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NightHunters last won the day on April 24 2015

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    Night Hunters

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  1. And now I see what you actually mean, So angled out from the side of the fuselage or directly underneath righ? Reckon if you mount them wide enough you should be fine, and from there a little angle with a wee brace at the top should be achievable without compromising the load bearing capacity too much.
  2. Why not Both? Have a big vertical piston, with an implied pivot at the top, and then a couple, one each side, angled pistons hinged from the front of the bay for stability. I imagine they would be there so it doesn’t snap if there is still some forward momentum on touch down. thats how I would go!
  3. Evening all, So, been working on a little something, clearly not on the painting front...... and a few small friends that are coming along nicely So all rather lovely really! Cheers all! FTE
  4. Chap, this is coming along soooo well, can't wait to see the final product!
  5. Lovely green stuff work fella, As MLN mentioned some pouches would pad out the midriff and I would like to see a higher Gorget too as his neck seems a little exposed at the mo. Although Isengrin's idea of using tube for belt thickening is genius!
  6. Love the load out on these lads, very cool, amazing how much more gear Primaris marines can soak up compared to the good old boys!
  7. Yes mate, that is what we are talking about, those are looking great! How are you looking at mounting the wing heavy boaters?
  8. Yup, fair enough, they looked a bit short but that seems like a good length! Look forward to seeing more! R
  9. Those Blades are lovely chap, and the Eldar axe is a really nice touch!
  10. Evening all! So we are nearly there on Nature vs Nurture Basing almost finished, the gaunt has a bit more pop now along with eyes and teeth, once they are both secured to the base i will finish up the detailing all round Quixus: Thanks fella, and thankfully i don't play, otherwise i totally would Bjorn: Cheers chap, agreed, drop enough fire power on it even an MBT will seek what cover it can! Kierdale: Thanks bud, really enjoying it again, and glad to see you are still around too! Hushrong: Yeah thanks man, that's exactly it, the one good thing about the new larger bases it allows you to go seriously silly on basing, which i at least enjoy! Yosef Hausakluif: Nice, that makes so much sense, held on the extraction point with crucial intel, trying to hold out against the odds, love it! And on the damage, trying to be as random as possible with it is the key, which is far harder than it sounds! Cheers all FTE
  11. Yeah nice work, just one thing, how wide are those wings, as in from fuselage to wingtip?
  12. Evening all! So have spent some time detailing the gaunt but not much to show, have also started added pouches and green stuff to this squad that has now been brought up to strength... Here we have the squad sergeant calling in an airstrike as an addition And here we have a Heavy bolter laying down some suppressing fire keen to get these guys primed up but need to get the detailing sorted. That is all for tonight! Cheers all! FTE
  13. Lovely Chaplain fella, surprised not to see some of your power blade edging on that Crozius but the plasma glow makes up for it!
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