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Back in 2014, @Grand Master Belial ran the Brotherhood of Angels challenge. This was one in a series of similar annual challenges in which he challenged members to present articles showcasing their DIY Unforgiven chapters. After considering the challenge and developing my basic concept, I committed to the challenge with the following oath: (You can click on that to see it in full size) If I recall correctly, the "Throne Knights" name came from an earlier discussion, though I can't recall exactly where that discussion took place other than to suspect it was within the Liber Astartes forum. That name was not used by whoever it was that was discussing it, so I shamelessly appropriated it for my own use. I wanted to get away from names that were obviously related to the Unforgiven chapters. As with all of my DIYs, I wanted to explore a specific concept. In this case, I wanted to explore what might happen if one of the successors of the Dark Angels legion ever decided to not take part in the hunt for the Fallen. Describing such a chapter was an inherent part of the article, but my focus was really on the consequences for that chapter, as portrayed through the eyes of the other Unforgiven chapters. Spoiler: the other Unforgiven chapters didn't react well. Though I chose for the chapter to be mavericks of sorts (compared to the other Unforgiven chapters), I incorporated a lot of imagery that drew upon the traditions of the First Legion. The squad and company markings were straight out of Codex: Dark Angels, though I replaced the green of the Dark Angels with the dark red of the Throne Knights. Similarly, the broken sword motif of the Deathwing was kept, and though I didn't portray it, the winged sword motif of the Ravenwing was also present. Unlike the Dark Angels, however, the coloration of these two companies was the standard dark red of the rest of the chapter. You can see the basic livery of the Throne Knights chapter at left. I also wanted to show how this now-lost chapter was once lauded among the Adeptus Astartes. This wasn't to say that they were ever "better" than any other chapter - only that they, like other chapters, achieved victories that were worthy of recognition by the larger Imperium. To do that, I drew inspiration from the image at right, which shows the Eternity Gate on Holy Terra, with various banners of the Imperium's heroes throughout the millennia. While I generally disdain the notion that planets are ever composed of a single biome (e.g., so-called "jungle worlds" or "desert worlds" etc.), I decided to use that device with the homeworld of the Throne Knights. The mechanic for doing this was to place the planet at the extreme outer edge of the so-called "Goldilocks zone" where life can be sustained. As such, the water-rich planet had a frozen surface, the inhabitants forced to live in underground arcologies fabricated from the remnants of the ships that had originally brought them to the world during the Dark Age of Technology. As a contrast, I also incorporated facial tattoos among the Throne Knights, theoretically a practice that they borrowed from the planet's human inhabitants. The inspiration for the tattoos I used, however, came from tribes of the Amazon, a rain forest biome. I never explored the fauna of the Throne Knights' homeworld, though it was conceptually important since hunting that fauna was a key catalyst for the chapter's recruitment process. My theory was that one or more of the lifeforms that the humans of the world hunted created some substances that were used in the facial tattoos of both cultures, that of the humans and that of the chapter. I figured that the consequences of the original planet colliding with some rogue planet, the impact on the environment as Urkona was thrown off its original orbit and shifted outward from its sun, and the survival of biological matter from both planets to evolve into lifeforms that could survive the devastated environment, led to some interesting and hardy lifeforms. The facial tattoo designs were copied straight off the cover of an issue of National Geographic magazine at that time, and bringing them to fruition using the Space Marine Scout Painter was ... interesting. Unfortunately, this wasn't a chapter that I really considered much past the article stage. I know that I would like to get a few models painted up - perhaps a kill team or maybe a combat patrol (I'd love to finish a company master and some terminators, after all). It was more of an intellectual exercise in examining the story of the Unforgiven and their response to one of their own breaking ranks. I have some Dark Angels models, however, and these will almost certainly become Throne Knights if I ever get around to painting them.
