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Molotov, have you seen the "How to paint the Black Reach Captain" entry of BoLS today?


Except for the white shoulder guards and purple cape, it'd make for a nice Castigator! (And I can't help to think i'd make a good Sirius with the skull and starburst logo common to the Black Reach Marines...)

  Nash Trickster said:
(And I can't help to think i'd make a good Sirius with the skull and starburst logo common to the Black Reach Marines...)


You're entirely right Nash, the only reason why I decided against using the AoBR Captain for Sirius, is because it will become too overused. Even with some converting I believe you'd still be able to guess what the base model is.

Interesting spot, Nash. A white undercoat seems very counter-intuitive, though.


For me, though, the AoBR Captain is perfect for representing Caphius. Take a look at the picture SeerBrun drew months before AoBR even came out:




The bionic eye, the cloak, the braiding on the torso... enough for me to see the AoBR Captain as Caphius. I intend to convert mine with a power fist and a bolt pistol.

  Commissar Molotov said:
I don't quite follow your drift.

Apart from letting you charge after you shoot it, the point of having a Bolt Pistol and Power Fist combo kinda lost it's zeal when the 5th Edition Power Fist rules came into effect (ie only a 2nd Power Fist granting 1+ Attack).

  Heru Talon said:
Apart from letting you charge after you shoot it, the point of having a Bolt Pistol and Power Fist combo kinda lost it's zeal when the 5th Edition Power Fist rules came into effect (ie only a 2nd Power Fist granting 1+ Attack).


Oh, right. Well, I'm not interested in game mechanics with Caphius - when it comes to Anteas, perhaps.

Fabricator, how is the 4th company going? Haven't seen much of them. Have you painted the Dreadnought yet? Intrested on how it came out.


I was wondering, how are the Castigator sergeants and veterans helmets marked? According to the codex, sergeants have a red helmet/ red stripe and the veterans have a white helmet. Veteran sergeants have a white helmet with red stripe.


Has anyone got pics of their entire Castigator army yet?

  brother varen said:
What else has changed for the Castigators with the new codex? Or will we have to wait for the new website to open, to see the new changes? :)


I'm really not sure what sort of changes you're expecting! The new Codex hasn't really changed that much, to my mind. The new units (Thunderfire, Redeemer, Sternguard, Vanguard, Ironclad) are all used by the Castigators. If you tell me what sort of changes you're expecting, I can fill you in more.


  brother varen said:
I was wondering, how are the Castigator sergeants and veterans helmets marked? According to the codex, sergeants have a red helmet/ red stripe and the veterans have a white helmet. Veteran sergeants have a white helmet with red stripe.


That's something I've always been a bit unsure about. The Castigators have evolved over the years (originally they had a scheme of rotting flesh!) but the helmet colours have sat oddly with me. At one stage I had planned for them to be like the Genesis Chapter, with a scheme diametrically opposed to the Ultramarines - so blue helmets for Sergeants. That's a little close to the Blood Angels devastators, though. I've stuck to 2nd/3rd edition colouring for the most part - Apothecaries are still white, Techmarines are still red, etc. And so to my mind, Veteran Sergeants have a red helmet with a white stripe (rather than the newer laurel wreaths) whilst Veterans have a white helmet. Terminators would be the same, also.


I think it works - the Sergeant remains cohesive with his squad whilst Veterans stand out. The thing is that in the Codex, all Sergeants have veteran stats, so it's up to you which Sergeants are 'Veteran' and which are not.

Now, that's a good question. I've been unsure about 'The End Times'. It seems that things are becoming increasingly bad for the Imperium as the end of the millennium approaches. Cults are rising, aliens are attacking with greater fervour... I'm not too sure what the Castigators would be doing. I get the feeling that they would be trying to keep order among the systems of the Howling Stars.


