for the Iron Warriors against Alpha Legion & a great way to mark this, as well as end a great weekend of hobby. Lord Narach had just been though a few of the Warlord, then came up against the Daemon Prince drop it to a single wound. Return attack & these are my Inv saves. I like going to Throne of Skulls as said because how hard fought the games where & how great the oppent where. Just notice in all my games Lord Narach battle against there Warlord as well in all 5 rounds!!! Then here some of the models taken The Trench squad. I was going to give them a few tool & extra gear, but end up add them to the Rhino instead. I really like the Necromunda armour plate use on the legs of the Iron Warriors here. Then there Rhino transport with a servo arm :D Slannesh trophy on Syn force which the army log kick about on the forum. The Bloodletter skull base on Bio own World Eater warband. This Black Legion Hound of Abaddon is base on Midnight own warband. The Iron Warrior trophy here base on Dan Iron Warriors. The Warlord & Line Breaker marker Led up to the event I ended up thinking dropping the Predator as time was running out & I was really busy with a lot stuff going on. I was then going to take the Vindicator. But turn out I was over points. I really didn't want to drop anything or take a unit & borrow a rhino from another squad already in the list. But thankful quick look that the codex & detachment allowed me to take my FW Iron Warrior dreadnought. Beside been one my favrioted models, it kept the list theme I wanted to use & also allow him to be part of the 1000th game.Also it look cool having him & the Siege Dreadnought battle side by side in the name of the IVth Legion. While I was still in a ok phase yesterday. I ended up spend some time trying the transfer I got from Wessex transfer (link in the last post) & just see how it all look. I'm really impress & happy.So it a list campaign, there a few more that are not added but will be kept for other models. I've went for campaign that been important in the background & for me personal gaming wise. The narrative is a important part of the hobby to me when I'm collecting a army. I'm spend this time, money & energy I want to make it look as cool as possible. Then one of the list where added to the Knight shoulder pad with him been a main part of my Iron Warriors. Subtle Discord, deathspectersgt7, Pearson73 and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hushrong Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 The coins are pretty cool and it does look good to be used for CP. I'd probably feel like John Wick spending them. :) Great pictures too! Looks like a lot of fun games and you've played your 1000th one? Also love how Lord Narach is always in the thick of it! That's the kind of leader you follow into the jaws of hell! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Those transfers really look the piece and help cement the personal touch that you add to all your models, especially with the commemorativetrophies. Hitting the big 1000 at Warhammer World, must have been something special too, quite the milestone there! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnightmare Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Looks like you had a great time mate, always love the action shots and the display shots :tu: The Rhino is brutal, the dozer really hits the spot with the look you were going for. It’s an honour to have a place on your trophy rack :D The Leviathan next to the FW Dread - it looks massive in comparison! I didn’t realise there was such a huge difference! The finished Terminator squad look great together btw :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 11, 2018 Author Share Posted April 11, 2018 The coins are pretty cool and it does look good to be used for CP. I'd probably feel like John Wick spending them. Great pictures too! Looks like a lot of fun games and you've played your 1000th one? Also love how Lord Narach is always in the thick of it! That's the kind of leader you follow into the jaws of hell! See what I can do. Yes, so I've kept count of my games. A few year ago I remove the win, loss & draw as it not really what it about. It just more to remember the great games I've fought & why I add trophy. It ended up Round 5, the last game of the event was the 1000th game for the Iron Warriors. When ten year ago, they'd just fought there 500th game that Warhammer World in 2008. Just I want to remember the good games All games where how I enjoy the gaming side of the hobby. All hard fought, with very little left. If anything all my games where pretty much 95% close combat to be honesty. Those transfers really look the piece and help cement the personal touch that you add to all your models, especially with the commemorativetrophies. Hitting the big 1000 at Warhammer World, must have been something special too, quite the milestone there! Wessex transfer really help, it taken 4 days after contact them for it all to be ready & posted. So on the banner, the one on the right are gaming once. With my Iron Warriors take part in the originally 13th Black Crusade, Medusa V the middle one been the Warhammer World event, then Fate of Konor last year as well. There a lot more, just couldn't fit them all on the banner. But they will be added to other models. I didn't expect the Warhammer World event to say before round 5 that it was going to be my 1000th game & they know my views toward Throne of Skulls & why I support the event :D Looks like you had a great time mate, always love the action shots and the display shots The Rhino is brutal, the dozer really hits the spot with the look you were going for. It’s an honour to have a place on your trophy rack The Leviathan next to the FW Dread - it looks massive in comparison! I didn’t realise there was such a huge difference! The finished Terminator squad look great together btw I'm going to try get a few more of those Dozer blade added in the near future to a few other tanks, not just Rhinos. In fact one might get added onto the Hellforge Predator I painted back for Call of Chaos. I forgotten to take photos of the new Autocannon Terminator complete. So he will get added in the next update. Also going to try paint over the name I've hand painted on the Terminator banner & have them replace with transfer later on during the