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Hello Warlords of the Chaos wastes! I have been playing 40k since 5th edition, and with the release of 10th, I wanted to try and make an incredibly challenging and immersive large game for my player group. The inclusion of boarding action rules making the jump from 9th to 10th helped inspire me to do this, as well as a general love of siege warfare picked up from playing the Iron Warriors. To summarise, in this mission, the attacker must break past my Iron Warrior blockade and into Warsmith Du'Rak's fortress. They are to locate and rescue a powerful navigator the Iron Warriors captured on a previous raid, to prevent them from learning of secret warp routes. The fortress is shielded from teleportation, so the attacker cannot initially deep-strike a terminator squad to clear the place out. Instead, they must storm the walls and break in themselves. While an incredibly difficult mission for the attacker (by my estimate) I am hoping the overall challenge, complexity, and immersion (I plan to have a system in place where the Navigator's master will be relaying information to the attacker as the game goes forward) of the mission will attract players from my group to try it, in particular, a good friend of mine who plays Imperial Fists (while mortal enemies on the tabletop, I ensure you that IF and IW players are the best of friends from a shared love of walls and trenches) who I'm certain will love to give this mission a go. I went and got the boarding actions terrain kit from my LGS and have only just finished cutting it out of the sprue. I've noticed that while doing some test assembly that the double wall pieces don't slot in very easily, so I'll need to file that down sometime in the future. For now, here is the set up for my interior stronghold. Those who have Arks of Omen Abaddon will recognise the setup from one of the scenarios, and this is because that mission breaks the board into five chambers, which is what I wanted to do for my castle. This is going to go behind a large wall, and the attacker will need to enter at one of the three objective markers, either by storming the main gate (entry 2) or by getting models atop the outer wall and "embarking" into one of two towers (entries 1 and 3) What I want to do to amp up the difficulty even more is cover each chamber with a bit of cardboard in the shape of the room so that the attacker will effectively be going into each room blind. Each chamber will also have a lot of scatter terrain in it to convey a rooms purpose, stuff like an armoury, command centre, that sort of thing. The hostage the attacker will need to collect will be in the medical facility (here marked with a hated Imperial Fist Chibi). I did see Mantic games has a sci-fi terrain set which I will get to act as terrain. For the moment however I'd like to make a start on the main walls. I've elected to paint my walls in this style, as found in Duncan Rhodes' Painting Academy tutorial on youtube. As a general rule, I like to write up the steps found in these style tutorials, which makes it easier for me to reference whenever I'm actually painting. That's all I have for my first post. I have one set of walls set up to be painted (funnily enough the type found in Duncan's tutorial, purely because they slotted in easiest without need of further intervention) which I hope I can show in my next update. I will also hope to expand further into the mission rules. See you then, Spiros14
- 64 replies
- iron warriors
- Missions
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From the album: Schoon's Titanicus
WIP of a turreted defense fortification-
- Adeptus Titanicus
- Terrain
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The only 40k element on the Sunday preview (aside from black library releasing a HH omnibus): Made to Order: Warhammer 40,000 Terrain
From the album: Schoon's Titanicus
WIP Titan Bay model-
- Adeptus Titanicus
- Titan Bay
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Warehouse to let, one careless owner
Noserenda posted a blog entry in Noserenda's meandering path to dubious glory
Finished up a piece of terrain this evening thats been sitting mostly finished for a while,The base model is a kids toy i got from a charity shop for 2 quid, originally bright blue and yellow i took the chance to test the green spray i picked up for my Sons of Horus juuuust in case it was awful but it worked well enough, used it on the doors and roof and worked up the walls in white. 297665450_10160178297585797_4152062382917534225_n I was struggling with how to finish it up, originally aiming for mucky but well maintained with some washes. Then i realised warehouses always look a bit of a state after a while, especially in 40k/Necromunda! So rust and streaking it was, and i stippled on the sign in a fairly incomprehensible manner, bonus points if you can work out what it says :D 299304762_10160178292375797_5435264233655534113_n The Doors still technically work, but a liiiitle bit tight now. Just needs some varnish next time the atmosphere fancies cooperating, because terrain always gets rekked. -