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Uncrowned Princes Armorial
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
"The measure of true glory is not to give battle in the bright noon of war, surrounded by brave comrades upon the field of victory, but to valiantly fight on alone in the darkness, with no hope of aid or even remembrance, and to spit defiance in midnight's eye." — Lion El'Jonson, Reflections on the Mirror of War, Vol III The Uncrowned Princes are a recently-founded Successor Chapter of the Dark Angels that was created during the recent Ultima Founding during the 42nd Millennium and is comprised entirely of Primaris Space Marines. Styled after the old Dark Angels Legion that existed during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, the Uncrowned Princes, as they have been known as, have also inherited the old tenets of the Lion during their creation. Due to this, they are noted to have made many major tactical and organizational deviations from the Codex Astartes, as they use a modified version of the Hexagrammaton, which was how the old Dark Angels Legion was organized. Hailing from the forested death world of Blackhaven, which is virtually identical in both climate and culture to Caliban, the destroyed death world that served as the homeworld of the Dark Angels, their parent chapter. The Uncrowned Princes have been forged into Astartes due to their experience of hunting down the large monsters of their homeworld as they seek to take on the biggest foes they can find, whether in sheer size or sheer numbers. During their founding, the Uncrowned Princes were given a significant portion of the old First Legion's arsenal to use in battle. Read More: Uncrowned Princes© Algrim Whitefang
Uncrowned Princes Primaris Interemptor
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Uncrowned Princes Primaris Interemptor Kerubiel Decar, 'Righteous Seraph of the Unknown Spire', assigned to the 10th Company. He is armed with a rare and exceedingly powerful relic Plasma Burner.© Algrim Whitefang
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Uncrowned Princes Primaris Intercessor
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Uncrowned Princes Stormwing Intercessor Battle-Brother Ezekiel Crohne of the 5th Company, 2nd Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
The Rift Reapers are an Ultima Founding Space Marine chapter using gene-seed taken from the secretive Dark Angels and their Primarch Lion El'Jonson. They were officially founded in the first wave of primaris chapters during the Indomitus Crusade, though they were part of the pre-founding batches of primaris used for testing the new organs and equipment that were created and deployed in small amounts prior to the actual founding. While at first they were ignorant to much of their primogenitor chapter's true history, by the end of the Indomitus Crusade the chapter's Inner circle was aware of the Fallen and have fervently joined the secretive ranks of the Unforgiven in the hunt for them. Read More: Rift Reapers© Algrim Whitefang
Rift Reapers Company Master
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Rift Reapers Company Master of the Chapter's 7th Company. Note: Use of green robes denotes this veteran commander is a member of the Chapter's Inner Circle and is privy to both his Chapter's and the Unforgiven's darkest secrets.© Algrim Whitefang
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Rift Reapers Primaris Intercessor
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Rift Reapers Primaris Battle-Brother of the 5th Company, 5th Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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Paladins of Caliban Armorial
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
The Paladins of Caliban or in High Gothic the Custodians Calibani are a Successor Chapter created from the lineage of the ancient and mysterious Dark Angels. As they're an Ultima Founding Chapter, they're composed entirely of Primaris Space Marines. As a member of the Unforgiven, they've learned their progenitor chapter's secrecy and, as such, have been known for being extremely secretive towards their allies during battles or campaigns. Read More: Paladins of Caliban© Algrim Whitefang
Paladins of Caliban Sergeant
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Paladins of Caliban Sergeant Armaros Sorail ('Stern Guardian of the Undying Altar'), 5th Company, 8th Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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Paladins of Caliban Bladeguard
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Paladins of Caliban Bladeguard Veteran Menelauis Cadmus ('Unforgiving Executioner of the Forbidden Key').© Algrim Whitefang
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Paladins of Caliban Master Paladin
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Paladins of Caliban 3rd Company Master Paladin Sangrariel Kazarar ('Unforgiving Exterminator of the Dark Maelstrom').© Algrim Whitefang
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From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
The Iron Seraphs are a Loyalist fleet-based Successor Chapter descended from the venerable Angels of Absolution, whom themselves are descended from the ancient and mysterious Dark Angels Chapter. This Chapter is composed entirely of Primaris Space Marines, created during the most recent Ultima Founding. Operating in the Justicar sub-Sector of the Armageddon Sector, the Iron Seraphs are highly active at prosecuting the wars of the Imperium against the myriad of enemies of Mankind. Like their fellow Unforgiven Chapters, the Iron Seraphs are driven to prosecute the Dark Angels' secret war against The Fallen, and are more than willing to answer their progenitors' call to war in order to achieve their objectives. Read More: Iron Seraphs© Algrim Whitefang
Iron Seraphs Primaris Intercessor
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Iron Seraphs Primaris Intercessor of the 3rd Company, 2nd Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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Inheritors of Caliban Armorial
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
The Inheritors of Caliban are a Codex-compliant Chapter created in the Ultima Founding descended from the venerable Dark Angels. Though a noble and pious Chapter, their name hides a dark secret few of them are privy to. The Inheritors of Caliban did not just inherit the genetic legacy of Lion El'Jonson, but the dark secrets hidden by the Dark Angels. Of course these secrets were not granted to the Inheritors easily, for the Dark Angels were hesitant to trust the Primaris with the secrets the First Born had kept for millennia. Even so, the Inheritors of Caliban proved worthy of the secrets and now count themselves among the Unforgiven. Read More: Inheritors of Caliban© Algrim Whitefang
Inheritors of Caliban Supreme Master
