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Well, the Castigators have been quiet for a while - a bit worrying, really! I've updated my blog with two Christmas cards I received this year - you might be wondering what that has to do with the Castigators; click here to find out!


I've also been thinking recently about the layout of the Howling Stars, despite my earlier proclamations that I'd never map it out. This map of the Maelstrom by belloflostsouls has inspired me! So I've been giving that some work.


In the meantime I've been caught up in Janu-WAAAGH-ry; you can follow my progress here. I'm waiting on news from Pulse and then my Castigators will follow soon after!


Hope everyone's well and enjoying 009.M3 - I hope to hear from you soon about your Castigators. ;)

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Well, I haven't posted in hear for a while. Apologies for that. I've got a few more ideas on the Eighth, in fact I had a sketch of their banner I wanted to show you, but I only have some really bad pics of it. I'll get some better ones up asap.


Very nice Christmas cards, I like the Santa one ;).


Oh, almost forgot. I had an Apoc battle the other week at a friends. I used my Castigators list, found here in my blog. . We won, taking 3 objectives compared to the opponents 2. The scouts did not so well so I may swap them for some Tacticals from a reserve company of something. As for the Assault marines they did pretty well, even managing to hold an objective as Tigris smote a Hive Tyrant.


Well, there's my very late, and small update.

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Sure. This is a very brief overview, and as much as I remember as the battle was before Christmas.


9000pts a side, with 3 players a team. The back story was that an Imperial world had been invaded by the Tyranids and a force of Imperial Guard, Astartes (The Castigators) and the Sisters of Battle came to the planets rescue.


There were five objectives: A water plant, a tomb of a dead saint, a depot, one of those Tyranid structures and an Imperial Governor.


A Warhound Titan and 2 Baneblades were used by the Imperials, whilst the Tyranids had a Hierophant Bio Titan and used one Endless Swarm Formation.


The Tyranids took hold of 4 objectives fairly quickly while the Sisters of Battle held off the swarm from the depot. However, the combined power of 2 Baneblades and a Titan cleared the Tomb and left it open for the Guard.


This was about turn 3, and then my Astartes came into play. They were late in due to fluff. The scouts used Outflank to try and fight there was through a bunch of Warriors toward another objective. Unfortunately the Warriors took 20 Scouts down for just a loss of 2 Warriors, and the combat lasted most of the game.


The Terminators and the Assault marines arrived via Deep Strike close to the Tyranid structure. The combat raged around the structure with the astartes taking it and losing it. However, once Tigris cut down the Tyranid Hive Tyrant, for a trade of 2 wounds, the rest of the brood were dispatched in quick order. Then using his tactical thinking Tigris sent half of his marines ahead to halt the Endless Swarm so that the game ended with a close Victory for the Imperials.

Edited by Ferrus Manus
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Hello Mol and company.


You have quite a nice thred going on here Mol

I wish I had a thread this big! Your so cool B)




Is there anything I could help you with? I would really like to help you come up with some fluff, or something!


I just think that the B&C should make the Castigators the chapter of the B&C! Also we should show them to GW and make them a full-fledged GW chapter.


Thats just my thoughts on your awesome chapter!


But yeah, if you have anything I could do to help, I would really love too!

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Well, it's good to hear the Castigators acquitted themselves well! Do you have any further details - do you remember which order the Sisters were from, or what regiment the Guard were? I'll likely use this battle for some fluff in the Chapter timeline.


The Sisters were members of the Order of the Iron Rose and the Guard regiment was the 1st Mavorick.

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Hello Mol and company.


You have quite a nice thred going on here Mol

I wish I had a thread this big! Your so cool ^_^




Is there anything I could help you with? I would really like to help you come up with some fluff, or something!


I just think that the B&C should make the Castigators the chapter of the B&C! Also we should show them to GW and make them a full-fledged GW chapter.


Thats just my thoughts on your awesome chapter!


But yeah, if you have anything I could do to help, I would really love too!




Well, thanks - it's always nice to know that people still like the Castigators (especially because things have been quiet recently.) No Chapter will ever fully enthuse everyone - or else we'd all have the same army! So I can fully understand some people don't like the Castigators, or find them boring.


Of course, the B+C already has an official Chapter - that's The Legio.


I'm certainly interested in writing more for the Castigators, though with the plans for a website falling through and many of the Castigators players and fans quietening, I've not been sure what to write about. So if there's something you find unclear or would like further details on, I can certainly try. <_<


At some stage I'd like to re-write IA: Castigators in order to improve it. I've also got vague plans for a campaign book, somewhat akin to the Imperial Armour volumes. At the moment it'd likely focus on the War of Woe, a conflict the Castigators undertook against the Word Bearers in 987.M41.




The Sisters were members of the Order of the Iron Rose and the Guard regiment was the 1st Mavorick.