In some way, GW's decision to freeze the timeline at 999999.M41 causes no end of problems. The Armageddon War rages, the Eye of Terror pours forth the multitudinous hordes of the Despoiler, the warp seethes, the Tyranids consume ever-more systems as the Necron Tomb Worlds begin to awake.


But it makes it hard for us players to move forward with our plot-lines.

A GREAT IA, Molotov.


I haven't had time to read through all the pages yet, but something bugged me a tad.


The planet was a celestial anomaly; one of only a handful in the Imperium known to have a 'tidally locked' orbit. The time the planet took to rotate on its axis and the time it took to orbit the system's star were exactly the same.


I don't mean to be pedantic, but isn't this type of equatorial rotation rather common? I full reasons for this assumption, but I don't want to say too much.


Anyways, I just wanted to take this chance to congradulate you on perfectly writing this exemplary IA, Molotov.

With the End times coming, wouldn't space marines chapters question the codex's ability to cope with the current problems. Would they look to the first founding for answers? I mean, the ultramarines changed the codex to adapted to the tyranid menace. Would the space marines change their codex structure to better serve the Imperium? To me it seems that the codex would have to be restructured to cope with the new threats. More chapters to be made, existing chapters having to extend their range of patrols to better safeguard the Imperium. Maybe all purity-minded chapters including the Castigators are called on to help create these new chapters. Maybe this is why the Novamarines rarly fight as a chapter anymore. How will this affect the Castigators? How will they look at the impending doom of the Imperium? I would think that Caphius would be more zealous than ever. What of the other vocates chapters?


How has the Castigator's structure changed with the new codex? That is what i meant to ask. :yes:

Angelfire - Thank you for the feedback. I'm actually not that happy with the IA as it stands (coding issues aside). Then again, I'm a grumbler. :yes: Hope you enjoy the read. As for the "celestial anomaly" - Why would it be so common? As far as I know, in official GW fluff only the planet Mordian and the planet in the third Ciaphas Cain novel have such an orbit. Your feedback is welcomed on that issue, though.


Varen - I'm not sure. You say "Space Marine Chapters would question the Codex..." but I think you're applying yourself on top. Would they question the Codex? The Codex has kept them safe for ten thousand years. The Ultramarines haven't necessarily 'changed' the Codex, they've just utilised Guilliman's tactics in new ways. The Tyranid War Veterans... well, they are the result of Cassius' obsession, and the Seditio Opprimere has only been featured in one bit of BFG fluff (and seems to have been retconned out again in the new Codex).


Would the Chapter really restructure? For the Space Marines, tradition means a great deal. If you dishonour the Company, you dishonour all those that have died for that Company. So on and so forth. The High Lords are debating a new founding (that was mentioned in the Eye of Terror campaign fluff) but as of 999.M41, that hasn't happened. I think you're right in that existing Chapters would have to overstretch themselves to safeguard the Imperium.


I think many within the Imperium can sense the impending doom as the millennium draws to a close. There's an interesting quote in the Codex:


Cassius had been blessed with revelation as he lay dying in the ichor-stained ice. He believed that the Tyranid menace was no mere physical threat. The aliens were Mankind's rightful punishment for their lack of vigilance, and in Cassius' eyes there was no greater calling than to purge them from the galaxy.


So I can definitely see the zealous factions of the Chapter becoming more zealous, Caphius included. The zealots might talk of a great reckoning coming, the 'end of times'. (When in careful company, as Nash intimated earlier). But those same zealots aren't going to want to destroy the Company system. Tradition is what makes the Astartes what they are, rather than just mindless, brutal killers.

  Commissar Molotov said:
Angelfire - Thank you for the feedback. I'm actually not that happy with the IA as it stands (coding issues aside). Then again, I'm a grumbler. :huh: Hope you enjoy the read. As for the "celestial anomaly" - Why would it be so common? As far as I know, in official GW fluff only the planet Mordian and the planet in the third Ciaphas Cain novel have such an orbit. Your feedback is welcomed on that issue, though.


