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Hello! I’m new here and a returning player to 40k. I’m starting a new space wolves army, and thought I’d make a thread to document the process. I’ve chosen the Stormwolves Great Company and my first model conversion is a Primaris in Gravis Armour interpretation of the Wolf Lord Bjorn Stormwolf. Forgive the blu-tac handle on his noggin.
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- Space Wolves
- Conversion
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Threw this together via bitz I had: archon, void weaver, and death jester kits. I'll run this model as a character in my corsairs army. Sort of a death jester homage. I hope to get it primed this week but have no idea when I'll get started on the paint phase. Thanks for looking.
- Drukhari
- Death Jester
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Apropos of nothing, I stumbled over a couple of 'true-scale' Thousand Sons that I made a while back for @Commissar Molotov's The War in the Eye project. I never got round to painting them at the time, but I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Tzeentch (my abortive Chaos Army in 2nd edition consisted of nine Thousand Sons, a Lord of Change and a pile of Horrors), and thought I might work them up. I don't imagine they'll ever be a proper army, but perhaps I might make a Kill Team one day. The conversion work is relatively simple apart from the torso, which is covered step-by-step here, if you'd like to have a go. Other than that, we've got Rubric shoulder pads, backpack, boltgun and head along with Primaris/Mark III arms. The legs are provided by Scarab Occult Terminators. As you can see, this gives them a bit more presence – and together with their ceremonial headdresses, they're quite imposing! Any thoughts on colour scheme? Can't decide whether to go retro, blue-and-yellow, red-and-gold, or something entirely different.
Templar-izing my Outriders I already have a pretty large bike force for my Black Templars so I've been waiting excitedly for the Outriders. I added some of my existing bike conversion parts to the mix along with the heavy guardbrace on the shoulder pads. For the exhausts, I removed the thinner segment of the exhaust pipe filed it smooth then attached my resin upgrades rather than just drilling out the tube. Because they are so small they can be a bit fiddly but IMO it's worth the effort. It helps to add them before attaching the side pieces to the bikes, while you can still do it at any point it's just easier while it's still separate. I use a jewelry saw to remove the tube tips on the exhaust since it makes a nice clean & controlled cut, then filed everything smooth before attaching the resin tips. I use the tip of my hobby knife or a sewing needle carefully touched between the vents and help pick it up so I can eyeball that everything is straight before pressing it in place. The guardbrace was heated in very hot water for about 15 seconds then bent around the shoulder pad. (Hot enough to make tea) If you mess up they can be reheated and they'll flatten back out. Just make sure they aren't too cold when you go to bend them or they could crack. If's it's heated correctly it'll be very pliable. I used one of the Templar vehicle crosses on the hood and the shrine on the rear is a press molded copy of the top of the buttress piece from the Imperial Sector city fight terrain. Link for where to find the conversion parts:
- 49 replies
- Indomitus
- Black Templar
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Hi everyone, hope you're all well. It's been a while since I last posted anything but I am still working on my Unforgiven. Here's my latest project, a converted Dark Angels Interrogator Chaplain: And here's the artwork that inspired the conversion: Thanks for looking! ☺
- 25 replies
- Dark Angels
- Unforgiven
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I present for you my recently completed Heldrake, I've soent the last six months on this beast of a model, it's been thoroughly enjoyable to be fair, I hope you'll think that I've done it justice. I made some slight alterations to the 'drake adding some Maulerfiend tentacles to bulk out the tail, and reposing the rear legs to mount it on the column crowing over the charred remains of its latest victim. It's taken approximately six months start to finish although there was a marked drop off in work rate in late summer due to heat and the truncated cricket season. This is also the first thing I've finished with Artis Opus brushes and I'd say they are easily thre best I've used so far, will be looking to pick up some more of those. I did use thier drybrush method at times, although using makeup brushes, which worked well, I'll be looking into how i can incorporate more of tht into future projects. Anyway, enough words, let's have some pictures! Thanks for looking, let me know what you think!
