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GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels (Angels of Vengeance)FOUNDING: unknownCHAPTER MASTER: Pyrrhus BrasidorCHAPTER WORLD: UrkonaFORTRESS MONASTERY: The HoldMAIN COLORS: crimson, bone, silverSPECIALITY: noneBATTLE CRY: “For the Emperor!”CURRENT STRENGTH: none (see “Present Activities” below)KNOWN DESCENDANTS: noneORIGINSThe earliest recorded actions of the Throne Knights Chapter date back to M34, in the years following the Howling. Created from the gene-stock of the Angels of Vengeance Chapter, the Throne Knights lineage ultimately derives from the 1st Legion and the primarch Lion El’Jonson. The various Unforgiven chapters were under scrutiny at this time as evidence of their willingness to abandon erstwhile allies in pursuit of their own agendas was mounting, so the choice of the Angels of Vengeance as a predecessor was unusual. In all likelihood, the Angels of Vengeance had performed a great service to the Imperium and had been rewarded with the prospect of siring a new chapter, though the nature of that service is lost to history.The Throne Knights operated as a crusading chapter for the first eight centuries after their founding, participating in operations throughout the Segmentum Obscurus, including participation in at least two of the crusades of the Adeptus Ministorum and the purging of the xenos Thal’kreen. The Throne Knights are also recorded as successfully defending against a minor Chaos incursion in the Scarus Sector; as well as re-taking the Imperial world of Johexis from renegades, an event known in latter day Imperial histories as the Bloodsword War. Librarium Note: It is worthy to note that the leader of the Chaos renegades in the Bloodsword War was the Fallen once known as Heraniel, Sword Lieutenant of the 18th Chapter of the 1st Legion. Heraniel’s broken body was recovered by the Throne Knights and submitted to the Rock following the Bloodsword War. Operating as a crusading chapter for the first few centuries of its existence, the Throne Knights Chapter claimed Urkona as their chapter world following the Jager crusade in M35. Their actions over the next two millennia are a history of warfare, ranging from the purging of space hulks to countering Ork Waaaghs. Their most famous actions by far were the Second Battle of Zurst and the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light [see below].Suffering severe casualties in the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light, the Throne Knights entered a period of rebuilding. They had been reduced down to less than four hundred battle-brothers, losing almost the entire First Company and the majority of their senior officers in the bloody fighting. Though the chapter was capable of regaining its full strength in time, some taint had insinuated its way into the chapter within the Banehold warp storm. The exact nature of the taint has never been ascertained, but it took a combined force of three full chapters to bring the errant chapter to heel. The chapter has since been listed as traitoris purgatus. Librarium Note: The Inner Circle members of the Throne Knights Chapter waivered in their devotion to the Legion and the Hunt for the Fallen. In M580.M37, the Throne Knights rendezvoused with the Rock in the Agripinaa sector. The chapter was called to task on their Meeting with the Supreme Grand Master, the Grand Master of the Throne Knights, Pyrrhus Brasidor, questioned the need to complete the Hunt, and then claimed that his chapter’s devotion and service to the Emperor and the Imperium were sufficient to absolve them of their obligation. He cited renegades from other legions that had remained loyal to the Emperor and pointed out that the chapters descended from those legions remained in the good graces of the High Lords of Terra. He was immediately censured by the Supreme Grand Master. The Throne Knights Grand Master retired to the Imminent Fury with his honor guard and returned to Urkona, indicating that his chapter was autonomous and answered to no one but the Emperor and the High Lords of Terra. After this event, the Throne Knights refused to respond to the missives of the Supreme Grand Master. Worse yet, the Throne Knights Chapter had developed a known relationship with members of the Inquisition following the Bagrattius crusade. Fearing that the Throne Knights would reveal the existence of the Fallen and doom the Unforgiven chapters, the combined Inner Circle decided to act. Three entire chapters were mobilized, recalling all subordinate forces that had been deployed. The combined force then journeyed to the Nikor system and launched an assault on Urkona. Catching the Throne Knights Chapter off guard, the combined force succeeded in destroying the Throne Knights to the last man, though not without casualties. Though the gene-seed stores of the Throne Knights were divided equally between the three chapters, the Angels of Vengeance refused to accept what they considered to be tainted gene-seed. Their share was taken by the Dark Angels for distribution among the Unforgiven chapters as they saw fit. The fortress-monastery of the Throne Knights was then destroyed by orbital bombardment. Knowing that the destruction of the wayward chapter could not remain a secret, the Dark Angels submitted a report to the High Lords of Terra describing how the Throne Knights had succumbed to moral corruption and heretical practices, submitting several Warp-infused relics recovered from the chapter’s librarium as proof. The High Lords of Terra accepted the explanation and commended the three chapters for the action. The remaining relics of the chapter were seized by the Dark Angels and taken to the Rock for destruction. CHAPTER HOME WORLDOnce an ocean world completely covered in water, Urkona had collided with a rogue planet billions of years before mankind had first crawled from the sea on Holy Terra. The rogue planet was destroyed in the collision, its raw material breaking apart and sinking into the depths of Urkona. The force of the collision forced Urkona off its orbit, thrusting it to the extreme edge of the life-supporting region of the star Nikor before its orbit stabilized. Most of the lifeforms indigenous to Urkona suffered extinction as a result of the planetary collision and shift in climate, but a few hardy species survived. Moreover, alien material introduced by the rogue planet evolved into a variety of new species able to survive the deadly frigid ecology.Urkona was originally settled by Mankind during the Dark Age of Technology. The settlers were eventually reduced to a pre-industrial technology level and their colony ships were salvaged to fabricate city-state dwellings deep beneath the icy surface of the planet. Cut off from the rest of mankind during the Age of Strife, the human colonists developed into a caste-based feudal culture. The most important of the castes were the Structors and the Venati. The Structors were responsible for the building and maintenance of the city-states and their life support systems while the Venati were a warrior-hunter caste. Initially responsible for hunting on the surface to provide food for their city-states, the scarcity of native fauna and competition with other city-states inevitably led to open warfare between the city states. The city-states were eventually reduced to just five, but the separation between the surviving city-states reduced competition for food and resulted in minimal warfare between the survivors. This balance of power remained stable through the Age of Strife.Urkona was rediscovered by mankind during the Jager crusade when renegade forces sought to escape the forces of the Imperium. Pursued by a small force of Throne Knights Space Marines, the renegades were ambushed by a Venati hunting party. Though the Venati were wiped out to a man, they succeeded in killing far more of the better equipped renegades. Impressed by the prowess of the Venati, the Throne Knights Chapter claimed the world as their own, establishing the fortress monastery in an orbital station.The Throne Knights remained aloof from the surface of their planet, descending only to conduct training and to recruit neophytes. The inhabitants of Urkona remained largely ignorant of the Throne Knights Chapter, knowing only that Venati often disappeared while on the hunt [see Recruitment].When the combined force of the Dark Angels, Angels of Redemption, and Angels of Vengeance destroyed the Throne Knights Chapter, the Venati hunting parties on the surface of Urkona saw, but failed to understand, the great battle taking place in orbit above them. When the orbital fortress of the Throne Knights crashed to the surface of the planet, destroying one of the city-states, the Venati knew only that the fiery wreckage had destroyed their city-state. The survivors fled to the nearest enemy city-state, seeking refuge. Captured and tortured, they told their tale to their disbelieving fellows in the city-states beneath the ice. Further hunting parties confirmed the destruction of the city-state and the tale has grown into an oral lesson about the anger of the Sky Gods, spreading to all of the Urkonan city-states.To this day, Urkona remains a minor recruiting world of the Angels of Redemption chapter.PRESENT ACTIVITIESThe Throne Knights Chapter was destroyed in mid-M37 by a combined force of the Dark Angels, Angels of Redemption, and Angels of Vengeance Chapters in an action that has been recorded as the Judgment at Urkona.BATTLE HONORSThe watershed events of the Throne Knights Chapter were the Second Battle of Zurst and the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light.Second Battle of ZurstThe Second Battle of Zurst was a battle of the Stonefist War which took place in M36, in which the Throne Knights under Master Mykenon destroyed the Tagus landing fields. The landing fields were the essential destination of any ships traveling through the Drewlian Gate, a stable passage through the Warp.The renegade leader, Hehrn Rodnar, was a chief lieutenant under the arch-traitor, Hraz Stonefist. His forces had successfully captured the strategic worlds of Almanaras III and Kadr Fein, commanding the major route between the Antimar and Ange Lus sub sectors. He now prepared to advance into the Ange Lus sub sector with a massive force of renegades, which was strong enough to take on the Astra Militarum forces in the segmentum. There were two Throne Knights detachments operating in the Ange Lus subsector, however: Strike Force Mykenon, on patrol near Heveron, and Strike Force Eumaios en route to Thracian Primaris. The Drewlian Gate separated the two sub sectors. Any military force moving between the two sub sectors would have to cross through the Drewlian Gate to the Tagus landing fields.The renegades had strengthened the position at the landing fields by securing the orbital defenses, a network of orbital weapons platforms that created a gauntlet of interlocking fire between the Drewlian Gate terminus and the atmosphere of Kadr Fein.The two Throne Knights strike forces linked up near Ingeran and Mykenon, as the senior officer, assumed command of the overall force. Mykenon’s plan involved dividing his force into three elements. The largest element was under his direct command and was to storm the landing field at Kadr Fein from the north. The second element under Master Eumaios was to attack the near-orbit defenses while the third element under Sergeant Telanicus was to launch a diversionary attack on the south end of the landing fields.The attack on the south end of the landing fields began at dawn when devastators opened up against the bastion at Morbat. The defenders were prepared for the assault but were still taken by surprise when centurions and assault squads burst from their cover and charged up towards the bastion in the face of fire from the defenders. Soon the opposing sides were engaged in hand-to-hand fighting.Observing the assault, nearby renegades moved to reinforce the remote bastion. This action succeeded in diverting the attention of the renegades, enabling Master Mykenon’s force to launch the main attack on the opposing end of the landing field. Meanwhile, the Throne Knights fleet under Master Eumaios was weathering orbital defense fire while destroying most of the network of orbital guns. This prevented the forces in orbit from firing upon the Throne Knights forces engaged on the planet below.The action was swift-moving, deceptive and daring. The decisive result produced a substantial improvement in the Imperial position by keeping renegade forces separated ahead of the imminent Battle of Heveron. Sergeant Telanicus was grievously wounded in the fighting and was later interred in a dreadnought sarcophagus, continuing to serve the chapter for seven centuries. Master Mykenon delivered the deathblow to Rodnar in single combat, depriving Stonefist of one of his most tactically adept subordinates.Crusade of the Emperor’s LightThe Crusade of the Emperor’s Light was part of the Wars of Apostasy in M37 when the forces of the Imperium fought to regain control of worlds that had broken from the Imperium during the Reign of Blood.The Ecclesiarch sought principally to recover shrine worlds and stamp out pockets of those still loyal to Goge Vandire. The Adeptus Ministorum forces, spearheaded by the Adepta Sororitas under the leadership of Alicia Dominica, were joined by multiple contingents of the Astra Militarum and Imperial Navy. Several Adeptus Astartes Chapters seconded detachments to support the crusade, among which was a strike force of the Throne Knights Chapter under Master Urkaenos.The crusade succeeded in regaining control of over thirty worlds, including four shrine worlds of the Ecclesiarchy. The Throne Knights were heavily involved in the fighting for two of the shrine worlds. More importantly, Master Urkaenos personally led a force that reinforced Sister Dominica’s contingent after it had been cut off by surprise reinforcements. Though Master Urkaenos later died in battle at the Invasion of Talvisota, his leadership and prowess throughout the crusade were reported to the Ecclesiarch by Sister Dominica. The Throne Knights Chapter was awarded a Victorix Maxima upon completion of the holy crusade and the Ecclesiarch had a statue erected to honor Master Urkaenos at the Convent Sanctorum. Librarium Note: The Throne Knights reported multiple battles in which they faced traitor Adeptus Astartes during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light. None of those they encountered were of the Fallen, nor were they thought to have known of the Fallen. The Throne Knights reports highlighted the fact that one of the traitor forces they encountered appeared to be renegade Iron Hands Space Marines. CHAPTER ORGANIZATIONThe Throne Knights chapter was organized similarly to the other chapters descended from the Dark Angels Legion. While this was similar in most respects to standard Codex Astartes chapter organization, there were several distinct differences.The first two companies of the Throne Knights are where the greatest differences from other codex chapters resided, mirroring the organization of other successors of the 1st Legion. As with the Dark Angels chapter, the 1st Company of the Throne Knights was known and feared as the Deathwing, veterans who only took to the field of battle in tactical dreadnought armor. Similarly, the 2nd Company was the Ravenwing, and those who made up its ranks were masters of high speed attack - every warrior rode a bike, land speeder, or atmospheric craft.The remainder of the chapter was organized along strict codex lines, with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Companies forming the battle companies; the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th the reserve companies; and the 10th Company consisting of scouts. Librarium Note: As with other Unforgiven chapters, the most senior leaders of the Throne Knights formed the Inner Circle. The membership of the Inner Circle included the Grand Master, the Masters of the Deathwing and Ravenwing, the librarians, the interrogator-chaplains, and select senior company masters. FLEET ASSETSThe Throne Knights maintained a modest fleet, having only a single battle barge, the Imminent Fury, and four strike cruisers. In addition, the Throne Knights operated the Spear of Retribution, which was larger than a standard strike cruiser and able to embark a force twice the size of that which a standard strike cruiser can embark. The Spear of Retribution appeared to be a heavily modified version of a Lunar class vessel, though how and where the Throne Knights acquired this ship is unknown. The Imminent Fury Battle barge Chapter flagship RECRUITMENTThe Throne Knights employed a unique method of recruitment that also served as a test for veterans. Induction into the chapter’s veteran company took place only once a year. Each year, a handful of battle-brothers were submitted as candidates the veteran company. These candidates were assigned as pairs. Each pair of battle-brothers was inserted into the icy wastes of Urkona wearing only protective cameleoline clothing and equipped with homing beacons for their own use and as well as other supplies. Each pair would first construct a camouflaged shelter, using the shelter as a base of operations. They would then hunt the Venati hunting parties, stalking them and taking the youngest for the chapter. Once the first of the neophytes had been seized, one of the candidates would remain at the shelter as guard while the other would continue the hunt. They would then take it in turns, one using the provided supplies to keep the neophytes alive and protected from the elements while the other would return to the hunt in order to seize another neophyte. Each pair would continue their hunt until they had gathered a half dozen neophytes or a week had passed, at which point they would activate their homing beacon and take their captured back to the chapter.On the handful of occasions in which a candidate was slain by Venati, the other candidate would subdue those of the Venati hunting party that he could while slaying the others, immediately activating the homing beacon. The entire Venati hunting party would be taken to the chapter and accorded honors. Those that were young enough would become neophytes while those too old for the process would become thralls. Chapter tradition maintained that the neophytes from such events were destined for greatness.While the candidates operated with maximum stealth when recruiting, members of Venati hunting parties occasionally snatched glimpses of the Adeptus Astartes or the remains of their shelters. To the Venati, the candidates became creatures of fear and superstition, beasts that haunted their nightmares and invoked fear. The candidates became creatures of myth – the Sarmenkar (Great Ice Devils).CHAPTER COLORSThe Throne Knights livery featured deep crimson as the predominant armor color. Chest decorations were typically in silver and both the winged skull chapter badge and common squad badges were displayed on opposing shoulder pauldrons in a bone color. Company affiliation was displayed upon the left kneepad using a distinctive system that drew upon that used by their progenitors, the Angels of Vengeance, and which could be traced back to the First Legion. Throne Knights sergeants were distinguished by black helmets rather than the usual red. Though the chapter followed the Codex Astartes closely, one minor deviation was that veterans wore bone colored helmets rather than white. Similarly, the members of the 1st and 2nd Companies were distinguished only by their bone colored helmets, squad badges, and honor markings. The chapter’s neophyte scouts displayed markings and livery that generally conformed to the dictates of the Codex Astartes. The company captains, referred to as “company masters” in a practice that paralleled other Unforgiven chapters, wore the standard rank insignia provided in the Codex Astartes. One notable difference was the additional wearing of rank shields at the left shoulder. These shields displayed the heraldry of their company and served as the basic badge of office. BATTLE STANDARDS OR CHAPTER BANNERSThe Throne Knights habitually carried banners into battle, including both unit-based standards and banners as well as personal standards. One notable type of personal banner was known as a Mortem Banner, referring to the Mortem Oath. Such an oath would be sworn to achieve a particular objective or to die in the effort. The common feature on such banners was the imagery of a skull wearing a laurel crown, representing victory in death. Master Urkaenos swore such an oath during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light, successfully completing his oath when he struck down the leader of a traitor warband. The majority of his force was killed or injured in the action, including his banner bearer, when the traitor force was augmented by Warp-spawn. The Mortem Banner was damaged in a hell-born conflagration, but the singed remains were submitted to the Adeptus Custodes on Holy Terra when the chapter was awarded the Victorix Maxima.Shown below are pict-captures of two of the standards carried by the Throne Knights during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light. The banner on the left was that of the 4th Company while that on the right was Urkaenos’ Mortem Banner before it was damaged. Librarium Note: While the remains of Urkaenos’ Mortem Banner are in the safekeeping of the Adeptus Custodes and beyond our reach, the 4th Company Banner pictured above was destroyed after the Judgment at Urkona.BATTLE HONORS/RELICS/DECORATIONS/AWARDSAmassing a battle history over three millennia, the Throne Knights Chapter earned many awards and commendations. The most significant of these, though, was the Victorix Maxima for the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light and the statue to Master Urkaenos at the Convent Sanctorum. The statue still stands today, one among many honoring the heroes of the Imperium that have fought alongside the Adepta Sororitas.COMBAT DOCTRINEThe Throne Knights followed normal Space Marine tactical and strategic doctrine as found in the Codex Astartes, the masterwork of the primarch Roboute Guilliman. While conforming to the broad tenets of tactical flexibility espoused within the Codex Astartes, the Throne Knights demonstrated a preference for rapid assault and first strike methods. Wherever possible, they would concentrate their forces, though they would employ combined arms with different elements of their forces converging at strategic points in order to achieve victory.The chapter typically operated as two elements. The first element comprised the majority of the chapter embarked aboard the Imminent Fury and a fleet of strike cruisers and rapid assault vessels. This element would engage in major campaigns, often crusading in furtherance of the chapter’s self-appointed mission to continue the spirit of the Great Crusade. The second element comprised a task-organized force built around a battle company. This element would also include squads from other companies, and would generally resemble a much smaller version of the first element. The second element would operate from the Spear of Retribution. At any point in time, one of the two elements would be deployed while the other would perform the dual role of defending the chapter’s home world while training, reconstituting, and preparing for deployment.LOCAL RITUALSThe warrior cult of the Throne Knights Chapter was secretive, but was known to have been heavily influenced by the hunter-warrior caste rituals of the Urkona populace. Chief among these rituals were the symbols of the hunt as well as a combination of rites featuring survival of the cold and the embrace of fire. A handful of testimonies from eyewitnesses serving alongside the Throne Knights reported considerable facial tattoos on various battle-brothers of the chapter.BELIEFSWhile the Throne Knights did not literally deify the Emperor, the strength and passion of their belief in him was equal to that of any adherent to the Imperial Cult. They believed that the Emperor represents the pinnacle of Humanity and regarded him as the founder of the Imperium and as their creator. The Throne Knights believed that the Emperor would eventually heal and rise from the Golden Throne, and would subsequently achieve total conquest of the galaxy. The chapter believed that its role was to continue the ideals of the Great Crusade, furthering the expansion of Mankind in its eventual dominance over the galaxy. The Throne Knights venerated their Primarch as much as they did the Emperor and continually strove to emulate the example of Lion El’Jonson.The Throne Knights were notoriously intolerant of non-humans and would refuse to fight alongside armies that included alien races, abhumans, and mutants. They were highly suspicious of outsiders and often appeared unreasonably aloof and intransigent. Indeed were a number of occasions where the Throne Knights withdrew suddenly and with no explanation from a warzone when confronted by an Imperial inquisitor or missionary.GENE-SEEDCreated from the gene-stocks of the Angels of Vengeance Chapter, the Throne Knights’ gene-seed was pure and showed no signs of degradation. When the Throne Knights Chapter was destroyed, the majority of the gene-seed stocks were taken by the Dark Angels Chapter, with the balance taken by the Angels of Redemption. The predecessor of the Throne Knights, the Angels of Vengeance, refused to accept any of the gene-seed, despite the losses the chapter suffered in the heavy fighting required to destroy of the Throne Knights.CHAMPIONS OF THE CHAPTERMentes Urkaenos, Master of the 4th Company, served as senior commander of Throne Knights forces during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light. His career as an Adeptus Astartes began auspiciously when, as a young boy, he had been part of a Venati hunting party stalked by venerable brother-candidate Koratedes, and had been witnessed to be the one that struck the deathblow upon Koratedes. He was especially attentive in his devotions to the Emperor and his armor during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light was festooned with various seals of piety, purity, and devotion. He bore the argent laurel as reward for his defense of the 4th Company Banner when xenos Eldar ambushed a Throne Knights force during the Dursk War, standing over the fallen form of Master Remneus as he held the banner aloft. His actions during that incident earned him candidacy for the Deathwing and he eventually returned to the 4th Company as Master of that company three decades later.Alkinus Mykenon was a brilliant tactician and bold leader. He favored a massive axe in battle, a mighty weapon crafted to his specifications after he had served as Chapter Champion under Grand Master Kromedes. Mykenon later became Grand Master of the Throne Knights, serving the chapter for three centuries before finally being slain during the Tethsarch Incursion. After his death, his skull was displayed in the chapter’s grand hall, the bones covered in a layer of silver inscribed with the record of his awards. Librarium Note: Mykenon’s axe was one of the items retrieved from the Throne Knights fortress monastery during the Judgment at Urkona. It was taken as a spoil of battle by the Angels of Vengeance, who purified it and bequeathed it upon the Master of the 8th Company, Master Reduel, for his bravery. Master Reduel later disappeared during the Grenuet Wars and was presumed dead, the axe disappearing with him. Mykenon’s skull was protected by heavy wards, beyond the ability of our Librarius to counter without great risk. The skull remained in the chapel and was destroyed when the fortress monastery was destroyed.
