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The Redeemers ~ Black Maru's Order of Redemption


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Yup, Maru has sure got himself into some goofy situations this year.


Got my League game against Eldar tonight, Maru rolling on Divination to get re-rolls for my Deepstriking Melta Assault squad. Just hope they dont scatter too far away from the Wave Serpant to pop it. :/


If there's time I might get a second game in against Jamies Space Wolves. Not as worried about them as its mostly Terminators; I'm way faster then them and I've got enough Melta to give them a bad headache.

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Hmm, Eldar. I have some thoughts, maybe it will help :smile.:


Opening the serpent with melta is probably not gonna go well unless you roll ignores cover, and even then it's not likely. If he covers his rear, he can downgrade your penetrating hits to glances, and that 4+ jink doesn't help. Don't pour firepower in that serpent, it's not important. The contents and everything else on the table are a lot more dangerous. If you waste firepower on one of the most durable transport in the game, you are playing into his hands.


How many warlocks does he have? If he's playing a big unit with farseer, you should use big crispin to smoke them. Else use him to decimate a unit of jetbikes, does guys need to go down asap. The damage output is crazy, but they are not that durable, there's a lot of profit there (I assume every bike has a shuriken cannon?). Also try to drop out of range of the firedragons if possible (or at least outside of meltarange). Also use your ASM to kill jetbikes, it's the easiest way to cut down both his firepower and mobility.

Warp spiders are a huge pain too, if you manage to get them in assault that's your safest bet, try to catch them with jump troops.


It's gonna be an uphill battle either way, but if you manage to drop on his mobile jetbike units you might be able to win objectives using your mobility. Also make sure you don't give him any targets if he goes first, terrain is your friend :smile.:

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Just got back in from the most intense, terrible, brilliant battle the Redeemer's have ever fought.

I'll save the details for an update tomorrow when I'm not so exhausted, but I'll tell you this: all I had left at the end of the Game was Black Maru, Ned "Snap Shootin'" Smith and 3 Marines. It was brutal right from turn 1 and my rolls were so appaling I nearly clawed my own eyes out in disgust.




Fortunately my opponent, Martin, is a true sportsman and the most gentlemanly Xenos player I know.


Details tomorrow brothers, details tomorrow.

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Ok, after a nights rest I'm ready to post a few details about our game. I wish I had taken some pictures because some of the details sound like they couldnt possibly be true.




First off I want to mention that my rolls in this game were just abysmal, but fortune was on my side when it came to drawing objectives. 




As with all the games in the Six Up Save League, we played Maelstrom mission 1, Dawn of War deployment on a 4x4 board.


My opponent won the roll of and decided to set up and go first.




I decided to hold my Assault Marines in reserve with Black Maru, then drop down turn 2 (hah!) and stick 4 meltas up the Wave Serpents tailpipe. We'll see how well that plan went shortly. -_-


He keeps his Warp Spiders in reserves and has his Fire Raptors(?) inside the Wave Serpent.




I fail to seize the imitative so he goes first. He doesn’t get any decent objective cards, and the only targets available to him are my scouts who are sat on objective 1 at the top of a 3 story ruin. They soak up all his fire power and only 1 scout dies thanks to cover+camo-cloaks+going to ground.




My turn, I draw objective 1 that my scouts are happily camping on.


Big Crispin drops down and opens fire on his jetbikes. I had no idea that they have a 3+ save (!!!!?!!) so they all get their saves and take no wounds. :/


My Death Company jump forward and charge his Dire Avengers. 2 DC die to over watch, but who cares, I've got like 20 regular attacks, 5 ap 3 attacks and 4 ap 1 attacks, that should be plenty, right? Wrong. My Death company cause 0 wounds (!) and take another wound in return.


My Rhino turbo boosts up to block access to Big Crispin’s read armour.




This first round is indicative of the whole game, I fail to do anything substantial in combat for the next 3 turns. My reserves fail to arrive until turn 4, by which point everything I have aside from Crispin, 1 Death Company and 4 Tac Marines is dead. He Still has his Wave Serpent,  his Fire Scorpions, all but 2 of his jetbikes


and all of his Warp Spiders.




My assault Marines finally arrive turn 4, and successfully Melta the hell out of the Wave Serpent. The Fire Raptors spill out and proceed to wreak havok on Big Crispin’s face. His jetbikes zip over and kill and the Assault Marines bar 1 melta and Black Maru himself.




The start of my turn 5, I have almost nothing left. I'm behind by 3 objective points and I'm about to get tabled. Maru's Darkest hour.