- 4 replies
- Word Bearers
- Heldrake
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Welcome, battle brothers and sisters, to the second BCK's Conversion Challenge: Walkers and Monstrous Creatures! The purpose of this second challenge is for you to convert what was formerly classified as a Walker or a Monstrous Creature, and this will include Lords of War that fall into those categories, so anything from a Killa Kan to a Warlord Titan is eligible. Other Lords of War, such as tracked vehicles, will be included in another challenge. Here's an example of some previous entries in a similar challenge Grotsmasha did. The Rules: Rules, which will differ significantly from the first challenge, are as follows: 1) The finished model is not to be painted and the conversion should be bare plastic/resin/metal though the odd painted piece stolen from a previously painted model is OK. 2) WYSIWYG applies here, so all relevant gear needs to be represented on the figure. 3) The entry must still be recognizable for what it is, so no calling a Bio-Titan an Imperial Knight. 4) Green Stuff/Sculpting putty is fine, from small details up to a full sculpt if you think you can pull it off. 5) 1 calendar month build time; November 1st 2017 until December 1st 2017. 6) Multiple entries will be accepted provided you finish your first entry, but you must choose only one for judgment. 7) You must declare participation a minimum of 24 hours prior to declaring completion. Pledging Your Entry: Please use this format in your pledge entry: I, (your name) pledge to convert (character name) for (codex/faction name) in the Character Conversion Challenge and finish on or before October 2nd 2017 to be eligible for judgment. Progress: A photo of your model's condition before beginning (parts, figures you're going to chop up, etc) is required when you pledge your entry. When you finish, pictures of the front, back, and both sides are required for judgment. If you wish to post other in-progress shots along the way, I'd love to see 'em. Swag: I will choose a Conversion Event winner who will receive a Forge World Death Guard Contemptor and two Volkite arms for mortis choom!
- 52 replies
- Conversion
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Hi. I'm planning a new conversaion project with the Cadian kit. I am thinking about using Skitarii Vanguard heads for a simple conversion. However I have no experience working with the Skitarii kit. How well do the Skitarii heads fit with the Cadian torsos? How much filing would be required to make them fit?
Title says it all really. I'm looking at converting some inceptors into power lance armed jump pack knights. Does anyone have any recommendations of suitable lances from other armies to use for this? I've trawled through a few bits stores already but I can't get a good of scale from the product photos.
Greetings Brothers, I finally found some time to work on my Sammael Master of the Ravenwing Jetbike “Sableclaw” Counts-as Conversion, say that five times fast! I’ve included some close up photos of the areas of the robes that I sculpted. I’ve also included some photos of the Talonmaster with Sammael. Some people wanted to see a size comparison so I also included some photos of the regular Sammael on Corvus and my conversion at the end. You can read more about the conversion on my website here:
- 15 replies
Working on my Chaos Marine army is slow-going for a bunch of reasons, but progress does happen (and hopefully soon so will more actual games). I'm currently focused on assembling/converting a couple of extra HQ choices. Firstly, a new Chaos Lord based on an Aspiring Champion from the original incarnation of my army. Tentatively named Kayne Firebringer. There's a good chance the name will change at some point (or possibly just the spelling). Based on a Primaris Reiver to get the extra stature the original version was supposed to possess. I'm trimming down the right-hand shoulder pad to add a regular CSM shoulder pad over it, and I need to remove the left hand/forearm to replace it with the CSM power fist for "I'm coming for you" effect. I'm also waiting on some Necromunda Goliath parts to give him one of the masked heads instead of the head shown in this image. Next we have Angelica, Exalted Champion of Khorne or, as I like to think of her, the Khornate Murder Princess. She's waiting for me to work out what I'm doing for her shoulder pad and to fill the gap from the cloak piece I decided against using. I have a right arm for her, with a massive blade weapon, but I think I need to sort out the torso before I can start trimming the shoulder on the arm to get it to fit. And finally, for now, the third Helbrute for my army. Unfortunately I couldn't get my camera to focus on the Cold One Head properly. All it really needs at the moment is a bit of gap-filling, but I'm tempted to add spikes and blades to the spire for the extra Godzilla factor. The heavy flamers use the spare cannisters from the Helbrute kits and nozzles from the Sister of Silence kit.