- Throne Knights Chapter
- Unforgiven Chapters
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable Miniatures
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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From the album: Lions Sable
Lions Sable Space Marine. Note that the head and the chest are the color of crimson blood. Much like their parent chapter, the Lions Sable wear their shame for all to see. During the infamous battle known as the "Death of Pride," the Lions forces were shattered and their leaders cut down. The helmet symbolizes the death of their leaders and the "beheading" of their chapter. Their chest piece is a reminder of their grievous losses on the plains of Cocytus I, when the heart of their legion was ripped out by the forces of Chaos. -
Lions Sable Chapter Badge 2
Company Master Holden posted a gallery image in Dark Angels & Successors
From the album: Lions Sable
This is the other possible design for the Chapter Badge. -
From the album: Lions Sable
Lions Sable Deathwing Terminator. It was perhaps the Lions Sable Deathwing that suffered the most during the "Death of Pride." The entire 1st Company accompanied the Lion's leadership and Librarius during the assault on the Tower of Fallen Angels on Cocytus I. It was on the brink of victory that disaster struck. Kyroth the Seer, a Keeper of Secrets, had manipulated the Lions into the ultimate trap. What was meant to be the final destruction of the Fallen and Chaos turned into a slaughter. The entire leadership of the Lions Sable and Librarius died in the ruins of the Tower, the Deathwing unable to halt the traitor tide. When the smoke cleared, the Deathwing, and the Lions leadership, were nothing more than mangled bodies. Thus the Deathwing paint their right arm crimson to symbolize that their strength of arms was not enough to carry the Lions to victory that day.-
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Deathwing
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Lions Sable Chapter Badge 1
Company Master Holden posted a gallery image in Dark Angels & Successors
From the album: Lions Sable
This is one of the possible designs for the Chapter Badge. -
From the album: Lions Sable
Lions Sable Ravenwing. Much like their Tactical counterparts, the Ravenwing bear the crimson for their leader and their comrades. However, the Ravenwing also paint their legs the color of crimson. During the "Death of Pride," the Ravenwing were assigned the role of securing the flanks of the Lions Sable main battle line. Emboldened by success, they were drawn out of position. It was then that Chaos struck, and by the time they realized their mistake it was too late. They listened to the death of their brothers through garbled vox transmissions as they themselves were systematically destroyed. Thus they paint their legs the color of crimson to symbolize the failure of their speed and maneuverability on Cocytus I.-
- Lions Sable Chapter
- Ravenwing
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Good morning everyone! I recently posted this idea for a custom chapter I had on the Dark Angels forum, but I also wanted to post it here to get some feedback from the general community. I hope you enjoy! I recently had an idea for a custom Dark Angel Successor Chapter that I wanted to share with you. Well, not necessarily a new Chapter, rather a remaking of an already established one: The Lions Sable. I was intrigued by their story and I couldn't help but wonder, what if they actually survived? If they did, how did they do it? How would this affect the Lions organization and relationship to the Dark Angels? Above all, how can I make them unique enough where they are simply not another Dark Angel chapter with a different paint scheme? With this in mind, I developed the following lore following the structures on Lexicanum and the 40k Wiki page. I will link some images to this topic and add lore as I develop it. I am in the last year of my graduate program, so that might end up being a hit and miss process. I would appreciate any and all feedback! Also, please forgive me if the formatting isn't nice or I did something wrong. I looked for guidelines on posting lore on the Bolter and Chainsword forums and didn't find anything beyond advice on how to develop a chapter. Chapter Information War Cry: "The Lions Stand!" Successors Of : Dark Angels Successor Chapters: None Number: 1,000 Primarch: Lion El'Jonson Chapter Master: Michael Homeworld: Fleet based, formely Nachwald Fortress Monastary: Fleet based, The Fury of Caliban Allegiance: Imperium of Man Colors: Black, crimson highlights on head and chest armor plate, bone white tabards Overview During the Forgotten Wars (580.M31-632.M32), the Lions Sable joined a strike force consisting of the Dark Angels, Angels of Vengeance, and the Angels of Redemption to assist in the hunt for the Fallen Angel Cypher. Their trail led them to the planet of Cocytus I, a planet located within the Eye of Terror. On this planet the Lions Sable discovered a great tower covered in the symbols and livery of the Dark Angels, a vertiable den of Fallen Angels. Requesting reinforcements, the Unforgiven descended in force upon Cocytus I to deal death to their traitor brethren. The Lions Sable committed their entire chapter to the attack alongside half of the Dark Angels forces and the Angels of Redemption and Vengeance. After committing to the battle, it was revealed that the planet of Cocytus I would be consumed by a massive warp storm. All of the forces of the Unforgiven retreated except for the Lions Sable, who insisted on staying and destroying the Fallen. Purson, the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels, stayed behind with the Lions Sable. The warp storm swallowed Cocytus I, and that was the last anyone ever saw of Purson or the Lions Sable. To cover up their debacle, the Dark Angels staged an accident that destroyed any records of the Lion Sable or the Forgotten Wars. Little did the Dark Angels know that Lions Sable actually survived Cocytus I. During the cosmic event of the Great Rift, Cocytus I was vomited back into real space. Rather than making contact with their parent chapter, the Lions contacted Imperial authorities. It was agreed upon that the Lions Sable would join the forces of the Imperium during the Indomitus Crusade as soon as they were back to full strength. Slowly but surely their numbers grew with the influx of Primaris forces, armor, equipment, and regular Space Marines. The Lions set about their task of cleanising the enemies of the Imperium with zeal, purging the traitors with the bolter and the chainsword. However, the Lions Sable harbor a dark secret. Though the stock of the Lion had long carried a terrible burden, the Lions Sable carried one that could tear apart the 1st Legion and drive a wedge betwen them and the Imperium they served. During a battle on Cocytus I known to the Lions as the "Death of Pride," the chapter was shattered. It was only through the intervention of an unexpected ally that they were able to survive and eventually overcome their enemies. In truth, it was members of the Fallen who saved them, those who turned their back on the Lion unknowingly and unwillingly, led astray not out of corruption of soul but by the lies of Luther. Seeking redemption, they took pity on their brethren. Together they fought against the nightmares of the Warp and the forces of the Fallen that had embraced Chaos completely. It was through the crucible of battle that the Lions and the members of those still loyal Fallen created an unbreakable bond, and once they emerged victorious the Lions inducted them into their chapter and recognized them as their leaders. Thus the Lions fight not only against the forces of darkness but against time itself, as they know their secret can only last so long. Yet as long as one Lion still stands, they will give their all for the Imperium. And there is no doubt: The Lions Stand. "Death of Pride" Crucial to the history of the Lions Sable is the event known as the "Death of Pride." Half whispered in the halls of their newly rebuilt and recommissioned fleet-based Fortress Monastery The Fury of Caliban, it is a tale of sorrow, unimaginable loss, and a grim reminder of the price of hubris. All Lion Sable recruits must memorize the battle as it unfolded and the names of the Lions who fell upon Cocytus I, for it is only through the understanding of the past can the Lions secure their future. After the Lions Sable issued their refusal to retreat despite the oncoming Warp Storm, Supreme Grand Master Purson of the Dark Angels ordered the rest of the Unforgiven forces to leave Cocytus I. Purson, however, stayed behind with the Lions, taking with him a retinue of his finest forces. As the scarlet trails of the retreating Thunderhawks faded upon the foul wind of the corrupted planet, Purson and the Lions Sable began forming a battle plan to destroy the Fallen forces. Purson and Zarachael, the Chapter Master of the Lions Sable, knew that the Warp storm would soon engulf the doomed planet, bringing with it the nightmarish hellscape of the Empyrean. However, they noticed that the Tower of Fallen Angels seemed to have Gellar Fields built into its foundation. It seemed that the Fallen predicted the Warp storm and planned on riding it out in their fortress. If the Lions Sable could capture the Tower and activate the Gellar Fields, they would be safe from the storm. Additionally, it would also allow the Lions the chance to crush their traitor brethren once and for all. It was decided that the battle for the fate of the Chapter would be fought on the plains in front of the Tower of Angels. Tactical Marines, Heavy Weapons Teams, and Lions Sable armor would form a battle line directly in front of the fortress with Assault Marines positioned behind the lines in case the enemy succeeded in penetrating the formation. The Ravenwing would be tasked with protecting the battle line's flank, striking the enemy where they were weakest and pushing them back towards the middle of the field where they could be decimated by bolter and heavy weapons fire. Lastly, it was the Deathwing that would administer the killing blow. They, led by Purson, Zarachael, and the Chapter's Librarius, would fall upon the center of the traitors forces and cut their leadership down. The enemy, pinned by the anvil, would be crushed by the hammer. The battle commenced as disciplined fire erupted from the Lions' battle line. Bolter rounds cut through the Fallen as Plasma and Lascannon weaponry lanced through the air, destroying fortifications and reducing enemy armor to ash. Predator turrets swung from side to side, annihilating priority targets while Whirlwinds dropped barrage after barrage of death dealing munitions on the traitors. On the wind came the roaring of engines, signalling the Ravenwing's charge. Landspeeders flew across the battlefield, fire pouring from their cowling. Ravenwing bikes jinked and bounced their way into the opponent's lines, appearing in one spot only to disappear and strike at another position, leaving nothing behind but mangled bodies and clouds of rust colored dirt. Faced with such fury, the Fallen battle line began to buckle under the Lions onslaught. Now was the time for the killing strike. The air crackled and smelled of burning ozone as the elite of the Lions Sable, the Deathwing, appeared amongst the midst of the traitors in the shadow of the Tower of Fallen Angels. At the head of their forces were Purson and Zarachael, their banners snapping in the foul wind, their weapons held high. From the accounts of those that survived, they said that in that moment they truly saw a semblance of The Lion in these two champions. With warcries upon their lips, the Deathwing set to the work of purging the heretics. Storm bolters roared, power weapons crackled, and powerful psychic attacks ripped across the ramparts as the battle came to its climax. It seemed then and there that the Lions' battle plan would succeed in glorious victory. However, that outcome was not meant to be. Rumors circulated after the Forgotten Wars, before the Lions Sable were recovered, that the chase for Cypher and the disaster at Cocytus I was actually an elaborate trap set by Tzeentch for the Dark Angels and their successors. Though this was dismissed by some at the time, the Lions Sable discovered in the ruins of the Tower of Fallen Angels that the rumor was all too true. Just as they were about to claim victory, a Keeper of Secrets named Kyroth the Seer manifested itself before Purson and the Deathwing. With it came a host of Thousand Sons Rubric Marines, gibbering Horrors bounding along in their wake. Raising its head high, Kyroth unleashed a soul rending screech and the automata of the Thousand Sons opened fire. Purson, realizing the tide was turning against him and the Lions, launched himself at Kyroth. Purson was one of the greatest warriors of the Unforgiven, a peerless swordsman and brilliant strategist. During his long life he had defeated and banished many demons. Yet, because Kyroth was a creature of the Warp and Cocytus I located within the Eye of Terror, he was more powerful than he would have been in the mortal realm. With a flick of its apian hand, Purson's ceramite armor cracked and bent, crushing him like a tin can. In a blink of an eye it was over; the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels lay twisted and mangled on the ground, the Sword of Silence and the Lion Helm at his side. Howls of joy erupted from the traitors lines as they renewed the attack. It was then that the slaughter truly began. Zarachael and the remaining Deathwing were stunned by Purson's death. Yet they knew that if they failed to kill Kyroth the Seer, it could mean the death of their Chapter. Roaring in defiance, the Deathwing struck back. Maces hummed with violent energy as they slammed into the Thousand Son's armor with crackling discharges. Assault Cannon barrels glowed the color of boiling blood as round after round found their target. Librarians dealt swift death with their Power Weapons while searing the minds and souls of their enemies with the power of the Warp. However, it was not enough. One by one the champions of the Lions Sable fell, blasted apart by traior fire or scoured by the sorcery of Kyroth. When the smoke cleared, Zarachael, the Librarius, and the entire 1st Company lay broken in the ruins and ramparts of the Tower of Fallen Angels. With the spear blunted and the head of the legion cut off, Kyroth now prepared to rip the heart and soul out of the Lions Sable. The Lions battle line first got wind that something was amiss when the traitor forces, which were previously retreating, renewed their attack with sudden ferocity. When they attempted to raise the Deathwing strike force on the Vox, all they could hear was static. Suddenly, flashes of brilliant blue light erupted up and down the Lions battle line. When the light faded, in their place stood Scarab Occult Terminators, the elite of the traitorous Thousand Sons. In eerie silence they reaped a harvest of flesh and blood, cutting down their prey like so much chaff. Bolts of Warp energy seared through the air as Thousand Son socerers joined the fight, reducing their targets to ash on the winds. Within minutes the Lions battle line began to crumble as their forces were slaughtered wholesale and their armored legions reduced to smouldering wrecks. Conducting a desperate fighting retreat, the Lions tried to raise the Ravenwing forces on their flanks for reinforcements. Their help would never come. The Ravenwing, emboldened by their success, had allowed themselves to be drawn away from the main battle lines. When the garbled requests for reinforcements came from their battle-brothers, they gunned their engines and raced back to help. They would never make it back in time. Horrors appeared on all sides, spewing balefire and dark magiks into their ranks. Landspeeders disappeared in fiery explosions, bright as stars. Darkshrouds lay ruined, their relics of old Caliban broken and cast upon the ground. Ravenwing bikers and Black Knights dodged and evaded the rounds as best they could, but even they could not hold out forever. One by one they were destroyed, until there remained nothing left but a graveyard of burnt out vehicle husks and corpses to mark the final resting place of the Ravenwing of the Lions Sable. In that dark hour, all hope seemed lost. Surrounded and best on by all sides, the Lions Sable prepared to sell their lives dearly. It was at this moment, in the jaws of defeat, that the Lions themselves were delivered. Bolter fire streamed from unknown vectors, decimating the Fallen and Thousand Son infantry. Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminators appeared, striking down the Scarab Occult Warriors. On the horizon, Fellblades and other arcane machinery from an archaic past rained death and destruction upon the forces besieging the Lions. And, perhaps most magnificent of all, a lone figured appeared in front of Kyroth, clad in black terminator armor and wielding a massive greatsword and stormshield. With a mighty roar, the two launched themselves at each other. With the unexpected reinforcements, the Lions were able to fall back to rallying points, saving the chapter from utter annihilation. Though there were a few Deathwing and Ravenwing that managed to survive, most of the ones that survived the event that would later become known as the “Death of Pride” were regular line troops. As they dug in, they couldn’t help but wonder who their saviours were. Rumors circulated wildly. Was this the Legion of the Damned? Had the Angels of Vengeance Returned? Or was this the work of a rival Chaos warband? With these questions in the back of their mind, they prepared for the inevitable counterattack. It wouldn’t be until the next day that their answers would be provided, answers that would forever change the course of the Lions Sable. "The Valley of the Shadow" All through the night, the Lions arrived at the rally point. Sometimes they came in pairs or small groups, but many came alone. Their sable colored armor was cracked, bent and chipped, purity seals and company banners naught but blood and dirt encrusted rags flapping in the breeze. At very rare times the Lion lookouts would see the hulking form of a Deathwing terminator emerge from the darkness, or the low growl that heralded the arrival of a Ravenwing and his mount. Never did they see the rank and heraldry of a Company Master or Librarian. Of the 1,200 Lions that joined the assault, only 150 remained. The highest ranking member of the Lions Sable left, Brother Sergeant Lydios, gathered together a council of 8 to decide what to do next. Without their armor, the Deathwing, the Ravenwing, the Librarius, or the Chaplaincy, they were crippled. Furthermore, the impending Warp Storm that would swallow Colcytus I threatened their existence. They did not have the numbers nor the resources to launch another frontal assault, but they also could not bleed the enemy dry with precision strikes as it would take too long. It was then that the idea was put forward to infiltrate the keep and banish Kyroth back to the Warp. Without the Librarius it was going to be a longshot, and Lydios wasn’t quite convinced that it would be the best way to sell the remaining Lions’ lives. Much like their parent chapter, the Lions took a vote with black and white marbles. Black votes meant infiltrate the keep, white meant that they would attempt to draw the enemy out and conduct a heroic last stand. When the results came in, the Lions’ fate was sealed; the black marbles outweighed the white, and they would infiltrate the keep. As they dispersed to ready their wargear, Lydios caught a glimpse of a figure in the corner of his eye. The rest of the council saw it too, bringing their bolt pistols to bear and activing chainswords and power weapons. The figure was wearing black armor, remarkably similar to the Lions own heraldry. Lydios ordered the figure to step forward, and when it did Lydio’s hair stood on edge. The figure was clad in relic Tartaros Terminator armor which, while beaten and scarred, was the color of blackest night, seemingly drawing in and cancelling all the light around it. The remains of his tabard were bone white, though not much remained un-tattered or un-burnt except his hood. Upon his back rested a greatsword, its hilt stylized like that of an outstrectched eagle’s wings, and the pommel was a roaring lion. His storm shield displayed his heraldry; a large tree bisected in two with a green robed figure standing in front of the tree. On the right side of the tree was a Lion roaring defiantly, below it a world of unknown origin with a background the color of the old forests of Caliban. On the left side was the same Lion, but the world was cracked and burning, its background a searing red color. But, perhaps of most interest to Lydios and his brethren, on his shoulder stood, in the color of dried blood, the sword and wing sigil of the Dark Angels. Lydios knew that he was staring at a member of The Fallen. Prior to his role as a Sergeant, he served as a Huntmaster of the Ravenwing. A plasma cannon shot 80 years ago took his left leg and arm, and although the prosthetics were top quality, he could never ride again. Rather than be relegated to clerical service, he demanded a position leading the footsoldiers of the Lions Sable. The rest of the council were not so well informed. The Lions had, much like their parent chapter, kept the secret of The Fallen from their soldiers, shielding them from the truth and furthering their ignorance. A hot wave of rage washed over Lydios; he drew his chainsword and charged The Fallen Angel in front of him with a shout of pure hatred. The Fallen sidestepped his attack with contemptuous ease. Lydios, off balance, whirled around and aimed his chainsword in a broad, sweeping ark at the Fallen’s head. The storm shield came up fast, the chainswords teeth bouncing off the surface. With a quick motion, the Fallen slammed the shield into Lydios, sending him tumbling backwards. In that moment, to Lydios’ eternal shame, he lost his grip on his chainsword. When he got back on his feet, the Fallen had snapped the chainsword over his knee, tossing the pieces over his back. By then the rest of the council had produced their weapons out of instinct to defend Lydios. Before they could charge, the Fallen spoke in a low, raspy voice. “In the name of The Lion, still yourselves and listen to what I have to say.” With these words, the