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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions

All about the base!

Intro   With the Knives in the Darkness Kill Team event looming, I have been assembling my chosen team of Inquisitorial agents with a squad of sisters of silence. The inquisitorial agents I have already built on standard plastic Sector Imperialis bases, but sisters of silence I have left unattached to the bases, as i find with big cloaks such as theirs they are easier to paint when you can get to them from below. Anyway, I decided I would have a go at 3d modelling my own 32mm bases for


drakheart in Analysis

Battle Report: Eldar v Orks

I had a fight with some orks last night - my first game of 40k in some weeks, and maybe only my third since 2023. Needless to say, I'm a bit rusty, but keen to get the Eldar on the table again.    Eldar Warhost 1.5k Warhost (1490 points)   Aeldari Strike Force (2000 points) Warhost     CHARACTERS   Autarch (90 points)   • 1x Dragon fusion gun     1x Star glaive   • Enhancement: Timeless Strategist   Farseer (85


Xenith in Battle Report

Into the Forest

Theoretical While building an army, one might find themselves having crossed a line, where the project begins materializing beyond the Kill-Team or individual squad level. Like models in their squads, the units begin to coalesce into a recognizable force. It's not something I can really visualize with grey plastic - the painting lends itself to the phenomenon. The small slips and errors made on specific models goes away, and the trees become the forest.   Practical With my Ta


TheSpeckledTrout in Hobby

Crusade - Game 4 - Rematch in the Ruins

CRUSADE GAME 4 - TAU VS IMPERIAL GUARD Spending a lot of time in close combat in this Crusade...   My next game was a rematch, of sorts. Not for the armies so much as for the two most intimidating hulls currently in the Crusade! Yes, Andrew's Rogal Dorn - now a commander - against my Hammerhead, Shi'ur Monat. Oh, and some other things happened, I guess, but the two big tanks having another shooting match was the main thing.   At this range it was practical


Wormwoods in Crusade

Crusade - Game 3 - Scrap Metal

CRUSADE GAME 3 - TAU VS GROTS Fearful symmetry.   After a wait, we've now had our second game day for our new Crusade. After a strong start, this was a rough one for the Recon Cadre, but hey, it happens. Regressing to the mean of my gaming by losing horrendously.    Game 3 was against Kieran's Waaaagh! Grot-Snicker (or was that Grot-Snikah? Unclear) and a veritable horde of big robots and constructions. Killa Kans built from battlesuits, Grot Tanks built from w


Wormwoods in Crusade

A Great Unclean One almost took me down.......

Wow this cold/ Flu is freaking brutal.....chills, sinus pressure, cough, congestion, phlegm, exhaustion, fevers, all of it. Hit my house like a ton of bricks. All the kids got it along with the wife and me.  And as I was recovering, Wife and I went to Disneyland with my Bestfriend and his wife, for a mini moon without kids and of course it was cold and rainy (misty rain) so Nurgle's blessing did not go away.  And now that I am back home and back to work we are dealing with a high 80's this past


W.A.Rorie in Life

The Defence of Dakota Minor (884M41) I

+++ INTRODUCTION +++   The Defence of Dakota Minor was a series of conflicts in 884M41, that saw the Imperium defending the Matteus Subsector’s primary food provider against invaders. With only a token battlefleet and planetary defence force to protect it, Dakota Minor was expected to fall to the invaders in less than three months. Fortunately, intervention by local Astra Militarum regiments and the Adeptus Astartes saw the invasion quelled and the planet secured for the Imperium.

30 Years of Hobby - Packing time

Hi Folks,   It is time to move, or rather prepare the moving. There are 7 days lefy before starting loading the truck. And I packed all the stuff I jealously want to keep for myself and, if possible in good shape.   But 30 years of Hobby is a big volume of stuff. And some models requuire very specific care if one want them to arrive at destination in a single piece. Past weeks have therefore be spent reinforcing boxes and tray, cutting foam spacers, revarnishing some mod


Bouargh in Edito

This One is Compulsory

Theoretical It's largely unnecessary (and generously self-indulgent) to explain the concept of Compulsory Unit Selections to the B&C crowd. With his previous experiences in 3rd Edition Age of Sigmar (playing the big orks whose name escapes me - 'Ardboyz? Irongutz?), my opponent grasped the concept pretty quickly. Personally, I first learned Compulsories during my initial forays in Warhammer, playing Horus Heresy from 2015 until the first rendition's untimely demise (there's another conv


TheSpeckledTrout in Hobby

12 Months of Hobby - Kastelans

Hi Folks,   As a Feb 2025 entry for 12 MoH, I did a speed painting of some Kastelan robots.   "Speed" as I got them ready is something like 4 days or so. Truth is that these lads combine several key advantages or features to reach such a productivity: Big models are always faster to paint My scheme is simple and almost 3 colours only I have already painted something like 3 to 4k pts of AdMechs, so I am trained...   The main risk was to introduce

Knives in the Grass

Been steady picking away at my Ratlings team for the last week, and been making slow but steady progress. I swear, ratlings are basically guardsmen on hard-mode. "Oh you want to paint bare faces? What if they were even smaller and always squinting?". I do really love this kit, but if you don't like painting faces its certainly one to avoid. Or don't. They're small enough most people wont see them anyway - live your life.  I have two young children (4 and 6), a spouse that ha


zulu.tango in Kill Team

Salamander Statue back on the WIP pile

Quick update.    After about 14 years, I'm getting my Salamander back on the WIP desk to start clearing my more important backlog of figures. He's been at the same stage since about 2010/11 (there's a theme here), so I'm getting him finished. Originally I was just going to paint him with just a basic style, but since changed to more reflective/NMM style that's more interesting.    Starting with the right leg and knee, it's already looking a bit more interesting!   