week. I'm happy I ended up adding the FW IW Dreadnought to my list, it was meant to be & he was among those in the thick of battle with Lord Narach & the Siege Dreadnought. So I want to try get him into a few more games. See how he can fit into my game for this week where I'm also try out the Bloodletter unit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Pics look great and I’m also honoured to have a place on one of the trophy racks. We still need to have the 5th Grand Company meet the 18th Assault Company on the field of battle. It’s something we will need to rectify this year. :) Id love to see Malek Deimos go toe to toe with Lord Narach :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonlover Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 Man, sometimes reading your conversations makes me wish I was based in Scotland. I really need to get a Warhammer World event-legal army finished so I can at least go to Throne of Skulls. IP, I assume you're joining us for the ETL this year? Dragonlover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 11, 2018 Author Share Posted April 11, 2018 Pics look great and I’m also honoured to have a place on one of the trophy racks. We still need to have the 5th Grand Company meet the 18th Assault Company on the field of battle. It’s something we will need to rectify this year. Id love to see Malek Deimos go toe to toe with Lord Narach I don't think Rapid Fire allow grudge match any more. But could always try sort something out for Winter War? Man, sometimes reading your conversations makes me wish I was based in Scotland. I really need to get a Warhammer World event-legal army finished so I can at least go to Throne of Skulls. IP, I assume you're joining us for the ETL this year? Dragonlover We've also got Syn & his Slannesh warband. Syn, Bio & myself rep Chaos up here & we've start try set up a theme. If you check out the Warhammer world web site, they have the calendar set for the rest of this year. Just look that a day that would suit you & what type of event you'd like to take part in. Then just set aside time. Maybe use the ETL as a way as a deadline? Mainly take a list you think fun. Throne of Skulls just there, everyone took what they like & enjoyed. It just a weekend of gaming. Your general looking around 100 power level, but best paint some extra unit as the point can change as it to break up the whole "only 2000pts no more". Yes I'm aim take part ETL this year. I'm thinking Iron Warriors 2 Bastions, just they've been sitting there for a while. I have a week off in May. So want to get them all built & use ETL as a deadline get them painted I'd like to try get a Power Armour version of Warsmith Abhorred Riddick converted up just have a before/after (Daemon Prince). Though be cool just with the release of all the plastic kits. Another squad of Obliterators, which will be needed for a event in June. Again just with the Mechanicus range been release. Death Guards I'd like to get the Lord converted for them. I'd like to convert a Sorcerer Like to get a Helbrute or two added I've still got the Zombies to paint Daemons Soul Grinder Depend what I have from my Battle force shown below that not painted between now & then. Herald I'm getting Syn to get some sculpting done for me. Then it all down to any new Chaos release if it happen during ETL. Littlie update Here the Autocannon Terminator that was made for Throne of Skulls just try & because wanted to add the model bring the squad up to 10. Spent bit of today re-painting the Terminator banner so I can add the new transfer. So that might get done tomorrow time permitting. Then some more Death Guards. Just I don't tend to be well when I've return from Nottingham & can general end up with a headache last all day. It wasn't as bad as it has been in the past yesterday, but not the best ether. So try make life easy I ended up just painting these Death Guard models as I'd pick up the 40k magazine from WHSmith that had the clip together models. It also why the base are not done right now. With there squad that where painted a few month ago. I did try start building my Daemon Battle force yesterday as well. But had to call it off. I started building the Bloodletter. But aim Friday to start building the models so there all done. Then pick up the Mechanics box set today. It for the Dunecralwer for the Warpsmith conversion, it just battle force was £10 more & you get a lot extra with it. So help my Dark Mechanicus & conversion for the Warpsmith. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonlover Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 After the ETL my Alpha Legion will be practically done to WW standards. I'm just procrastinating on rebasing 60 Cultists to Sector Imperialis 25mm bases at that point. Might check that schedule out, see if it spurs me on at all as something to do post ETL. Dragonlover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 15, 2018 Author Share Posted April 15, 2018 After the ETL my Alpha Legion will be practically done to WW standards. I'm just procrastinating on rebasing 60 Cultists to Sector Imperialis 25mm bases at that point. Might check that schedule out, see if it spurs me on at all as something to do post ETL. Dragonlover I really recommend Warhammer World events, a week on & it still been a amazing experience. I'm really looking forward going be in September for the Campaign weekend follow on from the event I went to last year narrative. Small update So after a week & a few days off. It was right back been busy again & not really having to much time this week. But mange to spare a bit of time during Friday to get the transfer added to my Terminators unit Icon of Vengeance & reason I wanted to list of campaign. Spent a bit time yesterday (day off) also painting the Predator yesterday. The Predator was originally meant for Throne of Skulls last weekend, but I ran out of time. But it also turn out to sort be a good thing, as my army list would have been over pointed as I mistaken made the Siege Dreadnought 14 power level & not 16. That where the FW Iron Warrior Dreadnought w/Lascannon step up. But also meant I had a model paint for yesterday :D Then after getting a Black Templar commission pick up during the day. I though spend later on today adding transfer to the Predator & start weather powder. Thinking