I draw my objective cards- Manifest a Psychic Power - Issue a Challenge - Kill and Enemy Character. 0_0


I break Maru away from his Melta friend and jump pack him towards Martin's Jetbike HQ (who has 2 jetbike buddies with him).


I make a bit of a blunder here, as I took a shot with my meltagun before my psychic phase. My opponent pointed it out and was kind enough to let me go back and do my psychic phase.




I roll my warp charges and get 4, +2 for MLV2. I throw 2 dice into Force which fails to go off, and then 4 dice into the power that lets me re-roll hits and wounds. It goes off and Martin fails to deny it.




I successfully pull of an 8" charge but he lands 2 hit on over watch!




I pass the saves.


I arrive in combat and challenge out the enemy HQ and he accepts. My opponent only gets one attack but its a doozy. Fortunately he fails to hit.


Thanks to my psychic powers I hit and kill his warlord.




My opponent rolls at the end of turn 5 and gets a 2. The game ends.


I claim warlord, I killed a character, I issued a challenge and I got a power off. 4 points awarded puts me in the lead by one point.




So that’s how The Redeemers handled their first match against the new Eldar.

What a match! The new Eldar are crazy strong and I was fortunate that Martin is just a kind player. Not many players would have let me go back and take the psycic phase knowing full well it could cost them the game.


These league games have been tense!


For more details about the lists or to see the overall League Scores, check out the Six Up Save Blog in my sig.

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You've already seen what I've posted elsewhere, but just to add, at least won!


What was your opponent's list again? To me, what harmed you the most was because you weren't familiar with the new Eldar Codex - nothing wrong with that and it is the main reason why many of us are getting owned in our first games against them, but with better preparation this may not wont be the case next time :)


It really does like like you did the best you could with the tools available and that you made hardly any mistakes. Take solace in that, if anything. Oh, and I play Eldar more often than not and yes, they are brutal matches. I lose a lot of models but when I catch them :happy.:

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You've already seen what I've posted elsewhere, but just to add, at least won!


What was your opponent's list again? To me, what harmed you the most was because you weren't familiar with the new Eldar Codex - nothing wrong with that and it is the main reason why many of us are getting owned in our first games against them, but with better preparation this may not wont be the case next time :smile.:


It really does like like you did the best you could with the tools available and that you made hardly any mistakes. Take solace in that, if anything. Oh, and I play Eldar more often than not and yes, they are brutal matches. I lose a lot of models but when I catch them :happy.:




My list:


+ HQ +

Librarian [bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Jump pack, Psyker (ML2)]

+ Elites +

Furioso Dreadnought [Magna-grapple]

····Drop Pod [storm Bolter]

····Power Fists [Frag cannon, Heavy flamer]

Death Company Squad [7x Bolt Pistol, 5x Chainsword, 7x Death Company Marine, Jump Pack, Power Fist, Power Weapon]

+ Troops +

Tactical Squad [Flamer, Heavy flamer, Rhino, 9x Tactical Marine]

····Tactical Sergeant [Combi-Flamer, Power weapon]

Scout Squad [Camo Cloaks, 4x Scouts, 3x Sniper Rifle]

····Heavy Bolter [Hellfire shells]

····Scout Sergeant [sniper Rifle]

+ Fast Attack +

Assault Squad [9x Assault Marines, Jump Packs, 2x Meltagun]

····Assault Sergeant [2x Inferno Pistol]


His list

++ Eldar Craftworlds: Codex (2015) (Craftworld Warhost) ++

+ Core +

Windrider Host

Skyrunner Farseer [shuriken Pistol, Singing spear, Skyrunner]

Skyrunner Warlock Conclave

Warlock [skyrunner, Witchblade]

····Vyper Squadron

Vyper [brightlance, Shuriken cannon]

Windriders [4x Windrider with Shuriken cannon]

Windriders [4x Windrider with Shuriken cannon]

Windriders [4x Windrider with Shuriken cannon]


+ Auxiliary +

Aspect Host [+1 Ballistic Skill]

Dire Avengers [4x Dire Avenger]

..........Dire Avenger Exarch [Avenger shuriken catapult]

Wave Serpent [shuriken cannon, Twin-linked brightlances]

Fire Dragons [4x Fire Dragon]

.........Fire Dragon Exarch [Fusion Gun]

Warp Spiders [5x Warp Spider]

········Warp Spider Exarch [Death Spinner]



As for the mistakes, I'll know not to drop Big Crispin on the jetbikes again, that was a total waste.

I did have some applaing luck, I mean a 5 man Death Company with a Powersword and a fist failing to kill a single Dire Avenger? You cant plan for misfortune like that. lol.

