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So someone else posted a Tiggy list, which made me take another look at him, and trying a variation of my list to fit him in. This is what I came up with. Calgar, BGV Lieutenant, 6 BGV - CP Gen, 10 4+++ models with basically 39 MC Powersword attacks, and 6MC PF attacks. Bobby G, 1 Ginsu Phobos Libby, 10 Infiltrators with Helix and Comms. Can't shoot outside 12, can't deepstrike inside 12. Tiggy, and 6BGV - 7 4++ models with -1 to be hit, a buncha power weapon attacks, a libby that can Hazardous every turn because they get a 4++ the 3MW IF they ever roll a 1. 5 Heavy Infiltrators 5 Intercessors Land Raider Land Raider 42 Infantry, 2 big vehicles, 1 monster, The only anti-tank is really on the Land Raiders and the Monster which I'm not fond of... The Normal version is Calgar, BGV LT, 6 BGV Bobby G, 1 Ginsu Phobos Libby, 10 Infiltrators with Helix and Coms Gravis Cap, Biologis, 6 Boltstorm Aggressors 5x Heavy Intercessors 5x Heavy Intercessors 5xDevs 4 Grav Cannon 5x Devs 4x Lascannon 3x Eliuminators LAs Fusil Not sure what I like better. The first one I like the idea of the regular Intercessors running around in the Land Raider doing some Sticky Capping. I see some potential for Assault Ramp Shenanigans there. The BGV in the other Land Raider is fairly obvious. The second one feels like a little more firepower and more spread out - 4 LC, 4GC and 3 Las Fusil, the Aggressor Bomb. 2 sets of T6 Objective Holders is also slightly nicer than the sticky cap-ability of the Intercessors.
I generally name my lists Indomitus for Gulliman led lists, and Victrix for Calgar led lists. Indomitus Demi-Company Robute Gulliman Phobos Libby Captain - Heavy Bolt Pistol, MC Power Weapon, Relic Shield Lieutenant Neo-Volkite Pistol, MC Power Weapon, Storm Shield Librarian 6 Bladeguard Heavy Intercessor x5 Heavy Intercessor x5 Intercessors x5 Intercessors x5 Infiltrators x10, Comms, Helix Outrider Squad x6 + ATV Storm Speeder Hailstrike Devastators x10, 4 Lascannon 1 Drop Pod That works out to 20 Battleline (But 30 Tactical Shoulderpads), 6 Elite, 10 Fast Attack, 10 Heavy Support. Guilliman, plus a Demicompany and a couple Chapter HQ Librarians. I'm thinking of sticking one or both Intercessors into the Drop Pod for sticky capping backfields. Surround Gulliman with the Phobos Libby led Infiltrators for maximum annoyance factot protecting Gulliman, the Captain and Lieutenant join the Bladeguard to maraud, the Librarian joins the Devastators to give them a 4++, Outriders and Speeder also maraud/distract with the speeder adding some AP here and there. Victrix Demi-Company: Calgar Apothecary Biologis - Fire Discipline Captain - Heavy Bolt Pistol, MC Power Weapon, Relic Shield Lieutenant Neo-Volkite Pistol, MC Power Weapon, Storm Shield Librarian Captain with Jump Pack - Thunderhammer Relic Shield 6 Bladeguard Heavy Intercessor x10 Heavy Intercessor x10 Intercessors x5 Intercessors x5 Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs - 3 Plasma Pistols, 1 Power Fist Aggressors x6 Desolation Squad Again we have the 30/10/10(in this case 11) Demi Company - Calgar and the Biologis make the Aggressor bomb (and nastier because of Calgar's bespoke) Marauding Bladeguard, Libby 4++ Desolation Squad instead of Devastators, new Assault Squad with a Smash Captain instead of the bikes...