- 52 replies
- Chaos Space Marines
- Chaos
- (and 5 more)
Ever since I saw the Stormcast Externals I thought they would making pretty good Space Marine Terminators, so with this half idea in my head for well over a year I decided to give one a try. Here is the massive shopping list of items I used to create a single model, I'm going to show some alternatives so you could leave out the Dreadnought, Terminators and Upgrade Pack, but I wanted to show where every item came from: Stormcast Externals Liberators Space Wolves Terminators Space Wolves Wulfen Space Wolves Upgrade Pack Space Wolves Wolf Guard or Space Wolves Pack Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought Space Wolves Thunder Wolves Cavalry Chaos Marauders Blu-Stuff Green Stuff Furry/Wolves Tabards ( Since getting some Blu-Stuff a few months back I've been taking cast from every 'Wolfy' thing I can find on every Space Wolf item I own, this stuff is great as you can even takes casts from painted items without affecting the paint job. If you do this too you can avoid using originals of some critical parts from expensive kits like the Dreadnought. So in a few places I've used my own casts to complete this model. My first cast for this project was from the Wolf Skull found on the Chainsword in the Space Wolves Upgrade Pack. Using two of these skulls made from the cast using Green Stuff I took a Sword from the Stormcast Externals Liberators and trimmed the Quillions down and added the skulls either side. Next I took a Power Sword from the Space Wolves Pack and trimmed the pommel off with the teeth and rune stones. I then removed the pommel from the Stormcast Externals Sword and attached it. To me it looks a little too wide for the sword handle, but I don't think it looks too bad. Now I started on the legs, these are from the Stormcast Externals Liberators, but any Stormcast Externals will do (the ones from the Age of Sigmar box set are a bit more tricky to convert as they have integrated heads and arms, but are still usable). First thing is to remove the chainmail tabard. We still have the leather straps showing, but that will be covered up at a later stage so leave that for now. My first idea for covering up the leather straps and Sigmar Insignia was to use one of the Belt-Buckle/Knife pieces from the Wolf Pack kit and as you can see it looks ok, I'd then just cover any odd bits with green stuff and make it look like fur. But then I remembered I had spare wolf pelt that is from the Venerable Dreadnought's shoulder, so I gave it a go and it looked pretty good, but would need some trimming to sit flush and would also need some filling in on the back of it because it has a diamond imprint in the back of it. Then my better idea was to make a cast of it so I could keep the original for other projects. After a lot of debate I felt the Belt-Buckle/Knife piece looked better, so I hacked the rest of the leather straps from the legs so the fit was better. I attached the buckle using green stuff and then inserted a fur tabard from underneath, this meant I could have the buckle sitting flush and had to cut the tabard a little to get it too fit. I added a bit more green stuff to keep the tabard in place, then set aside to dry overnight. Once this was dry I went back and added more green stuff to create some extra fur to tidy the whole area up. Now for the head, what an endless choice I had here, but it would have to be a bare head. I've included some of the choice I went through here, just be aware if you go for a Wulfen head they have no back of the skull, so you'd need to sculpt your own as unlike Terminator Armour there is no rear cowl to cover the missing bit. Most of the bare head Space Wolves heads really didn't work here, either the high Gorget just got in the way of the beardy ones and those without beards looked like their necks were too long. The best option for me was a head from the Thunder Wolves cavalry set. Shoulder pads, I tried fitting some normal Terminator pads here, but they just didn't work too well, maybe if I had some Cataphractii versions, they might work better. So I'm left with the normal pads from the Liberators. The left shoulder pad is pretty plain, so I've left that as it is, as I will most likely add a decal to it. The right pad has a hammer & lightning bolt symbol, so this needs scraping off, don't worry about the bit that goes over the bottom lip of the pad as this will be covered up by our next cast. For this I took a cast from a Thunder Wolves cavalry Shield. Superglue this to the pad and fill any gaps with green stuff. For the left arm I want to go for a shield just like the Stormcast Externals Liberators, so I had a couple of choices, a Terminator Shield or one from the Wulfen kit. I'm leaning towards the Wulfen shield as it looks more primal and the whole model has that feel. Now I added the fur cloak from the Chaos Marauders kit across his back, again I made a cast for this. Now for a small shield on the knee, I used the same cast I did for the sword and added it to shield you get from a Terminator set. I also added a wolf skull to the centre of the chest. Terminators have built-in power-plants in their armour and I wanted to keep that idea here as the armour is bulky enough to suggest it could contain a power source. The only downside is there are no visible exhaust ports on the back of the armour and it would need ventilation. So I went for the Wulfen backpacks, these are bigger than a normal backpack and the scale feels right, the only downside is you'll be looking at paying £30+ for a Wulfen set with only 5 backpacks, so this would work out to be a costly conversion. Anyway, hope you like the conversions and I’ll post some details of the rest of the squad soon.