Thanks - I'll see about putting that up in the timeline at some stage.

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Nice to hear from you, Varen. I've incorporated a number of your timeline suggestions into the Castigator Timeline - you should be able to find it all. Some of it I've left out until it can be sufficiently detailed.


I think the last thing we were talking about was the defence of Mutara. I'm looking to date it - for that we need to work out when Caphius became Captain (and that can take into account warp dilation). So I'm asking for your opinion as to how long you reckon he's been Captain.

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Well, I am back, barely moved in, and weeks behind schedule. Unfortunately this is the only guy I have been able to complete but since he is the test mini I hope that is acceptable. The Chapter Symbol is uneven because of the weird molding of the AoBR Marines. I hope its up too standard :unsure: .

The army is being built as quickly as possible, but my hobby space hasn't been built yet so I can't work on them painting wise.

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ok, looking at the timeline. Lycidius dies during the truth war dated after 701.m37. Then first captain Janos becomes the new chapter master in 205.m38 . So where did captain Janos come from? He became first captain after Lycidius, so was captain Janos the second company captain after Lycidius's promotion to first captain? If so, then Caphius became captain around 205.m38. Am i making sense?
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Ah, nice. I wondered what was on his right knee. I couldn't see that it was a tactical badge, so I wondered if it was a crusade badge or the like. A nicely free-handed Company marking on his left knee, also. I also like the markings on his bolter. His eyes are very well done - I've never really been able to do those lenses to my satisfaction.


How'd you do the red? What's next on your painting block now you're in Hawaii?


A good job overall - I think you can improve the Chapter badge by focusing on the elbow first - I think that's probably the key. Then again, freehand's certainly never been my strong point!




Sorry, Varen - didn't catch you post before I posted.


ok, looking at the timeline. Lycidius dies during the truth war dated after 701.m37. Then first captain Janos becomes the new chapter master in 205.m38 . So where did captain Janos come from? He became first captain after Lycidius, so was captain Janos the second company captain after Lycidius's promotion to first captain? If so, then Caphius became captain around 205.m38. Am i making sense?


Don't rely on most of the timelines - they're very patchy.


Thing with your suggestion is that it'd mean Caphius has been Captain from the year 37,205 to the year 40,999. That's almost four thousand years! Depending on your viewpoint Space Marines from the Ultramarines gene-seed top out somewhere between 400 and 600 years old. Then you can add warp dilation onto that and they can be around for a fair bit longer - though obviously the life of a Space Marine tends to entail a fair bit of risk! It's possible for Caphius to be 700 years old, say, but for his birthdate to have been 1000 years ago. Does that give you more of an insight into my thought processes?


We know Caphius was passed over for First-Captain when Avitus died and Quntilius became Master in 899.M41 - that means Caphius has been Captain of the Second for at least 100 years. I'm imagining that Caphius could've been Captain for four centuries, perhaps even more. If he became Captain when he was 150, he could've been Captain for... over five centuries! It depends how drastic we want to be.

Edited by Commissar Molotov
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I think your right the Elbow would begin a natural 'V' shape to work off of, thanks Mol that does help.


The Red is:

-Chaos Black Base

-Mechrite Red

-1:1 Scab Red:Chaos Black shade in the recesses

-2:1 Blood Red: Scab Red Highlight

-Blood Red Highlight



-Chaos Black

-Regal Blue on the Front Half of the Lense in a Cresent Shape

-Ultramarines Blues Highlight

-Ice Blue Highlight

-White Dot in the corners


I want to finish this Squad first, then I will begin work on the Terminators. As of Right Now for the Castigators it looks up like this

-2nd Squad


-1st Squad

-9th Squad


-7th Squad

-3rd Squad



The Sirius conversion is Sicarius with the Dark Angels Company Champion Sword (sans teardrop) in his left hand, and the Master of the Watch's Storm Sheild in the right. His head will be the Chaos Lord smirking face with a GS mowhawk. On his shoulder he will have a disc with the Chapter Symbol where the 'U' was.

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The Sirius conversion sounds interesting! It's a shame he's down the far end of your production line. :( I look forward to seeing what you do with him. Truth be told, I look forward to seeing anything! :)




Here's the highest-res version of the Chapter Badge I've got:



Edited by Commissar Molotov
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Would you have any objections to having Caphius's first mission as 2nd company captain to search for Black Cousel survivors in 455.m41? The only problem is this would make him 544 years old as captain and not as a Castigator. But this would help mold his beliefs in purity and vigilance, with what he percieves as the down fall of the Black Cousels.


I would like to make Caphius inbetween 400 to 600 years old. His detremination and purity-mindedness carrying him through to win the battle. That is why i chose 455.m41, to help develop his now developing responsibilities as a captain of the Castigators. We need a event that shakes the core values of Caphius to mold him to his current beliefs and the Black Consuls are the answer. Now the question is: Do you agree or Disagree?