With HH2.0 around the corner, I've been toying around with lists based on the leaked rules. As such this is of course not guaranteed to remain fully legal, and I am in fact relying on the assumption that the Dreadclaws are actually intended to retain the Assault Vehicle rule (which they don't have in the 3.0 playtest rules, but that's pretty much what they're about right?). Should that omission remain, I would have to rethink. Onto the list: Faction: World Eaters Rite of War: Drop Pod Assault HQ (1/3) Legion Centurion 105ptsBase 60pts Primus Medicae 45pts Chain Axe 0pts ELITES (2/4) 660pts Contemptor Dreadnought 330ptsBase 175pts Gravis Chainfist 10pts 2 Built-in Meltaguns 30pts Dedicated Dreadclaw Drop Pod 115pts Contemptor Dreadnought 330ptsBase 175pts Gravis Chainfist 10pts 2 Built-in Meltaguns 30pts Dedicated Dreadclaw Drop Pod 115pts TROOPS (3/6) pts pts 550 Legion Despoiler Squad 170pts17 Marines 170pts Chain Axes 0pts Legion Tactical Squad 188pts10 Marines 100pts 9 Chain Bayonets 18pts Legion Vexilla 10pts Sergeant: Artificer, Fist 25pts Dedicated Drop Pod 35pts Legion Tactical Squad 188pts10 Marines 100pts 9 Chain Bayonets 18pts Legion Vexilla 10pts Sergeant: Artificer, Fist 25pts Dedicated Drop Pod 35pts FAST ATTACK (0/3) 0pts HEAVY SUPPORT (1/3) 235pts Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw 235ptsFORTIFICATIONS (0/1) PRIMARCH (1/1) 450pts Primarch Angron, 450ptsTOTAL: 1996pts Angron, Despoilers, Medicae goes in the Kharybdis. The new Drop Pod Assault rules means everything arrives turn one. A first pod is placed and a scatter is rolled, and the Inertial Guidance System rule halving it to a maximum of 6". All remaining pods are then placed within 24" of this without scattering, albeit with a 1/36 (D6 roll of 1, re-rollable due to everything having IGS) chance of them being placed by the opponent rather than me. Anything in an assault vehicle (So Angron+Crew and the Contemptors, assumption holding true) gets to charge the same turn they drop in, after eventual interceptor reactions. The game plan is thus to drop the 'noughts and Angron&Co right in the enemy's face and let carnage ensue, meanwhile the tactical squads hunkers down on objectives to get a 5+++ FNP and provide some chipping fire support. I feel the list would struggle versus a mechanized Rhino list as it doesn't have many tools to blow up metal bawhkses outside a charge, but the thought of having Angron in assault turn one makes me giddy. Expanding the list to 2.5-3k would thus probably have me add support squads with meltas or similar. Another option I'm toying with is running a Chaplain over a Medicae, since Angron already supplies FNP(6+), but I'm unsure as of now.
A Dark Imperium rivalry ignites once more, brother vs brother! Enjoy
- ultramarines
- death guard
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Had my first game using my Baleful Hounds Renegade chapter (white scars sucessor) yesterday. Was 2000pts vs a Dark Angels player. The lists where: Baleful Hounds HQs -Gravis chaptermaster (Warlord) -Primaris chaplain on bike -Primaris Librarian Elites -2x 5man bladegaurd veterns -1 5man Relic terminatos -1 Chapter champion -1 Apothocary -1 Venerable Dreadnought Troops -3x 5man Assault intercessor squads -1 5man Heavy Intercessor squad Fast attack -1. 3man outrider squad Heavy -2x 3man Eradicator squad Dark Angels HQs -Terminator ChapterMaster (Warlord) -Sammeal Elites -1. 5man Inner Circle terminators -1. 10man Deathwing terminators -1 Redemptor Dreadnought Troops -1. 10man tactical squad -2x 5man tactical squads Fast Attack -1. 