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To be fair, I may well have done this same with the Dreadnought. Certainly, a kill would have forced at least one unit of Jetbikes a moral test and then they would have had to deal with him. I suppose you could have dropped it on the Dire Avengers but they weren't the biggest threat at that point :)

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The Dire Avengers wouldn't have been a bad target. They've got nothing that can hurt Big Crispin (unless the Exarch takes a power maul, and even then that's only glancing AV13), and their armour is 4+, so the Heavy Flamer will reduce them pretty fast. The exarch can take a shimmer shield, which gives the whole unit a 5++, but that's only a 5++.

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My next league game is Wednesday Night against Paul's Nurgle Marines.

As an ex-Chaos commander myself, I'm pretty familiar with the units he is taking.


His list looks something like this:




Chaos Lord - Murder Sword, Plasma Pistol, Mark of Nurgle, sigil of corruption.

5x Chosen - (Dark Vengance Loadout) Mark of Nurgle

10x Cultists - Shotgun, Flamer, Mark of Nurgle

7x Plague Marines - Powerfist, Plasmagun

7x Plague Marines - Powerfist, Plasmagun

Helbrute - Multimelta, Powerfist.


His models are beautifully painted, and although I dont have a full army shot for his lsit yet, I do have a picture of the last time I faught him.

Ww charge

Sgt. Ned "Snap Shootin'" Smith leads a doomed charge against the Plague Marines of the Carnival of Flies.


I'm going to drop Big Crfispin down on turn one to eat the cultists. It might seem like a waste of a Furioso, but it was be (practically) assured First Blood and hopfully he will panic and focus everything he has on AV13 Crispin whilst I get everything else up nice and close.


Keep Maru away from his Chaos Lord's Murder sword (should be pretty easy as my army is very mobile compared to his).


Assault marines empty their meltas onto the chosen unit and the Death Company charge down the Plague Marines.


Scouts, Rhino and Tac squad move between objectives to grab as many points as possible.




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As for the mistakes, I'll know not to drop Big Crispin on the jetbikes again, that was a total waste.


Wow, that just sound like really bad luck :/ the frag cannon alone should kill 2-3 of those guys on average. You should get at least 3 jetbikes under the template, killing nothing is extremely unlikely.


But good job on winning anyway, take that eldar! :tongue.:

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Well I got three of them under each template, so it was 9 auto-hits, wounding on 3's/2's, so I got about 7 wounds, but because he had a 3+ save he managed to make them all. :(

My DC have been absolutly unstoppable for the last 5-6 games, but last night they were dying to overwatch shots and failing 2+ rolls to kill. They must have been exhausted from all the killing they've been doing this month.

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Got a little more done on my Biker Captain.

ETL   Bike Cptn III


Still a long way to go, but looking a little better than before.


So aside from playing Paul next week for the League, I've got exactly one week to come up with a 1,000 point list for a doubles tournament  next month at Worcester Wargames.

Everyone there seems to be taking uber-cheese stuff (one guy is taking a Stompa T_T) but I am determined not to break away from my "fluff over big stuff" rule, so I'm looking for tips on how to build a super fast themed list at 1,000 points.


The rules pack alows for Forgeworld and apoc models, but the lists must be battleforged and no "Forgeworld; experimental rules".

It's unclear at the moment if the teams will be drawn at random of if we will be paired up according to armies (BA with BA, Orks with Orks etc.)

The games will be set up with one player working off Dawn of War missions and thier teammate will be playing Maelstrom Missions on the same board.


The list I'm working off is exactly the same as my SixUpSave list:

+ HQ +

Librarian [bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Jump pack, Psyker (ML2)]

+ Elites +

Furioso Dreadnought [Magna-grapple]
····Drop Pod [storm Bolter]
····Power Fists [Frag cannon, Heavy flamer]

Death Company Squad [7x Bolt Pistol, 5x Chainsword, 7x Death Company Marine, Jump Pack, Power Fist, Power Weapon]

+ Troops +

Tactical Squad [Flamer, Heavy flamer, Rhino, 9x Tactical Marine]
····Tactical Sergeant [Combi-Flamer, Power weapon]

Scout Squad [Camo Cloaks, 4x Scouts, 3x Sniper Rifle]
····Heavy Bolter [Hellfire shells]
····Scout Sergeant [sniper Rifle]

+ Fast Attack +

Assault Squad [9x Assault Marines, Jump Packs, 2x Meltagun]
····Assault Sergeant [2x Inferno Pistol]

Six Up Save

But I'm thinking about swapping some stuff out for some grav Bikers.
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Really happy with the way my Termy Sgt has come out:

ETL   Terms 6


I'm thinking I might just go totally "back to basics" with my 1,000 point tourney list and just take a Captain, a few Tac squads in rhinos / drop pods and some Devs. A real old-school army. It'll get smushed, but I bet it will look cool and totally different from what everyone else is used to seeing.

