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From the album: Black Legion
new arm for my chosen/legionary kill team anointed.-
- chaos space marines
- heretic astartes
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From the album: Black Legion
new heavy bolter for my chosen/legionary kill team-
- chaos space marines
- heretic astartes
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From the album: Black Legion
butcher for my chosen/legionary kill team-
- chaos space marines
- heretic astartes
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From the album: Black Legion
new arms for my chosen/legionary kill team shrivetalon-
- chaos space marines
- heretic astartes
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From the album: Black Legion
new balefire acolyte for my chosen/legionary kill team-
- chaos space marines
- heretic astartes
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From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Kill Teams
From the album: Salamanders Kill Team
- kill team
- salamanders
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From the album: Salamanders Kill Team
- kill team
- salamanders
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From the album: LameBeard's XII Legion
Doing it on the cheap! Word Bearers vs. Alpha Legion -
With the release of the plastic Sisters I felt the urge to start yet another project, and so bought a box of them along with some other bits and pieces. However, the lack of a modelling space left me with loads of ideas I had no means of actually putting into action. Fast forward a bit and I have my desk and work area assembled, and have since been butterflying from project to project, never getting anything finished as is the norm. Anyway, I finally got round to doing some actual work on the Sororitas, and thought I'd start a log on them in a vain attempt to motivate me to get work done on them. I seem to recall I tried doing that before...twice...but umm, third time's the charm? So first a bit of fluff for them: Anyway, models! I should mention that as this is intended as a warband for things such as Inquisitor, most of these girls are not equipped for Codex-use, and in some cases aren't even based on Codex units at all! For the most part this is an exercise in creating cool models, and the chances of this evolving into a full 40K army are incredibly slim. First up is the de facto leader of the Unbroken, Sister Superior Gaelle Valentina. An exemplar of the Order's virtues of stoicism, charity and utter fearlessness, Gaelle is kind and caring to a fault, always placing the wellbeing of her Sisters first and devoted to them completely. This is not to say she is some kind of pushover or softie however; she is incredibly resilient and will strike down with great vengeance those who would threaten her Sisters. She's armed with a power fist (actually made from a cleaned up OOP Chaos Space Marine part!) and bolt pistol. Next is Sister Sola, bearer of the Lantern of Hope. This sacred beacon is an immensely potent relic of the faith, filling the hearts of the Unbroken with passion and courage, whilst striking fear into evildoers. Indeed, Sola herself is ceaselessly positive and is a lynchpin of the team, providing levity and cheer where otherwise there might only be darkness and despair. The Lantern's blessed flame is also utterly anathema to the servants of the Ruinous Powers, and a well placed burning bonk is very effective for banishing the daemonic. Her Lantern is made from a Nighthaunt Guardian of Souls (the one available in Soul Wars, or in my case the Hachette's Partworks magazine) with a skull added to lengthen it a bit for clearence's sake. Then there is Ancient Sister Matilda Berthier, entombed in the holy chassis of an astonishingly rare Mk. IV "Castra-Ferrum Ignea" pattern Dreadnought. As much valued as a mentor as a warrior, when not on operation with the Unbroken she guards the Heroine's Rest, the crypt for the honoured fallen of the Order. Unfortunately due to her sheer age and the questionable nature of the Ignea's neural interface (one of the main reasons the pattern was discontinued after a short production run), her mind is not what it used to be... (which incidentally you could represent in INQ28 by giving her a "poor quality cybernetic head", at least assuming you can find rules to run Dreadnoughts!). Made from a Mk. IV Forge World Dreadnought with Inferno Cannon and CCW, with a few very minor additions in the form of a Celestian helmet in place of the regular head, and a padlock and skeleton key from the Hachette's Spirit Torment. Probably not going to add any further embellishments to her as I don't like overly busy Dreadnought conversions, and also I am utterly enamoured with the slab-sided beauty of the Mk. IV. Finally (for now) we have the Penitent Engine known only as "The Griever". One of only three survivors of the Order of the Gleaming Spear, she was so utterly overcome with survivor's guilt, grief and holy rage that she demanded that she be crucified on this war machine, itself a particularly old example of the type, to better bring death to the foes of Man and avenge her fallen Order. Due to the unusual nature of her request, and the fact that as she had technically committed no wrongdoing she would not qualify for becoming a Mortifier or Anchorite, she is one of the only Sororitas affixed to a Penitent Engine, though the actual device has been somewhat modified. Notably it possesses a conversion field to protect her, and a lot of the guillt and pain infliction devices have been removed as the Sisters Technicia felt it would be utterly unnecessary given the circumstances. Unlike more or less every other Penitent Engine or Mortifier, she is viewed with awe and respect, if a little pity, by her comrades due to the entirely voluntary nature of her crucifiction. To the others, she is pure in the eyes of the Emperor, and is a living icon of piety and zeal. She also exists solely because I found a decently priced metal Penitent Engine on eBay and couldn't resist. I have since primed the Engine itself, and so this photo is out of date, though she remains in those sub assemblies for ease of painting. As a side note I somehow assembled her without a single pin and I have no idea how- she's held together entirely by superglue and faith in the Emperor. More to come...