The nearest planetary body in the sky to us in tide-locked, so it must be pretty common, right? Tidal locking is not random.


Well the idea of becoming tide-locked lies within the physical mechanics of planetary bodies. All space-bodies revolving in space will become tide-locked in a matter of time (if it is only heavily affected by one graviational source. It's only a matter of time. (and the gravitational force between the bodies, rotational inertia, etc.) (Note: magnetic attractions could also possibly cause tidal-locking. Just substitude "magnetism" for "gravity" in the subsequent sentences.)


Basically, this phenomenon occurs due to the center of gravity (CG) being off of of the axis of rotation. This causes the force of gravitational attraction to be stronger on one "side" of the planetary body (the side the CG is on) than the other side. This torque causes an eccentricity or "wobble" in the revolution/rotation. The body undergoing tidal-locking will slowly experience slowing down rotation/speeding up revolution or speeding up rotation/slowing down revolution. Eventually, the period of rotation and revolution will equal each other. In addition, the larger body will eventually tidally-lock itself around the smaller one, as well. (i.e. Pluto and Charon)


The systems known to be tidally-locked within our solar systems are listed by Wikipedia as:

The Moon (to Earth); Phobos and Deimos (to Mars); 8 moons (to Jupiter); 15 moons (to Saturn); 4 moons (to Uranus); 2 moons (to Neptune); and Charon and Pluto in twinned tidal-locking, in addition to numerous other bodies predicted to be tidally-locked.


The only planetary bodies that will not be tidally-locked are those that undergo disruption of this process, perfectly-spherical bodies with perfectly distributed mass (very, very, very unlikely) or those that enter orbital resonance. (Such as Mercury)


Well why have no planets in our solar system undergone this? This is probably because scientists believe that our sun is relatively small (in comparison to non-dwarfs), and that our solar system is relatively young. However, this does not mean such phenomena will not occur in other planets.


I apologize for the perhaps overly-lengthy reply, but I hope this satisfies any questions!

Hrm, I see... thank you for the insightful post. In that case, I'll drop the 'one of only a handful' comment - but I'm not so sure that it's a fallacy to describe it as "unusual", even if it's not unique. After all, it appealed greatly to Baraquiel - that dichotomy between light and darkness.


Definitely food for thought - thank you! :)

I didn't mean destroy the traditions of the chapter but would they create new ones or modify the existing ones to better survive the "End of Times?" The Ultramarines modified their traditions to better survive the Tyranids, so why couldn't others? These "End of Times" timeline could allow you some fredoms with the Castigators. New traditions could arise to allow the zealots more influence within the chapter. I'm not by any way saying that the Castigators need to be changed, just saying oppurtunities are there to give some more insight to the chapter. ;)


Speaking of traditions, What do the Castigator's have? Making some traditions for the Castigators would give some insight to them. Not all chapters have the same traditions, so makes the Castigators stand out from the others? Are these traditions followed by all companies or certain ones?


So have you decided on placing the Castigators in the Howling stars? Have you any ideas concerning how the Castigators reacted towards the news the the Black Conculs? Did they look for survivors?


How many succucssors do the Castigators have? Do they have contact with them? What about the other chapters of the vocates that made the pact with the Castigators?

  brother varen said:
I didn't mean destroy the traditions of the chapter but would they create new ones or modify the existing ones to better survive the "End of Times?" The Ultramarines modified their traditions to better survive the Tyranids, so why couldn't others? These "End of Times" timeline could allow you some fredoms with the Castigators. New traditions could arise to allow the zealots more influence within the chapter. I'm not by any way saying that the Castigators need to be changed, just saying oppurtunities are there to give some more insight to the chapter. :)


Hrm. I still fear you're trying to force your ideas and opinions on Space Marines in general, and the Castigators in particular. You say '...allow you some freedoms with the Castigators', as though I'm not free to do what I want! :cry: That confuses me - I think I've done a great deal with the Castigators to make them distinct. I certainly think I'm free to make them how I like them. You seem to constantly think the Codex is restricting me. I don't see it that way. Too many DIY Chapter creators go crazy with their freedom, trying to be different. I want to make them distinct. That's more about the character and tone of the Chapter.