- 7 replies
- Space Wolves
- Conversion
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Acquired a Primaris Marine for a painting competition, despite the fact I can't paint worth a damn. However, I did my best and even converted the model a little! Behold, Sergeant "Tiber" Tiberius of the Supernovas! Sergeant Tiberius was one of ten Primaris Space Marines assigned to the Supernovas Chapter in the wake of their Tyrannic War upon their homeworld of Tasal. Initially distrusted, Tiberius slowly began to adapt to the Chapter's ways and customs, eventually becoming a respected and appreciated addition to the Fifth Company's fighting force.
- 3 replies
- Supernovas
- Primaris
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I got this Land Raider used and in very rough shape. Instead of fixing it properly, I decided to add a lot of daemonic flesh and other elements of Chaos. I have a shot of the sculpting work prior to putting on paint here if anyone is interested: Anyway, I've made some reasonable progress on painting it and figured I'd share it. Here's a few more since taking the previous shots where I've worked on the Tzeentch eye on the top, and the door for Khorne. I'll be working on other smaller details next, like the tentacles, but I'm not sure what color to do those. The vehicle also has, though not painted/shown, elements for Slaanesh and Nurgle. I want the tentacles god neutral, which is a bit tricky I'm finding. Total open to ideas.
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- Sculpting
- Conversion
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So, I'm posting up a WIP thread in, god knows, years. The last one was when the Contemptor was first released. Well, this time around, it's something from the starter set for 8th edition. It's one of the Death Guard, but I could only find the main body and the left arm for him. The rest of him was used to make his twin. So, in for a penny, in for a pound, I decided to make a new model out of whatever I could put my hands on. This is very much a WIP. At this point I'm only about halfway done so far. I still need to sort out the right shoulder guard (it's an amalgamation of two different kits that don't quite sit right together) by covering it, probably, with a cloak or something. The head was an old Night Lord one, with the wings swapped out for DG spikes from other starter kit models that I've been modifying. The torso was a Tartaros one to begin with, though I've dinged it up a bit and removed the scroll-work on the front of it. Not sure if I've finished with that yet. The backpack is a Crimson Slaughter one, as is the bolter arm. And, oh yeah, there's some epoxy intestines. A little weird to get it more or less right but I think it's just a matter of practice. Anyway, about an hour later and I've continued work, mostly sorting out the right side. I began the cloak (note the epoxy scaffold for further sculpting later on) and I've added in a rat's tail. It's a bit on the bony side but I like it. The only thing I'm concerned about atm is the additional censer on the shoulder pad. I think it's standing a little too proud. Maybe I should shave it down by another mil or two... Ideas, comments and critique are welcome.
- 19 replies
- 8th Edition
- Conversion
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Hey everyone! So I just purchased two Primaris Lieutenants off eBay and was wondering if anyone knows how the scaling works on those models with some of the older bits. I also purchased a Sanguinary Priest today and it appears that the chalice and narthecium are attached to parts of the smaller sanguinary priest model. I'm starting to wonder how I'm going to modify the Primaris models to be my Sanguinary Priests. Anyway, if anyone knows much about the scale and how the old shoulder pads and extra bits match up please let me know.