From the album: Schoon's Titanicus
The second later of hillside on the terrain piece. -
From the album: Schoon's Titanicus
Adding the first layer of hillside to the piece. -
From the album: Schoon's Titanicus
First coat of spackle applied to my Generarium.-
- Terrain
- Adeptus Titanicus
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From the album: Schoon's Titanicus
Getting ready for spackle... Looking good. -
From the album: Schoon's Titanicus
Progress - the next step is making the hill... -
From the album: Schoon's Titanicus
WIP of a power generator the will be embedded in a hillside -
So as a note beforehand. I am that type of person that has 12 different projects lying around in various stages. I am that type of person that can be used as an example: How to not buy into 40k. Pre brexit I was unsure what would happen so I sold one of my magic legacy decks and bought around 50 boxes. Of course over time I also had all these other impulses and my pile just keeps growing. But now, I have a date, 17th of september untill my custom made display case will be done. 210 cm high with shelves of 24 by 48 inch inside to fit the sector imperialis boards. With the time frame remaining, I am aiming to semi fill out 2 shelves. My mind scatters form wanting to paint Ultramarines, Vostroyans, Epic Iyanden/UM, Adeptus Titanicus,terrain (with necrons and adeptus custodes sitting on the maybe list). Yah thats to much I know . Anyhow, I will post pictures here of projects I am working on and will be finishing over time. Knowing myself, I know I want to touch up some older squads of models once I have the display case. Hence I most likely will pump out pictures at a higher rate around that time. I would like to get some Imperial Guard done before the display case arrives. (Only have a handfull of models painted right now) Maybe my mind gets tired of painting the same colours and I might finish something else in between. (longterm) Goal with the guard army is having at least 300 infantry models so I will need to settle on a TTQ army. I will aim to finish a 1000 point mechanized list before said date. This is my latest project. I am roughly on 95% with these 4 and need to finish 1 more. Its a very basic approach of a single layer primary colour and applying a heavy agrax earthshade to add depth over the model. All I have left are the lenses with 2 of these guys and do some shading on the mud of the bases once its dry. Im considering adding a couple of skulls and rocks to add a bit more depth to the base but nothing to fancy. For those wondering. The heads are from Wargames Atlantic. Its a pretty simply headswap with the DkoK. Only remark I can make is that you need to cut down the WA necks in a slightly diagonal way to make them fit better. Here is a little sidenote. As a Dutch person I am far more direct then the average person online. Its a culture thing that we don't like people dancing around the subject and just get to the point. I know everyone on forums is very respectfull when it comes to commenting someone his painted models. We all recognise that said person put a lot of time and love in getting whatever it is finished. So we are very carefyll not to insult said person. That said, please don't be afraid to give constructive critisism in terms of colour theory and such. I am very much open to criticism that I can work with and welcome it!
- 11 replies
- Vostroyan
- Ultramarines
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Just a couple of quick questions, How do the Necromunda figures in the starter set size up to Old Marines? And would the scenery/terrain be okay size wise? Thanks in advance p.s. pics would be helpful if anyone has any
This is another channel I follow regularly, although my favourite is the Brits, these guys posted an excellent video on terrain and how they go through setting up the best table possible to play on that creates a fair and exciting match. Here's the link. It's a great video and I'm posting it here for my GK bro's who really need help protecting their troops and getting the best possible fair game of 40k in! This has helped me and my gaming group greatly and creates a fairer matchup and fun for both people. As always, take it with a grain of salt and do what you want, but it's well worth checking out.
I was lookin for a design for a DIY collapsable/foldable table. I had debated over making an 8'x4' or a 6'x4' table. Contemplating a design that folds in half and the legs swing inside. I'm working up an idea in my head but suggestions are more than welcome. I've revived this topic for a WIP of said table. The design is basically finished in my head. I priced out the majority of the material. I'll sketch out the design and plan to get material soon! Watch out!