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Nibril Haldacian, current Supreme Master of the Inheritors of Caliban and Lord of the Unseen Order (Inner Circle). Nibril Haldacian is the current Supreme Master of the Inheritors of Caliban Chapter and Lord of the Unseen Order. He succeeded Tassadon after the former Supreme Master's mysterious demise in the Battle of Suruka Matalox that also saw the deaths of the last of the Awakened Primaris, giving way for the Chapter to be completely of the Indoctrinated Primaris. Haldacian is remarked to be a shrewd and cunning strategist who tricks his foes into a false sense of security before tearing their delusion down with his attacks. He has a low regard for personal combat, opting instead to lead from behind and using a pair of Boltstorm Gauntlets for when he must deal with foes. As Lord of the Unseen Order, it is his duty to oversee the meetings as well as keep the secrets of the Unforgiven. As Chapter Master, he is privy to the whole truth of the Unforgiven, more so than anyone else in the Inheritors of Caliban, yet even he does not know the full truth.© Algrim Whitefang
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Inheritors of Caliban Veteran Marine
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Inheritors of Caliban Veteran Brother Agidus bearing the cowl and robes of a veteran as well as a Knight Helm.© Algrim Whitefang
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Inheritors of Caliban Hellblaster
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Inerhitors of Caliban Hellblaster Girvus, 2nd Squad, 9th Reserve Company (Fire Support).© Algrim Whitefang
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Inheritors of Caliban Primaris Intercessor
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Inheritors of Caliban Brother Hadriun, 4th Company, 3rd Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
The Harvesters is a loyalist Space Marine Chapter created during the recent Ultima Founding from the ancient and aloof Dark Angels. Since its inception, this Chapter has garnered a reputation for its cold calculating approach to waging wars. More so than in other chapters the life of each battle-brother is considered secondary to his duty. This astartes chapter earned a fearsome reputation for their ability to get behind enemy lines and dismantle the command structure. Their mastery to prosecute a swift and silent style of war, to smother the enemy's ability to resist, steal their will to fight with precision strikes, and gain the acquisition of key intelligence for use by other forces. And their dedication to their duties make them highly effective warriors. Read More: Harvesters© Algrim Whitefang
Harvesters Command Livery Shield
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
© Algrim Whitefang
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Harvesters Primaris Intercessor
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Harvesters Primaris Intercessor of the 3rd Company, 5th Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
"My brothers we stand on the brink of a new age, an age where those who fought in the legions and alongside the Lion are gone. We stand not as Dark Angels but as Silver Lions. To be a Silver Lion is to be an exemplar of the Ist, a paragon of Lion El'Jonson, a fierce warrior and a true servant of the Emperor." — Supreme Grand Master Decanius at the founding of the Silver Lions. The Silver Lions are a honourable and venerated 3rd Founding Successor Chapter created from the lineage of Lion El'Jonson who refused to adhere to the strictures of the Codex Astartes. Much like their brothers in the Unforgiven, they too take part in the Hunt for the Fallen but they are far less willing to abandon those they have pledged to defend, instead sending smaller elements of the chapter to hunt them whilst the remaining brothers carry out their duty to the Imperium. In fact the Silver Lions are less concerned with hunting the Fallen, seeing it as no more important than other tasks, unless a particular Fallen presents a major threat to the Imperium. However they still hunt the fallen if it is deemed practical to do so. The Silver Lions themselves were established on the belief that the teachings of the Lion are superior to that of the Codex and as such they follow the Hexagrammiton and the Hekatonystika instead of the Codex Astartes. Although the Lions use these formations, the modern chapters versions of the Hexagrammiton and Hekatonystika are a far cry from their original legion counter-parts and have been moulded by the chapter over millennia into the static organisations they are today. Read More: Silver Lions© Algrim Whitefang
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Silver Lions Battleline Astartes
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Silver Lions Firstborn Knight Harkain, 7th Stormwing Order, Death Host, 4th Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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Silver Lions Silver Shield Veteran
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Silver Lions Silver Shield Paladin-Sergeant of the elite 1st Host ('The Death Host').© Algrim Whitefang
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From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
"A confession... why in the Lions name would I want that?" — Unknown Interrogator-Chaplain to a captured Fallen Angel. The Sable Pride is a semi-Codex compliant successor of the venerable and ancient Dark Angels Chapter, that was founded in order to hunt down a specific Fallen during M37. The Prides' history has been fraught with misfortune and treachery as they have sought to complete their duty to the Emperor and the Lion. The chapter even suffered its own civil war known as the War of the Two Prides, which damaged the psyche of the chapter and caused a slow turn away from the Unforgiven, who they now hold a tenuous relationship with, completely ignoring the word of the Supreme Grand Master and even firing upon fellow chapters. Despite this, the Pride still hunts the Fallen, but places far more importance on capturing their own traitors from the warband, Dothanes Pride. When found, neither of these groups are asked for confessions of crimes the chapter is fully aware of and instead emphasises excruciating torture before an eventual execution, in order to mirror the suffering inflicted upon the chapter. The chapter itself has become masters of siege and urban warfare and their specialised 2nd company, the Spearwing, is made up entirely of heavy armour such as Land Raiders and Predators. Today the Sable Pride is bloodied and beaten with its home and primary charge, the Pontifex Cluster, ravaged by war whilst great swaths of its territory lay in enemy hands. Even the chapter's reinforcements from the likes of the Ebon Angels come with hidden motives to investigate the Pride for treason against the Unforgiven and what other support they brought is underwhelming at best for the task at hand. Now the Sable Pride stands on the precipice of either their salvation through the impossible act of reconquering the Cluster or damnation by the hand of the Ebon Angels. Read More: Sable Pride© Algrim Whitefang
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