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I use the Tamiya green very sparingly through an airbrush. I think the biggest change in my models recently was switching to a .5 nozzle airbrush from a .3. My iwata eclipse broke and I ordered replacement parts. With it I was getting a more greenish color to my finished models. I'm still waiting for parts for the eclipse, so I've been using a badger patriot 105 with a .5 nozzle. Its a lot harder to use less paint with the .5, and as a result the models end up more blue when I spray my blue colors and the green doesn't show as much. When my parts arrive I will probably switch back to the Iwata for most things, although the .5 is really nice for basecoating tanks.

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I'm back in the middle ages using a brush. The thing I thought about last night was I should have used that Lahmian medium I bought ages ago. Saw it will clearing off my hobby desk and facepalmed ever so quietly. Once I get some more light metallic blue and paint up more AL I am going to give that medium a shot.

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@Chaz- I don't think you needed more Fallen. I think you needed less. Should have used them as AL havocs or Chosen. That way you get to use your legion abilities. I haven't seen the point of Fallen yet.

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In power level games Chosen/Fallen cost less than Havoks, so for special weapons in power level games the Chosen/Fallen are better. Also, Fallen have identical options to Chosen but cost only 14 points per model, only 1 more point than Havoks. If you don't need the legion traits Fallen are a better choice to fill out elites than Chosen, and give you as many special weapons as Havoks. If you wanted to bring a bunch of non-havoc heavy support choices the Fallen give you a decent source of special weapons.

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I would just take 3 minimum cultist squads and park them on objectives in cover. 120 points buys you into a battalion for 6 starting stratagem points.  When the cultists are almost dead, you have the option of redeploying and regenerating them with the stratagem.  Lords, Princes, and Sorcerers are all solid.  Then take a 3rd HQ and a spearhead or vanguard or even outrider formation for another stratagem point.


Alternatively, you can take renegades who are super easy to get a brigade with just like IG, and then an allied Alpha Legion detachment with the remaining points.  The Chaos codex stratagems aren't amazing, but sitting on 10 points is not a bad place to be.

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If you run renegades and heretics bring 1 renegade commander with the covenant of Tzeentch, one command squad with command vox net, and use some renegade militia for bubble wrap. Give the commander the warlord trait with the add 1 leadership aura, park him next to the command squad so they get +1 leadership. They broadcast their leadership to everything that has a vox caster within 120", giving you a possible max leadership of 10 for your militia. Command point reroll the uncertain worth of the command squad if you need to.


Take units of 20 militia with 4 flamers and a vox caster. Covenant of tzeentch on the commander allows these guys to overwatch on 5s with their lasguns, + 4 flamers. Use units of militia to wrap your earthshaker batteries and heavy quad launchers. Full the rest of your HQ slots with Malefic Lords as they are the best 30 points you can spend.


Avoid heavy mortars as they are literally worse than heavy quad launchers in every meaningful measurable way. Your most point efficient killers are heavy bolters and earthshaker cannons, followed by heavy quad launchers.

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Did some work today to prep for a 2000 point game on Friday


Lord Arkos





And my hellforged scorpius'



And my count as berzerkers



There are also three rhinos and my sorcerer.

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I like that you play with what you have painted. Is that a club or group rule? If it was my group we would have nothing on the table, it would just boil down to a starting match.


Do you have any luck with the cultists? I could imagine one big blob infiltrating into cover would be a nice distraction.


I always play with what I have painted - it's a personal choice. 


When Huron had his Fearless bubble, I used him to herd my 40 CCW/4x flamer Cultists, and then they were pretty alright.  



@Chaz- I don't think you needed more Fallen. I think you needed less. Should have used them as AL havocs or Chosen. That way you get to use your legion abilities. I haven't seen the point of Fallen yet.


I agree - Fallen only really work with plasma guns ref. Cypher's ability. However, my autocannon Havocs are only layered. MoS Havocs with autocannons is potentially hilarious.


In power level games Chosen/Fallen cost less than Havoks, so for special weapons in power level games the Chosen/Fallen are better. Also, Fallen have identical options to Chosen but cost only 14 points per model, only 1 more point than Havoks. If you don't need the legion traits Fallen are a better choice to fill out elites than Chosen, and give you as many special weapons as Havoks. If you wanted to bring a bunch of non-havoc heavy support choices the Fallen give you a decent source of special weapons.