**** Some images have been lost from this thread and the replacements may not be 100% like for like with the originals. **** Hi, and welcome to my miserable corner of the Underhive. This is where I am planning to catalogue my efforts at painting and building for Necromunda. I thoroughly enjoyed the original as a teenager and even managed to track down my old Escher Gang - The Bitch Fighters, in all their badly painted glory (I remember being very proud of them at the time) some of which may yet re-materialise after a bath in a stripping solution. Needless to say, I like others am really impressed with the new version and vision for Necromunda, so I couldn't resist picking it up. I have been asking progress on the contents of the box, I built the gangs stock to start with, although I have an extra box of Escher gang to use for a more bespoke gang in due course. I also saw a nifty idea in a Facebook group for using timber to build some simple, cheap Zone Mortalis walls, however I am trying to elevate the idea by applying plenty of texturing and detail to the timber. This far I have been working on getting the box models to a serviceable level of painting, before I go back and add final details later - a process I have found much easier with the Goliath's than the Escher which have so much more going on detail wise that they demand a more thorough paint job. I have always been prone to wandering around staring at bits of industrial units, vent units, manhole covers, and so on so I may include photos of such things amid my progress to show what I am hoping to achieve. I don't have many photos easily accessible since a mobile broke on me, but I will try and rescue them in due course. That said I do have one or two pics that I will share for the time being. These are my first Goliath, as you can see I have gone for a fairly classic theme with him: Images Removed[/b} The plan is to go back and highlight the reds, metallics and blacks a bit more and add in details like the stimm units on their backs, and their bracers. But I reckon they are a solid start. This is mostly basecoat and washes for now, some minimal highlights to the grey trousers. I will try and dog up photos of the other things I have been working on and post them up too. In the meantime let me know what you think.
Hi guys! I've been playing Warhammer 40k for over a decade now, and have my fair share of armies. I've had small blogs scattered on various forums before, but most haven't been updated in years, are archived and/or are filled with dead images. So I figured I'd just consolidate everything into a single blog, showing some of my older stuff and then continue with stuff I'm working on now or in the future. Apologies if you've seen some of the stuff before. I'm not the fastest nor the best painter, and with my short attention span I generally move between projects often to keep me from getting bored on painting the same stuff constantly. So here's my stuff, I hope you enjoy! I'll update this first post as an index to the posts with content for easy future reference. Tyranids - Hive Fleet Leviathan This was my first army which I started in 2008, after me and a few friends got into the hobby from playing the Dawn of War video games. I just loved the little gribblies and big monsters. Too inexperienced to realize beige is a pain in the ass to paint, I settled on a Leviathan-esque paint job before Hive Fleet Adaptations were a thing. Zoanthrope - Done Carnifex - 1, 2 Gants - Done Gargoyles - Done Trygon - Done Winged Hive Tyrant - Done Hive Crone - Done Swarmlord & Tyrant Guard - Done Tervigon - Done Exocrine - Done Haruspex - Done Tyrannofex - Done Deathleaper - Done Maleceptor - Done Old One Eye - Done Tyranid Warriors w/ Ranged Bio-Weapons - Done Grey Knights I always had a weak spot for the Daemonhunters, so I started this army in 2011 when the first plastic GK models came out together with their 5th edition codex. I also started experimenting with an airbrush around this time after failing to paint their power weapons one too many times (I still fail at blending). Haven't done much with them since 7th really after the Inquisition and Grey Knights got split up in separate codexes, and their current edition codex just feels lacking. Librarian - Done Brotherhood Ancient - Done Apothecary - Done Kaldor Draigo - Done Terminators/Paladins - Done Strike Squad - Done Purifiers - Done Inquisitor Coteaz - Done Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - Done Vindicare Assassin - Done Dreadnought - Done Venerable Dreadnought - Done Nemesis Dreadknight - Done Land Raider - Done Stormraven - Done Eldar - Craftworld Saim-Hann I started collecting Saim-Hann when their 6th edition codex came out in 2013, when the plastic wind riders and wraithguard came out. Jetbikes and wraith