rebirth of the chapter began. The Fallen removed his hood, revealing a face burned by the light of a thousand suns, scars crisscrossing its features. Brother Nemah, an Assault Marine whose squad was killed in the opening battle on the plains of Colcytus I, spoke first. “Who are you, and what is your purpose?” Lydios, getting his bearings again, growled. “A damned traitor and a liar is who he is.” The Fallen slowly turned his face to look at Lydios, his broken face cracked into a grin. “A liar? Your hypocrisy is as amusing as it is disturbing.” Nemah, puzzled, looked at Lydios. “What does he mean, Brother Sergeant?” “His intent is irrelevant,” Lydios barked, “his death is the only useful thing he can provide us.” The Fallen shook his head and turned to the council. “It would seem that you don’t know about your history, about our history. How your leaders,” at this he gestured violently toward Lydios “are the one ones who wrought this terrible fate upon you. How their sins and blindness landed you here upon Colcytus I.” At this he looked Lydios in the eyes. “And how, by their actions, they put your brothers in an early grave.” Lydios was a blur of sable colored armor as he charged The Fallen. To Lydios’ surprise, Nemah intervened between the two, knocking Lydios to the ground. “Fool!” Lydios spat. “This man, this, thing is nothing but a self-serving thrall of the Dark Gods.” “He may be,” Nemah said, “but we do things as a council. And, if I remember correctly, you are not the sole member of it.” Lydios’ eyes widened in shock. He pushed Nemah off of him and looked at the rest of the council. “If that is what you want, take a vote and I shall abide by it.” Lydios shot a vehemous look at The Fallen. “Though I warn you, brothers, to tolerate this scum invites evil into our chapter.” The council all nodded their agreement and took a vote; black in favor of listening to The Fallen, white against. And of all of them, Lydios was the only one who voted against. The Fallen, seeing the results, sat his sword and shield down at the edge of the table. “Let me tell you of the Fall of Caliban, and the death of the Lion.” As the story unfolded, the council members shock could be felt in the air. Unbelief turned to confusion and confusion turned to anger. Lydios was familiar with the story of the Fall, and he too felt the anger the others were experiencing for the first time. However, the story The Fallen told became different when it came to the final battle, the ultimate betrayal. “I was there when the Lion died,” The Fallen said. He closed his eyes as if in a trance, and his voice dropped even lower. “They looked magnificent, the Primarch and his Father. Both of them giants amongst men, legends amongst us mortals. Their fight had all the fury of a warp storm, their clash as primal as the beasts of Caliban legend.” He opened his eyes again, looking out amongst the council. “When the Lion bested Luther, I felt a wave of dread. I tried to hack my way through my enemies to get to him, but a squad of tactical marines tied me down. It was then that I saw it.” The Fallen’s eyes grew soft, his features softening. “The Lion had him. Luther was defeated. He should have struck him down. Luther always made it seem like the Lion was a tyrant, a cold blooded, conniving killer. Yet, he spared his hand, out of love for his father. The moment took my breath away.” The Fallen got up and paced back to the end of the table where his weapons lay, his back to the council. “Luther did not feel such reservations. When he struck down the Lion, I saw him for what he truly was; a liar, a coward, and a traitor.” He turned back to the council, hands on the table, eyes gleaming with fire. “As my world fell to pieces, cracked and sundered by the arrogance and hubris of a man that I trusted with my life, I realized the gravity of my mistake. As my Primarch, my father, lay broken upon the ground, I realized the damnation that I had wrought upon my soul. The gibbering cries and insane ramblings of that bastard Luther was the crescendo of my fall, the death knell of everything I held dear. As the Warp Storm consumed me, I made a vow that I would right this wrong, that I would find my way back to salvation, and that I would bring retribution to those who stained the honor of my legion.” The air grew silent; even Lydios was drawn in by the Fallen’s oratory. “Since then I have done nothing but serve the Lion and the Emperor. When I came back to real-space, I tried to contact the Dark Angels. It was to my surprise that they arrived, green-armored warriors bearing the heraldry of my legion, ivory clad terminators, and black knights upon black steeds, with nothing but my death in mind. I fled, joining up with like-minded individuals, including the man you call Cypher. We helped where we could, striking at different points, furthering different ends. All of which were meant to help the Imperium. It was Cypher who brought us here, fearing that you would fall into the trap laid by our more traitorous brethren and Tzeentch. And fall for it you did. We led the charge when all seemed lost, we were the ones who saved you. And it is our hope that we can cooperate to see your chapter survive the long night.” With that, The Fallen pushed back from the table. “All I ask is that you allow my brothers and I to serve once more amongst the forces of the Lion.” The council sat unmoving. Nemah looked at Lydios. “Brother, is this true?” Lydios turned to him. “Yes, Caliban was destroyed by our Fallen brethren, and yes, Luther struck down the Lion. The rest of it, however,” Lydios said, his voice rising, “is the lies and manipulation of one trying to save his own skin!” The Fallen opened his hands in a conciliatory gesture. “Brother Lydios, you have a stout heart, and I cannot fault you for your suspicion. I have said my peace, and I offer no more in the way of my defense.” “That is as I figured,” Lydios said, “now, let us reject this offer and give him and his kin the ending they deserve.” Lydios stood up, expecting the others to rise, instead turning to find all of them still sitting. “You cannot be serious!” Lydios exclaimed. “This man is a threat to our legacy! Every moment that he draws breath is an affront to our legacy! Condemn this man!” Nemah rose from his seat. “We will do nothing until we vote.” Lydios stalked over to Nemah, inches away from his face. “I will not tolerate such heresy!” Lydios spat. Nemah’s look hardened, matching Lydios’ anger. “You do not decide, Lydios. I have spent my entire life serving this chapter, this legion. I have watched worlds burn as we abandon them for a different target. I have left brothers on countless battlefields before victory was achieved, their deaths meaningless sacrifices upon an altar that you, and others like you, constructed for us. Not anymore. We will vote our conscious, and we will be the masters of our future, not the slaves of our past.” With that Lydios left the council, and the vote was cast.
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- Lions Sable Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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Good afternoon everyone! I have been a long time fan of the site and finally decided to join up. I am excited to be a part of such an active community. I recently had an idea for a custom Dark Angel Successor Chapter that I wanted to share with you. Well, not necessarily a new Chapter, rather a remaking of an already established one: The Lions Sable. I was intrigued by their story and I couldn't help but wonder, what if they actually survived? If they did, how did they do it? How would this affect the Lions organization and relationship to the Dark Angels? Above all, how can I make them unique enough where they are simply not another Dark Angel chapter with a different paint scheme? With this in mind, I developed the following lore following the structures on Lexicanum and the 40k Wiki page. I will link some images to this topic and add lore as I develop it. I am in the last year of my graduate program, so that might end up being few and far between. I would appreciate any and all feedback! Also, please forgive me if the formatting isn't nice or I did something wrong. I looked for guidelines on posting lore on the Bolter and Chainsword forums and didn't find anything beyond advice on how to develop a chapter. Chapter Information War Cry: "The Lions Stand!" Successors Of : Dark Angels Successor Chapters: None Number: 1,000 Primarch: Lion El'Jonson Chapter Master: Michael Homeworld: Fleet based, formely Nachwald Fortress Monastary: Fleet based, The Fury of Caliban Allegiance: Imperium of Man Colors: Black, crimson highlights on head and chest armor plate, bone white tabards Overview During the Forgotten Wars (580.M31-632.M32), the Lions Sable joined a strike force consisting of the Dark Angels, Angels of Vengeance, and the Angels of Redemption to assist in the hunt for the Fallen Angel Cypher. Their trail led them to the planet of Cocytus I, a planet located within the Eye of Terror. On this planet the Lions Sable discovered a great tower covered in the symbols and livery of the Dark Angels, a vertiable den of Fallen Angels. Requesting reinforcements, the Unforgiven descended in force upon Cocytus I to deal death to their traitor brethren. The Lions Sable committed their entire chapter to the attack alongside half of the Dark Angels forces and the Angels of Redemption and Vengeance. After committing to the battle, it was revealed that the planet of Cocytus I would be consumed by a massive warp storm. All of the forces of the Unforgiven retreated except for the Lions Sable, who insisted on staying and destroying the Fallen. Purson, the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels, stayed behind with the Lions Sable. The warp storm swallowed Cocytus I, and that was the last anyone ever saw of Purson or the Lions Sable. To cover up their debacle, the Dark Angels staged an accident that destroyed any records of the Lion Sable or the Forgotten Wars. Little did the Dark Angels know that Lions Sable actually survived Cocytus I. During the cosmic event of the Great Rift, Cocytus I was vomited back into real space. Rather than making contact with their parent chapter, the Lions contacted Imperial authorities. It was agreed upon that the Lions Sable would join the forces of the Imperium during the Indomitus Crusade as soon as they were back to full strength. Slowly but surely their numbers grew with the influx of Primaris forces, armor, equipment, and regular Space Marines. The Lions set about their task of cleanising the enemies of the Imperium with zeal, purging the traitors with the bolter and the chainsword. However, the Lions Sable harbor a dark secret. Though the stock of the Lion had long carried a terrible burden, the Lions Sable carried one that could tear apart the 1st Legion and drive a wedge betwen them and the Imperium they served. During a battle on Cocytus I known to the Lions as the "Death of Pride," the chapter was shattered. It was only through the intervention of an unexpected ally that they were able to survive and eventually overcome their enemies. In truth, it was members of the Fallen who saved them, those who turned their back on the Lion unknowingly and unwillingly, led astray not out of corruption of soul but by the lies of Luther. Seeking redemption, they took pity on their brethren. Together they fought against the nightmares of the Warp and the forces of the Fallen that had embraced Chaos completely. It was through the crucible of battle that the Lions and the members of those still loyal Fallen created an unbreakable bond, and once they emerged victorious the Lions inducted them into their chapter and recognized them as their leaders. Thus the Lions fight not only against the forces of darkness but against time itself, as they know their secret can only last so long. Yet as long as one Lion still stands, they will give their all for the Imperium. And there is no doubt: The Lions Stand. "Death of Pride" Crucial to the history of the Lions Sable is the event known as the "Death of Pride." Half whispered in the halls of their newly rebuilt and recommissioned fleet-based Fortress Monastery The Fury of Caliban, it is a tale of sorrow, unimaginable loss, and a grim reminder of the price of hubris. All Lion Sable recruits must memorize the battle as it unfolded and the names of the Lions who fell upon Cocytus I, for it is only through the understanding of the past can the Lions secure their future. After the Lions Sable issued their refusal to retreat despite the oncoming Warp Storm, Supreme Grand Master Purson of the Dark Angels ordered the rest of the Unforgiven forces to leave Cocytus I. Purson, however, stayed behind with the Lions, taking with him a retinue of his finest forces. As the scarlet trails of the retreating Thunderhawks faded upon the foul wind of the corrupted planet, Purson and the Lions Sable began forming a battle plan to destroy the Fallen forces. Purson and Zarachael, the Chapter Master of the Lions Sable, knew that the Warp storm would soon engulf the doomed planet, bringing with it the nightmarish hellscape of the Empyrean. However, they noticed that the Tower of Fallen Angels seemed to have Gellar Fields built into its foundation. It seemed that the Fallen predicted the Warp storm and planned on riding it out in their fortress. If the Lions Sable could capture the Tower and activate the Gellar Fields, they would be safe from the storm. Additionally, it would also allow the Lions the chance to crush their traitor brethren once and for all. It was decided that the battle for the fate of the Chapter would be fought on the plains in front of the Tower of Angels. Tactical Marines, Heavy Weapons Teams, and Lions Sable armor would form a battle line directly in front of the fortress with Assault Marines positioned behind the lines in case the enemy succeeded in penetrating the formation. The Ravenwing would be tasked with protecting the battle line's flank, striking the enemy where they were weakest and pushing them back towards the middle of the field where they could be decimated by bolter and heavy weapons fire. Lastly, it was the Deathwing that would administer the killing blow. They, led by Purson, Zarachael, and the Chapter's Librarius, would fall upon the center of the traitors forces and cut their leadership down. The enemy, pinned by the anvil, would be crushed by the hammer. The battle commenced as disciplined fire erupted from the Lions' battle line. Bolter rounds cut through the Fallen as Plasma and Lascannon weaponry lanced through the air, destroying fortifications and reducing enemy armor to ash. Predator turrets swung from side to side, annihilating priority targets while Whirlwinds dropped barrage after barrage of death dealing munitions on the traitors. On the wind came the roaring of engines, signalling the Ravenwing's charge. Landspeeders flew across the battlefield, fire pouring from their cowling. Ravenwing bikes jinked and bounced their way into the opponent's lines, appearing in one spot only to disappear and strike at another position, leaving nothing behind but mangled bodies and clouds of rust colored dirt. Faced with such fury, the Fallen battle line began to buckle under the Lions onslaught. Now was the time for the killing strike. The air crackled and smelled of burning ozone as the elite of the Lions Sable, the Deathwing, appeared amongst the midst of the traitors in the shadow of the Tower of Fallen Angels. At the head of their forces were Purson and Zarachael, their banners snapping in the foul wind, their weapons held high. From the accounts of those that survived, they said that in that moment they truly saw a semblance of The Lion in these two champions. With warcries upon their lips, the Deathwing set to the work of purging the heretics. Storm bolters roared, power weapons crackled, and powerful psychic attacks ripped across the ramparts as the battle came to its climax. It seemed then and there that the Lions' battle plan would succeed in glorious victory. However, that outcome was not meant to be. Rumors circulated after the Forgotten Wars, before the Lions Sable were recovered, that the chase for Cypher and the disaster at Cocytus I was actually an elaborate trap set by Tzeentch for the Dark Angels and their successors. Though this was dismissed by some at the time, the Lions Sable discovered in the ruins of the Tower of Fallen Angels that the rumor was all too true. Just as they were about to claim victory, a Keeper of Secrets named Kyroth the Seer manifested itself before Purson and the Deathwing. With it came a host of Thousand Sons Rubric Marines, gibbering Horrors bounding along in their wake. Raising its head high, Kyroth unleashed a soul rending screech and the automata of the Thousand Sons opened fire. Purson, realizing the tide was turning against him and the Lions, launched himself at Kyroth. Purson was one of the greatest warriors of the Unforgiven, a peerless swordsman and brilliant strategist. During his long life he had defeated and banished many demons. Yet, because Kyroth was a creature of the Warp and Cocytus I located within the Eye of Terror, he was more powerful than he would have been in the mortal realm. With a flick of its apian hand, Purson's ceramite armor cracked and bent, crushing him like a tin can. In a blink of an eye it was over; the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels lay twisted and mangled on the ground, the Sword of Silence and the Lion Helm at his side. Howls of joy erupted from the traitors lines as they renewed the attack. It was then that the slaughter truly began. Zarachael and the remaining Deathwing were stunned by Purson's death. Yet they knew that if they failed to kill Kyroth the Seer, it could mean the death of their Chapter. Roaring in defiance, the Deathwing struck back. Maces hummed with violent energy as they slammed into the Thousand Son's armor with crackling discharges. Assault Cannon barrels glowed the color of boiling blood as round after round found their target. Librarians dealt swift death with their Power Weapons while searing the minds and souls of their enemies with the power of the Warp. However, it was not enough. One by one the champions of the Lions Sable fell, blasted apart by traior fire or scoured by the sorcery of Kyroth. When the smoke cleared, Zarachael, the Librarius, and the entire 1st Company lay broken in the ruins and ramparts of the Tower of Fallen Angels. With the spear blunted and the head of the legion cut off, Kyroth now prepared to rip the heart and soul out of the Lions Sable. The Lions battle line first got wind that something was amiss when the traitor forces, which were previously retreating, renewed their attack with sudden ferocity. When they attempted to raise the Deathwing strike force on the Vox, all they could hear was static. Suddenly, flashes of brilliant blue light erupted up and down the Lions battle line. When the light faded, in their place stood Scarab Occult Terminators, the elite of the traitorous Thousand Sons. In eerie silence they reaped a harvest of flesh and blood, cutting down their prey like so much chaff. Bolts of Warp energy seared through the air as Thousand Son socerers joined the fight, reducing their targets to ash on the winds. Within minutes the Lions battle line began to crumble as their forces were slaughtered wholesale and their armored legions reduced to smouldering wrecks. Conducting a desperate fighting retreat, the Lions tried to raise the Ravenwing forces on their flanks for reinforcements. Their help would never come. The Ravenwing, emboldened by their success, had allowed themselves to be drawn away from the main battle lines. When the garbled requests for reinforcements came from their battle-brothers, they gunned their engines and raced back to help. They would never make it back in time. Horrors appeared on all sides, spewing balefire and dark magiks into their ranks. Landspeeders disappeared in fiery explosions, bright as stars. Darkshrouds lay ruined, their relics of old Caliban broken and cast upon the ground. Ravenwing bikers and Black Knights dodged and evaded the rounds as best they could, but even they could not hold out forever. One by one they were destroyed, until there remained nothing left but a graveyard of burnt out vehicle husks and corpses to mark the final resting place of the Ravenwing of the Lions Sable. In that dark hour, all hope seemed lost. Surrounded and best on by all sides, the Lions Sable prepared to sell their lives dearly. It was at this moment, in the jaws of defeat, that the Lions themselves were delivered. Bolter fire streamed from unknown vectors, decimating the Fallen and Thousand Son infantry. Cataphractii and Tartaros Terminators appeared, striking down the Scarab Occult Warriors. On the horizon, Fellblades and other arcane machinery from an archaic past rained death and destruction upon the forces besieging the Lions. And, perhaps most magnificent of all, a lone figured appeared in front of Kyroth, clad in black terminator armor and wielding a massive greatsword and stormshield. With a mighty roar, the two launched themselves at each other. With the unexpected reinforcements, the Lions were able to fall back to rallying points, saving the chapter from utter annihilation. Though there were a few Deathwing and Ravenwing that managed to survive, most of the ones that survived the event that would later become known as the “Death of Pride” were regular line troops. As they dug in, they couldn’t help but wonder who their saviours were. Rumors circulated wildly. Was this the Legion of the Damned? Had the Angels of Vengeance Returned? Or was this the work of a rival Chaos warband? With these questions in the back of their mind, they prepared for the inevitable counterattack. It wouldn’t be until the next day that their answers would be provided, answers that would forever change the course of the Lions Sable. "The Valley of the Shadow" All through the night, the Lions arrived at the rally point. Sometimes they came in pairs or small groups, but many came alone. Their sable colored armor was cracked, bent and chipped, purity seals and company banners naught but blood and dirt encrusted rags flapping in the breeze. At very rare times the Lion lookouts would see the hulking form of a Deathwing terminator emerge from the darkness, or the low growl that heralded the arrival of a Ravenwing and his mount. Never did they see the rank and heraldry of a Company