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IMHO with long march..


Maloghurst 140

2x Quad Mortars with Shatter Shells

2x Quad Mortars with Shatter Shells

5x Justaerin, Power Axes, 5x Combi-Plasma, Dreadclaw 405

10x Veterans with Sniper and Outflank, 10x Combi-Plasma (or 5x Plas 5x Melta), Rhino 295

10x Veterans with Sniper and Outflank, 10x Combi-Plasma (or 5x Plas 5x Melta), Rhino 295

10x Volkite Culverin Support Legionairs 335



For the rest of the 250.. hum. Your choice. Would go for allies, levys with cult/tainted flesh levy hordes.


4 scoring units at 1750, anti tank and enough alpha strike killing power.. rerolling 1s with bs5 plasma madness is quite nice, as well as bringing relentless culverins out of cover..


Works pretty nice. But all those combi weapons won't make you many friends..

I really don't understand taking combi-weapons over a specialist weapon. A plasma gun is always better than a combi-plasma, for a measly 5 point difference.


Here's my long war list, at 2500.


Maloghurst – 140

Elites – Quad Mortar with shatter shells – 70

Elites – Quad Mortar with shatter shells – 70

Elites – Quad Mortar with shatter shells – 70

Elites – 5x Justaerin with 5x combi-plasmas, 2x chainfist, 3x fists – 325

Dedicated Transport – Dreadclaw Assault Craft - 115

Troops – 10x Marksmen Veterans, Sgt with artificer/fist, 2 plasma guns – 215

Dedicated Transport – Rhino with dozer, multi-melta - 55

Troops – 10x Marksmen Veterans in Rhino as above – 270

Troops – 10x Machine Killer Veterans – 2x meltaguns, sgt with artificer/fist, 5x combi-meltas - 265

Fast Attack – Anvillus Dreadclaw – 115

Heavy Support – Scorpius Whirlwind  with HK missile – 120

Heavy Support – Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought with lascannons – 235

Heavy Support – Leviathan with Grav Flux, Claw, Phosphex, 2x Volkites – 335

Dedicated Transport – Dreadnought Drop Pod – 100


Funny I did something similar haha. I know the Kharybdis isn't needed YT I got the model and felt guilty not using it lol.


2500 points:



Damocles Rhino


5 Justaerin

+ Kharybdis


2 Rapier laser destroyers


14 Reavers, jump packs

+ apothecary with jump pack


10 Veteran sniper tacticals

+ 2 plasma guns


5 Seekers, combi plasma

+ Dreadclaw


5 lascannon heavy support marines


Leviathan, storm cannon, siege drill

+dread pod

I really don't understand taking combi-weapons over a specialist weapon. A plasma gun is always better than a combi-plasma, for a measly 5 point difference.


Here's my long war list, at 2500.


Maloghurst – 140

Elites – Quad Mortar with shatter shells – 70

Elites – Quad Mortar with shatter shells – 70

Elites – Quad Mortar with shatter shells – 70

Elites – 5x Justaerin with 5x combi-plasmas, 2x chainfist, 3x fists – 325

Dedicated Transport – Dreadclaw Assault Craft - 115

Troops – 10x Marksmen Veterans, Sgt with artificer/fist, 2 plasma guns – 215

Dedicated Transport – Rhino with dozer, multi-melta - 55

Troops – 10x Marksmen Veterans in Rhino as above – 270

Troops – 10x Machine Killer Veterans – 2x meltaguns, sgt with artificer/fist, 5x combi-meltas - 265

Fast Attack – Anvillus Dreadclaw – 115

Heavy Support – Scorpius Whirlwind  with HK missile – 120

Heavy Support – Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought with lascannons – 235

Heavy Support – Leviathan with Grav Flux, Claw, Phosphex, 2x Volkites – 335

Dedicated Transport – Dreadnought Drop Pod – 100


I run a similar list at 2500pts Withershadow.  But lately there's been alot of world eater and white scars biker units with characters that's been giving this sorta list issues.  How would you modify this list to handle such threats.  I was thinking perhapes a Typhon.

To keep changes to a minimum, I would change the Justaerin to combi-meltas and instead of Machine Killer Veterans take an 8-man plasma support squad. May need to shave a few points here and there.  I don't know if I would struggle against such lists even as is, however, I think the Leviathan firing off its grav bombard and phosphex discharger (I think you can fire this indirectly and thus avoid giving them shrouding?) would do a number on such a unit.  The machine killers can always take marksmanship classes too.


Typhon solves everything, of course, which is why I find it boring. :P

A 2500pts list I find really effective is this one:



Maloghurst 140pts

Damocles Command Rhino 100pts



Cortus Dreadnought Talon (3 x Cortus, Chainfist, CCW, Extra Armour) 150pts Each

2 x Legion Mortis Dreadnought (2 x TL Autocannons) 135pts Each



2 x Veteran Tacticals (Marksman, Rhino, Artificer Armour + Powerfist for Sgt, 2 x Flamers)

2 x Veteran Tacticals (Marksman, Rhino, Artificer Armour + Powerfist for Sgt, 2 x Meltaguns)



Sicaran Battle Tank (Dozer Blade)

2 x Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (Dozer Blade)


RITE OF WAR: The Long March


Very effective I've found as you have the Vets outflank, Mal hide in the Damocles and the Dreads advance menacingly towards scary targets with the Sicarans moving fast and popping what they need to. If anyone has feedback though for what I suggested, feel free! :thanks:

loads of great lists here, im desprately trying to learn what most of those units actually do, for exxampleno clue what majes a comand rhino diffrent from a normal rhino.


also trying to figure out the idea behind the lists the tatic, the one i posted a while back is (dont own any big tanks or mortars, mainly have calth box loadout with converted models and a second hand dreadclaw.


my "tatics" was focused on the longwar first turn bonus reroll 1s to hit and mainly do a iron hard alfa strike


haveing the vets outflank would lose them the rerollsnof ones.


so i took the option of having two vets with full out combi plas to come down round 1 jump out hit a unit each with 14 bs 5 shots of plasma with rerollsnon 1s same time as master of signal and relentless missile launchers moved out from line of sight to blast something to bits.


the two kheresndreadnoughts move forward each having 12 shots bs 5 also rerolling and possible rends


turn two i have the deathstorm drop and the last unit of vets arrive in rhino with the two plasma sarge with combi melta and kitted outnwith melta bombs


but again imnew at playing 30k and mostly a modeler and painter, so im still learning



haveing the vets outflank would lose them the rerollsnof ones.