Plus, don't forget that although we might know of 'the End Times', it would be something vague and uncertain within the 40k universe. It's neat and clear for us, but would it be for people like Caphius? Something else I'm unsure about is when you say '...new traditions could arise to allow the zealots more influence within the Chapter...' - but a 'tradition' to me has to have a long-standing basis. Plus, don't forget that characters like Quintilius seek to prevent the zealots dominating the Chapter too much. If the Castigators broke with the navigators or the astropaths, for example, they would cease to exist. Caphius has been stymied - in some senses, he's reached his potential. He wants to emulate Lycidius - even to better him by reaching the position of Chapter Master (Lycidius' death during the Truth War prevented that) - but Escalus was promoted over Caphius to the position of First-Captain, and rumours say that Timon is being groomed to become a future Chapter Master. Caphius might have become Captain of the Second, but will he ever get any further?


Speaking of traditions, What do the Castigator's have? Making some traditions for the Castigators would give some insight to them. Not all chapters have the same traditions, so makes the Castigators stand out from the others? Are these traditions followed by all companies or certain ones?


Well, a Chapter will have many traditions. Traditional titles like that of First-Captain, Master of the Watch, etc. The most obvious would be the Castigators' celebrations every fourteen years. Then there are smaller foibles and traditions. For example, the rank of 'Battle-Sergeant', given to the four Terminator-armoured Sergeants in the First Company. Or the tradition within the Chapter that the dying Ancient gives the Crimson Standard to the next Ancient. Is it possible that different parts of the Chapter celebrate different days and have different ceremonies? Sure.


But Varen - I'm really confused by your insistence that I give '...some insight...' to the Castigators. I'm always willing to accomodate your questions, and I fear I'm misinterpreting you a little, but you seem to ignore the huge depth already present within the Castigators - they're arguably the best DIY in the Liber (if not the 40k community) - they're certainly one of the DIY Chapters with the greatest depth. With regards to 'insight' and 'depth', I really count only two other Chapters as being equivalent to the Castigators - the Guardian Angels and the Fighting Tigers of Veda. I'm always keen to have 'some insight', but please don't talk about the Castigators as though I've just started with them! :tu:


So have you decided on placing the Castigators in the Howling stars? Have you any ideas concerning how the Castigators reacted towards the news the the Black Conculs? Did they look for survivors?


The Castigators are within the Howling Stars, yes. I hope to detail the area a little soon. And as for the ideas regarding the Consuls, I mentioned on the last page that they likely would've attempted to investigate what happened to their parent Chapter. I'm keen not to intrude too much on something that GW could easily effect.


How many succucssors do the Castigators have? Do they have contact with them? What about the other chapters of the vocates that made the pact with the Castigators?


They have two successors, the Redemptors and the Contemptors. Their contact with the Redemptors is sporadic, as Terentius took his Chapter to the southern rim, where the light of the Astronomicon is faint. As for the Contemptors, the Castigators steadfastly refuse to acknowledge them. The Castigators' annals refer to them as traitors, oath-breakers and worse. Woe betide them should the two Chapters ever encounter each other!


With regards to the Vocates, the idea always was (from our first 'mission statement') that the Chapters shouldn't be constantly falling over eachother. That was, in my eyes, a major flaw of the Aegyptus Astartes. The Vocates Chapters are quite diverse, especially since the fall of the Reapers, which split the Chapters. The Castigators are cordial, and are certainly closer with some of the Chapters than others (particularly the Judicators and the Thousand Swords) but the collapse of their oath and their seeming isolation really works, I think. It helps exemplify the darkness and despair of the 40k universe.