Master or Librarian. Of the 1,200 Lions that joined the assault, only 150 remained. The highest ranking member of the Lions Sable left, Brother Sergeant Lydios, gathered together a council of 8 to decide what to do next. Without their armor, the Deathwing, the Ravenwing, the Librarius, or the Chaplaincy, they were crippled. Furthermore, the impending Warp Storm that would swallow Colcytus I threatened their existence. They did not have the numbers nor the resources to launch another frontal assault, but they also could not bleed the enemy dry with precision strikes as it would take too long. It was then that the idea was put forward to infiltrate the keep and banish Kyroth back to the Warp. Without the Librarius it was going to be a longshot, and Lydios wasn’t quite convinced that it would be the best way to sell the remaining Lions’ lives. Much like their parent chapter, the Lions took a vote with black and white marbles. Black votes meant infiltrate the keep, white meant that they would attempt to draw the enemy out and conduct a heroic last stand. When the results came in, the Lions’ fate was sealed; the black marbles outweighed the white, and they would infiltrate the keep. As they dispersed to ready their wargear, Lydios caught a glimpse of a figure in the corner of his eye. The rest of the council saw it too, bringing their bolt pistols to bear and activing chainswords and power weapons. The figure was wearing black armor, remarkably similar to the Lions own heraldry. Lydios ordered the figure to step forward, and when it did Lydio’s hair stood on edge. The figure was clad in relic Tartaros Terminator armor which, while beaten and scarred, was the color of blackest night, seemingly drawing in and cancelling all the light around it. The remains of his tabard were bone white, though not much remained un-tattered or un-burnt except his hood. Upon his back rested a greatsword, its hilt stylized like that of an outstrectched eagle’s wings, and the pommel was a roaring lion. His storm shield displayed his heraldry; a large tree bisected in two with a green robed figure standing in front of the tree. On the right side of the tree was a Lion roaring defiantly, below it a world of unknown origin with a background the color of the old forests of Caliban. On the left side was the same Lion, but the world was cracked and burning, its background a searing red color. But, perhaps of most interest to Lydios and his brethren, on his shoulder stood, in the color of dried blood, the sword and wing sigil of the Dark Angels. Lydios knew that he was staring at a member of The Fallen. Prior to his role as a Sergeant, he served as a Huntmaster of the Ravenwing. A plasma cannon shot 80 years ago took his left leg and arm, and although the prosthetics were top quality, he could never ride again. Rather than be relegated to clerical service, he demanded a position leading the footsoldiers of the Lions Sable. The rest of the council were not so well informed. The Lions had, much like their parent chapter, kept the secret of The Fallen from their soldiers, shielding them from the truth and furthering their ignorance. A hot wave of rage washed over Lydios; he drew his chainsword and charged The Fallen Angel in front of him with a shout of pure hatred. The Fallen sidestepped his attack with contemptuous ease. Lydios, off balance, whirled around and aimed his chainsword in a broad, sweeping ark at the Fallen’s head. The storm shield came up fast, the chainswords teeth bouncing off the surface. With a quick motion, the Fallen slammed the shield into Lydios, sending him tumbling backwards. In that moment, to Lydios’ eternal shame, he lost his grip on his chainsword. When he got back on his feet, the Fallen had snapped the chainsword over his knee, tossing the pieces over his back. By then the rest of the council had produced their weapons out of instinct to defend Lydios. Before they could charge, the Fallen spoke in a low, raspy voice. “In the name of The Lion, still yourselves and listen to what I have to say.” With these words, the rebirth of the chapter began. The Fallen removed his hood, revealing a face burned by the light of a thousand suns, scars crisscrossing its features. Brother Nemah, an Assault Marine whose squad was killed in the opening battle on the plains of Colcytus I, spoke first. “Who are you, and what is your purpose?” Lydios, getting his bearings again, growled. “A damned traitor and a liar is who he is.” The Fallen slowly turned his face to look at Lydios, his broken face cracked into a grin. “A liar? Your hypocrisy is as amusing as it is disturbing.” Nemah, puzzled, looked at Lydios. “What does he mean, Brother Sergeant?” “His intent is irrelevant,” Lydios barked, “his death is the only useful thing he can provide us.” The Fallen shook his head and turned to the council. “It would seem that you don’t know about your history, about our history. How your leaders,” at this he gestured violently toward Lydios “are the one ones who wrought this terrible fate upon you. How their sins and blindness landed you here upon Colcytus I.” At this he looked Lydios in the eyes. “And how, by their actions, they put your brothers in an early grave.” Lydios was a blur of sable colored armor as he charged The Fallen. To Lydios’ surprise, Nemah intervened between the two, knocking Lydios to the ground. “Fool!” Lydios spat. “This man, this, thing is nothing but a self-serving thrall of the Dark Gods.” “He may be,” Nemah said, “but we do things as a council. And, if I remember correctly, you are not the sole member of it.” Lydios’ eyes widened in shock. He pushed Nemah off of him and looked at the rest of the council. “If that is what you want, take a vote and I shall abide by it.” Lydios shot a vehemous look at The Fallen. “Though I warn you, brothers, to tolerate this scum invites evil into our chapter.” The council all nodded their agreement and took a vote; black in favor of listening to The Fallen, white against. And of all of them, Lydios was the only one who voted against. The Fallen, seeing the results, sat his sword and shield down at the edge of the table. “Let me tell you of the Fall of Caliban, and the death of the Lion.” As the story unfolded, the council members shock could be felt in the air. Unbelief turned to confusion and confusion turned to anger. Lydios was familiar with the story of the Fall, and he too felt the anger the others were experiencing for the first time. However, the story The Fallen told became different when it came to the final battle, the ultimate betrayal. “I was there when the Lion died,” The Fallen said. He closed his eyes as if in a trance, and his voice dropped even lower. “They looked magnificent, the Primarch and his Father. Both of them giants amongst men, legends amongst us mortals. Their fight had all the fury of a warp storm, their clash as primal as the beasts of Caliban legend.” He opened his eyes again, looking out amongst the council. “When the Lion bested Luther, I felt a wave of dread. I tried to hack my way through my enemies to get to him, but a squad of tactical marines tied me down. It was then that I saw it.” The Fallen’s eyes grew soft, his features softening. “The Lion had him. Luther was defeated. He should have struck him down. Luther always made it seem like the Lion was a tyrant, a cold blooded, conniving killer. Yet, he spared his hand, out of love for his father. The moment took my breath away.” The Fallen got up and paced back to the end of the table where his weapons lay, his back to the council. “Luther did not feel such reservations. When he struck down the Lion, I saw him for what he truly was; a liar, a coward, and a traitor.” He turned back to the council, hands on the table, eyes gleaming with fire. “As my world fell to pieces, cracked and sundered by the arrogance and hubris of a man that I trusted with my life, I realized the gravity of my mistake. As my Primarch, my father, lay broken upon the ground, I realized the damnation that I had wrought upon my soul. The gibbering cries and insane ramblings of that bastard Luther was the crescendo of my fall, the death knell of everything I held dear. As the Warp Storm consumed me, I made a vow that I would right this wrong, that I would find my way back to salvation, and that I would bring retribution to those who stained the honor of my legion.” The air grew silent; even Lydios was drawn in by the Fallen’s oratory. “Since then I have done nothing but serve the Lion and the Emperor. When I came back to real-space, I tried to contact the Dark Angels. It was to my surprise that they arrived, green-armored warriors bearing the heraldry of my legion, ivory clad terminators, and black knights upon black steeds, with nothing but my death in mind. I fled, joining up with like-minded individuals, including the man you call Cypher. We helped where we could, striking at different points, furthering different ends. All of which were meant to help the Imperium. It was Cypher who brought us here, fearing that you would fall into the trap laid by our more traitorous brethren and Tzeentch. And fall for it you did. We led the charge when all seemed lost, we were the ones who saved you. And it is our hope that we can cooperate to see your chapter survive the long night.” With that, The Fallen pushed back from the table. “All I ask is that you allow my brothers and I to serve once more amongst the forces of the Lion.” The council sat unmoving. Nemah looked at Lydios. “Brother, is this true?” Lydios turned to him. “Yes, Caliban was destroyed by our Fallen brethren, and yes, Luther struck down the Lion. The rest of it, however,” Lydios said, his voice rising, “is the lies and manipulation of one trying to save his own skin!” The Fallen opened his hands in a conciliatory gesture. “Brother Lydios, you have a stout heart, and I cannot fault you for your suspicion. I have said my peace, and I offer no more in the way of my defense.” “That is as I figured,” Lydios said, “now, let us reject this offer and give him and his kin the ending they deserve.” Lydios stood up, expecting the others to rise, instead turning to find all of them still sitting. “You cannot be serious!” Lydios exclaimed. “This man is a threat to our legacy! Every moment that he draws breath is an affront to our legacy! Condemn this man!” Nemah rose from his seat. “We will do nothing until we vote.” Lydios stalked over to Nemah, inches away from his face. “I will not tolerate such heresy!” Lydios spat. Nemah’s look hardened, matching Lydios’ anger. “You do not decide, Lydios. I have spent my entire life serving this chapter, this legion. I have watched worlds burn as we abandon them for a different target. I have left brothers on countless battlefields before victory was achieved, their deaths meaningless sacrifices upon an altar that you, and others like you, constructed for us. Not anymore. We will vote our conscious, and we will be the masters of our future, not the slaves of our past.” With that Lydios left the council, and the vote was cast.
I have just discovered how hopeless I am at colouring the Primaris Space Marine Heraldry card. I have been trying to use GIMP, but to no avail. So until I can hone those skills, I will unfortunately have to cast myself upon the tender mercies of your imagination, with regards to the colour scheme. Imagine the marine below as one of Cawl's creations. [skullheader#276741]The Angels Defiant[/skullheader] Chapter name:___________ Angels Defiant Founding:_______________ Ultima Founding Chapter Master:__________ Hardanger Chapter World___________ Vemork (Western rim of the Segmentum Pacificus) Fortress Monastery_______ Souls' Home Main colours_____________ Black and red Primarch________________ Lion El'Jonson Battle cry_______________ Honour the First! Chapter Icon____________ A Dark Angels' sword, superimposed over a six-pointed star [skullheader#276741]Inception[/skullheader] “Not for naught is their star two points short of Chaos.” Equerry to Lord Stalyn, tasked with carrying an accusation of murder to the Lord Commander’s staff. The Indomitus Crusade heralded a note of hope for a beleaguered Imperium. In the sectors south of Agripinaa, formations of Astartes marshalled from mixed gene-lines did battle with Traitors Marines, cultists and daemons, under the aegis of the Lord Commander’s bid to liberate his Father’s realm. Scattered among these forces were the soldiers that would one day coalesce into the Angels of Defiant. Roboute Guilliman, ever the superlative logistician, grasped the value of guarding his flanks, and had already taken thought for the systems situated west of Agripinaa. Hardly had the Crusade swung its spearheads to the east and south, when his forethought was vindicated. Disaster loomed from the Segmentum Pacificus, taking the form of a tremendous Ork incursion. A chapter comprised entirely of Primaris Astartes barred their rampage, bred from the stock of the First Legion. The Angels Defiant scored their first battle honours during a decade’s worth of war that carried them from Agripinaa to the western edges of the Pacificum. For this, the Lord Commander dispatched an emissary, to reward them with a series of banners, commemorating their triumphs and losses. Some of these standards harkened back to victories won just prior to the Chapter’s founding, when they had still fought in blended companies. The latter was a strange plaudit, for the banners bore small heraldic tokens of the various chapters to which these other marines had been dispatched. Clearly, these awards represented the Lord Commander’s attempt to remind the Angels Defiant of the value of cross-gene collaboration. At the time, they thought little of what this token might portend. [skullheader#276741]Early History[/skullheader] The Angels successfully pushed the Orks beyond Segmentum bounds, by rallying the resources of three Imperial Guard armies, commanded by Lord Generals: Stalyn, Sigorsky, and Kronstadt. Initially, each of these proved invaluable in the campaign. One would become a liability. But the Ork is a formidable foe and the Imperium’s woes were far from ended. Reconnaissance of the Halo Stars revealed more mustering Green-skin fleets. While the Angels settled their home world, to recoup from their losses and prepare for a new campaign, the liberated sectors behind them issued new distress calls. Lord General Stalyn claimed that Sigorsky and Kronstadt had turned traitor, and the resultant anarchy had forced him to assert brutal command over three entire sectors, including a string of lynchpin forge worlds. Not a year passed without a rebellion on at least one system. After collecting intelligence, the Angels Defiant discovered the Stalyn had not simply liquidated Kronstadt and Sigorsky, but nearly all senior officers, severely hamstringing the efficiency of his armies, as well as all leading members of the intelligentsia in the three sectors under his rule. Economic ineptitude had also instigated widespread poverty that would soon spiral into famine. Stalyn also lodged charges of heresy against neighbouring sector commands, claiming that we would soon have no option but to seize control. The monastic and ascetically-minded discerned that Stalyn’s oppressive regime and its bitter exploitation was hardly conducive to stability. Since creature comforts are anathema to the life of an Astartes, they were perplexed by the lengths to which Stalyn’s corruption stretched, especially when the Imperium teetered on the brink of oblivion. During a meeting between Chapter Master Hardanger and Stalyn, the Lord General suffered a fatal accident of an uncertain nature. Without sanction from Hydraphur, the Angels installed governmental councils, charged with preserving security and enforcing a singular standard of living across all three sectors. Whether these bodies will be officially ratified by Segmentum command once the crisis has abated, and whether they will successfully sustain stability has yet to be seen. For their part, the Angels Defiant have withdrawn to the border regions, to confront the Orks again. Since that time Imperial delegations to the Angels Defiant have found an order unusually suspicious of high office, even by the standard of their Dark Angels heritage. Equally, this branch of the Lion’s line evince an affinity for the simple folk of the Imperium; a liking that has, paradoxically, been bolstered by the fact the Angels have no real contact with these people are not familiar with the flaws of this class. Regrettably, the relationship between affinity and practice often becomes tenuous when the needs of war press. “Dem new Mareens? Yeah, I seen ‘em. I ‘spect they’ll do for us just as the ol’ ones did. Mixed bag as usual for the lower orders. Good time ter keep yur head down.” Imperial citizen Sammuel Gamgin, prior to his interrogation and eventual execution by Lord General Stalyn’s officers. [skullheader#276741]Home world and emerging chapter cult[/skullheader] “May the Master of Mankind weigh the worth of my soul and mark in me a spirit malleable only to his will and the word of the Lion. For like the Lord of Caliban, when doubt dulls conviction I keep true. When the fainthearted falter, I keep true. I tread my vocation to its end.” Battle hymn, penned by the Master of Librarians, the Wielder of the Words. Vemork is classed as a Feral World, pitched on the very fringes of the Western Pacificus. Its biodiversity would be reminiscent of ancient Terra, were its inhabitants aware the Throne World’s past. Nevertheless, its climates are deadly and barely supportive of human life. Consequently, collaboration rather than conflict, is the prevailing state, since its peoples are unified by the pitiless exigencies of survival. War is virtually unknown, for the world’s populace can hardly afford it. In fact, some of its most primitive communities have never enjoyed contact with each other, save for those rare few who meet as brothers of the Angels. Given their early experiences, these traits provoked a measure of respect from the Angels Defiant. As the Indomitus Crusade ground on through a century, select features of Vermork’s cultures slowly seeped into the Chapter’s ways. The peoples of Vermork, even those unaware of each other’s existence, all developed a structure of government based on representative communes and elected councils. Such inclusive systems are unsuitable for an Astartes Chapter. But during times of great need, Vermork’s people will elect a single ruler to temporarily shoulder all executive power. The Angels Defiant ritually invoke such moments. Even when their task forces are scattered across the vast stretches of space assigned to their protection, battle-brothers congregate to watch the command staff symbolically relinquish their autonomy to the Emperor, culminating in the Chapter Master (or Company Master) assuming executive supremacy. In deference to Vemork’s cultures, battle companies are named after the much vaunted breeds of hunting dogs, prized by the planet’s mountain folk. Other rites and traditions might emerge over time, for the Brotherhood’s cult is still developing. To date, they remain steadfast adherents of the Imperial Truth. The Chapter’s icons bear no relation to Vemork, since these had been selected prior to the planet’s full-scale settlement. Instead, the sword and six-pointed star, allude to the Angels’ heritage from the First Legion and the days when they had been organised around the secret structures of the hexagrammaton. Given their sparse contact with brothers of the same line, however, they know little of how the Wings functioned, beyond what little Roboute Guilliman related (information which they hold in suspicion). For this reason, among others, they hunger for contact with and lore from their brothers. [skullheader#276741]Contact with the Unforgiven[/skullheader] By the closing stages of the Indomitus Crusade, the Angels Defiant had remained isolated from fellow descendants of the First Legion. Long ago, during their service in mixed formations, they had listened to sons of Fenris and Baal banter about their aspirations to serve alongside their respective founding chapters. The Angels Defiant harboured similar dreams, and had passed these hopes to new inductees. Over a century of conflict had never brought them into contact with the Guardians of the Covenant or with the Storm Angels, who also operated in the Pacificus. The scions of Mortikah VII and Karapasia and had their own calls to answer Finally, a delegation arrived. The Ivory Equites, a Tenth Founding successor of the Angels of Redemption, had dispatched a small cadre of Chaplains, Librarians and veterans. Although the Fortress Monastery of the Angels Defiant reflects their sombre and restrained aesthetics, a grand processions was prepared to meet the Equites. Their guests moved quietly and without remark through the phalanx of battle honours, until they reached the banners awarded to them by Roboute Guilliman. Here, the Equites stopped and watched, gazing specifically at the small references to Ultramar, Fenris, Baal and other gene-sources. Not a single word was spoken. The Ivory Equites brusquely demanded admittance to all strategic councils, but never interrupted proceedings. Even when prompted for input, their officers would simply nod accent to any proposal. As suddenly and unannounced as they had arrived, the Equites withdrew after five years, with only a terse promise to return. [skullheader#276741]Fortress Monastery[/skullheader] Soul’s Home has been delved into Vemork’s greatest mountain range. It’s bulk is located underground, carved within the peaks and under the valleys. Its Library is supremely well organised, for when the first Master of the Librarius was nearly killed by the neurotoxins of a mysterious xenos race, his ruined body was permanently bonded to the Library’s central console. From this position, the Grand Master of the Archives dictates the compilation and cataloguing of lore. His knowledge is a vast collation of the entire Library’s contents, and is regularly updated by fresh reports. A large following of lexicaniums and codiciers, take dictations from his eldritch voice, emanating from the broken body perched atop the console. They listen to and archive the elaborate connections he is able to draw between seemingly disparate events and pieces of information, until they too appreciate his deductive reason and intuitive insight. As such, the Chapter’s history, battle reports, and other information from numerous sources around the Segmentum are well-recorded here.