Wut? They don't lose that my friend :whistling:

I think he means the reroll To Hit on 1's, if they are outflanking then they would miss Turn One in which case they wont benefit from The Long March.



haveing the vets outflank would lose them the rerollsnof ones.

Wut? They don't lose that my friend :whistling:

I think he means the reroll To Hit on 1's, if they are outflanking then they would miss Turn One in which case they wont benefit from The Long March.





haveing the vets outflank would lose them the rerollsnof ones.

Wut? They don't lose that my friend :whistling:

I think he means the reroll To Hit on 1's, if they are outflanking then they would miss Turn One in which case they wont benefit from The Long March.




Ahhhh gotcha - there are 2 cases of re-roll ones so can see my confusion....Dreadclaw would allow you to take advantage of that if you wanted to get them up close and personal

would want that to get the +bs from death dealers and if there is anything left to charge them oponets turn 1(if SoH goes first) get reroll on ones to hit back in CC ^^


atlest thats my way of thinking, and again im still not that good of a player :P

would want that to get the +bs from death dealers and if there is anything left to charge them oponets turn 1(if SoH goes first) get reroll on ones to hit back in CC ^^


atlest thats my way of thinking, and again im still not that good of a player :tongue.:


Dear god you're right! The re-roll applies to shooting and melee as it never specifies ranged or melee.....Huh that's kinda awesome

The +1BS is amazing though - sniper vets take advantage of it the best I find 

The only unit I could see getting in to 12" range Turn One is Outriders or Jetbikes. Plasma Outrider Squad of Death looks like fun to use for that tactic Thamier but I find that building an armylist around the SoH passives is never that great, Death Dealers is a really nice bonus but I dont think you can rely on that alone to make your army effective.

The only unit I could see getting in to 12" range Turn One is Outriders or Jetbikes. Plasma Outrider Squad of Death looks like fun to use for that tactic Thamier but I find that building an armylist around the SoH passives is never that great, Death Dealers is a really nice bonus but I dont think you can rely on that alone to make your army effective.


Don't forget drop vets in a Dreadclaw or a Leviathan in a pod - as vehicles are affected by it too (Everything in your detachment re-rolls 1's not just LASoH) :yes:


The only unit I could see getting in to 12" range Turn One is Outriders or Jetbikes. Plasma Outrider Squad of Death looks like fun to use for that tactic Thamier but I find that building an armylist around the SoH passives is never that great, Death Dealers is a really nice bonus but I dont think you can rely on that alone to make your army effective.



Don't forget drop vets in a Dreadclaw or a Leviathan in a pod - as vehicles are affected by it too (Everything in your detachment re-rolls 1's not just LASoH) :yes:

so far i only run it like this, dreadclawing down vets withing 12inch and plasmaing enemy units into vapor and supported by advancing dreads and covered by master of signal and misskes from heavy support

I'm going to be facing Athrawes likely within a month and he'll bring his Sekhmet cheese...how should I deal with them?


They deep strike, have 2W, 2+/3++ rerolling failed 1's the turn they come in, not to mention picking their psychic power - likely that telekinesis pocket demolisher cannon. Having said all of this, usually I'd chuck my Justaerin after them, but the Sekhmet will eat them for breakfast.


Do I try a Leviathan? Shoot them to kingdom come with sniper plasma vets and Seekers? Overwhelm them with Reaver dice?

Do you feel comfortable taking an allied cult? because tarpitting sekhmet can be a great way to neutralize them. You can take an increcible amount of ZEALOT bodies in an allied detachment for a cheap cost.


Otherwise I would say Justaerin would be a fair trade against them so long as you bring power fists to negate their 2Ws. Plus if you can go all in and deny them force then it evens the odds even more.


Melta-gun support squad sounds like a great idea to. If I remember correctly SoH get BS5 at melta-gun range as well.


Just afew thoughts :smile.:

Don't like to use cult stuff lol.


So I got back to thinking...do we even want or need Reavers, and by extension, Maloghurst? Honestly I think you could run inexpensive assault squads now with a jump praetor and a blob of despoilers. You can usually get the same amount of gear that you were originally getting in the Reavers anyway, with exception to the chainaxes.



Maloghurst is still brilliant, if not because of Reavers now, because of Veterans. He's still an excellent utility HQ and his usefulness has barely diminished, unless you were only using him because of Reavers in which case you're probably fair to make changes

I find Maloghurst to be ideal at capturing objectives late game after hiding him out in a Damocles, plus Veterans as compulsory troops is too good to lose.


Then again, I have never been a fan of beatstick HQs...I've found that playing against Praetor + retinue to be easily dealt with by either avoiding or outgunning them

Edited by Rangaman

Veterans as Troops choices feels so Sons of Horus as well, and while I have less bodies on the table I find my outflanking sniper bodies are perfectly suited at removing enemy bodies without the knowledge that I have some Tacticals I have no real need for aside from tax. Everything in the army is there that needs to be there which is great! :D

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