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46 minutes ago, Marshal Mittens said:

I just want to play normal horus heresy with 6mm models on a huge table, like a real huge city fight!

Thats what I would use the models as. Of course playing Epic would be a nice bonus but being able to play HH battles without needing too much space and money would be great

Edited by Matrindur
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39 minutes ago, Kastor Krieg said:

OK, it's 40k. All Primaris Marines and Primaris vehicles only. Hope you're happy.

Honestly? Yes. At least that means we might get Orks/Eldar/Tau/Chaos/etc in months rather than years or more likely, never.

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18 minutes ago, Urauloth said:

I don't know, we never got Chaos for AI.

But we got eeeeveryone else, even as far as Custodes in a token resin release and AI apparently sold below hopes.

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1 hour ago, Noserenda said:

But we got eeeeveryone else, even as far as Custodes in a token resin release and AI apparently sold below hopes.

Never got the Tau Orca of my dream ... :( If you count by faction you may think there is everything. But for Epic, it would be more representative to count frame per faction and I think that for Aeronautica you may have 1 to 3 per faction max.

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With regard to the whole HH vs 40K setting if Epic came back, just seen this comment left on my YT video about Epic:


"I don’t see why GW  should pick between Heresy and 40K. Have the lore do a high level of the whole history of the setting, have a couple pages on some “epic” size battlefields (Heresy, Armageddon, Cadia falling, etc), come up with rules that cover all setting then just pump out armies"


I actually love that idea! Having the setting encompass the entire 10 millenia of 'epic' warfare would satisfy all parties, and give them the scope to explore some legendary battles and wars throughout the history of 40K, right from the days of 30K up to present day.


First war for Armageddon, Macragge, Ichar, Piscina, Badab War, Damocles, Age of Apostasy, Rynns World... the scope is incredible in terms of what they could explore.


We can only hope.

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I had commented this on another thread when rumors of this popped up before, so I'll say it again now that it is back. 


Horus Heresy Epic coming first lets GW rush out the money maker factions first (Imperials). These factions always draw in the most players and purchases and do so steadily over time. They also have more repeat purchases for things like Titans and Space Marines, ie people wanting to built Traitor and Loyalist Forces is someone buying the same thing twice. Xenos factions don't have that same ingrained double dip. What that means isn't that they wont do xenos, it means their product strategy will mimic 40K. Theyll do Xenos once, and drip feed new Imperials continuously. So at first we will get a big huge box with a hundred land raiders and little space marines and every quarter we will get a Destroyer Company box and a squadron of Sabres and Land Speeders in a Box for like three years until we get EPIC 2 XENOS NOW INCLUDED. Which will have a one time splash release of three Eldar Titan Classes, Guardians, Wraiththings, and Aspect Warriors and then the next year you get a splash release of three Ork Titan Classes, and so on and so on.


Now, in my erudite and correct opinion, no matter what happens I will be using the Epic rules to build armies from the Great Crusade so doing Epic as 30K or 40K won't make much of a difference to me. Bring on the Eldar Remnants and Super Advanced Ork Empires, baby!

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29 minutes ago, VanDutch said:

Well I think that was a little tease of Epic at the end of the Horus Heresy preview .

Any images? I didn't watch the stream because I was busy enjoying my Dawi Zharr in Total Warhammer.

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16 minutes ago, m_r_parker said:

If that little video was Epic, then I'm surprised.

My gut reaction was that it was a mobile tactics game based on HH. My gut didn't like that...

For those who didn't catch it:


Id be surprised if even GW were tone deaf enough to do a tiny ‘just one more thing’ teaser at the end of a preview that turns out to be for a mobile game. 

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