With the Alpha Legion becoming the new Iron Warriors with Havocs and Dreadnoughts, we really shouldn't use Fallen. I only used them because my Havocs aren't finished.


I would just take 3 minimum cultist squads and park them on objectives in cover. 120 points buys you into a battalion for 6 starting stratagem points.  When the cultists are almost dead, you have the option of redeploying and regenerating them with the stratagem.  Lords, Princes, and Sorcerers are all solid.  Then take a 3rd HQ and a spearhead or vanguard or even outrider formation for another stratagem point.


Alternatively, you can take renegades who are super easy to get a brigade with just like IG, and then an allied Alpha Legion detachment with the remaining points.  The Chaos codex stratagems aren't amazing, but sitting on 10 points is not place to be.


I agree. Our Troop choice of choice, as it were, is the same as in 6th and 7th - the minimum Cultist unit, as a tax. The CSMs' opportunity cost is just too high.


I wouldn't bother recycling anything less than a 30-man squad, mind. It's 2 CPs and it feels wasted on them, unless there is some immense strategic reason to do so (thinking Maelstrom or charging a non-flyer tank). 

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I just go my hands on a Primaris Space Marine Captain with power fist.

And I will be adding it to my Alpha Legion amry.


I will be removing the aquila from the chest.

But I am at a lost at what I should replace it with, perhaps some studs, or some bullet holes and scars.


That why I posting her, I hoping to get some suggestions and inspiration



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I like that you play with what you have painted. Is that a club or group rule? If it was my group we would have nothing on the table, it would just boil down to a starting match.


Do you have any luck with the cultists? I could imagine one big blob infiltrating into cover would be a nice distraction.


I always play with what I have painted - it's a personal choice. 


When Huron had his Fearless bubble, I used him to herd my 40 CCW/4x flamer Cultists, and then they were pretty alright.  


That's a pretty cool rule. Good motivator to make you paint it if you want to use it.


I have a hard time wanting to bring in cultists. 

I just go my hands on a Primaris Space Marine Captain with power fist.

And I will be adding it to my Alpha Legion amry.


I will be removing the aquila from the chest.

But I am at a lost at what I should replace it with, perhaps some studs, or some bullet holes and scars.


That why I posting her, I hoping to get some suggestions and inspiration

I think studs would be cool but kind of out of place on his chest. Maybe sculpt on a bandoleer and add some grenades and pouches?

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I just go my hands on a Primaris Space Marine Captain with power fist.

And I will be adding it to my Alpha Legion amry.


I will be removing the aquila from the chest.

But I am at a lost at what I should replace it with, perhaps some studs, or some bullet holes and scars.


That why I posting her, I hoping to get some suggestions and inspiration

I think studs would be cool but kind of out of place on his chest. Maybe sculpt on a bandoleer and add some grenades and pouches?


Now that I have clean the chest of the aquila, I am thinking of just leaving it totally bare.

With all the other details on the figure, a nice clean chest would show of the colour theme better and also leave a bold statement.

Showing that in not imperial or chaos.

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Snakes.  The answer is always snakes.



In all seriousness, though, the Primaris captain looks very promising. Any plans for a head? Aesthetically a Mark4 helmet would look pretty cool, but would it be big enough? If not, an aggressor head could work. Those look pretty intimidating.

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Snakes.  The answer is always snakes.



In all seriousness, though, the Primaris captain looks very promising. Any plans for a head? Aesthetically a Mark4 helmet would look pretty cool, but would it be big enough? If not, an aggressor head could work. Those look pretty intimidating.



I have look over my selection of heads, and I will using the original one.


Not snakes but Hydras! Which is Latin for three headed snake. *Not really. That is a lie.*


How well do the regular marine should pads fit on the primaris?


The primaris and "normal" shoulder have 100% the same dimensions as far as I can tell.

The ones I got from forge world have the same height but are a little bit narrower. But it hard to see when they are side by side.

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Hmmm, I am using Astrogranite Debris for my bases.

I thinking that I would give the outside of the cloak a layer to.

Perhaps that will give it a nice camouflage look to it.

Nice clean cloaks are for wrapping up dead Ultramarines.

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