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Vairocanum's Projects (9/28/2020 Dark Mechanicus Cultist)

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In short: Bloody hell, he looks good! Marvellous work, brother. I can't really offer much in the way of C&C, maybe with the exception of the greenstuff part of the axe-haft - it's looking a little bit squiffy (well, different enough from the rest of the leather wrap to notice, at least) but I doubt anyone is really going to see it from two feet away. ;)

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Looking darn good!


Did you sculpt of mold a lot of the detail? Regardless it looks great.

Thanks hushrong! Yea press molds were used for a lot of the details, GS is a lot easier to work with than plastic so I use it a lot. Something that I'd definitely recommend ppl to try using.


Fantastic. Really fantastic. I love the axe. I was searching exactly for that bit^^.



Make him a warden slayer AS well for fluff reasons.


Looking forward to the paint job. AG least WE both ruin our models with paint.

Thanks Mikhal! Maybe I'll make the chained shoulder pad an homage to an old Warden brother, someone he was forced to kill. I hope the paint job will be ok, will have to see next week.


Nice work on the sword brethren. The more often I see people doing that kind of thing with the legs of chaos warriors, the more I regret just using the boots for my khorne berzerkers. :ermm: I might go back to that someday and fix it. 


Anyway, I agree with Kraut that he might benefit from a lower angle of the sword arm, provided you can bring back his shield arm by 1 or 2 millimeter as well - to show his slow stride forward.


The WOlf Lord is out of this world. *how* did you sculpt that fur 'loin cloth'??

Thanks Augustus! Would love to see you sculpt power armor legs on your khorne berzerkers (the trim as well!), I think they'd look even cooler than they do already.


Wow Vairo, you've really outdone yourself with this one, quite an impressive model you've got there! You have became a true master of press molding in such a short time, and the fur on the tabard is perfect! My only issue is that, even though I've previously said that you're really good at making static poses (which you're), I see you getting too comfortable with those and never trying out more dynamic things, which would probably fit better some of your models. I know that you were inspired by Ulrik's pose (which, as I've said before, works really well) but, wouldn't this model be awesome running forward? Swirling his axe or raising his power fist to strike some vile xenos or foul heretic down? I simply suggest you trying more of those out, you're already very good at making static characters, so why not try and make dynamic ones? :wink:

Thanks Traitor! I've basically been press molding since September of last year, so I can't really say that it's been a short time haha. Happy that you've liked the details I've added. Here's the thing about static poses, MKIII will usually be static pose cause I don't like cutting them up, but other armor marks have a greater chance of getting a dynamic model. Also I really like power armor when both shoulder pads are facing down and it's harder to justify posing like that unless its in a static pose. Will definitely do some more dynamic poses in the future!


That Wold Lord is amazing dude, love all the little touches like the skulls on his greaves and the icon on his chest plate. Very, Very cool!



Thanks Nemac! Glad you like the Wolf Lord, choosing which details to use is always fun but I need to be careful not to overcrowd the model!


Absolutely astounding work brother that is one of the best looking wolf lords I've ever seen your GS are near God like it really makes me feel like I need to practice up :wink: keep up the awesome work man

Thanks Pyro! A lot of the details were done using press molds so I can't take much credit for it, glad you like the model though! Definitely looking forward to seeing more Nurgle from you, I'm also planning a nurgle model in the near future.


In short: Bloody hell, he looks good! Marvellous work, brother. I can't really offer much in the way of C&C, maybe with the exception of the greenstuff part of the axe-haft - it's looking a little bit squiffy (well, different enough from the rest of the leather wrap to notice, at least) but I doubt anyone is really going to see it from two feet away. :wink:

Thanks Olis! Glad you approve! I see what you mean about the axe haft but it was the best attempt out of three, I forgot to sculpt it before I glued the whole model together so it'll probably remain squiffy. 




No real painting done on the Wolf Lord this week but he's now primed. Instead I got distracted by making a sword using the leftover bits from a custodes sword that developed into this Ultramarines Captain. Not a particularly complex conversion but one that I'm fairly satisfied with. The MK8 legs work really well height wise so I only had to true scale the front torso to make it longer (total height about the same as my MKIII armor true scales if he wasn't leaning forward). Had the arms left over from the UM standard bearer exclusive and thought they'd be of good use here. Found one of the old bolt pistols I got in a trade years ago and used it cause I like the bulkiness. Camera isn't being cooperative with focus again, should buy a new one but new plastic and resin is more important. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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Hadn't realised it had been so long! The custodes blade fits really well, I thought it would look odd in a marine hand, but it looks perfect. Also, where is that cape from? I'm always looking for cape bits and that one is very cool. Overal very good job, he might be an ultramarine... But that is acceptable for such a great conversion :P!
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EPIC WORK BROTHER!!!! press molds or not that still takes a great deal of patience and skill and you sir exhibit both in boat loads. This new UM captain looks fantastic good combo of bits I think the size of the bolt pistol helps to balance out the size of the sword my only nitpick is that because of the venerable nature of that bolt pistol it has less detail than the rest of the model (like the missing ejection port?). Maybe you could spice it up a little with a little fancy trim or an Ultima on the side or a charging handle and ejection port? even with that minor issue the model overall looks great and has a fantastic sense of movement keep up the awesome work man I'm looking forward to seeing how you do some Nurgle too ;)
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Raise the left arm up a bit at the shoulder as it looks a bit too low in the head on picture? Otherwise, top drawer as we've all come to expect. Love the little shields on the sword hilt.