Chapter Master's Household

Chapter Master Quintilius

Ancient Rhetoricus, bearer of the Crimson Standard

Honour Guard, led by Seneschal Acerbus




Chaplain Renatus, Master of Sanctity


The Forge

Atellus, Master of the Forge



Senior Epistolary XXXXXX, Chief Librarian




Apothecary-Primus XXXXX


Chapter Fleet

Battle Barges: Sacred Endeavour, Holy Enterprise

Strike Cruisers: Inviolate, Thrice-Blessed Sword, Defiant, Ascendant, Radiant Light

Assorted escort vessels





Company I

Captain: Escalus

  • Titles: First-Captain, Regent of Losanco
  • Heraldry: A clenched fist holding a whip.
  • Wargear: Power sword (Purgator)

Company Standard: The Crux Terminatus, with the Chapter Symbol in a circle at the centre

Company Chaplain: Coratus, 'Karakalla'
Command Squad:
Squad I (Terminator): Battle-Sergeant Caius
Squad II (Terminator): Battle-Sergeant Fautor
Squad III (Terminator):
Squad IV (Terminator):
Squad V (Sternguard):
Squad VI (Sternguard) 'Paragons': Veteran Sergeant --------
Squad VII (Sternguard):
Squad VIII (Sternguard):
Squad IX (Vanguard):
Squad X (Vanguard):
Squad XI (Vanguard):
Squad XII (Vanguard):



Captain: Caphius

  • Titles: Master of the Watch
  • Heraldry:
  • Wargear: Hero's Mantle

Company Standard: A twin-headed eagle tearing a snake in half

  • Company Chaplain: Nicodemus
  • Command Squad:
    - Senior Sergeant
    - Standard Bearer Tyrus
    - Codicier Gavius
    - Apothecary Fabian
  • Squad I (Tactical): Sergeant Soren
  • Squad II (Tactical): Sergeant Pius
  • Squad III (Tactical): Sergeant Taurin
  • Squad IV (Tactical): Sergeant Castus
  • Squad V (Tactical): Sergeant Lucan
  • Squad VI (Tactical): Sergeant Remus
  • Squad VII (Assault): Sergeant Brutus
  • Squad VIII (Assault): Sergeant Marius
  • Squad IX (Devastator): Sergeant Valerian
  • Squad X (Devastator): Sergeant Gaius

Associated Elements:

Honoured Ignatius, Venerable Dreadnought



Captain: Sirius

  • Titles: Master of the Arsenal
  • Heraldry: A Starburst
  • Wargear: Power sword (Lux Videbis)

Company Standard: A Supernova - at the centre rests a stylised steel skull

  • Company Chaplain: Argentus
  • Command Squad 'The Patriarchs':
    - Senior Sergeant Tarandas
    - Apothecary Gratus
    - Lexicanium Licinus (attached from Librarium)
  • Squad I (Tactical) 'The Revenants': Sergeant Meridius
  • Squad II (Tactical) 'Illuminators': Sergeant Deiad
  • Squad III (Tactical): Sergeant Solemnas
  • Squad IV (Tactical) 'Vanquishers': Sergeant Xerian
  • Squad V (Tactical) 'Scions of Baraquiel': Sergeant Barrus
  • Squad VI (Tactical): Sergeant Hiberus
  • Squad VII (Assault) 'Nightmares': Sergeant Asprenus
  • Squad VIII (Assault): Sergeant Torquatus
  • Squad IX (Devastator) 'Groundbreakers': Sergeant Asturias
  • Squad X (Devastator) 'Iron Guard': Sergeant Eclectus


Company IV

Captain: Timon

  • Titles: Master of the Fleet
  • Heraldry:
  • Wargear: Power sword (The Blade of Thorns), Combi-Plasma Gun (The Chastener)