8man Ravenwing biker squad Heavy -Landraider Mission was [Eternal war- No mans Land] Secondarys Hounds: Slay the warlord Domination Mission secondary Dark Angels: Attrition Engade on all fronts Mission secondary Dark Angels won roll to chose sides and deployed first, Hounds won roll got to chose to go first. Deployment: I deployed my entire army as close to the line as posible, except for the heavy intercessors which sat atop my home objective and the terminators which where held in reserve. Chaplain on bike and out riders on left flank. He deployed fairly conservatively, bikers and land raider far in the back. Tac squads in ruins in his deployment zone. Chapter master and 10man terminator squad in reserve. Inner circle terminators in the landraider. Pre battle thoughts: Our lists where kind of similar with lots of 3 wound models. It was my first time playing the army and was a casual game so I decided to play pretty wrecklessly and just try to get stuck in. First turn: My chaplain successfully uses his extra charge range aura, and my entire army (besides heavy intercessors) moves and advances forward getting units on all 3 center objectives. I get some random shots off using assault weapons and killed a couple tactical marines. My eradicators miss all their shots on the redemptor dreadnought. I successfully make charges against a tactical squad on the left with my outriders killing half of them. The Dark Angels inner circle terminators disembark and move tward my outriders, the bikers move around to the left of his deployment zone and the dreadnought moves forward. He kills a few assault intercessors with an anemic shooting phase. He then charges the outriders with his Inner Circle Terminators, and charges the Eradicators with the Redemptor. Whipeing both squads out in the process. (Assault phase in Darkangles turn one. just finished building army so sorry for unpaintedness) Second turn: Hounds *19 Victory points Chaplain fails to Inspire. I move my entire army forward again (besides heavy intercessors, Exterminators, and squad of 4 intercessors holding objectives) chaplain cuts tward the center of the board. Librarian fails his power and I kill a few more tactical marines in shooting phase. Librarian, 1 squad of blade guard and 1 squad of assault intercessors charge the Inner circle terminators. Venerable dread charges Redemptor. Everything else fails their charges. Was pretty crazy. Librarian kills a InnerCircle Termi and they Interupt and slay all 5 bladegaurd. (Those things are scarry) assault intercessors fight twice and kill the rest of the Termis. Venerable dread brings Redemptor down to 4 wounds but dies in the counter attack. Dark Angels *14 victory points Ravenwing rushes forward, deathwing drop down in the right centerish with chaptermaster. After a ton of short range rapid fire shooting he was able to kill 2 bladegaurd, 1 assault intercessor, and 2 Eradicators. My chapter master tanked all the Redemptors shots, and the heavy intercessors tanked all the deathwing shots. He charges my chaptermaster with the redemptor. (kinda left him exposed since I never expected my eradicators to keep missing The dread) He also charges the assault intercessors with the Ravenwing. Chapter champion heroically intervenes into the Ravenwing. Redemptor almost kills my chaptermaster but dies to him as a result of his failures. I Interupt with my champion and slay 3 bikers. They strike back and kill ome intercessor then lose another biker. Third turn: Hounds *39 Victory Points Move to assault doctorin Chaplain successfully casts litany of hate. Move left flank assault intercessors forward, move center assault intercessors and bladegaurd forward. Drop terminator near enemy terminators and cast Ride the Winds in them. Shoot at deathwing terminators kill 1. Charge Ravenwing with chaptermaster and apothocary and librarian. Charge 1 tac squad with assault intercessors, another tac squad with assault intercessors, and another tac squad with blade gaurd. Charge 9 deathwing with my 5 Relic terminators. With the extra 1 damage from White Scars super Doc I mulch everything. Leaving 4 deathwing, Sammeal, Chaptermaster, and land Raider lest at the end of my turn. Dark angels player waves the white flag and succeeds the game due to having almost nothing else to work with, and no way to stop my points lead from holding so many objectives. After thoughts: I played bad my first turn due to my eagerness to rush into CQC but my opponent pulled back from this and let me control 70% of the board and could not get it back. My failed charges turn two hurt me bad. But his terrible shooting and assaults on his turn two hurt him far more.
- Dark Angels
- 2000pts
(and 2 more)
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