- 10 replies
- Angels Sanguine
- Primaris Marines
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Hello there, Afther trying to start a blog earlier this year with L&T III but not making it because of real life stuff (aren't real life problems fun ). So here i am again this time in the beginning stage of 2 projects so what better time to post it online to share with the community! My current projects are: My Iron Warriors My Primaris loyalist Thousand Sons Deathwatch If you see any model or anything you like or dislike please comment i would love the feedback! Thats enough fot this beginning post i will update this post if things change, like a new project or something special!
- 24 replies
- Thousand Sons
- Iron Warriors
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I figure it's high time I stop my lurking activities and finally start posting something as well. After a long absence from 40k and GW games in general I've lately been getting back in and finally got started on a new force, Alpha Legion. I've played tons of Fantasy and 40k in the late 90s and early 00s as a youth as well as the odd dabble in other GW games like Epic and Blood Bowl. I had massive Guard army as well as Death Guard in 40k and various Chaos and Undead armies in Fantasy, but when I got absolutely fed up with the tournament scene and my casual gaming buddies started to stop playing I ended quitting gaming as well. Plus booze and girls somehow started to be far more interesting during high school. Sadly nearly all my minis from that time have been sold. Fast forward some years and during my University studies I ended up buying a few boxes of Perry Napoleonics to have something to paint and suddenly I was back gaming and painting stuff. Mostly historicals with especially my Flames of War collection growing to unhealthy sizes. But even though I'm mainly interested in historicals I've always loved the 40k fluff and have read the occasional novel every now and then as well as playing the computer games quite actively. My commitment back into 40k started pretty slowly with me wanting to kitbash some minis to pass the time when I didn't feel like painting at home. Luckily even though I sold nearly all my minis back when I quit gaming I did keep my bits collection so getting started was easy. Before I knew it I had a few slightly more chaotic looking guardsmen put together as well as the starts of a few Marines. With my appetite suitably whetted I figured maybe building a larger force wouldn't be such a bad idea. The minis I'd put together were quite a haphazard bunch so I wanted to decide on a force with a suitable theme which I should build the minis around so that they'd at least be a bit more organized looking. I've always been a keen follower of Chaos so that was already decided straight away, but which god should I dedicate myself to and which Legion should I pick. Death Guard had been done before and on the Fantasy side I've had a few Nurgle armies so I decided against that. I don't find Khorne that interesting so ruled those out. I was thinking about Slaanesh or Tzeentch, but luckily ended up borrowing the 'Legion' novel from a friend and immediately thought that Alpha Legion was the way to go. Being such a mysterious force it gave me enough leeway to take the force anywhere I wanted and being Chaos Undivided no need to fuss about which god to choose. So next up I needed to put together a few guidelines for building my minis. I'm not too keen on the "Add spikes for chaos" style of design that especially some of the older minis follow and I wanted to make my force look like a warband that operated far out of the Eye of Terror within Imperial Space in co-operation with some unwitting planetary governors etc. so slightly less corrupt looking gear was needed. I also like the new 30k kits so wanted to incorporate parts from there to show that the force had been fighting for millenia on end and had a rag-tag assortment of gear from different sources and eras. No spikes (or at least to a minimum) Every model must contain parts from multiple kits Every model must have some Chaotic parts to distinguish from loyalists Mix of parts from different eras when possible (30k & 40k) Regular backpacks instead of the chaos ones. My Cultists do deviate from those a bit as I mostly used the Dark Vengeance ones with only some minor conversions like