EDITS AND UPDATES: So I realized something about my chapter after posting this here and asking for name suggestions, and that is that I had presented the theme incorrectly. Especially at fault was the name (Angels Profundum) and the Chapter Symbol (Very Cthulhu-ish). It made my chapter seem much more "undead pirate" than I wanted. I initially wanted this chapter to be more "Royal Navy of the 1800's". So with that in mind I have made appropriate alterations. I know a lot of you guys were cheering for Angels Abyssal, but with the theme correction I decided to go with Storm Angels instead. It gets rid of the faux latin, and feels much more to the point. Anyway, here are updates, and a crap ton of more content. Also changed the name of my Battle Barge. Darn you Mortarion! This will all still need to be expanded on or edited, but please comment away. Suggestions and criticism is definitely welcome. THE STORM ANGELS CHAPTER NAME: .............. THE STORM ANGELS FOUNDING: .................. ULTIMA FOUNDING CHAPTER MASTER: ............ HARIEL CHAPTER WORLD: ............. KARAPASIA FLAGSHIP: .................. THE WHISPER FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........ THE HALLS OF DROWNING MAIN COLOURS: .............. TEAL BLUE, WHITE, AND GOLD GENE-SEED: ................. LION EL'JOHNSON PROGENITOR: ................ DARK ANGELS KNOWN DESCENDANTS: ......... NONE BATTLE CRY: ................ WEATHER THE STORM (ALWAYS SPOKEN OR WHISPERED), WE ARE THE SONG OF THE SEA! (SHOUTED BY A CHAPLAIN) AND THE SONG IS DEATH! (CHANTED IN RESPONSE) "Let the ocean fill your veins with salt. Let death be your song; violent, sudden, and without mercy, but see now, when the ocean does not rage it is still and calm. Never forget this Sayid. The sea is our mother, and if you listen to her whispers she will teach you much." - Then Captain Hariel addressing Sergeant Hamadaar Sayid on the shores of Karapasia ORIGIN In the earliest years of the Ultima Founding at the very onset of the Indomitus Crusade the Storm Angels were founded to guard against daemonic incursions at the very western tip of the Cicatrix Maledictum. With the bulk of the Indomitus Crusade focused eastward towards the core of the Cicatrix Maledictum, Ultramar, and the Imperium Nihilus beyond, the Capital World of Segmentum Pacificus, Hydraphur, was left with no real reinforcements to speak of. To support the Segmentum Fortress and to prevent the rapidly growing losses of the Imperial Navy in the region the Storm Angels were gifted the oceanic feudal-world Karapasia, located to the galactic southwest of Hydraphur. Created using the gene seed of the Dark Angels the Storm Angels were secretly drawn from aspirants born on Caliban by Belisarius Cawl, engineered and trained on Mars, and placed in stasis for thousands of years. When Roboute Guilliman returned to the galaxy to wage his great crusade these new Primaris Space Marines were released from stasis and formed into new Chapters that would spearhead the fight against chaos and drive back the enemies of man. Because of the secretive and reclusive nature of their gene-seed Cawl and Guilliman saw fit to assign The Storm Angels a more remote and stationary duty, rather than to place them at the front of the Crusade. The Storm Angels took to this assignment with great vigor and resolve, duty-bound to support Hydraphur and their local sector, and to stand as a bulwark against the horrors let loose on the galaxy by the warp. In the years following their founding the Storm Angels met with relative success in stabilizing their home sector, although not without great cost to their numbers. Having weathered wave after wave of daemonic incursions and several smaller Ork invasions from the southwest the Chapter was left at only a fraction of their original strength. Although some reinforcements were provided to the Chapter through seconded battle brothers from the Unnumbered Sons, they also began to recruit heavily from their homeworld of Karapasia. Many of the original Storm Angels had felt an affinity with their adopted home, the Chapter leadership included, and had adopted much of its culture. Seeing strength and value in the hardy seafaring peoples of Karapasia Chapter Master Hariel had declared that trials would be held regularly for the local populace. These trials would be similar in nature to the ones practiced on Caliban thousands of years earlier by the Dark Angels themselves. The Storm Angels would eventually return to full strength, with nearly sixty percent of it's members in the last years of the Indomitus Crusade having been drawn from the population of Karapasia. HOMEWORLD The Storm Angels' homeworld is an oceanic feudal-world located to the galactic southwest of Hydraphur in the Segmentum Pacificus. Prior to the arrival of the Storm Angels the planet was relatively peaceful with several great naval powers having established their dominance. While not at full war these naval powers would push and test each other employing massive pre-industrial fleets. These fleets also served to combat the leviathans that dwell in Karapasia's oceans, and to protect the coastal areas from these same creatures. Because the Administratum and Echlesiarchy of Hydraphur have relatively little power in the sector following the Plague of Unbelief in the 36th Millennium the inhabitants of the world only had very little interaction with the Imperium at large, mostly consisting of a payment of manpower to the Planetary Governor (a middle ranking officer of the Imperial Navy Fleet in the Segmentum). With the arrival of the Storm Angels Chapter Master Hariel became the new Planetary Governor. While the Storm Angels do not really interact or interfere much with the local populace of Karapasia their presence is still felt across the planet. Members of the planetary populace, ranging from the greatest Fleet Admirals to the poorest fishermen, frequently make pilgrimages to the Halls of Drowning, the Storm Angels' Fortress Monastery, to pay tribute and honour the Emperor's mighty Angels. Once a year the Storm Angels send out a Press-Gang to test and collect potential aspirants from the populace. This is considered a great honour, and many young men on Karapasia join ship crews to prove themselves on the seas in hope of attracting the attention of a Press-Gang. FORTRESS MONASTERY The Halls of Drowning serve as the Fortress Monastery of the Storm Angels. It is carved into a massive monolithic limestone promontory on a peninsula located in the northern hemisphere of Karapasia. The promontory is filled with carved out tunnels that reach thousands of feet above sea level as well as far into the ocean's depths. Although the Storm Angels are relatively young, and newcomers to the galaxy, they have frequently campaigned and worked together with their fellow Dark Angels descendants the Guardians of the Covenant. This camaraderie has instilled in the Storm Angels a thirst and appreciation for academia and knowledge which has manifested itself in the form of great libraries and learning halls built into the Halls of Drowning. These academies are an extension of the Storm Angels' Librarium and are situated far above sea level near the top of the Halls of Drowning to prevent water damage and corrosion to the sensitive instruments and documents located within. The Halls of Drowning also host vast caverns that serve as docks and open directly into the ocean. When not campaigning off-world many of the Chapter's battle-brothers will engage in training out on the high sea, fighting leviathans or braving the great planetary storms to harden themselves. These docks also serve as planetary launching pads for transportation to and from the Storm Angels' fleet in orbit. BATTLE FLEET The centerpiece of the Storm Angels' space fleet is the battle barge The Whisper, gifted to the Chapter by Belisarius Cawl at their founding. However, despite the nautical culture and history of the Chapter, and likely because of their relative youth, their fleet is very small, consisting of only one Battle Barge (The Whisper), two Strike Cruisers (Song of the Sea, and The Cerulean), two Hunter Destroyers (The Anchor, and The Fog of War), and controversially one Nova Frigate (The Screaming Wake) which was found by the Storm Angels floating at the edge of the Cicatrix Maledictum, retrofitted, and put into service despite some resistance from local Imperial Navy Command. The Storm Angels also maintain several Overlords for planetary operations and deployment. Of special note is that The Whisper and The Song of the Sea are outfitted primarily with Ceastus Assault Rams instead of Drop Pods (likely due to the Storm Angels penchant and preference for void combat and boarding actions). Also of interest is that despite being a successor to the Dark Angels the Storm Angels do not have access to Nephilim Jet Fighters, relying instead on Stormhawk Interceptors and three airwing detachments of Xiphon Interceptors, having pilots who initially trained in Interceptors during the aftermath of the Heresy and having been provided the crafts by Cawl at their inception. CHARACTERISTICS The Storm Angels are a secular Chapter, being adherents to the pre-heresy Imperial Truth, and do not worship the Emperor as a God. Similarly they do not recognize the divinity of Chaos, seeing Chaos instead as sentient warp phenomena, yet no less heretical in their threat to humanity. Despite this they are a very ritualistic Chapter, and their reliance on ritual is often mistaken for superstition by outside observers. Salt and water are of particular importance in Chapter rituals and imagery. Perhaps somewhat uniquely amongst Space Marine Chapters the Storm Angels value silence, a calm demeanor, and tranquility above all else. They often look to the oceans of Karapasia as an example, believing that rage should only be manifested in sudden violent episodes in battle and when prosecuting the enemies of the Emperor, and that when not so engaged the potential for violence should be tempered under a still and calm surface. Being sons of the Lion they have a dour and melancholy nature, and are secretive and distrustful of strangers. Having much closer ties to the Guardians of the Covenant however than their parent Chapter they are more concerned with protecting civilians than is necessarily considered normal for the Unforgiven. Additionally having not been part of the 1st Legion at the time of Luther's betrayal the Storm Angels' concern for hunting the Fallen, while prominent, is not a dominating characteristic of the Chapter's identity. There is particular enmity between the forces of Slaanesh and the Storm Angels. The decadent and corrupt nobility of Hydraphur became a very tempting target for the Lord of Excess and was made much more accessible to the forces of Chaos following the fracturing of the Galaxy by the Cicatrix Maledictum. Because of this the vast majority of daemonic incursions in the sector were Slaaneshi in nature. Unbeknownst to the Storm Angels, their monastic and dour nature make them somewhat antithetical to Slaanesh. The Keeper of Secrets who is spearheading the incursions into the sector is particularly interested in the challenge of corrupting members of the Storm Angels.
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GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels (Angels of Vengeance) FOUNDING: unknown CHAPTER MASTER: Pyrrhus Brasidor CHAPTER WORLD: Urkona FORTRESS MONASTERY: The Hold MAIN COLORS: crimson, bone, silver SPECIALITY: none BATTLE CRY: “For the Emperor!” CURRENT STRENGTH: none (see “Present Activities” below) KNOWN DESCENDANTS: none ORIGINS The earliest recorded actions of the Throne Knights Chapter date back to M34, in the years following the Howling. Created from the gene-stock of the Angels of Vengeance Chapter, the Throne Knights lineage ultimately derives from the 1st Legion and the primarch Lion El’Jonson. The various Unforgiven chapters were under scrutiny at this time as evidence of their willingness to abandon erstwhile allies in pursuit of their own agendas was mounting, so the choice of the Angels of Vengeance as a predecessor was unusual. In all likelihood, the Angels of Vengeance had performed a great service to the Imperium and had been rewarded with the prospect of siring a new chapter, though the nature of that service is lost to history. The Throne Knights operated as a crusading chapter for the first eight centuries after their founding, participating in operations throughout the Segmentum Obscurus, including participation in at least two of the crusades of the Adeptus Ministorum and the purging of the xenos Thal’kreen. The Throne Knights are also recorded as successfully defending against a minor Chaos incursion in the Scarus Sector; as well as re-taking the Imperial world of Johexis from renegades, an event known in latter day Imperial histories as the Bloodsword War. Librarium Note: It is worthy to note that the leader of the Chaos renegades in the Bloodsword War was the Fallen once known as Heraniel, Sword Lieutenant of the 18th Chapter of the 1st Legion. Heraniel’s broken body was recovered by the Throne Knights and submitted to the Rock following the Bloodsword War. Operating as a crusading chapter for the first few centuries of its existence, the Throne Knights Chapter claimed Urkona as their chapter world following the Jager crusade in M35. Their actions over the next two millennia are a history of warfare, ranging from the purging of space hulks to countering Ork Waaaghs. Their most famous actions by far were the Second Battle of Zurst and the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light [see below]. Suffering severe casualties in the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light, the Throne Knights entered a period of rebuilding. They had been reduced down to less than four hundred battle-brothers, losing almost the entire First Company and the majority of their senior officers in the bloody fighting. Though the chapter was capable of regaining its full strength in time, some taint had insinuated its way into the chapter within the Banehold warp storm. The exact nature of the taint has never been ascertained, but it took a combined force of three full chapters to bring the errant chapter to heel. The chapter has since been listed as traitoris purgatus. Librarium Note: The Inner Circle members of the Throne Knights Chapter waivered in their devotion to the Legion and the Hunt for the Fallen. In M580.M37, the Throne Knights rendezvoused with the Rock in the Agripinaa sector. The chapter was called to task on their Meeting with the Supreme Grand Master, the Grand Master of the Throne Knights, Pyrrhus Brasidor, questioned the need to complete the Hunt, and then claimed that his chapter’s devotion and service to the Emperor and the Imperium were sufficient to absolve them of their obligation. He cited renegades from other legions that had remained loyal to the Emperor and pointed out that the chapters descended from those legions remained in the good graces of the High Lords of Terra. He was immediately censured by the Supreme Grand Master. The Throne Knights Grand Master retired to the Imminent Fury with his honor guard and returned to Urkona, indicating that his chapter was autonomous and answered to no one but the Emperor and the High Lords of Terra. After this event, the Throne Knights refused to respond to the missives of the Supreme Grand Master. Worse yet, the Throne Knights Chapter had developed a known relationship with members of the Inquisition following the Bagrattius crusade. Fearing that the Throne Knights would reveal the existence of the Fallen and doom the Unforgiven chapters, the combined Inner Circle decided to act. Three entire chapters were mobilized, recalling all subordinate forces that had been deployed. The combined force then journeyed to the Nikor system and launched an assault on Urkona. Catching the Throne Knights Chapter off guard, the combined force succeeded in destroying the Throne Knights to the last man, though not without casualties. Though the gene-seed stores of the Throne Knights were divided equally between the three chapters, the Angels of Vengeance refused to accept what they considered to be tainted gene-seed. Their share was taken by the Dark Angels for distribution among the Unforgiven chapters as they saw fit. The fortress-monastery of the Throne Knights was then destroyed by orbital bombardment. Knowing that the destruction of the wayward chapter could not remain a secret, the Dark Angels submitted a report to the High Lords of Terra describing how the Throne Knights had succumbed to moral corruption and heretical practices, submitting several Warp-infused relics recovered from the chapter’s librarium as proof. The High Lords of Terra accepted the explanation and commended the three chapters for the action. The remaining relics of the chapter were seized by the Dark Angels and taken to the Rock for destruction. CHAPTER HOME WORLD Once an ocean world completely covered in water, Urkona had collided with a rogue planet billions of years before mankind had first crawled from the sea on Holy Terra. The rogue planet was destroyed in the collision, its raw material breaking apart and sinking into the depths of Urkona. The force of the collision forced Urkona off its orbit, thrusting it to the extreme edge of the life-supporting region of the star Nikor before its orbit stabilized. Most of the lifeforms indigenous to Urkona suffered extinction as a result of the planetary collision and shift in climate, but a few hardy species survived. Moreover, alien material introduced by the rogue planet evolved into a variety of new species able to survive the deadly frigid ecology. Urkona was originally settled by Mankind during the Dark Age of Technology. The settlers were eventually reduced to a pre-industrial technology level and their colony ships were salvaged to fabricate city-state dwellings deep beneath the icy surface of the planet. Cut off from the rest of mankind during the Age of Strife, the human colonists developed into a caste-based feudal culture. The most important of the castes were the Structors and the Venati. The Structors were responsible for the building and maintenance of the city-states and their life support systems while the Venati were a warrior-hunter caste. Initially responsible for hunting on the surface to provide food for their city-states, the scarcity of native fauna and competition with other city-states inevitably led to open warfare between the city states. The city-states were eventually reduced to just five, but the separation between the surviving city-states reduced competition for food and resulted in minimal warfare between the survivors. This balance of power remained stable through the Age of Strife. Urkona was rediscovered by mankind during the Jager crusade when renegade forces sought to escape the forces of the Imperium. Pursued by a small force of Throne Knights Space Marines, the renegades were ambushed by a Venati hunting party. Though the Venati were wiped out to a man, they succeeded in killing far more of the better equipped renegades. Impressed by the prowess of the Venati, the Throne Knights Chapter claimed the world as their own, establishing the fortress monastery in an orbital station. The Throne Knights remained aloof from the surface of their planet, descending only to conduct training and to recruit neophytes. The inhabitants of Urkona remained largely ignorant of the Throne Knights Chapter, knowing only that Venati often disappeared while on the hunt [see Recruitment]. When the combined force of the Dark Angels, Angels of Redemption, and Angels of Vengeance destroyed the Throne Knights Chapter, the Venati hunting parties on the surface of Urkona saw, but failed to understand, the great battle taking place in