Hello! I'm curious to hear what people think about kill team setups and army lists. I've found that my results when playing have been extremely varied. I have only played a handful games atm, a couple of 2v2s and some 1-1.5k games. I'll share some of what I've been doing and perhaps people can fill in with what I might be doing right/wrong. Some of the different kill teams I've fooled around have been: boltgun + power sword shotgun + power sword frag cannon (chapter approved arrives) combi-plasma + stormshield combi-melta + stormshield combi-plasma + power axe boltgun + storm shield I found I've mostly leaned towards dropping the frag cannons because they are so expensive, and because I don't find them particularly useful with the limited range (esp. if charged from +8"). If I get charged by something like 30 Tzaangors combined with getting smite'd, I lose too many casualties to really make vanguard + fall back + shoot frag to really matter. I'm having a lot of trouble dealing enough damage with my kill teams before they just get wiped out. Mortal wounds is really a big problem, so I've ordered the DW Termie librarian so use as an HQ. Previously I've been using Watch Master + Artemis as HQs most of the time. My next plan is to try to use two 10-size kill teams where every model has a storm bolter + chainsword. Jumping out of a Corvus with 10 dudes and shooting 40 attacks, followed by a charge for up to 32 attacks seems like a good idea to me. Alternatively I might do 6 boltgun+storm shield and 6 storm bolter+chainsword, for 2 squads in 2 corvuses. The Corvus seems like a must-have, I tried to leave it out and used a land-raider crusader instead, but I found the land raider to be almost useless because it cannot fall back and shoot. I'm getting a second corvus now. Thoughts?
- 19 replies
Members of the B&C are challenged with the modelling and painting a power armoured kill team of Adeptus Astartes from select Chapters that participated in the Third War for Armageddon. The purpose of this challenge is to find imagery suitable to decorate the finished Adeptus Astartes in Shadow War: Armageddon rules that will be published here at the B&C for download. The winning squad will be featured at the bottom of page 12. And the member submitting the winning squad will also receive some other small prizes to be announced later. Below are images showing the Chapters that participated in the campaign. Where known, the progenitor legion is provided to show the Chapter Honours to follow in the linked rules (with regard to weapons and equipment you may include). Click on each image for a larger version: Celebrants (10 companies) Black Dragons (9 companies) [possible Salamanders] Angels of Redemption (4 companies) [Dark Angels] Blood Angels (1 company) not eligible* Salamanders (6 companies) Raptors (5 companies) [Raven Guard] Black Templars (3 crusades) not eligible* Mortifactors (10 companies) [ultramarines] Storm Lords (2 brotherhoods) [White Scars] Storm Giants (5 companies) [possible Salamanders] Omega Marines (9 companies) Space Wolves (5 great companies) not eligible* Angels of Fire (7 companies) Silver Skulls (7 companies) [ultramarines] Marines Malevolent (2 companies) Relictors (10 companies) Sons of Guilliman (6 companies) [ultramarines] Celestial Lions (10 companies) [imperial Fists] Angels of Vigilance (6 companies) [possible Dark Angels] Angels Porphyr (8 companies) Exorcists (12 companies) White Scars (3 brotherhoods) Flesh Tearers (5 companies) [blood Angels] Iron Champions (7 companies) [imperial Fists] Legion of the Damned (?) not eligible** * The "Big 5" Chapters (Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Space Wolves) aren't eligible because we want to focus on other Chapters. Successors of the "Big 5" Chapters are okay, however. ** The Legion of the Damned isn't covered in the linked rules. What to Submit: One image of your power armoured (legacy) Adeptus Astartes kill team, created per these rules and representing one of the eligible Chapters shown above. Your kill team may include up to 1 special operative (but doesn't have to include one, if you don't want). No Primaris Marines! The Third War for Armageddon took place before the Primaris Marines came into play, so we're looking for legacy Space Marine models. Members may submit as many kill teams as they want, but may only submit one (1) image in jpg format of each kill team. The image should be at least 800 pixels across, and should be cropped to minimize wasted space. No backgrounds or terrain are necessary - a different image of the winning kill team will be used in the rules and that will be taken later. You can find tutorials on photographing your miniatures here. E-mail your submissions to @Brother Tyler at . Include your display name in the e-mail. Pictures of entries should not be posted or saved here at the B&C (e.g., in your galleries or in topics, whether within the Forge or your faction-specific forum). Once the members have voted for their favorite, then you can post WIPs and what-not to show everyone how you did it and how it came out. Deadline to enter: Midnight 7 January 2018 (the holidays will probably be busy, so I'll give some extra time). Basically, as long as it is in my e-mail inbox when I log in first thing on Monday 8 January, it will be allowed. The members will vote for their favorite and I'll contact the winning member so that we can discuss the composition of the image that will be used in the finished rules (and it will include either terrain or a plain background, so keep that in mind). In addition to the winning kill team, one or two other miniatures from among those entered will also be included in the finished rules. Selection of these models will be my prerogative, based on variety (i.e., the additional miniature(s) will differ from the winning kill team in terms of colors and lineage, along with whatever I find aesthetically pleasing). I'll also contact the creators of images for the additional Chapter(s) that will be used so that we can discuss final image composition. If you have any questions, post them here. You can see the submissions in this post. Vote by replying (you have through Sunday, January 14).