head and weapon swaps. But in the future they will be replaced by suitable Planetary Defence Forces models. The Marines were the first full unit I put together with the guidelines in mind and I'm quite happy with how they turned out. Tons of different kits used to add variety. I also like the look that they have. There's still that chaotic vibe, but it's a bit more toned down so suitable for a legion that relies on subterfuge. The long term plan is to grow this into a core Alpha Legion force with a larger PDF force around them using the R&H list. I figured starting with the Chaos Marines would be a smoother way to get back in as I can get a playable force done faster instead of painting a few hundred Renegades. Perhaps some Dark Mechanicus styled forces to be added later on as I do like the looks of the plastics. Fluff wise it would fit in quite nicely with the warband controlling a suitable Imperial world or manufactorum from behind the scenes through corrupt officials. And with most Imperial citizens living their lives without ever seeing a Space Marine, just hearing legends about them, I'd expect most of them wouldn't know a Chaos Marine from a loyalist one. Paint scheme wise I ended up going for something similar to the 'official' one and to the scheme seen in some older codexes I have lying around (3rd Edition I think). So blue highlighted with light green and with steel trim. The base colours have been airbrushed and edge highlighting and details painted by brush before applying pin washes with Tamiya Panel Line Wash. In the future I'll probably switch the wash to the enamels I normally use as I wasn't 100% happy with the results. Especially the older plastic has detail that is sometimes too soft so the Panel Line Wash starts flowing everywhere instead of staying in creases etc. Work fine on the newer 30k models though. I'll be adding new models every now and then. Probably not in a very fast pace as this isn't my main hobby project, but rather a way to let off steam when I've been painting too many identical uniforms for a Napoleonic or WW2 army. Right now I've got the units Rhino in the pipeline with quite a lot of resin detail added to spice things up. It's been quite a wall of text so I guess it's high time I throw in some pics! Any ideas, feedback etc. are greatly appreciated!
- 16 replies
- Alpha Legion
- Chaos
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Edit! this post was from more then 3 years ago...they have not passed in vain! My new stuff looks more like this Still not a good level, but something I am more happy with Yes, I still have to do the bases ------------------------------------ Hi! While tring to kill time waiting for Etl's results, let me show you some results of the Etl Here on B&C you may find all kinds of marvelous armies, with legendary background, incredible conversions and unbelievable paint jobs. I, for a change, will offer you a journey into a sonic weapons / bikers heavy army who at best goes for a little more then 6 and half out of ten in all the previously nominated fields. Which, by the way, is thematically appropriate (Slaanesh) as the vote should be near 6,666666666666...etc ^^ So, (not so well taken, better to come) pics first! Most of the army (everything excluded the actual noise marines, the hellbrute and a couple of characters) was unpainted or even unconstructed before this year ETL (Thank you Semper, and all of you(and my wife), wonderful event!) A bit of background Long story short, they are posers. Nobody knows exactly how it started, but a chaos lord was a freaky fan of Fulgrim and had an obsession for sonic weaponry, even if he was not a part of the original Emperor's Children legion. So he simply sought after renegades warriors and the equipment and implants of fallen noise marines to make the warband of his dreams. More concerned with finding the perfect and loudest sound of the galaxy then to seek victory or glory he eventually became a spawn (included in the army, guess which one!). His successor was only a bit smarter, but the warband was to crumble if not for a Sorcerer (without the mark of Slaanesh) that now subtlety manipulates the new lord into doing his bidding. More story to follow And now...modeling problems: HOW SHOULD I BASE THEM?? (options are red sand, putty heavy/demonic flash bases or...well, any suggestions? What goes with pink?)