constructs are my two favourite aspects about Craftworld Eldar and I liked the vibrant red of Saim-Hann. That they matched the jetbike playstyle didn't hurt either, of course. Autarch Skyrunner - Done Farseer Skyrunner - Done Windriders - Done Vyper - Done Dire Avengers - Done Wave Serpent - Done Fire Prism - Done War Walker - Done Crimson Hunter - Done Spiritseer - Done Wraithguard - Done Wraithlord - Done Wraithknight - Done Blood Angels - 5th Company 'Daemonbanes' I wanted to do a Space Marine army for a while, as the Grey Knight model range is (still) very limited, and I kept seeing one new Astartes release after another that I couldn't include in my army. While I originally intended to do a custom chapter, I already had a Space Hulk set and a Deathstorm box for my Tyranids, so I figured I might as well just do Blood Angels as I already liked their background and already had those models anyway. So in 2015 I began working on the Sons of Sanguinius. Since the previous armies were relatively clean looking, I went for a more grimmer, weathered look for these. I picked the 5th company as the main focus, simply because I liked the black blood drop of that company's insignia best to match the darker look I was going for, plus it seems thematic to ally with my Grey Knights considering they're called the Daemonbanes. Sanguinary Priest - Done Commander Dante - Done Sanguinary Guard - Done Assault Squad - Done Bike Squad - Done Librarian - Done Librarian Dreadnought - Done Furioso Dreadnought - Done Deredeo Dreadnought - Done Death Company Dreadnought - Done Lemartes - Done Death Company - Done Baal Predator - Done Relic Sicaran Battle Tank - Done Drop Pod - Done Sniper Scout Squad - Done Close Combat Scout Squad - Done Captain - Done Suppressor Squad - WIP 1, Done Thunderhawk Gunship - WIP 1, WIP 2 Adeptus Mechanicus & Imperial Knights - Forgeworld Xana II & House Malinax Always been a fan of the AdMech, and generally I go for the tech-priest character in any of the 40k RPGs I've done over the years. After snagging two cheap knights from a Renagade box and getting some Skitarii from the Kill Team starter set, I finally started with the cogboys in 2018. As I already had two red armies and didn't want a third, and I loved the colour scheme of House Malinax from FW, I decided to go with this colour scheme for the AdMech units as well. I know that lorewise they're hereteks/traitors to the Imperium, but I don't intend to go all chaosy/dark mechanicum on them. Skitarii Vanguard - WIP 1 Skitarii Rangers - WIP 1 Sicarian Infiltrators - WIP 1 Armiger Warglaive - WIP 1 Knight Warden - WIP 1 Scenery, Terrain & Gaming Room I'm lucky enough to have a spare bedroom (and a wife that lets me use it) as a dedicated hobby room, and have my own gaming table. I love building scenery, even though it takes me ages to complete any projects because of the amount of work required for the bigger projects. Gaming Table - Done Realm of Battle - Done Fortress of Redemption - Done Skyshield Landing Pad - Done Woods - Done Blastscape - Done Aquila - Done Imperial Sector Buildings - WIP 1 FW Industrial Sector - WIP 1, WIP 2 3D Printing Always wanted to get into 3D printing, but wanted to wait for a printer that could print high quality prints without having thick layer lines, had a large enough volume to tackle larger projects but was still affordable enough. This turned out to be the Phrozen Transform. 3D Printer - 1
- 48 replies
- Tyranids
- Blood Angels
- (and 8 more)
Greetings all. I thought I would share my progress on my Necromunda box set - so far I've only done anything with House Goliath, I'll be working on the Escher when they're finished, and then try my hand at sorting some terrain out. The gang so far. I'd say these guys are about 90% done at the moment, I keep finding new details to pick out. Some close ups; I'll be building the last set of Goliath's soon, hopefully today but we will see how things go. C&C welcome
I've always played in a store or in a club some friends run so I've always had terrain on the table but I've been thinking about either buying or making my own terrain to be able to play at home or just have a nicer-looking place to display my minis. GW's seem too expensive, though so I've been looking for cheaper options. I've run into TTCombat's terrains which are quite affordable but before I throw any money at it I decided it was better to ask for opinions. Do you have any experience with TTCombat's products? I was thinking about getting their Ruin Sector pack:
From the album: Scenery
Complete! -
From the album: Scenery
WIP 1 -
From the album: Miscellaneous
Objectives made on 6/6/2017-
- Objectives
- Objective Marker
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From the album: The Three Foot Rule
From the album: The Three Foot Rule