going back to all the Predator models in my Iron Warriors Grand Company & painting the left plate on the turret & getting the IVth icon onto there. I'm just gathering part right now & still planning my conversion for the FW style of Warpsmith seen in Index Chaos. Same with the Decimator useign the Iron Circle models - I'm trying think how I'd convert up the soul burner weapon for the,. By look of thing, all three unit (2x Decimator & Warpsmith) will most like end up becoming my first ETL vows. Also spent a bit time this afternoon just building the Bloodcrusher & Bloodletter models. So some them will be finish by tomorrow & ready for painting during the week. I've just got two skull cannon as well. I think after that, I just need the Soul Grinder & my Khorne Daemon force should be ready for a few games. I'm also looking that the Forge World Blood Slaughterer models (can Daemons take them? if not then I've got plans for my World Eater force in the future) hushrong, Pearson73 and deathspectersgt7 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 21, 2018 Author Share Posted April 21, 2018 Update It been another busy week that the moment. Thing should settle down after the 12th May, when I've got a week off & setting that aside to just get my own models built. But for time been. This just got pick up today, limited ed art work on the Black Legion novel by ADB. This was shown a few week ago & was away getting frame. So now just find space on the wall to have this on display. While looking for models to quickly paint for today. I notice this Iron Warrior who needed re-base.Originally photo from 2012. This Iron Warrior was built & painted before going to Throne of Skulls April 2012 & was part of Bronn Tal unit. But during the year got replace by another model. But always kept him to one side. There been a few units I though about adding him to. But in the end turn out there was a perfect unit for him, that the squad I built for the Shadow War Armageddon that got release last year. This just allow them to become a unit of Chosen. So the 32mm base quickly got undercoated yesterday with extra bit of sand added. Then spent today painting that & re-paint his right shoulder pad with his new squad icon. Just 32mm base are lot cooler for Space Marine base models. I just need to replace the Metal Iron Warrior shoulder pad with a Forge World version to fit in with the squad. While the metal IW pad will go onto the Predator crew member shown below this post. Now part of this squad. Also spend Wed painting the Khorne Skull-cannon model. It almost there. I've got another one & a unit Bloodcrusher to paint as well as a SouL Grinder & that should hopeful have them ready for a few games. Extra Bloodletter from the Battle force. I think I will get one more box of these, just allow me to have 80 Bloodletter in my Khorne Daemon force. As well as painting the Iron Warrior show that the start of the post. Today was painting the Predator crew member. As said that the start, he will get the metal IW pad from the IW show that the start. I'm thinking going back to all my Predator & painting the left side black & having the "IVth" transfer on there. Just break up the metallic & sort have the Heresy force org vibe as the Iron Warriors while battle each other are still a Legion. Then what hopeful going to be seen in the near future. This just bring my Nurgle force up to 7 unit of Plague Marines & just so I have different chose when pick my force for games. Also with the FAQ recently release. I've like them. One of the main once I've like it Chosen been allowed to take Bolter, Bolt Pistol & Close combat weapons. Seen in the past log & photo of my units by units. A lot of my Iron Warriors where model with Bolter & Chainsword, it something I've really like during 5th. While during 6th, I always paid the points for them along side Veteran of the Long war, it was important to me & how I wanted whole force to look. So was a bit gutted when Chaos Marines loss this option. All it mean now is looking that my squads, for example one led by Champion Bronn Tal & looking that running them as Chosen. Only thing is, troop wise as a few local event I go to tend to make it Battalion detachment on**. So mean maybe looking that Cultist. While I've already got my Chaos Guards, I might try convert up the renegade upgrade pack with the Genestealer cult box set & try go for look the Chaos Guards had in the PS3 Space Marine game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 26, 2018 Author Share Posted April 26, 2018 ++Work in progress preview++ Round 5 during Throne of Skulls April saw my 1000th game, which was against Ryan & his Alpha legion. Hear the story about the trophy & how each one rep a game. He though it was cool & painted up a spare Alpha Legion trophy during the week there & it just arrive early today. It going to go onto the new Chaos hellwright on Dark Abeyant. Just though show a preview into this. There still a lot more work to be done, just I needed to get this conversion started. It been one of the few that change a lot from the originally idea. This will most like be my first model to get painted for ETL in a week time. Biohazard 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted April 28, 2018 Share Posted April 28, 2018 Tanks are looking good, especially liking the weathering on the hazard stripes and the blood stains under the trophy helmet at the rear. Nice start on the Hellwright too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iron-Daemon Forge Posted April 28, 2018 Author Share Posted April 28, 2018 Tanks are looking good, especially liking the weathering on the hazard stripes and the blood stains under the trophy helmet at the rear. Nice start on the Hellwright too. Thanks for the comment Pearson :D Small update. The Warpsmith almost there. Just got the axe to sort, using the one from the Wrathmonger kit which has already been seen on a few models over the past few updates. Then it just the base to sort, but that will be later as I'm waiting for the new ruin to be release. So I going to keep the base separate until that release happen & because I want to get the Warpsmith painted for a game I've got next week & with the start of ETL. The Nephilim 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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