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Found 7 results

  1. I decided to start a WiP Thread for my stuff to get going. First thing I wanted to share is something I discovered while going through my Thousand Sons stuff: My old Chaos Warlord and his honour guard! Sardreth is a conversion based on a Nightlords Character featured in a battle report promoting the City Fight Supplement back in the day. The body is from a really old Raptor, head from the metal Lord, wings for the Jump Pack from the metal Furies and the Claws are from Abbadon and the Raptors. I built him back in the day, when you could order single Bits from GW. His retinue where two hounds (those were equipment, I think) and some Raptors. I want to do some touch-up work on the guys and maybe paint them as Night Lords.
  2. Hi folks. A very short contribution this time with some Work-in-Progress shared here. Let's see if you can guess what these bases are for: There are some serious clues that can be found in the colour schemes (if you compare with some previous works of mine in this Blog or in my Galleries). Some clues may be not that recent for sure... But sometimes lack of update for past projects is a clue in itself... Some recent posts in the forum may also set the light on the miniatures that are going to be set on these plastic disks. Disks I said, except for the ovoid one; this one is probably the one and only one that is not associated to any claimed mini, planned or "accidental" purchase... At least declared here on the forums. Any idea you might want to share in the comments? Of course this is not a bankable survey of any kind. No prize except satisfaction of taking part and may be guessing correctly. Let's see if you find out. PS: as snow bases I did recently are all for my Asuryanii, I can give as a clue that there is none of these pointy ears here.
  3. Working on my Chaos Marine army is slow-going for a bunch of reasons, but progress does happen (and hopefully soon so will more actual games). I'm currently focused on assembling/converting a couple of extra HQ choices. Firstly, a new Chaos Lord based on an Aspiring Champion from the original incarnation of my army. Tentatively named Kayne Firebringer. There's a good chance the name will change at some point (or possibly just the spelling). Based on a Primaris Reiver to get the extra stature the original version was supposed to possess. I'm trimming down the right-hand shoulder pad to add a regular CSM shoulder pad over it, and I need to remove the left hand/forearm to replace it with the CSM power fist for "I'm coming for you" effect. I'm also waiting on some Necromunda Goliath parts to give him one of the masked heads instead of the head shown in this image. Next we have Angelica, Exalted Champion of Khorne or, as I like to think of her, the Khornate Murder Princess. She's waiting for me to work out what I'm doing for her shoulder pad and to fill the gap from the cloak piece I decided against using. I have a right arm for her, with a massive blade weapon, but I think I need to sort out the torso before I can start trimming the shoulder on the arm to get it to fit. And finally, for now, the third Helbrute for my army. Unfortunately I couldn't get my camera to focus on the Cold One Head properly. All it really needs at the moment is a bit of gap-filling, but I'm tempted to add spikes and blades to the spire for the extra Godzilla factor. The heavy flamers use the spare cannisters from the Helbrute kits and nozzles from the Sister of Silence kit.
  4. So, I think the title is enough to explain the gist of the idea. The Space Wolves were deployed on Cadia, and got annihilated. What I want to do is build a company out of the survivors of the Cadian Gate incident. Their armaments will be heavily customized surplus weapons, fresh out the Forge World or scavenged from a dead enemy, with only a little Wolf Heraldry here and there from weapons they didn't lose. Their armor will be, once again, surplus. Compared to the detail and heraldry of the main chapter they are almost barren of detail. Paint scheme will be a Pre-Heresy gray with yellow heraldry instead of red, more silver and steel than bronze or gold, but that is waaaayyyy down the line. Using Space Marine rules to keep them WYSIWIG as possible. List of models planned out for the army. Wolf Lord, Drein Bladedancer. Techmarine. 8x Heavily kitbashed Primaris Marines/ True Scale(ish) Marines, run as Terminators. 5x "Normal" Terminators, still heavily kitbashed. Two 5x Squads of Sternguard Veterans. Contemptor Dreadnought, named Ignika. Another Contemptor Dreadnought, WITH A JUMP PACK. Going to convert it from a Deredeo body, with Ironclad Dreadnought arms and Storm Raven vents and engine parts for the jump pack. Two 10x Squad of Tactical Marines. 2x Rhinos. Kitbashed Devastator team made of Primaris Marines and Imperial Guard Mortars, no special rules just cool. Lascannon everything Predator. OOP Metal Vindicator. 2x Converted Death Watch flyers, run as Storm Ravens. Storm Eagle. Some kind of character wielding a sword made from a Dark Eldar Ravager keel blade. Dark Souls Cleaver Style. Any and all advice or criticism is welcomed.