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I'm curious as to how you think he views the Consuls. Nash Trickster made an interesting argument earlier in the thread that some of the most ardent zealots might even have made the argument that the Consuls were 'lax' and that they paid the price for it. (You can see that post here.) Such a viewpoint would likely only be shared in private conversation - it could cause a great deal of anger if it were openly voiced - but I'm just curious if you think Caphius is that extreme. My first opinion would be that he isn't - but I'd be interested in knowing what you think.
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I have a Sicarius Model but I am not sure if the other Codex Marine Army I am going to build will be Ultramarines or not :) . If I come up with a good Codex Army that doesn't require Sicarius I will definitely Kit bash him into the above model. Once I get a Chaos Lord head of course...


THis is a rough draft of what Sirius' back banner will look like. The White Castigator symbol within a dark cirlce, haloed by white light. Surrounded by a lighter blues that blend back into the the same dark blue as the circle.

It is a direct translation of the Legio Astorum symbol, but with the imposed Castigator Heraldry.

Edited by Marshal2 Crusaders
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I see Caphius viewing his parent chapter with a certain distain for their use of psykers, that the Castigator belief system is against. The Castigators belief that once all mutants/psykers are eradicated from their homeworld the Emperor would come back to them. I believe that is what you said. So, for the Black Consuls to use psykers would only push them away from the Emperor's light and go to the darkness. This would be Caphius's veiw, as i see it. Caphius's veiw would be right or wrong/ black and white, with no gray areas, no room for misunderstanding. This would how he would pick and train his men in his company, all having the same like-mindedness.


"Vigilance and purity are the way to the Emperor's light, not the dark sorcerories of psykers, who share powers with the warp!"

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THis is a rough draft of what Sirius' back banner will look like. The White Castigator symbol within a dark cirlce, haloed by white light. Surrounded by a lighter blues that blend back into the the same dark blue as the circle.


It is a direct translation of the Legio Astorum symbol, but with the imposed Castigator Heraldry.


Certainly interesting. The idea of the haloed sun is particularly interesting because the moon of Losanco is, of course, the Castigators' fortress-world and home of the 'furious angels' of Losancan myth. It works very well, actually!


I see Caphius viewing his parent chapter with a certain distain for their use of psykers, that the Castigator belief system is against. The Castigators belief that once all mutants/psykers are eradicated from their homeworld the Emperor would come back to them. I believe that is what you said. So, for the Black Consuls to use psykers would only push them away from the Emperor's light and go to the darkness. This would be Caphius's veiw, as i see it. Caphius's veiw would be right or wrong/ black and white, with no gray areas, no room for misunderstanding. This would how he would pick and train his men in his company, all having the same like-mindedness.


"Vigilance and purity are the way to the Emperor's light, not the dark sorcerories of psykers, who share powers with the warp!"


Interesting. So the younger Caphius was hardened by the sheer destruction that befell the Consuls. It interests me that he would likely harbour a somewhat similar opinion towards the Ultramarines, who suffered so badly at Macragge. He really is self-righteous!

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Caphius was made Captain of the 2nd company in 455.m41 . His first mission was to search for Black Consul surviviors. This is when Caphius's started taking the Castigator belief system with zealotry.


Caphius was enducted into the Castigators in 367.m41 . Caphius was elavated to full battle brother in 420.m41 . Was made captain of the 2nd company in 455.m41 . Caphius still serves as the 2nd company captain to this day.


I know this exceeds my 600 years, but giving time differences within the warp i think it fits. What say you, brother? Does this meet your ideas for Caphius?


I see Caphius as a hard as nails character that walks on a knife-edge of beliefs, with little room for differences in thought. This is why he picks the marines who are like-minded from the reserve companies to fill his ranks.

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Well, the 5th edition rulebook states that in 801, the Astronomican flickered, sending thousands of ships across the Imperium off-course. Perhaps we can have Caphius waylaid for a while. I have had ideas for a Castigator being 'becalmed' within the warp-squalls of the Howling Stars. It might figure into my calculations.


I think Goddeth Hive would've had a severe impact on Caphius, but it's likely he had zealous tendencies beforehand. My only problem is that he was apparently a marine for only thirty years before becoming Captain... What I'd suggest is that you eliminate the 420.M41 date and just say he was inducted into the Chapter in 367.M41 before becoming a Captain on or around 455.M41 (A slightly more respectable 88 years). Ironically, that means he was a precocious and young Captain - just like Anteas, whom he gives a rough time!

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That works, maybe Caphius's sees Anteas as a mirrior reflection of himself or of what he could have been?


We could have Caphius reflecting within a chapel, when he found himself looking at a staue of Lycidius and took it as a sign from the Emperor, before becoming captain.

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