The Rest of the Story (sort of...)

I suppose it's time to tell you as much of the rest of the story as I can. While I had originally intended to present a story in which you never quite knew whether or not the Accusers existed, I mucked that up in telling the Homecoming story. It was such a compelling vignette, though, that I couldn't resist telling it and spoiling the secret.   Yes, the Accusers existed. They were created in the 2nd Founding and were one of the Primogenitors. While many of the members of the chapter ma


Ioldanach in Accusers

The Throne Knights

GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels (Angels of Vengeance)FOUNDING: unknownCHAPTER MASTER: Pyrrhus BrasidorCHAPTER WORLD: UrkonaFORTRESS MONASTERY: The HoldMAIN COLORS: crimson, bone, silverSPECIALITY: noneBATTLE CRY: “For the Emperor!”CURRENT STRENGTH: none (see “Present Activities” below)KNOWN DESCENDANTS: noneORIGINSThe earliest recorded actions of the Throne Knights Chapter date back to M34, in the years following the Howling. Created from the gene-stock of the Angels of Vengeance Chapter, t

The Brotherhood of Angels

Back in 2014, @Grand Master Belial ran the Brotherhood of Angels challenge. This was one in a series of similar annual challenges in which he challenged members to present articles showcasing their DIY Unforgiven chapters. After considering the challenge and developing my basic concept, I committed to the challenge with the following oath:   (You can click on that to see it in full size)   If I recall correctly, the "Throne Knights" name came from an earlier discussion,

Hobby Challenge Diary 01

Well, something happened this week.     Deciding to throw caution to the wind, I sat down with the Sternguard and drilled some holes.   I did (guess I should say, tried here) the pilot hole trick with my craft knife, then, got to work.   The results speak for themselves...aka an obvious first attempt.     Little bit of history here. At no point in my hobbying career have I ever used a drill...or done any real converting. The closest I

Index Astartes: Inferno Wardens

To: ++ Inquisition Clearance Insufficient ++   From: ++ Inquisition Clearance Insufficient ++   Date: 029.M36   Subject: Adeptus Astartes, Inferno Wardens Chapter   Thought for the day: Pray for the future to vindicate your actions.   Honoured Lord, I have concluded my researches into the Inferno Wardens chapter of the Adeptus Astartes as you ordered. As you know, the records of the chapter are scant and appear to be heavily guarded. It has taken

The Inferno Wardens Chapter

My third foray into DIY chapter creation was the Inferno Wardens chapter. This grew out of a long-simmering concept about creating a chapter based on the Space Wolves rules, and it was impelled by @Greyall's challenge to members to present a character from their DIY chapter, with the winning entry being awarded a drawing (Greyall was/is an artist with a distinctive style). That challenge was posed 13 years ago today and can be seen here.   What follows is a summary of the development p

Echoes in the Warp

Echoes in the Warp   +++ INCOMING MESSAGE +++ +++ DECRYPT CYPHERS ORDER ACCEPTED +++ +++ PRIORITY ALPHA-1 +++   TRANSMITTED:  Macragge RECEIVED:  Wrath of Ventanus, Magog Cluster DATE:  6405707.M38 TELEPATHIC DUCT:  Librarium-terminus Marcelius SUBJECT:  Request for forces THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  The drums of war call out to you   Rogue Trader vessel Torchbearer, Captain Subicere commanding, to explore space hulk designated Hera


Ioldanach in Accusers


Homecoming   Astinax knelt before the Primarch, head bowed in veneration. None would ever mistake him for a handsome man, and it is doubtful that he would have been handsome had his body been allowed to develop naturally instead of being subjected to the process by which the Legiones Astartes were made. His one remaining eye was closed, the other having long since been replaced by an augmetic eye after being lost to the blade of a traitor of the VIIIth Legion in the Battle of Tsagualsa


Ioldanach in Accusers

False Interpretation of the Namis Arkaid

False Interpretation of the Namis Arkaid   Among the items recovered from the fortress of Inquisitor Lerneaus was a sheet with a few brief notes on it. The scrap of paper was entrusted into the care of Inquisitor Lord Naukara, who transferred it to the Order of the Sacred Oath on Holy Terra for evaluation. +++ Date: 2006791/M38 +++ Ref: OM/32099147/ED +++ By: Sister Sarojini, Order of the Sacred Oath, Convent Prioris, Holy Terra +++ To: Inquisitor Lord Naukara +++ Re: Inqu


Ioldanach in Accusers

The Hidden Meaning?

The Hidden Meaning? Milord, I conducted a study of the book as instructed. There were faint traces of the energy of the Empyrean upon the book, but these could very well have stemmed from the book having been aboard a space hulk and likely exposed to the Sea of Souls for some duration. Certainly there were no hidden writings or patterns that established any sort of link, no matter how small, with the Warp. However, I found the page in question most curious. While it shows what appears to


Ioldanach in Accusers

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