  5. Hey everyone, starting up a new Admech army and figured I'd track the progress here. Some of the base lore for the world is below, and I'll upload some photos whenever I get the chance :) The scheme is roughly inspired by "A Mechanicus...Darkly." ---BEGIN TRANSMISSION--- The world Aegaon was originally settled during the Dark age of Technology, before being overrun by orks during the long night. It is a harsh world, primarily covered in water split only by the peaks of undersea mountains that rise lonely from the depths. In M36, it was revisited by a rogue trader whose crew contained a member of the adeptus mechanicus, Techpriest Numerian. While on location, Numerian discovered an STC for a slightly different pattern of lasrifle mag, which had better charging efficiency while underwater than the traditional model. For this discovery, Numerian was gifted the world of Aegaeon and instructed to excavatefor any further STC fragments. The first 100 Aegaean Expeditionary forces were created to explore the oceans and caves of the undersea world,and by M37 it was determined that the world was devoid of any more fragments. By this time, Aegaeon had specialized into lasrifle production exclusively. Numerian, Arch-Techpriest of the world, became tired of the monotony of their production and jealous of other, larger forgeworlds. In M38, he revitalized the Expeditionary Force program to search new worlds for more undiscovered technology. The 486th Archeological Expeditionary force was one of the groups launched from Aegaeon with the sole purpose of discovering new technology. Led by Techpriest Triaxius, the expedition follows myths and legends around the cosmos, hoping to bring their small forgeworld into the limelight of the Imperium. Their blue robes mark their heritage as members of the undersea forges. ---END TRANSMISSION---
  6. Hello fellow hobbyists! Welcome to my little blog of "By the Emperor that is a disturbing amount of money," Space Wolves. I originally had a Space Wolves army that I was semi okay with, and then I found B&C. I have people like KrautScientist, Terimus, The Insane Psychopath, The Observer, and many, many more to thank for indirectly teaching me hobbyist skills I did not even know existed, which prompted me to start my army from scratch. Now I am ready to bare my fangs if you will. (Oh yes puns are involved too.) Without further ado, I present the Skywarriors Great Company. "Sven Bloodhowl now lies in red snow... and the lots have been cast for his successor. Drein Bladedancer step forward." http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p493/40kDestiny/Drein%20Bladedancer_zpsoclvr95d.jpg "In the name of Russ and the Allfather, as Great Wolf of the Vlka Fenryka, I give you the mantle of Wolf Lord. Choose the name of your new Great Company." http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p493/40kDestiny/20170626_115023_zpsypwvj6fx.jpg "The Skywarriors. We shall take the name that we heard tale of since we were pups." http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p493/40kDestiny/20170626_115001_zpsuaogttjy.jpg "My first request as Wolf Lord, Great Wolf, is the release of two Wulfen into the custody of my company." "Only two? Name them." "Charlamagne the Bloody and Monarch, Terror's Eye." "So be it."
  7. Hello, everyone. Welcome to my new WIP thread, in which I will chronicle the construction, and hopefully completion, of my take on the Ultramarines Third Company. My aim for this army is to build a full Battle Company in the colours of the Third. Along the way, I hope to improve my painting abilities, including speed and precision. I've been collecting Warhammer, both Fantasy and 40k, for over eight years. I've had many armies along the way. The latest that I've shared was this, also Ultramarines Third Company. Like every project before it, it didn't work out for a variety of reasons. But now I think, I hope, I've found something that I can stick with (knock on wood). I don't want to go on a long rant about what my models will be like, but I'd like to share the basic stuff. Colour scheme is typical Ultramarines, red trims for the Third Company, and all lenses and Plasma weapon coils will be orange-red, to both limit my palette a bit, and to provide a complimentary spot colour to the blue. So far, I like it. Each model will be an individual, with a unique combination of parts and pose. I've bought, and will buy, lots of Forge World sets, which helps greatly with variations. I also use parts from the other Power Armour armies, such as helmetless heads from the Blood Angels range. And for the first time in years, I might use waterslide transfers. The results weren't pretty last time I used them, mostly because I'm terrible at applying them. But I think my abilities have progressed enough that I can make it work. I tried out a few from the standard GW Space Marine sheet on some spare bits. Went well, compared to the last time around, and I've got Micro Set and Micro Sol on the way. If I can make it work, I'll buy some transfer sheets from Forge World. At any rate, they'll probably be smoother and cleaner than my freehanding... Additionally, each model will be named, and I will create a small description/back story. Don't expect literary wonders, I'm really just doing it for fun. That's enough boring text for now. Moving on, here's what I'm working on right now. The first squad of this army is squad Aurelius, the first Tactical Squad in the company. Led by Veteran Sergeant Arcadius, an honoured veteran of the company, Aurelius is widely thought of as a solid, dependable squad. Most of the members have served Third Company for a long time, and are amongst the company's best. The first Astartes I'm working on is Battle-Brother Marius, Aurelius' Plasma Gunner. Though taciturn, he shares a strong bond of friendship with Arcadius. His armour is a combination of the newer Mk. VII, and Mk. III armour originating in the days of the Great Crusade. He has earned the right to wear such ancient armour in the fires of countless wars, never faltering in the service of Guilliman and The Emperor. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/MariusLearchusPIP.jpg (The picture is no particularly good; the colours are a bit off. That's another thing to work on.) Obviously, Marius is the one on the right with the Plasma. He is not quite finished, but it won't be long. The blue on the backpack still needs some work, but aside from that, it's mostly just touch-ups, weathering, transfers, and flocking the base that I need to do. The torso and shoulder pads are Forge World Mk. III armour, the Aquila is FW brass etch, and the helmet is from the Tank bits sprue. Rest is just standard parts from a Tactical Squad box. The Marine on the left is Learchus, a regular Battle-Brother. He has a Mk. IV helmet, and a Mk. V-variant torso (from a Chaos Marine set, actually), but other than that, is just made up of regular plastic parts. The missing parts will be attached sooner or later, as I make progress in my painting. I've also done some Blu-tacked mockups of six other marines of squad Aurelius, including Veteran Sergeant Arcadius. He's the one in the middle, with the Power Sword. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/SquadAureliusBlutacMockup.jpg I've pledged Squad Aurelius for the Dark Angels Painting Challenge. This should hopefully help motivate me to finish the squad in a somewhat-timely manner. I think that's it for now. I will keep this thread updated, at least once a week, on Sunday evenings. Beyond that, I will post whenever I feel like it, and I will try to reply to your comments within twenty-four hours. I would very much like your comments, in particular constructive criticism, so that I can improve my painting. Thank you for reading. Courage and Honour!
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