Greetings brothers Finally started some Deathwatch. Initially they're planned as a kill team, but I'm already considering expanding them into a small strike force for regular 40k. First miniature built was a Blood Angel Intercessor, followed by a Blackshield who also served as my paint scheme tester; I truescaled him easily enough using large bionic legs from Anvil Industry. Here he is pictured with a Carcharodon Astra void brother; and alone; and a trio shot of the completed members so far Next on the painting bench are an Imperial Fist comms specialist and an Ultramarine commander. I've also built this guy, again truescaled with Anvil legs; The Deathwatch shoulder pad is a placeholder for now as its the old style, I have the updated upgrade kit en route. I'm enjoying the project so far, C&C appreciated.
- 57 replies
- Deathwatch
- Primaris
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The idea behind this thread is to highlight modeling and painting efforts put into producing a Kill Team. Not that extra effort is required, but if you put some thought into the story of your team, feel free to share those thoughts along with your painted models. +++ So to set the stage, I present The Scar Crusade, which is based on a small crusade (seven figures) accompanying a Mechanicus Explorator fleet, as depicted in the McNeill "Lords or Mars" trilogy. Two of the figures I did not model as one Kul Gilad, Reclusiarch is in Terminator armor and the other Auiden is an Apothecary. The five models I started out with represent the crusade after a specific point in the story line. Given that it would be a small number of figures, I also decided to true scale them using the Doghouse technique of adapting Cataphractii terminators and converting them to Mk. III armor equivalents. I am a big fan of the Mk. III set of armor. The Scar Crusade Brother Sergeant Tanna - He is described as having a beard and a widow's peak, which I thought interesting enough to model. He is the only member without a helmet on. Yael - Described as the newest member of the crusade, recently promoted to initiate, favored by the Marshal, seems to desire to prove his worth to his more experienced brethren. So I tried to give him a slightly different pose, be it impractical or not, as a way to convey his individuality and style. Also, when he sparred with Magos Dahan, he fought with his chainsword and a combat knife. Issur - If I am remembering him correctly, is a recognized bladesman, but did not receive the Emperor's vision and therefore did not get to become the Crusade's champion. There is a certain level of resentment in him about that. I opted to give him a fairly standard pose to represent his "I don't like what happened, but I am still a Templar" attitude. Bracha - I made Bracha the comms guy because I was running out of names and slots for story/game roles. Zion - Not in the story, it seems from battle reports I've seen, this additional firepower would be helpful. Aetius - Another non-story character added to potentially provide tactical options to the team. Besides, it's hard to burn witches if you don't have a lighter. Atticus Varda (Emperor's Champion) - Oddly, he is not the best bladesman in the crusade, Issur is. Yet he received the vision. He is described as wearing more ornate armor than his brethren and a laurel on his helm made out of ivory. He is the only member of the team without battle damage. It was observed by Tanna after a big fight, that although he was in the thick of huge battle they were leaving, he did not have a mark on him. I thought that comment interesting enough to want to model it. Cheers,
- 90 replies
- Shadow War: Armageddon
- Kill Team game
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From the album: Vykryl's Wolves
Long Fang Ancient 5 Grey Hunters 2 Long Fangs Lone Wolf -
From the album: kill team
- true scale
- wip
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From the album: Deathwatch