That Wolf Lord is stellar, the only thing I'd tweak (if you're still looking too) is the axe head, perhaps rotate it so that the blade is pointing in the same direction as the fist holding it?

The BT is basically Mr Templar McTemplarson, i.e. very Templar-y!

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Hadn't realised it had been so long! The custodes blade fits really well, I thought it would look odd in a marine hand, but it looks perfect. Also, where is that cape from? I'm always looking for cape bits and that one is very cool. Overal very good job, he might be an ultramarine... But that is acceptable for such a great conversion :tongue.:!

Thanks Traitor! Yea time flies haha. I was quite happy with the size as well cause the sword blade itself looks really cool. The cape is from the Deathwatch kill team box. Ultramarines were my first army so I can't completely forget my roots!


Ulrik looks great really like the press molding and the pose. Look forward to seeing it painted!

Thanks Sagentus! Glad you liked him, press molding does wonders for conversions. He's all painted up now but with crappy pictures :wacko.:.


EPIC WORK BROTHER!!!! press molds or not that still takes a great deal of patience and skill and you sir exhibit both in boat loads. This new UM captain looks fantastic good combo of bits I think the size of the bolt pistol helps to balance out the size of the sword my only nitpick is that because of the venerable nature of that bolt pistol it has less detail than the rest of the model (like the missing ejection port?). Maybe you could spice it up a little with a little fancy trim or an Ultima on the side or a charging handle and ejection port? even with that minor issue the model overall looks great and has a fantastic sense of movement keep up the awesome work man I'm looking forward to seeing how you do some Nurgle too :wink:

Thanks Pyro! Really appreciate the compliment, more patience definitely helps improve a model. I hadn't thought about the missing ejection port on the bolt pistol, but yea you're right. I'll try to make the pistol a little more ornate. Nurgle will probably be for August Arena round 2.


Raise the left arm up a bit at the shoulder as it looks a bit too low in the head on picture? Otherwise, top drawer as we've all come to expect. Love the little shields on the sword hilt.


That Wolf Lord is stellar, the only thing I'd tweak (if you're still looking too) is the axe head, perhaps rotate it so that the blade is pointing in the same direction as the fist holding it?


The BT is basically Mr Templar McTemplarson, i.e. very Templar-y!

Thanks Sock! I think that just might be my shoddy camera skills, if the arm was pointed down the pistol arm would be parallel with the sword arm. The axe head was actually deliberately posed like that to show off the axe itself since its a relatively static pose. But I do see what you mean about facing the same direction and I usually will choose to do that as well. Also your comment about the BT made me chuckle, glad you approve!




So this week I completed painting my Wolf Lord for August Arena. Got home too late in the day so couldn't use natural daylight and my camera is dying so I have potato pictures. Will try to get some better ones later. As for the overall paint scheme, I am a horrible "clean" painter so I didn't attempt that method. I wanted to have a darker grey that was almost black to emphasize sort of a grim reaper aspect of the legion that are tasked with hunting. The axe head was left a dull color cause the way I see it the axe would glow only when activated. Although my friend does not post on B&C, a big thank you to him for lending me paints while he was on vacation, going to try and get some nurgle painted in the coming weeks.




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Edited by Vairocanum
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hey, the ultra captain and the space puppie look great! conceptually solid, they are exactly what i epect from those chapters, looking good!

Thanks PeaceCraft! Glad you like the models, it's always fun to do different chapters. Nice to see you back!


This wolflord is just phenomenal. So much gravitas and your painting is good as well. We both didn't ruin our models. Now paint more!!!

Thanks Mikhal! Thanks for doing the challenge with me! Glad our models both turned out fine after painting! I definitely plan on painting a few more models while I still have my friend's paint.


He looks great, you know I have a thing for dark colour schemes :wink:! The oy thing I would try to fix is that the cape looks a bit glossy, maybe you didn't shake well the wash you applied?