- 34 replies
Okay, something weird happened this week. When the Renegade box was originally released I though that it wasn't a limited edition thing and that I would be able to get it in some years when I had the money. However it wasn't, so it was a big letdown when it stopped being sold, as buying a Knight in this box was so much more affordable than buying it independently. However this week two Renegade boxes arrived at my local store misteriously and without any logical explanation! The first one was sold almost instantly, but the manager started asking people if they wanted the remaining one. My original plan from when the box was released was to pick it up with a friend, have a Knight each and build the scenery for a "basement" in where we both play but, unfortunately, my friend was pretty broke and said that he won't be able to afford it for some time. I tried and tried to find someone who wanted a Knight from the box, but no one did so, at the end, this happened: So yeah, I bought the box alone... However it is something I couldn't afford and had to ask money for it, specially knowing that Mass Effect Andromeda is being released next week for those with early access (such as me, the 10% discount it offers makes it actually cheaper to buy in that way). This means that I'm, sadly, going to have to sell one of the Knights and possibly even the building. The thing is that, while I'm at it, I though that I could convert it and paint it and sell it for a larger amount of money on eBay or other interested people to make it more profitable and decided to start a comission painting service. I have made many commissions in the past, but it always was on a local scale to people that I more or less knew, so I decided to take this a step farther and sell overseas, as converting and painting others models is something that I actually enjoy, because it gives me the opportunity to execute ideas outside of what my army would usually be. So, if you are interested in a converted and painted Imperial Knight, or know someone that might be, do not doubt on sending me a PM. However these are not reasons to create a WIP thread, so this isn't here for the purpose of selling my product but rather for the purpose of sharing my progress on it to receive feedback and be able to improve. Right now I don't know what I should make from the following list: - Regular Imperial Knight: just changing the pose, making a fancy base and painting it well. It is simple but it doesn't offer as many possibilities as the other options. - Renegade Knight: same as above but with Chaos motifs and maybe some minor conversions. - Chaos Knight: this is where the fun starts. The idea would be to heavily convert the Knight to make it look daemonical and chaosy, with mutations and all of those things. - Cerastus Knight: this is possibly the most difficult option, as it means that I have to change the model proportions and make his weapons from scratch, and I don't know if people would want to buy it... I'm right now more inclined forward to the Chaos Knight option, as I believe that it is the one which offers more possibilities while not being as risky as the Cerastus, but I'm still pretty undecided, so I'm open to any suggestion, even other options that I haven't considered in here. If you want to see some of my most recent work for headlines of what I'm capable of follow the link of my signature to my WIP thread and, also, I'm making a web page that will be finished soon hopefully. Thanks a lot for your attention!
- 142 replies
- Imperial Knight
- Chaos Knight
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Hello Brotherhood of the Lost forum! I've been a lurker for a while now but I've taken my first foray into making some BotL models. Seeing Mikhal's Wardens and Primarchs really pushed me into reading up on this fantastic narrative you've all created. And the uniqueness of all the different legions provides some great opportunities for model building! So first off I've finished this Lightning Bearer (pre-Harbringer). I've been a fan of the Lightning Bearers since Athrawes started his army. I'm not sure if my model is completely accurate to the existing lore as I've built mine from looking at the available art and models. Hopefully I've gotten the right feel of the legion though. I'll probably be slowly going through the different legions and making some models as I read through the pages and pages of lore. Anyways thanks for looking! More Views:
- 4 replies
- Conversion
- Green Stuff
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Hello folks, So, last night I got to thinking what Ragnar might look like if he underwent the changes to become a Primaris marine. This led to a swift dive into the bits box and I threw this together... Its partially stuck together with bluetac at the moment and needs some greenstuff work, but generally I'm happy with it. My only question would be in regard to shoulder pads. I have always been dubious of his wolf head left shoulder pad. I started to build one using a thunder hammer head (Seen on the model and on the left below needing much green stuff). However, knowing that Primaris armour is new and therefore less embellished with decorations, I was thinking of using the simpler painted head shoulder on the right... Your thoughts, opinions, etc are most welcome as per usual. :) Hope you like him. Cheers, GM
- 16 replies
- Primaris
- Space Wolf