orbit above them. When the orbital fortress of the Throne Knights crashed to the surface of the planet, destroying one of the city-states, the Venati knew only that the fiery wreckage had destroyed their city-state. The survivors fled to the nearest enemy city-state, seeking refuge. Captured and tortured, they told their tale to their disbelieving fellows in the city-states beneath the ice. Further hunting parties confirmed the destruction of the city-state and the tale has grown into an oral lesson about the anger of the Sky Gods, spreading to all of the Urkonan city-states. To this day, Urkona remains a minor recruiting world of the Angels of Redemption chapter. PRESENT ACTIVITIES The Throne Knights Chapter was destroyed in mid-M37 by a combined force of the Dark Angels, Angels of Redemption, and Angels of Vengeance Chapters in an action that has been recorded as the Judgment at Urkona. BATTLE HONORS The watershed events of the Throne Knights Chapter were the Second Battle of Zurst and the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light. Second Battle of Zurst The Second Battle of Zurst was a battle of the Stonefist War which took place in M36, in which the Throne Knights under Master Mykenon destroyed the Tagus landing fields. The landing fields were the essential destination of any ships traveling through the Drewlian Gate, a stable passage through the Warp. The renegade leader, Hehrn Rodnar, was a chief lieutenant under the arch-traitor, Hraz Stonefist. His forces had successfully captured the strategic worlds of Almanaras III and Kadr Fein, commanding the major route between the Antimar and Ange Lus sub sectors. He now prepared to advance into the Ange Lus sub sector with a massive force of renegades, which was strong enough to take on the Astra Militarum forces in the segmentum. There were two Throne Knights detachments operating in the Ange Lus subsector, however: Strike Force Mykenon, on patrol near Heveron, and Strike Force Eumaios en route to Thracian Primaris. The Drewlian Gate separated the two sub sectors. Any military force moving between the two sub sectors would have to cross through the Drewlian Gate to the Tagus landing fields. The renegades had strengthened the position at the landing fields by securing the orbital defenses, a network of orbital weapons platforms that created a gauntlet of interlocking fire between the Drewlian Gate terminus and the atmosphere of Kadr Fein. The two Throne Knights strike forces linked up near Ingeran and Mykenon, as the senior officer, assumed command of the overall force. Mykenon’s plan involved dividing his force into three elements. The largest element was under his direct command and was to storm the landing field at Kadr Fein from the north. The second element under Master Eumaios was to attack the near-orbit defenses while the third element under Sergeant Telanicus was to launch a diversionary attack on the south end of the landing fields. The attack on the south end of the landing fields began at dawn when devastators opened up against the bastion at Morbat. The defenders were prepared for the assault but were still taken by surprise when centurions and assault squads burst from their cover and charged up towards the bastion in the face of fire from the defenders. Soon the opposing sides were engaged in hand-to-hand fighting. Observing the assault, nearby renegades moved to reinforce the remote bastion. This action succeeded in diverting the attention of the renegades, enabling Master Mykenon’s force to launch the main attack on the opposing end of the landing field. Meanwhile, the Throne Knights fleet under Master Eumaios was weathering orbital defense fire while destroying most of the network of orbital guns. This prevented the forces in orbit from firing upon the Throne Knights forces engaged on the planet below. The action was swift-moving, deceptive and daring. The decisive result produced a substantial improvement in the Imperial position by keeping renegade forces separated ahead of the imminent Battle of Heveron. Sergeant Telanicus was grievously wounded in the fighting and was later interred in a dreadnought sarcophagus, continuing to serve the chapter for seven centuries. Master Mykenon delivered the deathblow to Rodnar in single combat, depriving Stonefist of one of his most tactically adept subordinates. Crusade of the Emperor’s Light The Crusade of the Emperor’s Light was part of the Wars of Apostasy in M37 when the forces of the Imperium fought to regain control of worlds that had broken from the Imperium during the Reign of Blood. The Ecclesiarch sought principally to recover shrine worlds and stamp out pockets of those still loyal to Goge Vandire. The Adeptus Ministorum forces, spearheaded by the Adepta Sororitas under the leadership of Alicia Dominica, were joined by multiple contingents of the Astra Militarum and Imperial Navy. Several Adeptus Astartes Chapters seconded detachments to support the crusade, among which was a strike force of the Throne Knights Chapter under Master Urkaenos. The crusade succeeded in regaining control of over thirty worlds, including four shrine worlds of the Ecclesiarchy. The Throne Knights were heavily involved in the fighting for two of the shrine worlds. More importantly, Master Urkaenos personally led a force that reinforced Sister Dominica’s contingent after it had been cut off by surprise reinforcements. Though Master Urkaenos later died in battle at the Invasion of Talvisota, his leadership and prowess throughout the crusade were reported to the Ecclesiarch by Sister Dominica. The Throne Knights Chapter was awarded a Victorix Maxima upon completion of the holy crusade and the Ecclesiarch had a statue erected to honor Master Urkaenos at the Convent Sanctorum. Librarium Note: The Throne Knights reported multiple battles in which they faced traitor Adeptus Astartes during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light. None of those they encountered were of the Fallen, nor were they thought to have known of the Fallen. The Throne Knights reports highlighted the fact that one of the traitor forces they encountered appeared to be renegade Iron Hands Space Marines. CHAPTER ORGANIZATION The Throne Knights chapter was organized similarly to the other chapters descended from the Dark Angels Legion. While this was similar in most respects to standard Codex Astartes chapter organization, there were several distinct differences. The first two companies of the Throne Knights are where the greatest differences from other codex chapters resided, mirroring the organization of other successors of the 1st Legion. As with the Dark Angels chapter, the 1st Company of the Throne Knights was known and feared as the Deathwing, veterans who only took to the field of battle in tactical dreadnought armor. Similarly, the 2nd Company was the Ravenwing, and those who made up its ranks were masters of high speed attack - every warrior rode a bike, land speeder, or atmospheric craft. The remainder of the chapter was organized along strict codex lines, with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Companies forming the battle companies; the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th the reserve companies; and the 10th Company consisting of scouts. Librarium Note: As with other Unforgiven chapters, the most senior leaders of the Throne Knights formed the Inner Circle. The membership of the Inner Circle included the Grand Master, the Masters of the Deathwing and Ravenwing, the librarians, the interrogator-chaplains, and select senior company masters. FLEET ASSETS The Throne Knights maintained a modest fleet, having only a single battle barge, the Imminent Fury, and four strike cruisers. In addition, the Throne Knights operated the Spear of Retribution, which was larger than a standard strike cruiser and able to embark a force twice the size of that which a standard strike cruiser can embark. The Spear of Retribution appeared to be a heavily modified version of a Lunar class vessel, though how and where the Throne Knights acquired this ship is unknown. The Imminent Fury Battle barge Chapter flagship RECRUITMENT The Throne Knights employed a unique method of recruitment that also served as a test for veterans. Induction into the chapter’s veteran company took place only once a year. Each year, a handful of battle-brothers were submitted as candidates the veteran company. These candidates were assigned as pairs. Each pair of battle-brothers was inserted into the icy wastes of Urkona wearing only protective cameleoline clothing and equipped with homing beacons for their own use and as well as other supplies. Each pair would first construct a camouflaged shelter, using the shelter as a base of operations. They would then hunt the Venati hunting parties, stalking them and taking the youngest for the chapter. Once the first of the neophytes had been seized, one of the candidates would remain at the shelter as guard while the other would continue the hunt. They would then take it in turns, one using the provided supplies to keep the neophytes alive and protected from the elements while the other would return to the hunt in order to seize another neophyte. Each pair would continue their hunt until they had gathered a half dozen neophytes or a week had passed, at which point they would activate their homing beacon and take their captured back to the chapter. On the handful of occasions in which a candidate was slain by Venati, the other candidate would subdue those of the Venati hunting party that he could while slaying the others, immediately activating the homing beacon. The entire Venati hunting party would be taken to the chapter and accorded honors. Those that were young enough would become neophytes while those too old for the process would become thralls. Chapter tradition maintained that the neophytes from such events were destined for greatness. While the candidates operated with maximum stealth when recruiting, members of Venati hunting parties occasionally snatched glimpses of the Adeptus Astartes or the remains of their shelters. To the Venati, the candidates became creatures of fear and superstition, beasts that haunted their nightmares and invoked fear. The candidates became creatures of myth – the Sarmenkar (Great Ice Devils). CHAPTER COLORS The Throne Knights livery featured deep crimson as the predominant armor color. Chest decorations were typically in silver and both the winged skull chapter badge and common squad badges were displayed on opposing shoulder pauldrons in a bone color. Company affiliation was displayed upon the left kneepad using a distinctive system that drew upon that used by their progenitors, the Angels of Vengeance, and which could be traced back to the First Legion. Throne Knights sergeants were distinguished by black helmets rather than the usual red. Though the chapter followed the Codex Astartes closely, one minor deviation was that veterans wore bone colored helmets rather than white. Similarly, the members of the 1st and 2nd Companies were distinguished only by their bone colored helmets, squad badges, and honor markings. The chapter’s neophyte scouts displayed markings and livery that generally conformed to the dictates of the Codex Astartes. The company captains, referred to as “company masters” in a practice that paralleled other Unforgiven chapters, wore the standard rank insignia provided in the Codex Astartes. One notable difference was the additional wearing of rank shields at the left shoulder. These shields displayed the heraldry of their company and served as the basic badge of office. BATTLE STANDARDS OR CHAPTER BANNERS The Throne Knights habitually carried banners into battle, including both unit-based standards and banners as well as personal standards. One notable type of personal banner was known as a Mortem Banner, referring to the Mortem Oath. Such an oath would be sworn to achieve a particular objective or to die in the effort. The common feature on such banners was the imagery of a skull wearing a laurel crown, representing victory in death. Master Urkaenos swore such an oath during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light, successfully completing his oath when he struck down the leader of a traitor warband. The majority of his force was killed or injured in the action, including his banner bearer, when the traitor force was augmented by Warp-spawn. The Mortem Banner was damaged in a hell-born conflagration, but the singed remains were submitted to the Adeptus Custodes on Holy Terra when the chapter was awarded the Victorix Maxima. Shown below are pict-captures of two of the standards carried by the Throne Knights during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light. The banner on the left was that of the 4th Company while that on the right was Urkaenos’ Mortem Banner before it was damaged. Librarium Note: While the remains of Urkaenos’ Mortem Banner are in the safekeeping of the Adeptus Custodes and beyond our reach, the 4th Company Banner pictured above was destroyed after the Judgment at Urkona. BATTLE HONORS/RELICS/DECORATIONS/AWARDS Amassing a battle history over three millennia, the Throne Knights Chapter earned many awards and commendations. The most significant of these, though, was the Victorix Maxima for the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light and the statue to Master Urkaenos at the Convent Sanctorum. The statue still stands today, one among many honoring the heroes of the Imperium that have fought alongside the Adepta Sororitas. COMBAT DOCTRINE The Throne Knights followed normal Space Marine tactical and strategic doctrine as found in the Codex Astartes, the masterwork of the primarch Roboute Guilliman. While conforming to the broad tenets of tactical flexibility espoused within the Codex Astartes, the Throne Knights demonstrated a preference for rapid assault and first strike methods. Wherever possible, they would concentrate their forces, though they would employ combined arms with different elements of their forces converging at strategic points in order to achieve victory. The chapter typically operated as two elements. The first element comprised the majority of the chapter embarked aboard the Imminent Fury and a fleet of strike cruisers and rapid assault vessels. This element would engage in major campaigns, often crusading in furtherance of the chapter’s self-appointed mission to continue the spirit of the Great Crusade. The second element comprised a task-organized force built around a battle company. This element would also include squads from other companies, and would generally resemble a much smaller version of the first element. The second element would operate from the Spear of Retribution. At any point in time, one of the two elements would be deployed while the other would perform the dual role of defending the chapter’s home world while training, reconstituting, and preparing for deployment. LOCAL RITUALS The warrior cult of the Throne Knights Chapter was secretive, but was known to have been heavily influenced by the hunter-warrior caste rituals of the Urkona populace. Chief among these rituals were the symbols of the hunt as well as a combination of rites featuring survival of the cold and the embrace of fire. A handful of testimonies from eyewitnesses serving alongside the Throne Knights reported considerable facial tattoos on various battle-brothers of the chapter. BELIEFS While the Throne Knights did not literally deify the Emperor, the strength and passion of their belief in him was equal to that of any adherent to the Imperial Cult. They believed that the Emperor represents the pinnacle of Humanity and regarded him as the founder of the Imperium and as their creator. The Throne Knights believed that the Emperor would eventually heal and rise from the Golden Throne, and would subsequently achieve total conquest of the galaxy. The chapter believed that its role was to continue the ideals of the Great Crusade, furthering the expansion of Mankind in its eventual dominance over the galaxy. The Throne Knights venerated their Primarch as much as they did the Emperor and continually strove to emulate the example of Lion El’Jonson. The Throne Knights were notoriously intolerant of non-humans and would refuse to fight alongside armies that included alien races, abhumans, and mutants. They were highly suspicious of outsiders and often appeared unreasonably aloof and intransigent. Indeed were a number of occasions where the Throne Knights withdrew suddenly and with no explanation from a warzone when confronted by an Imperial inquisitor or missionary. GENE-SEED Created from the gene-stocks of the Angels of Vengeance Chapter, the Throne Knights’ gene-seed was pure and showed no signs of degradation. When the Throne Knights Chapter was destroyed, the majority of the gene-seed stocks were taken by the Dark Angels Chapter, with the balance taken by the Angels of Redemption. The predecessor of the Throne Knights, the Angels of Vengeance, refused to accept any of the gene-seed, despite the losses the chapter suffered in the heavy fighting required to destroy of the Throne Knights. CHAMPIONS OF THE CHAPTER Mentes Urkaenos, Master of the 4th Company, served as senior commander of Throne Knights forces during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light. His career as an Adeptus Astartes began auspiciously when, as a young boy, he had been part of a Venati hunting party stalked by venerable brother-candidate Koratedes, and had been witnessed to be the one that struck the deathblow upon Koratedes. He was especially attentive in his devotions to the Emperor and his armor during the Crusade of the Emperor’s Light was festooned with various seals of piety, purity, and devotion. He bore the argent laurel as reward for his defense of the 4th Company Banner when xenos Eldar ambushed a Throne Knights force during the Dursk War, standing over the fallen form of Master Remneus as he held the banner aloft. His actions during that incident earned him candidacy for the Deathwing and he eventually returned to the 4th Company as Master of that company three decades later. Alkinus Mykenon was a brilliant tactician and bold leader. He favored a massive axe in battle, a mighty weapon crafted to his specifications after he had served as Chapter Champion under Grand Master Kromedes. Mykenon later became Grand Master of the Throne Knights, serving the chapter for three centuries before finally being slain during the Tethsarch Incursion. After his death, his skull was displayed in the chapter’s grand hall, the bones covered in a layer of silver inscribed with the record of his awards. Librarium Note: Mykenon’s axe was one of the items retrieved from the Throne Knights fortress monastery during the Judgment at Urkona. It was taken as a spoil of battle by the Angels of Vengeance, who purified it and bequeathed it upon the Master of the 8th Company, Master Reduel, for his bravery. Master Reduel later disappeared during the Grenuet Wars and was presumed dead, the axe disappearing with him. Mykenon’s skull was protected by heavy wards, beyond the ability of our Librarius to counter without great risk. The skull remained in the chapel and was destroyed when the fortress monastery was destroyed. Notes: This chapter was created as part of the Brotherhood of the Angels 2014 challenge. I wanted to explore the question of just how far the Unforgiven are willing to go in order to protect their secrets. The format used for the article was driven by the challenge. My vision required a much different format, but I got some mixed signals and just decided to go with the standard format. I may update this as I have time, especially to present the article in my original vision. I just need to either get the BBCodes working or I'll have to render everything as images.