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I'm thinking I might just go totally "back to basics" with my 1,000 point tourney list and just take a Captain, a few Tac squads in rhinos / drop pods and some Devs. A real old-school army. It'll get smushed, but I bet it will look cool and totally different from what everyone else is used to seeing.





There's a thread over in Amicus right now about trying to lose: it's quite interesting and one of the take home messages there (which I believe in) is that whilst it's fine - and sometimes fun - to lose, there needs to be a lesson to be learned there. If you're going to take a "classic" Blood Angels list how long will the "it looks cool and no one else is using it" vibe sustain you and keep up your interest?


A good friend of mine has a "classic" Blood Angels army. Here's a report of the last time he used it. Basically, the difference was the BA flavour that I had in my lists.

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I'm thinking I might just go totally "back to basics" with my 1,000 point tourney list and just take a Captain, a few Tac squads in rhinos / drop pods and some Devs. A real old-school army. It'll get smushed, but I bet it will look cool and totally different from what everyone else is used to seeing.





There's a thread over in Amicus right now about trying to lose: it's quite interesting and one of the take home messages there (which I believe in) is that whilst it's fine - and sometimes fun - to lose, there needs to be a lesson to be learned there. If you're going to take a "classic" Blood Angels list how long will the "it looks cool and no one else is using it" vibe sustain you and keep up your interest?


I wouldnt be going there to try and loose on purpous, and its only a 3 game tourney so it's not like I would be wasting an entire weekend.

Frankly I'm at a loss with what to take, we dont exactly shine at 1,000 points and some of the lists that are going to be there are cheesey to the point of sillyness. One guy is taking a custom Stompa. -_-


I figured I may as well take somthing fun and fluffy if I'm going to get battered anyway.

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OK, Doubles Tourney next weekend, need some help!

As it stnads I'm just taking my league list becuase I'm mega lazy, but if anyone has any sugestions for a nice, fast BA fluff list that let me know. It's very difficult at 1,000 points to get in a good balance of required BSF units as well as the units you reall want.


I love Death Company, and Black Maru is manadatory in my tourney lists, so thats my required HQ and Elite.

I like Sniper Scouts for objective camping, so thats one troop choice, but what to do with the other?


A Tac squad in a Rhino is tactically flexable and look great on the table, but a second unit of scouts is so much cheaper. :/


Drop pods have always been a strong theme for my Redeemers, and my Furioso "Big Crispin" has rarely let me down so he's pretty much and auto include.


So with a Libby, a 7man DC unit, a drop-podding Fragioso, an all flamer Tac Squad in a Rhino and 5 Sniper Scouts, that leaves me just a smidge over 200 points left to spend. (Enough foir a Storm Raven?)


If I drop the Tac squad for more scouts then I have about 350 points to spend, but that leaves me with a very low model count.


Numbers is hard. >_<

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Keep the Tac squad and use them to force multiply, supporting the DC with shooting and secondary charges.


A Raven would be a pretty damn good addition, but it's a bullet magnet, albeit a good one.


You need some anti tank really, if anyone brings any high AV you're gunna struggle - maybe pop in a meltacide and put the Tac in a pod, that way you bring down crispin and meltacide turn one and the Tac squad comes in with flamers to clean up after a turn of movement from the enemy.


If not you have a Laser Destoryer don't you, that could be fun :biggrin.:

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Oooh, I forgot all about the laser destroyer.

Could I get it painted before next weekend? Very tempting.


How's this then:

+ HQ +

Librarian [bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Jump pack, Psyker (ML2), The Veritas Vitae]


+ Elites +

Furioso Dreadnought [Magna-grapple]

Drop Pod [storm Bolter]

Power Fists [Frag cannon, Heavy flamer]


+ Troops +

Tactical Squad [Flamer, Heavy flamer, 9x Tactical Marine] ····Drop Pod [storm Bolter] Tactical Sergeant [Combi-Flamer, Melta Bombs, Power weapon]


Raphen's Death Company


+ Fast Attack +

Assault Squad [4x Assault Marines, 2x Meltagun]

Assault Sergeant [2x Inferno Pistol]

Drop Pod [storm Bolter]


+ Heavy Support +

Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer [Overcharged engines, Siege Shield]


I'm not sold on Raffen's Death Company, they are so expencive and not ideally kitted out, but I can see no other way of fitting DC into the list.

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