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Battlefleet Gothic should not be a Heresy game.


We wouldn't get Eldar, Necron or Tau fleets if they took that direction.


I'd rather have the 40k variety, and would love to create a narrative campaign that features BFG battles prior to the ground war.

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It's something I'd like to be true just because it means a boxed set is imminent, but it does seem a little large.


On the other hand, I'd only need 747 boxes (approx) boxes to build the Ultramarines Legion, discounting the Command squads and bikes.

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2 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

Battlefleet Gothic should not be a Heresy game.


We wouldn't get Eldar, Necron or Tau fleets if they took that direction.


I'd rather have the 40k variety, and would love to create a narrative campaign that features BFG battles prior to the ground war.


Absolutely! variety being the key:yes: among other things. 


I would be interested in bfg/epic 40k. I'm not that fused on them being 30k. 

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I really think the HH BFG rumours have always been wishlisting as most other systems from SG have gone with the 30k setting to save on sprues. I think it would definitely be an even worse choice than epic 30k given how the original cruiser sprues so cleverly covered half the fleets in one small frame and it would eliminate the difference between Chaos, Mech, Marine and Navy fleets with them all being together in one list.

Cant lie that i would love a complete set of the various Glorianas though, even in resin. Though i think most of them have cool ass 3d print versions out there already.

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Battlefleet Gothic was always a "we'd like to work on it now, but we're too small a team and it's too much work" situation. Obviously Forge World have gone through a fairly intensive hiring drive since the last time this came up at the Open Days, however they've also picked up a lot more work on top of that since then.


That said, as usual, Natfka/Faiet will publish random gibberish they found on a piece of toilet roll in train station. It can be written off as fake.

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I would actually prefer BFG and Epic both be based in HH to start. It would be more difficult to make the game unbalanced and I think the opportunity to field the (in)famous Legion ships would be great. 

I do remember I was a bit irked that GW decided to release Aeronautica instead of a new BFG but the more I think about it I don’t believe it’s coincidence that both Aeronautica and Titanicus are in the same scale. Planning for the future perhaps. 

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8 hours ago, DuskRaider said:

would actually prefer BFG and Epic both be based in HH to start. It would be more difficult to make the game unbalanced and I think the opportunity to field the (in)famous Legion ships would be great. 

Honestly I think it would work best that way, too.


Most HH ship classes would continue in service, so it would make easy modularity.


Base game: HH, no xenos.

Xenos expansion: Eldar and Orks

Then you do campaign expansions throughout the history. 
Campaign x: introduce grand cruisers

Campaign y: introduce later design ships from that time period.

Domacles Gulf: introduce tau

The great awakening: introduce Necrons.

The First Tyrannic War: introduce tyranids.

The thirteenth black crusade: introduce the some more new ships for chaos and imperium

The Leviathan: Introduce the newer tyranid ships.

The Fourth Sphere: new Tau.


Etc. It would keep updates rolling out with new models, and allow a greater deal of modularity for balance, with tournaments and such being themed around the campaigns.

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While I would love the return of Epic, for some reason BFG passed me by, I'd be concerned what it would do to AT.

The rule set for AT would not work for anything smaller than knights so a completely new rules set would be needed and I think this would sound the death knell for AT as everyone scrambles for the new Epic.

This is pretty much what happened with the original AT and Epic. There wasn't the resources to do both so they rolled them into one game and simplified and weakened titans to make them playable against infantry. 

I would hate to see this happen but would love some new races introduced in AT, Elgar and Ork for starters.




Edited by Vogon
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I don't hold that concern.

Working downward Titans would murder bases of infantry as is right and fair. As to the weaker weapon strengths, there are already S3 Knight weapons (Avenger GC) that aren't any good against Titans nor other Knights but would be great against a base of infantry or a tank with their 8 shots.

Working the other way (upward) there doesn't need to be that much granularity between infantry units at this scale and there's a bunch of man portable weapons like melta and lascannon that are also already represented as auxiliary weapons on Titans so we know how good they are.

Man I hope they keep this simple yet effective like AT.

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I agree it wouldn't work to go downward from AT in terms of power. There isn't enough "space" under things like the strength, toughness and rates of fire that you get in AT. And titans would actually be absurdly powerful, with things like quake cannons removing whole companies at a time. Titans would need re-designing for epic, or else modifying significantly. For example I guess you could just raise all the armour values and strengths in AT by a couple of points to make room for weaker stuff.


It would be good to keep the granularity that AT has for titans. It doesn't actually take all that long to play them, and you'd have fewer of the things in epic.


If I was writing rules for BFG then I'd actually base them off AT, treating them as more or less a mod for it. AT already has rules for things like boosting engines for more speed and turns (at a cost/risk), void shields, fire arcs, repairs and so on. BFG could basically be the same game, re-skinned. You'd obviously have to do a bunch of work on this and there'd be unique stuff like boarding actions, while ramming might need alteration.


One of the really big problems for space (or air) combat games is the 3rd dimension. It's one thing to have an attempt at altitude in a game like AI, but in space you really ought to be able to have ships driving in any direction. Ideally, you'd even represent inertia somehow too. For me that was something that the original BFG did least well - everything felt like ships at sea, not spaceships. Even the design of the ships feels like it's designed for operating in a 2D environment with sides, a top and bottom, for no obvious reason.

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Yeah i forget where i read/heard it but the AT system was designed for Titans, not epic. It has some space for little things but not as major players, more as objectives and such, even more of a sideshow than Knights. Model design is separate, like, they definitely designed the buildings with infantry in mind.

Gothic was a version of the Epic system of the time to some extent too, so it might make sense to do so again, 40k ships have always felt more like sailing ships than proper space vessels operating in 3d which is i guess why BFG worked so well. Inertia might be good to see but im not sure altitude would be worth the crunch really, especially as the scale is so vast, the actual ship is represented on the board by the stem after all, and its base the area around it you can aoe at, the model is to look cool :) 

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I don't know if its been mentioned but I was watching Louise Sugden's new video on the Rainbow warriors and she has an Old gargant box propped upon the background loudly stating "EPIC" ...possibly a coincidence but then again she posted old school squats before the Votann were revealed... 

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2 hours ago, silverstu said:

I don't know if its been mentioned but I was watching Louise Sugden's new video on the Rainbow warriors and she has an Old gargant box propped upon the background loudly stating "EPIC" ...possibly a coincidence but then again she posted old school squats before the Votann were revealed... 

That's been there for a VERY long time. That's nothing new.

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12 hours ago, Warmaster1988 said:

Valrak is sure they will preview Epic at WH-Fest, he says.


Was mentioned in his last Stream from yesterday.


Yes, but afaik he is still basing that on his own speculation, rather than info from his sources, unless that's changed since he last posted it was speculation on his part.


His sources are usually spot on so I'll be excited to hear if they've said anything, as I'm in the 'Epic is coming back camp' too

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5 hours ago, Chapter Master Valrak said:

It's not from my sources, purely based speculation from myself :)


Sounds different from what you said in earlier Videos.


1:42 - "From the rumors I been hearing is that Epic is 100% definitive a go, coming out"

2:37 - "I have been told that[].. ...[]it will be not going set in WH40k"


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1 minute ago, Warmaster1988 said:


Sounds different from what you said in earlier Videos.


1:42 - "From the rumors I been hearing is that Epic is 100% definitive a go, coming out"

2:37 - "I have been told that[].. ...[]it will be not going set in WH40k"



What? I am referring to Epic being at Fest...that is my speculation, not Epic itself :laugh:

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