Thanks Traitor! Yea you're the king of dark color schemes haha :teehee:. Also  yes, I didn't shake well but its fixed now!


Really Dig the Dark look . And is he singing his Saga ?:biggrin.:

Thanks DSS7! Glad you approve of the dark look as well, and now I'm imagining a wolf lord belting out in hearty singing :biggrin.:.



Late update this week, a friend came over for the weekend to visit and didn't have as much hobby time. A relatively straightforward conversion this week, something I put together after discussing different types of cultists with a friend. He's basically the same size as a space marine and I managed to use leftover bits from previous failed concepts so it worked out pretty well. The robe part is from the old metal DA tactical marines. Next weeks update will probably be late as well cause I have final exams on Friday and Sunday. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!



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He looks badass! Not a fan of the "come at me bro" pose, and something isn't working for me about the belt, but everything else is great, the head looks very good, but it would be great to see a pic from behind to see how you sculpted the neck, if it isn't too much trouble
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Khornate cultist is looking very cool! Am very envious of your abilities to create such seamless conversions, with each of the elements blending together to create a really cool whole! My one quibble is that the knife hand looks weirdly short in comparison to the axe hand, I don't know whether this is to do with the perspective or not, but just seems a little bit off.


Keep up the great work!

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He looks badass! Not a fan of the "come at me bro" pose, and something isn't working for me about the belt, but everything else is great, the head looks very good, but it would be great to see a pic from behind to see how you sculpted the neck, if it isn't too much trouble

Thanks Traitor! I was going for something like stretching out briefly before rushing into slaughter for the pose. I see what you mean about the belt, it does look a little off, will think about how to fix it. He had a neck originally so I just filled in spots with GS. 





Khornate cultist is looking very cool! Am very envious of your abilities to create such seamless conversions, with each of the elements blending together to create a really cool whole! My one quibble is that the knife hand looks weirdly short in comparison to the axe hand, I don't know whether this is to do with the perspective or not, but just seems a little bit off.


Keep up the great work!

Thanks Kordhal! Glad you like the cultist, also thank you for the high praise! I'm really flattered you think the conversions are seamless, deciding parts always takes a long time for me so it's nice to hear that it was worth it. As for the length of arms, I think it's cause one arm has a gauntlet and the other doesn't. But yea I definitely see your point about that.


That cultist looks great! there are some really inspiring conversions in this thread. You've just won another reader :smile.:

Thanks Aasfresser! I'm happy you like my stuff, your stuff is pretty inspiring (especially the most recent contemptor)! Hope you enjoy my future conversions as well!




Late again this week with the update but final exams were finally over on Sunday so I finally had some time to finish up a model. As Traitor pointed out earlier, I have tended to stray towards more static poses in models so this time I did something more dynamic for a change. Ever since I saw Augustus's Blood Warrior Khorne Berzerkers I knew I wanted to try one as well, so I built this zerker champ swinging a big axe. I decided to sculpt the leg armor instead of leaving it as boots. Next weeks update will be a painted model hopefully since I've still got my friends paints till he gets back from vacation. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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EPIC! This is the reason I wanted you to sculpt more dynamic models, I knew you would do something amazing! Seriously brother, this model is stunming! The only nitpick I have is thay the lower hand doesn't really seem to be holding the axe, I think that it is because there is no shaft below.

The sculpted greaves are perfect, they work well with the rest of the model, and the vambraces fit nicely too. Superb work overall!

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Hi !


Just ran through the whole topic during my break, your work is really impressive ! I'm following this for...ideas stealing purpose :wink:


I totally agree with The Traitor, you should show us more of your skills on dynamic models. This one last zerk champion is totally awesome, and while this is true that the hand doesn't seem to hold the axe...man you managed to sculpt a hand ! That's maybe the most difficult thing to sculpt imo. I'm not even able to draw a proper one !


I'm going to call back to life one of your fist posts in this topic, but could you tell me how you built the claws ? I can't recognize where you picked the small blades from.

Also, must say that he is one of my favourite models here !


I liked the jump pack I made originally for the Night Lords Champion so much that I made an entire model so I could use the jump pack :tongue.:. I felt regular sized lightning claws would look too bulky so I converted a smaller pair for this Chaos Raptor Lord and I'm pretty happy with how the whole model turned out. I tried to pose him as he prepared to rush towards his next prey (legs are hard to pose :wacko.:). C&C is appreciated



Edited by Gabocius
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AWESOME WORK MAN that berserker champ looks amazing your GS skills are really getting to be quite amazing even with the use of press moulds your work is insane press moulds help but they're still a trick to use amid it appears you've mastered it keep up the killer work man
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