Company Standard: The Downwards-Pointing Blade of Thorns

  • Company Chaplain:
  • Command Squad:
  • Squad I (Tactical):
  • Squad II (Tactical):
  • Squad III (Tactical): Veteran Sergeant Acacius
  • Squad IV (Tactical): Sergeant Erastus
  • Squad V (Tactical):
  • Squad VI (Tactical):
  • Squad VII (Assault):
  • Squad VIII (Assault):
  • Squad IX (Devastator):
  • Squad X (Devastator): Sergeant Viator



Captain: Anteas

  • Titles: Master of the Marches
  • Heraldry: A quartered shield bound by chains.
  • Wargear: Power sword (The Sword of Sorrow)

Company Standard: A whip striking

  • Company Chaplain: Punitus
  • Command Squad:
    - Senior Sergeant Caetrus
    - Standard Bearer Bericus
    - Codicier Acastus (attached from Librarium)
    - Apothecary Decius
  • Squad I (Tactical) 'The Champions': Sergeant Tanthus
  • Squad II (Tactical) 'Traitor's Bane': Sergeant XXXXX
  • Squad III (Tactical) 'The Gatekeepers': Sergeant Vitus
  • Squad IV (Tactical)'The Excruciators: Sergeant Meridius
  • Squad V (Tactical) 'Grudgebearers': Sergeant XXXXX
  • Squad VI (Tactical) 'Honourbound': Sergeant XXXXX
  • Squad VII (Assault) 'Conquerors': Sergeant Atellus
  • Squad VIII (Assault) 'Blooded': Sergeant Justus
  • Squad IX (Devastator) 'Thunderers': Sergeant Tibius
  • Squad X (Devastator) 'Levellers': Sergeant Aulus



Captain: Ramus

  • Titles: Master of the Rites
  • Heraldry: A heart wreathed in thorns
  • Wargear:


Company VII

Captain: Lucien

  • Titles: Chief Victualler
  • Heraldry:
  • Wargear:

Company Standard: An hourglass



Captain: Tigris

  • Titles:
  • Heraldry: A winged axe
  • Wargear: Power-axe (Victrix)

Company Standard: Crossed Swords

  • Command Squad Tigris - ‘Death From Above’
    - Senior Sergeant Tiberius
    - Standard Bearer
    - Apothecary Crassus
    - Lexicanium Eonus (attached from Librarium)
  • Squad I (Assault) ‘Glorious’: Sergeant Gaius
  • Squad II (Assault) ‘Relentless’: Sergeant Cato
  • Squad III (Assault) ‘Honour Seekers’: Sergeant Cassius
  • Squad IV (Assault) ‘Resolute’: Sergeant Amatius
  • Squad V (Assault) ‘Death’s Blades’: Sergeant Crispus
  • Squad VI (Assault) ‘Iron Resolve’: Sergeant Menathus
  • Squad VII (Assault) ‘Liberators’: Sergeant Gracus
  • Squad VIII (Assault) ‘Swift Fury’: Sergeant Septimus
  • Squad IX (Assault) ‘Warpbane’: Sergeant Lucius
  • Squad X (Assault) ‘The Disciples’: Sergeant Metellus



Captain: Malus

  • Titles: Master of the Siege
  • Heraldry: Crossed cannons with a skull above them.
  • Wargear: Thunder-Hammer and Bolter-Grenade Launcher Combi-Weapon.

Company Standard: A broken tower struck by lightning.

  • Command Squad
  • Squad I (Devastator):
  • Squad II (Devastator):
  • Squad III (Devastator):
  • Squad IV (Devastator):
  • Squad V (Devastator):
  • Squad VI (Devastator):
  • Squad VII (Devastator):
  • Squad VIII (Devastator):
  • Squad IX (Devastator):
  • Squad X (Devastator):

Company X 'HUNTERS'

Captain: Vatrenus

  • Titles: Master of Recruits
  • Heraldry: An angel coveting a skull.
  • Wargear:

Edited by Commissar Molotov

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