GENESEED (PREDECESSOR):- Dark Angels* FOUNDING:- 23rd Sentinel Founding CHAPTER MASTER:- Grand Master Sephalion CHAPTER WORLD:- Etzabaidat FORTRESS MONASTERY:- Eternal Task MAIN COLOURS:- Iron Grey, Crimson SPECIALITY:- Naval Boarding BATTLE CRY:- Nos vero per bellum/We are cleansed through battle CURRENT STRENGTH:- Full strength (~1000, exact figure unknown) KNOWN DESCENDANTS:- None *See Geneseed, below. Formed during the 23rd Sentinel Founding (Late M.37 or early M.38, depending on sources), the Angels of Contrition are a Dark Angels successor Chapter that have developed a focus on ship-to-ship boarding actions and naval combat. The Chapter maintains a nominal presence on the feudal world Etzabaidat, although outside of recruiting purposes the Chapter remains fleet based. Formed in response to dire portents foretold by the Emperor's Tarot, the Angels of Contrition have made a name for themselves tackling Space Hulks and other Chaos vessels ejected from the Warp near the Eye of Terror in large-scale boarding assaults. The Angels of Contrition wear grey armour, with crimson hands and details; their badge is a downward pointing crimson sword, flanked by two crimson blood drops. Already reeling from six Black Crusades launched by Abaddon, the Imperium's grip on the Segmentum Obscurus was tenuous enough by the middle of the 37th Millennium. The Emperor's Tarot was consulted time and time again, and each reading came with the same dire portents: plans beyond the comprehension of the Imperium, an attack that would leave them trailing in it's wake, confused and bloodied. A rapid reaction force was ordered into creation by the High Lords of Terra, and not long afterwards the Angels of Contrition were created as part of the 23rd Founding. Created from the gene stock of the Imperium's most resolute warriors, the Dark Angels, the Angels of Conviction were given a sizeable fleet, a powerful armoury, a world from which to recruit, and a particular goal: to patrol the Segmentum Obscurus, responding to any confirmed reports of Chaos activity outside of the Cadian Gate, to meet the foes that slipped through the net cast by the Astartes Praeses. It is unsure whether or not the Angels of Contrition were created in time to try and halt the 8th Black Crusade - since accepted as the cause of the readings that led to the creation of the Chapter – but they have nonetheless continued their patrols of the wider Segmentum Obscurus, meeting the forces of Chaos wherever they can be found. Since their inception, the Angels of Contrition have also taken on the more sinister duties of the Unforgiven, hunting down the Fallen that betrayed their progenitor Legion millennia ago. Over the thousands of years since, the Angels of Contrition have forged themselves a reputation of an aloof, distant Chapter that rarely interacts with outside organisations other than the Dark Angels and their other successors. Nonetheless, they have explored and destroyed scores of Space Hulks, and fought in numerous campaigns against the forces of Chaos. Notable victories include the destruction of the Infernal, a Chaos Repulsive-Class Grand Cruiser, in 422.M39; a dozen defeats of Chaos raiders in the final actions of the Gothic War; and their finest hour to date, the assault on the daemon-infested Space Hulk Eternal Perdition in 961.M41, in which the entire Chapter deployed to the Space Hulk, battling through a horde of Nurgle cultists and daemons to destroy the gigantic vessel. The Angels of Contrition have a recognised homeworld in Etzabaidat, a tribaliustic feudal world in a far-flung system on the edges of the Segentum Obscurus. Etzabaidat is a planet split into two distinct environments; the lowlands are a desert wasteland spotted with the ruins of a bygone age, barren and inhabitable, plagued by great seas of radioactive gas that are blown about the planet in swirling storms. Meanwhile, the population of Etzabaidat is divided into a series of city-states known as Hiri-Handiko (high cities), each occupying a separate mountain or mountain range, living off the arable highlands that rise from the tides of gases like islands. Status in Etzabaidat's cultural system can be measured by the location of one's holdings: the wealthy and elite populate the highest reaches of the townships, furthest away from the toxic clouds below, and the population grows poorer as the settlement descends towards the planet's lowlands. With living space on Etzabaidat limited, slums often spring up outside the boundaries of the mountain city's walls, forming sprawling settlements of their own perched precariously on steep slopes. In line with the strains put on their society and the measure of socio-economic status, those who inhabit Etzabaidat worship the stars; each one, they say, is another brave soul ascended above the hellish climates of their homeworld. The emphasis on the cultural ideal of the Lgoera (the ascension) – a belief that only through sacrifice can one provide for themselves and others, an idea in keeping with the planet's limited resources - leads to communities that have tight-knight family institutions. Unlike many feudal worlds, the farmers and providers are found among the nobility rather than the lower class, with especially those producing food to sate the ever-burgeoning populations of their cities given a high status within society. The culture of self-sacrifice also can be seen in Etzabaidat's military traditions, with family members bartering their service and lives in order to secure resources for their families. The city-states are locked in an eternal conflict that consumes the planet; a conflict born of necessity as much as pride or hatred. The farmlands of Etzabaidat are not in abundance, and the planet can only able to support a limited population; wars are fought as much as a method of controlling population growth as they are about trying to acquire more of the limited farmland of the planet. Battles are fought, invariably, as a series of hellish sieges, defending armies largely unwilling to commit their forces to the deadly lowlands, whilst the attacking force tries to force it's way to higher ground before the unpredictable radioactive storms bear down upon them. Occasionally more conventional field battles break out on the lowlands, but prolonged engagements are rare; the lowland atmosphere makes them and unreliable gambit at best, leading to a history of rushed, violent wars. Numerous alliances are formed, usually lasting only as long as the short wars that follow them before dissolving again, and many are shorter still. The Chapter does not maintain a base on the planet itself, preferring to distance itself from the planet's occupants and instead holding a small installation on the largest of Etzabaidat's sixteen moons. All of the remaining moons have been turned into either orbital weapons platforms to defend the planet should it ever come under attack, or docking stations the Chapter uses to make repairs to it's fleet when it returns to the world for recruiting. The natives of Etzabaidat see the Angels of Contrition as Altzairu Aingeruak, steel angels from the stars that come when the most promising of the planet's young warriors ascend to the heavens above, to gain eternal glory in an endless battle that is the reward of those who live proud lives. Etzabaidat culture has a strong emphasis on the pride of the family unit, and so to have a member of the family ascend with the Altzairu Aingeruak is seen as significant proof of the family's worth and esteem, enough in itself to provide a stepping stone into nobility. Despite having an official homeworld, the Chapter is for the most part fleet-based, as befits the task issued to them upon their creation. The Battle Barge Eternal Task functions as the Chapter's mobile fortress-monastery, accompanied by two other Battle Barges (Repentance and Cleansed By Fire) and ten Strike Cruisers, along with numerous Escort vessels. The Hildako The nature of the rapid and brutal ways of war on Etzabaidat have led to a culture among the planet's aspiring warriors of the Hildako-Bizidunak, the dead that walk. Part fuelled by the belief of the honourable death that wars bring, and in part an acknowledgement that to war on Etzabaidat is to invite death upon oneself to an almost-certain degree, those who join the Hildako-Bizidunak give up rights to all their possessions; going so far as to give up their name to be henceforth referred to simply as 'the Hildako', seen no longer as a person but as a living spirit of war. This is done in a raucous funeral ceremony (the Hiltzen) that concludes with the tattooing of tribal masks on to the faces of the newly-made Hildako, marking them among the ranks of the already lost; for to be Hildako is to have forfeited more than your clothes, home, or name; it is to have forfeited your life. Those who pledge themselves to the Hildako-Bizidunak are pledged their city-state, promising to fight for their kin whenever called upon in the deadly battles of Etzabaidat. They take up serrated curved blades known as a Zizalia, going to war clad in nothing but tribal markings painted upon their bodies in ash. In return, their families are provided with food and land until their next generation comes of age; their lives pay for the guarantee of life for their families. It is considered a great honour in Etzabaidat society to join these warrior groups, ensuring sustenance for their families, and freeing up living space and resources from others. The need to tightly regulate population and the benefits conveyed on the family for having a member join the Hildako also has the effect of family members being pushed into the order at absurdly young ages, with many of Etzabaidat's wars being fought by those barely in their teens – or younger. The youngest Hildako in records was the equivalent of six Terran years old. The Chapter's recruits are taken exclusively from the ranks of the Hildako, with the youngest and fiercest of the Hildako-Bizidunak providing the Angels of Contrition with their numbers. Their tattooed faces make for fearsome visages, and their promise to give up their lives for those they lived with on Etzabaidat now becomes a solemn oath to do so for the entire Imperium. Having relinquished their name upon induction into their fearsome order, those Hildako that prove themselves fit to join the Angels of Contrition take a new assumed name; many of the Chapter's recruits choose names styled after the heroes of their original legion, the Dark Angels, leading to names that are often at odds with the warrior's actual heritage, and many of the Chapter's other naming conventions. Since their founding, the Angels of Contrition have assumed a role that focuses on sudden overwhelming displays of strength, which coupled with their fleet-based nature, has gravitated them towards a specialism in large-scale boarding actions of enemy fleet vessels or orbital platforms. They focus on close-range anti-infantry weapons, favouring plasma weapons and flamethrowers; only rarely do the Chapter find themselves facing enemies at range or with significant amounts of heavy armour support, making long range weaponry such as lascannons and missile launchers a rare sight throughout most of the Chapter. Notably, the Chapter's Assault Marines also forgo jump packs, which are obsolete in ship-to-ship boarding actions; they will deploy via drop pods when engaging ground forces. This focus on naval warfare and boarding actions also extends to the way in which the Chapter's Reserve Companies organise themselves, with no Scout Company to speak of; new recruits, labelled Initiates, fight alongside full Battle Brothers in mixed units known as Probator Squads. The Angels of Contrition favour the use of Caestus Assault Rams when boarding hostile vessels, with the Caestus' magna-meltas able to pierce the thickest Space Hulk's armour to leave boarding points for successive waves of Thunderhawks and Stormravens carrying reinforcements. Despite their fleet-bound nature, the Angels of Contrition still maintain a fully-equipped Ravenwing equivalent, the Ghostwing. This fast attack element often forms the core of any efforts made by the Chapter to hunt down the Fallen, along with spearheading any assaults on ground forces that may have retreated from space after assaults by the Angels of Contrition. The Ghostwing also can operate as a scouting force in lieu of the Scout Company in ground engagements. The Chapter armoury operates with more limited tank support than many Chapters; some vehicles are used alongside Ghostwing forces, but generally they are unsuited to boarding actions, and as such the Chapter maintains only a minimum of armoured vehicles. Should the Chapter find itself fighting on a more conventional battlefield, the Chapter employs numerous aircraft from it's fleet to provide ground forces forces with mobility and fire support. The Angels of Contrition do, however, have a strong contingent of Dreadnoughts, with thirty four of the venerable warrior machines as of the start of the 13th Black Crusade – including three of the uncommon Mortis-pattern Dreadnoughts. Unlike the other Chapters stemming from Lion El'Jonson, they also make use of Ironclad Dreadnoughts to provide armoured close-range support, along with flights of Stormraven gunships to ferry these venerable warriors to battle. Straying in places from the guidelines of the Codex Astartes, the Angels of Contrition are for the most part organised in the same manner as many Chapters of the Unforgiven. They are currently led by Grand Master Sephalion, who rules over the Chapter's Inner Circle; consisting of the ten Company Masters, Master Chaplain Alazar, and Master Librarian Tharzial. The 1st Company of the Angels of Contrition, known as the Bloodwing, functions in the same manner as the Deathwing of the Dark Angels; the Angels of Contrition's 2nd Company, the Ghostwing, is their equivalent to the Ravenwing. The 3rd, 4th and 5th Battle Companies are formed in the same manner, a mix of Tactical, Assault and Devastator squads, like any Codex adherent Chapter. The Angels of Contrition's 1st Company, named the Bloodwing, are the Chapter's equivalent to the Deathwing of the Dark Angels. Always found at the forefront of any attack, the Bloodwing (so named for the blood-crimson they paint their armour) are the finest warriors the Chapter has. Unlike the Deathwing, the Bloodwing is not solely comprised of Terminator squads; originally well-equipped with Tactical Dreadnought armour to suit their main occupation, the Bloodwing lost over half it's number during the assault on the Space Hulk Eternal Perdition in 961.M41, with no chance to reclaim the suits before the Space Hulk was destroyed following the overloading of the ancient reactor system at it's core. Forty three suits currently remain to the Chapter, those that survived the Eternal Perdition and the handful of suits that have been obtained since. The rest of the Bloodwing deploys in Veteran squads much like more conventional Chapters. In place of the 2nd Company found in Codex adherent Chapters, the Angels of Contrition operate a Ghostwing that functions largely like the Ravenwing of the Dark Angels. Armoured painted pure white where the rest of the Chapter sports a dull grey, the Ghostwing lead any ground engagements the Angels of Contrition find themselves in, much like the Bloodwing do for boarding actions. When examined closely, it is apparent between the Bikers and the Pilots of the Ghostwing, the Company is kept over-strength, allowing the Ghostwing to strike with the same speed and overbearing force on the ground that the Angels of Contrition utilise in ship-to-ship combat. In purely naval engagements, the Ghostwing often act as attack craft pilots or commanders, working alongside the Chapter's techmarines. Much like the Ravenwing, the Ghostwing hold a position of great honour among the Angels of Contrition that know their true purpose; their function as a rapid attack force means that it often falls on them to chase and capture or destroy any of the Fallen the Chapter come across. There is one main structural difference between the Angels of Contrition and other Dark Angel successor Chapters, found among the reserve companies of the Chapter. Being a Chapter primarily formed for the purpose of large-scale naval boarding actions, the Angels of Contritions have little need for a Scout Company; dedicated scout squads are seen as unnecessary in the tight confines of a Space Hulk, where stealth has less importance than a traditional battlefield; quick application of force is more useful than stealth, as every moment spent on the unpredictable vessels adds to the risk of the Hulk dropping back into Warp space. Instead, the 6th Company has become the Chapter's Assault Reserve Company, and the 7th the Chapter's Devastator Reserve Company. The 8th, 9th and 10th Companies form the Chapter's Tactical Reserve Companies, each formed of Probator Squads, a mix of Tactical Marines acting as both mentors and assessors to Initiates in a similar manner to the Crusader Squads of the Black Templars. In Lion El'Jonson, the Angels of Contrition revere the first among the Emperor's sons, and one of his staunchest supporters. They consider Lion El'Jonson being the first found Primarch to be more than simple coincidence; Lion El'Jonson was destined to be the first among Brothers, and as such is held above the other Primarchs. This has led them to hold a slightly distasteful view on Chapters descended from the other legions, many of whom who they view as noisy upstarts that waste time boasting whilst the Sons of the Lion act. This has earned them no friends among the Astartes outside of the Unforgiven. Like many of the Dark Angels successors, the Angels of Contrition are seen as a very insular Chapter among other Imperial organisations, including other Space Marines Chapters; their fleet-based nature and preference towards naval warfare only serves to heighten this, as they rarely find themselves working in concert with any of these outside organisations. Their view of the Emperor as not a God, but simply the one amongst mankind who best knew the value of sacrifice – the trait held most esteemed in their roots on Etzabaidat – further serves to isolate the Chapter from the wider Imperium. Considering themselves honoured to have joined the descendants of the First Legion, the Angels of Contrition fully embrace their role as one of the Unforgiven, using their fleet-based nature to rapidly redeploy according to any rumoured sightings of one of the Fallen. This, along with their proximity to the Eye of Terror and their experience in destroying Space Hulks and other corrupted ships, has left the Chapter well-versed in combating all forces of the ruinous powers. Their time spent battling Chaos forces has left the Angels of Contrition with a deep-seated mistrust of Abhumans and Radicalists, and they have in the past refused to work alongside forces containing abhuman detachments, or with certain members of the Ordo Malleus who might employ less than pure means in combating the forces of Chaos. It is not only in this that the Angels of Contrition are considered haughty; they rarely interact with their homeworld, considering themselves to have completed their Lgoera and having escaped Etzabaidat's petty struggles. The Chapter embrace the belief of their homeworld that they are the Altzairu Aingeruak, largely keeping to their star-bound fleet, and although their duties require it, the Chapter often express a mild distaste for formulaic ground warfare, prefer to arrive from the stars in trails of exhaust fumes and flames, ending fights rapidly and violently before withdrawing once again to their fleet; this continues even during protracted wars, with the Angels of Contrition often neglecting to deploy permanent ground forces, rather acting as a rapid reaction force striking repeatedly from orbit. A consequence of their roots on Etzabaidat is the Angels of Contrition's somewhat aberrant views on the conflicts the Imperium sees itself drawn into. On a planet where life is often thrown away in bloody battles for little gain, the lower levels of Eztabaidat society have developed a belief that only through testing oneself in the most extreme circumstances can mankind better themselves. Being drawn largely from the poorer classes more likely to nominate family members to the Hildako, the Angels of Contrition carry this belief with them; that only through war can mankind learn to flourish and take it's rightful place as ruler of the stars. This view, while earning them no allies among forces they consider weak and unworthy (which accounts for most Imperial forces outside of other Chapters of the Unforgiven), has earned them some respect amongst Inquisitors who follow the Isstvanian school of thought. It always find the Angels of Contrition all too-willing to engage in the hostile environment presented by many warped Space Hulks, often when the far safer option would be to destroy these vessels through a simple massed bombardment; more pragmatic Chapters view this as needless risk-taking and glory hunting, where the Angels of Contrition view it as a necessary test of their skills. Squads within the Angels of Contrition are viewed in a slightly different manner than might be the norm among the Astartes. Owing once more to the Chapter's roots on Etzabaidat, where upholding of the family unit is seen as the highest virtue, Angels of Contrition squads hold closer bonds than most, almost becoming family units in their own right. Much like the honour bestowed upon a family by one of it's members joining the Hildako, a member of a squad that ascends to the Bloodwing confers significant honour not only on the Marine in question but also the squad from which he came from. Conversely, Angels of Contrition have been known to be driven into a terrible frenzy considered unseemly by some of their Space Marine brethren, should one of their squad members fall in battle. Another belief stemming from their base among the Hildako is the Chapter's liberal use of Dreadnoughts – whilst a select few are piloted by heroes of the Chapter who were dealt mortal blows, the majority of these machines are piloted by talented recruits selected shortly after they have ascended to the ranks of a full Battle-Brother. Being Hildako, they are already considered as dead by the standards of Etzabaidat, and so have already satisfied the chief requirement most Chapters have placed on being eligible for internment in a Dreadnought. This is a large part of the reason why, despite the dangerous engagements the Angels of Contrition engage in, they still have a larger contingent of Dreadnoughts than most Chapters. It is speculated that they trade relics found on Chaos vessels and Space Hulks with the Adeptus Mechanicus in return for an increased number of Dreadnought chassis for them to make use of, along with an increased number of Terminator armour suits and fleet assets; although this has never been directly proven, the Chapter does sport an unusually powerful fleet for a comparatively new Chapter, and has a larger than would be expected contingent of Techmarines tending to it's powerful armoury. Relics of the Chapter The Angels of Contrition have a number of relics and objects that they consider as sacred. Like their parent Chapter, the Angels of Contrition have three sacred standards - the Standard of Penitence, the Standard of Reproach, and the Standard of Castigation - gifted to them upon their founding by the Dark Angels, alongside the ancient Fire Raptor gunship Divine Providence that often accompanies the Ghostwing to battle. These standards are usually carried into battle by the three Battle Companies, filling the Brothers around them with purpose and wrath. Each Company bears some marker or emblem of their devotion to the 1st Legion, usually carried into battle by servitors or serfs alongside the Company Master (in the case of the Ghostwing, it is carried by a Spiritshroud – the equivalent to a Darkshroud of the Ravenwing). The Grand Master of the Chapter carries two badges of office: the first, and the most sacred of the Chapter's relics, is an ancient scarred shield known as the Untiring Vigil, said to have been carried to battle by one of Lion El'Jonson's closest retainers on Caliban during his youth. It is carried by a Watcher in the Dark, an ever-present shadow to the Grand Master, and signifies the relationship between the Angels of Contrition and their founding legion. The second badge of office is the Grim Confession, an ornate double-bladed glaive wreathed in crimson arcs of energy, that features an inbuilt plasma-blaster of a long forgotten design. It is suspected that the weapon may be an altered design of a Nemesis force weapon; the Angels of Contrition refuse to explain where they might have obtained such a weapon, although it is not outside of the realms of possibility that it could have been salvaged from one of the many Space Hulks they have boarded. The Angels of Contrition are thought to be descended directly from the Dark Angels Chapter, although given they are part of one of the more recent foundings, this may not be entirely accurate; rumour often link them to either the Angels of Absolution or the Guardian of the Covenant, although when questioned directly the only answer the Angels of Contrition is that they are “descendants of the first legion”. The Chapter's gene-seed has no significant defects, as is the norm with descendants of the Dark Angels. Recruitment Recruitment on Etzabaidat is a simple process; the Chaplains of the Chapter, unarmed and unarmoured, will descend upon the city-states of Etzabaidat accompanied by retinues of serfs. A great ritual known as the Arima Galdu Topaketa (the Gathering of Lost Souls) will be organised, during which the Chaplain will watch as the the serfs form a tight unit, and are set upon by any of the city's Hildako that choose to participate (this is usually all of them; Hildako are not known for their fear of battle, no matter how outmatched). Many of the young Hildako suffer terrible damage or death at the hands of the older, stronger serfs, but those that show particular resilience or resolve are paraded through the city before being shepherded away to the Chapter's recruiting