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Hello Wolf-Boys (and -Girls if there are any )! After just commenting and lurking around for maybe about a year (maybe?) I decided to open a thread for my Wolves. As my ressources are pretty limited right now don't expect a huge army anytime soon. I guess I will just play Kill Team in the beginning anyway. It's basically a bunch of older models from my teenage years (10+ years ago) which never got to be a proper army. Back then choosing Space Wolves was a no-brainer because they looked like 80s James Hetfield, they we're rebellious good guys, and I liked wolves. Nowadays my affinity to Thrash Metal has mostIy faded, but I still l like my Space Wolves, although I was a bit shocked to see how cartoony some of the newer models looked (Looking at you, Santa Logan and Canis Wolfborn). I recently bought some newer models here and there though, plus some bits from various sources. At some point I will also buy some Primaris I think, but will make them look quite retro marine like (classic helmets and power packs). As my older models have been upscaled - or are in the process of - via the "Veteran Seargent"-method (spacers in legs and torso), the difference in size shouldn't be that big actually (Primaris are still bulkier of course). I just started painting again and I'm trying to figure out how to paint my version of Space Wolves armour (no baby blue and no yellow pauldrons, I think). The idea for the army is that they're a special contingent on some kind of investigative mission in a lesser known system. Maybe I'll have members of different great companies in it, I'll have to think about it . There won't be snow bases, they should look more like the sorroundings of a devastated Ad-Mech research station or something. I'll show you my humble progress here and would be grateful for painting and modelling tips. First of here are some general pictures plus my experiments with finding the right shade of pale , which I tried on the most expendable models I own, old Blood Bowl humans . Space Wolves in progress Blurry pic from the workbench for giggles Edit: unfortunately I'm still getting errors when I'm trying to post pictures with (]... [/img ), don't really get what I'm doing wrong Edit²: Pictures work now, see below ☺! Resolution is not too high, though...
- 172 replies
- Space Wolves
- modelling
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Cleansing of Ioria Campaign - Phase 3 Sieges and Decisive Battles The final scene in the Crusade to cleanse Ioria commences! Regiments and Inquisitional parties participating in this phase are to proclaim their attendance by providing the Administratum the required details on their forces and its representative as well as listing the unit and associated value. Vows may be performed in the tradition of your regiment or Inquisitor, or follow the registered standard: I, , hereby pledge the forces of [REGIMENT/WARBAND/ORDO] under [COMMANDER/INQUISITOR] to the capture of Ioria in the name of the Emperor. The contribution of [uNIT] at [POINTS] will do their duty no matter the cost. The phase begins immediately, and vows may be made at any time during the phase's run. Phase 3 will end at 2200 GMT/B&C time on Sunday the 2nd of April, make sure your vow is done by then! Participating regiments and Ordos that have already given their background pieces don't need to do so again as this will have been recorded from phase 1. As a reminder the bonus FOC choices for phase 3 are: HQ, Heavy Support and Lords of War. As before a single FOC unit is eligible even down to the components, whether that is an entire Scion Platoon, a single Taurox, a Platoon Command Squad or an Infantry Squad and their dedicated transport Chimera for example. Signal your participation in this grand endeavour with this sig image: Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 3 - Imperial Guard ID Recruit Regiment Commander WIP Points Completion 1 brettfp 42nd Savlar Chem Dogs Capt. Slip Saveryx WIP 185* Completion 2 Jam Master Flex 82nd Cadian Armoured Group Knight Commander Pask WIP 535* Completion 3 Mactire Midgardian 12th Commissar Thedren Voalt WIP 55* Completion 4 our_baz E Company of the 7th Levallosian Life Guards Colonel Leukas Prins WIP 140* Completion 5 elmo 711th CCAB [Redacted] WIP 40* Completion 6 GKTerminator First Firestorm Sentinels Lord Edric Shade WIP 460* Completion 7 Cap'n Heckus Agamemnos Prime Planetary Defense Force Colonel Bolivar Hesk WIP 85* Completion 8 WarriorFish 144 Arukan Lord Commander Firionel WIP 40* Completion Campaign: Cleansing of Ioria Phase 3 - Inquisition ID Acolyte Ordo Inquisitor WIP Points Completion 1HodConclave of Holy FireInquisitor Larine BladeauWIP150Completion2Jam Master FlexOrdo MalleusInquisitor IlseWIP95*Completion3HondaCOHORT:110011ARTIKUS-110011WIP360Completion4ArkanissOrdo HereticusLord Inquisitor ArkanissWIP382Completion
I was uhmmm-ing and ah-ing about posting this (I actually thought he was a user on b&c, but didn't find him), but anyway: therealbrokenfingers has just opened a yt-channel, and I thought you might be interested. He is known through Instagram (-> and other places, I suppose...) for his true scale Alpha Legion, which he paints mostly with oils for an interesting, gritty look. Some nice tutorials on there already, also for terrain. Cheers!