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Hello folks, So, last night i got to thinking what Ragnar might look like if he underwent the changes to become a Primaris marine. This led to a swift dive into the bits box and I threw this together... Its partially stuck together with bluetac at the moment and needs some greenstuff work, but generally I'm happy with it. My only question would be in regard to shoulder pads. I have always been dubious of his wolf head left shoulder pad. I started to build one using a thunder hammer head (Seen on the model and on the left below needing much green stuff). However, knowing that Primaris armour is new and therefore less embellished with decorations, I was thinking of using the simpler painted head shoulder on the right... Your thoughts, opinions, etc are most welcome as per usual. Hope you like him. Cheers, GM
- 24 replies
- Ragnar Blackmane
- Conversion
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- Welcome, battle brothers and sisters, to the first BCK's Conversion Challenge: Characters! Any of you who have seen my thread know that I am afflicted with a converting madness and I'd like to spread it to share it with the rest of you in a series of challenges. Once upon a time, converting was a massive part of the hobby that was actively encouraged by GW by offering conversion articles and showing off conversions their staff had done in White Dwarf and the various Specialist Games issues, as well as allowing you to order individual bitz to make your crazy ideas reality. It was a sad day when the bitz shop closed, let me tell you. These were also the days when large gaps existed in their catalog and many characters, units, and even vehicles had no official models and it was up to you to convert them. It was in those early days that I caught the madness and it has only grown in the time since. The purpose of this first challenge is for you to convert a replacement for a character model. Why do that? Maybe you're tired of waiting for an updated version, or you saw the updated version and don't like it. Maybe you think you can do better than their designers. Whatever the reason, if you ever wanted to make your own character model, this is the time to do it! The Rules: Rules, which I have shamelessly stolen borrowed from some of Grotsmasha's earlier challenges, are as follows: 1) The finished model is not to be painted and the conversion should be bare plastic/resin/metal though the odd painted piece stolen from a previously painted model is OK. 2) WYSIWYG applies here, so all relevant gear needs to be represented on the figure. 3) Maximum of 25% existing Character model: ---25% consists of the following combinations; --- Head- 0% can be from any existing model ---1x Arm- 12.5%, 2x Arms- 25% either from the same or separate models ---1x Leg- 12.5%, 2x Legs- 25% either from the same or separate models ---Torso- 25% ---Things like FW's Red Scorpion upgrade pack DO NOT count toward the 25% limitation, nor do parts from generic models (multi-part plastics, etc). ---If the character never had a model, this applies to any existing character model you might want to use parts from. This is a conversion challenge after all! 4) Green Stuff/Sculpting putty is fine, from small details up to a full sculpt if you think you can pull it off. 5) 1 calendar month build time; September 1st 2017 until October 1st 2017. 6) Multiple entries will be accepted provided you finish your first entry, but you must choose only one for judgment. 7) You must declare participation a minimum of 24hrs prior to declaring completion. 8) Characters must use their most recent rules, whether from one of the indexes, or their respective codex if it is available. A character that has not been reprinted in the current edition is still legal as long as it did have official rules at some point in time in another edition. 9) If you wish to enter a non-character model, it will not be considered a competitive entry and will not be eligible for judging or winning the prize. However, I will be doing a generic HQ challenge at a later time if you wish to wait until then. Pledging Your Entry: Please use this format in your pledge entry: I, (your name) pledge to convert (character name) for (codex/faction name) in the Character Conversion Challenge and finish on or before October 2nd 2017 to be eligible for judgment. Progress: A photo of your model's condition before beginning (parts, figures you're going to chop up, etc) is required on September 1, or when you pledge your entry after September 1. When you finish, pictures of the front, back, and both sides are required for judgment. If you wish to post other in-progress shots along the way, I'd love to see 'em. Swag: I will choose a Conversion Event winner and a runner-up at the conclusion of the event. The winner will have first pick of these two prizes: The runner-up will receive the other. I've also made some participation badges should you wish to display it in your signature.
- 103 replies
- Brother Chaplain Kage
- Character
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So I wanted grenade launchers for my monopose Primaris from the Dark Imperium box. I came up with this solution. Here's how I did it: The launchers are similar to the Grenade Harnesses from the plastic Caraphractii or Tartaros Terminators. Glue the parts of the harness together using plastic glue. Wait for it to dry. Snip off the middle mounting part of the harness. Cut off any irregularities with a sharp scalpel. Cut off the peg thingie at the end of the grip of a Bolter of your choice. Cut it flat with the scalpel. Dry fit Attach using plastic glue Paint. Done. Simple fix instead of trying to source extra launchers who I at least couldn't find.
- 4 replies
- Primaris
- Conversion
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