station within Eztabaidat's moons. Although there is some pattern to who is chosen for recruitment, with fortitude favoured over direct strength, there is a lack of defined criteria that only serves to heighten the mystical awe those of Etzabaidat hold the Angels of Contrition in. Imperial observers have called this practice barbaric due to the high possibility of death among the hopefuls, but it continues as one of Etzabaidat's stranger rituals. The Angels of Contrition usually fight in cold silence, eschewing the bombastic battle cries of other Chapters. Their motto is said to be Nos vero per bellum! - “We are cleansed through battle!” - which comes from the response to the Chaplain's pre-battle litany of Sanguini, ignis, et in morte - “In Blood, In Fire, and in Death”. Grand Master Sephalion Hailing from the Hildako of Hiri-Handiko Barazimor, the young warrior who assumed the name of Sephalion was already widely-known as a fierce and grim youth before he was picked as a potential recruit for the Angels of Contrition. As a child, he was easily excitable, quick to laugh and anger, and seemed a peculiar fit for the Hildako. His wild nature came to the fore during his Hiltzen ceremony, during which he blinded a man who questioned his worthiness in a savage and bloody duel despite the man being twice the age of the wiry youth. Shortly after, Barazimor went to war with a nearby rival, Jolthaki, and the child went with them. The armies were not heard of again – not until the child returned, a year to the day after the army departed from Barazimor, the only survivor. Gone was the expressive, fiery youth; a sullen, grim-faced thing came back, that refused to speak of what had occurred on the toxic wastes below, and would often be found thrashing about in his sleep, caught in an unspeakable nightmare. Many tried in vain to persuade the child to answer to what had happened during the battles below, but he refused to speak a word. When the Angels of Contrition next sent a delegation to Barazimor for recruitment, the child fell into a sudden fit before attacking the Chaplain present, stabbing the colossal warrior in the leg with his Zizalia and kicking and biting those who tried to subdue him, terrified that the fearsome Chaplain would kill the poor mad creature in retaliation. Impressed by the child's ferocity and undaunted nature, the child was instead taken away by the Angels of Contrition, marked for greater things. Sephalion's dour nature has carried with him, exacerbated by the secretive and pious nature of the Dark Angels successors. A formidable warrior, his resolve drove Sephalion to greater and greater feats until, in 951.M41, he was inaugurated as the Grand Master of the Angels of Contrition. Sephalion led the Chapter in it's greatest victory, a Chapter-level assault on the Eternal Perdition, during which he personally fought and killed a Great Unclean One in the assault of the ancient reactor core of the Space Hulk. Following the assault, Sephalion led the Chapter in two hundred and fifty-nine days of prayer, one for each life they had lost aboard the Eternal Perdition, to cleanse the Chapter of any lingering taint. In recent years, Grand Master Sephalion has been haunted by the nightmares that ailed him as a youth. Convinced that these dreams have some sort of prophetic value, the Grand Master has become even more of a recluse, spending larger periods of time in fervent prayer and self-reflection. Guiding the Angels of Contrition against the forces of the 13th Black Crusade, some of Sephalion's recent behaviour is beginning to mark him as erratic even among his most ardent followers; the recent decision to gift the Grim Confession to Interrogator-Chaplain Alazar (a weapon carried by the Grand Master of the Chapter for thousands of years) and recent bouts of fatalism have the Grand Master currently under close scrutiny even among his own Chapter. Interrogator Chaplain Marzuviel Interrogator Chaplain Marzuviel was the most prominent of his order to serve with the Angels of Contrition. Having served the Chapter from the early years of M38, Marzuviel rose quickly through the ranks of the Chaplaincy, the strength of his faith glossing over a nature often said to have been bloodthirsty to the distant extremes of acceptable behaviour among the Astartes. Despite this cruel streak (or perhaps because of it), Marzuviel holds the honour of having been the only Interrogator Chaplain within the Chapter to have forced the repentance of more than one of the Fallen in his lifetime. Marzuviel was present for the Assault on Koram, when the Angels of Contrition were part of a multi-Chapter task force aiming to retake the planet that had fallen to Chaos. Marzuviel led the Angels of Contrition's forces in an assault on the orbital defence stations surrounding the planet, and although the stations were taken, they came at a heavy cost; almost all of the two hundred-strong task force perished, and Marzuviel himself was gravely wounded after being cut off from his forces and surrounded, fighting his way free but sustaining a number of mortal wounds in the process. He was interred in one of the Chapter's Dreadnoughts, a source of knowledge and guidance to the Interrogator Chaplains that have served the Chapter since his internment. In battle, Marzuviel is often to be found leading his brother Dreadnoughts of the Bloodwing, venerable warriors all, in sudden and savage assaults against the sternest resistance. Brother Haephus, 3rd Battle Company, 1st Squad Veteran Sergeant Barbariel, 3rd Battle Company, 1st Squad Sergeant Ekias, 5th Battle Company, 4th Squad Company Master Laraziel, 9th Tactical Reserve Company Unknown Initiate, colour scheme designation 'Probator' Unknown, colour scheme designation 'Ghostwing' Unknown, colour scheme designation 'Bloodwing' Chapter Badge Angels of Contrition Chapter emblem Chapter Banner Angels of Contrition Chapter banner
- 9 replies
- Harlan Skorus
- Angels of Contrition
- (and 3 more)
THE KNIGHTS SOVEREIGN CHAPTER GENE-SEED: Dark Angels FOUNDING: 23rd “Sentinel” Founding [M.38] CHAPTER MASTER: Marshal Edmunt Raik, Castellan of the Crimson Rooks CHAPTER WORLDS: Eistvin, Ostlund & Vollstadt FORTRESS-MONASTERY: Durumtal, Eistvin SPECIALTY: Operational control, precision engagements and information dominance BATTLE-CRY: 'Imperator Vult!' is a common warcry, however 'Victus aut nihil' is the Chapter motto CURRENT STRENGTH: Endangered KNOWN DESCENDANTS: Bronze Knights, Savage Brotherhood [disputed] Origins Part of an ongoing struggle for the High Lords of Terra to utilize the pure gene-seed of the former First Legion without the participation and influence of the Dark Angels or their prominent successors, when the Knights Sovereign were created they were tutored instead by a detachment of the Imperial Fists, a worthy selection to guide a Chapter of the Sentinel Founding. The influence of the sons of Dorn can be readily seen in the Chapter for centuries to come, however their brother sons of the Lion were not to be denied. Shortly after the Knights had gained the trust of the Imperial Fists and earned their independence, overseeing a turbulent Sector that had long suffered for its severely lower average technological capabilities, a contingent of the Dark Angels and other successors arrived to acquaint themselves with this new Chapter. How these other sons of the Lion knew of the Knights Sovereign true heritage is not entirely known, expected given their typically reticent nature. Multiple concerted investigations over the past millennia have revealed numerous agents suspected of feeding information to the Dark Angels and their closest successors, and it is assumed they came to this information by similar means. These Chapters showed great honor to the Knights Sovereign, with many of their retinues consisting of their highest ranking officers, including Chapter Master Grasciel of Dark Angels. The inner circles of these Chapters communed together deep within Durumtal, while specialist officers of the First and Second Companies intermingled, enlightening the Knights Sovereign to their own particular brand of war-making. While this communion was short-lived, the bonds of brotherhood forged on this day had a lasting effect, with many of these Chapters regularly appearing within the Knights' territory and vice versa. It had also made an impression on the young Chapter's organization, especially the First and Second Companies. The Knights Sovereign still retained much of their identity as forged under the watchful eyes of the Imperial Fists, but they had grown more insular, more in keeping with the typical Dark Angels character. Indeed, their later character can be readily connected to the manner of the ancient knightly orders of the Dark Angels' long-dead home world. This marriage of traits and ideals, in many ways opposing but also complementary, has guided the Knights Sovereign for the thousands of years since. Chapter Worlds Early in their formation, the Knights Sovereign were given a choice of three feudal home worlds within the Lowermains Sector. Though ultimately settling upon Eistvin, located near the largest nexus of Sector traffic, the discarded worlds of Ostlund and Vollstadt did dominate strategically resourceful zones. Chapter keeps were planted on these worlds, a practice perhaps learned from the Imperial Fists Chapter. Officially, Eistvin alone is classified as an Adeptus Astartes world, however after centuries of keeping close ties and recruitment practices on Ostlund and Vollstadt, the local officials tithe the worlds as if they were. Nestled deep in the Eistvin mountains is the Durumtal, fortress-monastery to the Knights Sovereign. Building began as soon as Eistvin was selected as their home world, and had finished scant months before the Knights showed up themselves. This immense, rugged structure blends seamlessly with its surroundings. If an unaugmented human was to stand upon an outer peak, looking into the range, they would be unable to distinguish the crenelated towers from natural mountaintops. However, the Knights Sovereign took to giving it a different name than the Magos-Tektons provided: the Crimson Rook. With the Chapter keeps on Ostlund and Vollstadt being heavily inspired by, and in imitation of, the Durumtal, they are collectively known as the Crimson Rooks. Current Disposition The Knights Sovereign have been at war with the Orks of WAAAGH! Urlkin for decades, a massive incursion the Sector had never before seen, led by an Ork of such impressive size that Archmagos-Biologis from several Sectors around have insisted could not exist. This Ork, crafty for his kind, has grown large on the excesses of his armies, leading regular hunts into nearby regions with such regularity that the end of most hunts is merely the beginning of another. The Knights Sovereign have tried, unsuccessfully, to convince local Administratum officials to sanction a crusade into Ork territory and end the threat once and for all. However, with the Knights' own worlds declared the targets of a hunt that has virtually emptied the Ork territories for Sectors around, more recently they have become more concerned with defense. The ongoing conflicts have stretched the Knights Sovereign thin. By the close of the 41st millennium, their numbers are reported as being four companies' worth, including officers and auxiliaries. The Chapter has undergone necessary, but drastic changes to their organization, in light of the eradication of two of their battle-companies, as well as their specialized rapid-reaction forces in the 2nd Company, not to mention the depleted numbers of their surviving companies. Chapter Organization The Knights Sovereign would not consider themselves as deviant, however to them it is deviancy from their forebears rather than the Codex Astartes that is relevant. Though the Codex Astartes is, as it should be, held in high regard as the epitome of all things war, the Space Marine way, the Knights Sovereign do deviate in organization. This is not seen as a contradiction or hypocrisy, but merely derived from the simple fact that the Codex could not accommodate all possible circumstances. And indeed, the inheritors of the Lion are of a unique circumstance, and so fashion themselves accordingly. The First Company is organized into the Justiciary, and are of the ordained task of bringing the light of justice and nobility to the darkest places of the galaxy. It is said that all who gain a place among the Justiciars must first confront truth and sin in equal measure, and it is their ash-white armor that shows their absolvement. The Knights also field the 2nd Company as a rapid response force, the Errantry. The Knights-Errant exist outside the normal Chapter organization, and as such they paint their armor a deep black. Unlike the elevated Knights-Justiciar, it is only the master of the Errantry, the Earl-Errant, who sits above his brothers as a member of the Inner Circle. The auxiliary organizations within the Knights Sovereign are primarily Codex-adherent, with the only exception being within the Reclusiam. This deviation is in fact rather common among the Unforgiven, where an additional level in the hierarchy is added. Typically known as Interrogator-Chaplains, in the Knights Sovereign they are the Prelates, a classification of Chaplains second only to the Pontifex, Chapter reclusiarch. The other prominent branches, the ironsmiths and hospitallers, are of no noticeable difference from Codex standard, though their highest ranking officers are believed to be a part of the Chapter's Inner Circle. Fleet Assets The Crimson Galleon – So named for its mimicry of the Crimson Rooks, intended as a bastion equal to these immense fortresses that would ply the stars, delivering the wrath of the angels. This battle-barge is often assigned to the Justiciary. Its current deployment in geosynchronous orbit over the the Crimson Rook of Vollstadt has for several months prevented the Orks from dropping ordinance and savages on the Chapter keep directly. However, the Orks have made planetfall in multiple other regions across Vollstadt, and not the mortal warriors or the Galleon's guns have been able to keep the hordes from laying siege. Recruitment & Advancement The Crimson Rooks are not difficult to access by the mortal populations, unlike the fortress-monasteries of many other Chapters. Thousands of people regularly seek shelter or asylum within its walls, each and every one swearing binding oaths of lifelong servitude to their new transhuman masters. These people form the Chapter serfdom, ranging from mortal knights to spread the law of the Chapter across the world to learned, trained fleet armsmen. Swearing one's life to the God-Emperor's living representatives is no hardship when compared to a life of similar service to some fickle lord or king, and so the Chapter rarely finds itself without a surplus of mortal servants. The majority of these legions of serfs will never leave their world of birth, serving the Chapter well enough there. Rather than seeking recruits from among the general populace, the Knights look to the young of their serfs. Having such large populations spread across three worlds, the Knights have their choice of candidates. The offspring of the Chapter's serfs are a more viable recruitment stock than the general populace, as all their male children go through a more intensive and extensive training in preparation for potential recruitment. However, it is not unknown for the Chapter to look to the outer kingdoms and city-states of their worlds for occasional recruitment programs in an effort to encourage diversity in thought and character, or to recover from devastating casualty rates Upon recruitment and successful term in the Chapter's tenth company, the young scout must petition for advancement into the Reserve Companies, following a path through the Reserve Companies as delineated in the Codex Astartes. In the Reserve Companies, they hold the rank of Knight-Companion, an as yet not fully recognized Knight until advancement into the Battle Companies. A Knight-Companion must be wary of how or when he petitions to join a Battle Company, as their Masters will often refuse a Knight-Companion they deem unworthy to join their company. It is not unknown for Knights-Companion to aim too high in their petitioning, some seeking to skip advancement through the Reserves or will petition for a spot in a master's personal retinue, though it is considered disdainful and will injure the Marines' future if rejected often. No Knight or Knight-Companion can petition to join the Justiciary or Errantry. Those who join these orders are chosen by their lords, an honor none in the Chapter can refuse. To rise in rank to Sergeant within one's company is possible regardless of one's place in the hierarchy. Typically, a Sergeant will select from among his retinue a successor to take his place should he ever fall or advance beyond this station. Sergeants of the 10th Company are provided the customary title of Castellan, sharing in the responsibility of the Crimson Rooks, which collectively fall under the purview of the Master of the 10th Company. These Masters, known by the title of Earl, are one and all arisen from the ranks of the Justiciary, at the behest of the Chapter Master, the Marshal of the Knights Sovereign Chapter. It is the Justiciary, the Earls and Marshal who form the Chapter's Inner Circle. Also prominent in the Inner Circle are the Pontifex, and his Prelates, who are responsible for selecting one from among the Inner Circle the Marshal's successor should he ever fall. Combat Doctrine The strength of their sword arm and the accuracy of their aim are what the Knights most admire. While their battle formations have a strong reliance on infantry tactics, the Space Marine, the Knights are experts in cavalry warfare, utilizing fast vehicles to retain combat superiority and battlefield control. The Knights' approach warfare is thoroughly informed by their copy of the Codex Astartes, a five volume military discourse on: Space Marine recruitment and training; the composition and structure of the Chapter into Companies; practiced field tactics; the conduct of sieges, either offensively or defensively; and the role of the Chapter fleet. In battle, the Knights are the fiercest of foes, full of sound and fury. Early in the Chapter's history, a previously unknown xenoform appeared within Sovereign space. Classified as the Airbreeders for the explosive population increases the xenos experienced when in contact with oxygen, the alien race proved exceptionally difficult to purge in its entirety. The Knights sought to implement purgation protocols proven successful against the Ork, however disaster struck at nearly every turn. Quickly it was discovered that the xenos race had free access to the Knights' vox communications, seemingly unaffected by encryption. Forced to adapt, the Knights began disseminating orders on the battlefield through the use of audible, vocal blasts and visual signals utilizing specialized banners. With this, the Knights were able to reclaim the initiative, and eventually every last of one of the inexplicably duplicating, hulking beasts were burned from the lands of nearly half a dozen crater-ridden Imperial domains. However, this xenos threat would persist for centuries before final eradication, and the antiquated communications became a more permanent feature. Local Rituals & Beliefs Integral to the Chapter cult is the Oath of Office. Like many Chapters, the Knights Sovereign swear oaths before each battle, swearing themselves to the action and sometimes a specific task they set before themselves. The oaths are affixed to their armor, and they are expected to carry through with the oath throughout the action. Oaths of Office, however, are permanent. They are drawn up at their induction ceremony where the recruited mortals have arisen as one of the Knights-Companion, and will remain with them. Addendums are added throughout the Marine's life, marking their progress through the Chapter hierarchy. Each new rank or advancement requires a new Oath of Office, adding onto the old. So it is that the longest serving Marines, the highest ranking of the Chapter, have lengthy and complex Oaths of Office finely delineating their given tasks and expectations for themselves. Like Oaths of Moment, they are highly individualized reminders of their loyalties and responsibilities, as well as personal promises of feats or endeavors, or oaths bonding the Knight in fealty to a lord or in alliance with those outside the Chapter, for the entirety of that Knight's service to the Chapter and the Emperor. Within each Knight's chambers, they keep a locked rosewood box to contain their Oath of Office, centering their devotions upon its yellowed parchment and ink of blood. Normally, a Knight will write his own Oaths of Office, keeping its writings to himself. Advancement, especially to the Justiciary or Errantry, will be the traditional break from this custom. Where a Knight is unaware of the duties or responsibilities that await him, it is his immediate superior who will write these additions. It is not unknown for another Knight to assist in the inscribing, such as a mentor who tasks a promising pupil with surpassing his own achievements. Upon the death of a marine, if recovery is possible, his remains will be interred in a great stone crypt on the grounds of the keep or fortress he last served. The Oath will be placed upon his chest and set alight, his oaths thus fulfilled. Those interred into the mighty Dreadnoughts receive a similar ceremony. Though they serve still the Chapter and the Emperor, they have fulfilled the oaths of the living nonetheless, and exist now free from such burdens. Gene-seed The genetic legacy of the Lion runs strong in the Knights, as pure now as it was in the days of the First Legion, a legacy confirmed by extensive testing by brother sons of the Lion all those centuries ago. Though the foundation of the Knights Sovereign was an experimentation of sorts, it appears that the gene-forges of ancient Mars had learned the lessons of the 21st Founding well. There were no signs of genetic manipulation of the Knights Sovereign gene-seed outside of acceptable parameters. The purity of the Lion's gene-seed has aided the Knights greatly in the past, enabling quick recoveries from crippling losses and a less lethal implantation process. Champions of the Chapter Marshal Edmunt Raik – Chapter Master of the Knights Sovereign, going on the third year of his disappearance. Last seen aboard the Lion's Dagger, the Marshal was to take personal command of the battle for Vollstadt and turn the tide. However, the vessel did not return to realspace at its scheduled time. Investigation along its projected path provided no revelations on its disappearance. Warp-travel is far from precise, and such disappearances are not unknown, but it could not have come at a more difficult time. While the Earl-Justiciar Hadrian Normson has taken nominal command of the Chapter since then, the Inner Circle has yet to meet on choosing an official successor. Pontifex Theocritus VII – Born Prentis Brenmoor, the current Pontifex of the Knights Sovereign is a hard, embittered and unforgiving man, scarred not only from actions on the battlefield but from the resistance of captives stolen from hotly contested secessionist worlds. Like his namesakes, this is not a Pontifex who would prefer to remain closed away within the interrogation cells deep within the Crimson Rooks, but will often be seen at the forefront of battle among his brothers. Earl-Errant Sydorn Lyndswor – Captain of the 2nd Company, and the oldest living Knight outside the Dreadnought ancients. He has led the Knights-Errant longer than any other Earl before him, and none of the Marines under his command have known any other Earl-Errant. His list of achievements and victories are as long as his years, though much is hidden from those not initiated into the higher knowledge. In more recent years, he has been forced to give up the Ironsteed, his advanced years and the inevitable degradation of his transhuman form preventing him from fully connecting and integrating to its biomechanics. Instead, he has taken to commanding the Errantry from the gunner's seat of a Land Speeder. Knight-Companion Knight-Errant Knight-Justiciar Note that unlike other sons of the Lion, the Knights Sovereign have few suits of Terminator armor Pict-capture: Defense of Vollstadt, Knights Sovereign Sergeant in profile Marshal's Banner - The Crimson Rook
- 5 replies
- Knights Sovereign
- Dark Angels Successor
- (and 8 more)
Greetings Fraters of the B&C. Here are some pics of the army I'm currently painting up and I apologize for the picture overload, but this is my first time. Be gentle. My Chapter is a Successor from the Dark Angels/Angels of Vengeance. Most of my army is undergoing repainting to get it in line with the color scheme I have revised for my units (New scheme posted): Battle Companies: Normal marine: Vet. Sergeant (can be a Deathwalker Candidate or a former Deathwalker): or Company Vets: Command squads (majority will be former Deathwalkers, one or two may be Candidates that are about to be inducted into the 1st Company) & Company Master: 2nd Company - Boneseekers Normal biker (generally considered "more" veteran): Boneseekers Veterans (similar to the Company Veterans idea - I'm hoping there is a new 2nd Company Vets squad in a new Codex): Vet. Sergeant (will all be Deathwalker Candidates or returning Deathwalkers): or Command squads (per Battle companies) & Master of the 2nd (this will probably be a little more unique than this in some way, but look very similar): 1st Company - Deathwalkers Normal Termie: Sergeant, Command Squad (will look the same, but with a red helm stripe) Master of the 1st (trying to come up with something slightly more unique for him) Current Army Shot (minus WIP Landspeeder): The horde cometh: Predator: Dreadnought: With Missile Launcher replacing DCCW: We don't talk about the poor lone Assault Marine. His greaves and chainsword are still the wrong color and none of his compatriots have had any love (they are all still waiting to be repainted).
- 213 replies
- Stoneburners Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
- (and 8 more)