Good Day B&C! So, I have come back to my roots so to speak. Some of the older members may remember me from years back when I had an Angels Sanguine army. They were my first real army and when I got dark imperium I couldn't decide what to paint the primaris as... Angels Sanguine won! To that end I then went on ebay as I am an idiot and lo and behold picked up a load of stuff! None of this is my painting but I plan to re base a lot. Then change bits to suit my style. So few highlights. Different shades etc and then get to work on the primaris. I will prob have a go at a scout to ease my way back in as I currently have Iron Warriors for 30k and Deathguard and Tau for 40k on the go! So lot's to be doing. Plus I am buying a house! So I will update when I can. On the gaming side I haven't played since 4th I think. But it looks like BA are taking a kicking in 8th... Thoughts? Cheers!
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- angels sanguine
- blood angels
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Greeting B and C! This feels a bit odd... Plonking Xenos down but here we go! I have been working on some Tau. For no real reason other than a change to my usual power armour obsession (iron warriors, angels sanguine, plague marines etc). These were really just a painting army. But I went eBay ad and have quite a lot. I will likely sell a lot though to make some space as a hour move is on the horizon but here is the current state of play. Terrible, over bright pic. Can't see any highlights but it gives you a good idea at least. First suit and fire warriors complete. Second complete suit. Better pic. Ish! But you can see some highlights at least :) Now the WIP. 5 fire warriors to round out the squad. These are painted differently to first batch and I think I prefer them. Just details really and markings then a dull cote and done. Finally a very early ethereal shot. Lot's to do and better pics to be taken. So the theme is crap pictures and lots of white :) After these I might do 3 stealth drones then a couple more crisis suits and some pathfinders. I also have a devilfish. Another 3 stealth as well. Cheers!
- 4 replies
- tau
- tau empire
- (and 4 more)
It has recently occurred to me that a lot of people have cool hobby blogs to keep track of their regiment, it's about time I did the same! Odd topics for vows and challenges is fine but I need a proper home for general models I'm working on. Given I started repainting my Guard a few years ago (almost finished...) it is fitting that I start with not only a repaint but one of the oldest of models. Check out this Russ, found lingering in my parent's storage and in need of some serious love and attention. Fortunately the commissariat is well known for having an abundance of love to share This model must be over 20 years old, so it is surely deserving of some special treatment! It's also the a perfect example of how everyone starts out rubbish Yes that is Goblin Green and Blood Red, I only had so many paints back then (and Chainmail instead of Boltgun Metal!) In between working on my Regiments vow I've been sorting the model out ready for stripping. Broken bits like the HK have been removed (wish my glue is that strong now...), barrels and exhaust drilled out along with cleaning join lines. Such a relic of the regiment demands the best so I'm going to give this model my all and try and push myself to greater heights of painting. I'll see if I can give it a fitting backstory and name too but any and all suggestions are most welcome
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