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  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment
  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions


Forgery!   +++ Date: 4029709/M38 +++ Ref: Ast/38571391/INS +++ By: Sister Sarojini, Order of the Sacred Oath, Convent Prioris, Holy Terra +++ To: Inquisitor Lerneaus +++ Re: Anguis Codex +++ Thought: Trust no one else, and trust yourself less. Inquisitor, I have completed my initial evaluation of the codex you entrusted unto my care. The codex is not an abridged version of the Codex Astartes, as was initially thought. It is instead a form of insignium - a han


Ioldanach in Accusers

Another digression - This time about Drukharii

Hi Folks,   It will maybe be no surprise for you if you follow time to time my entries: I was planning including some Drukharii element to my old Aeldarii army in order to align an Ynnarii faction. I bought some stuff, made some test models (Archon) and even completetd some units  (Mandrakes, Incubis and Kabalites). More stuff is on top of the Pile-of-Shame, such as Scourges and the 2 Vehicles from the Patrol box, waiting to be painted.        Archon as Test Model


Bouargh in Edito

Volkus Scenery - Part 2

Hi folks.   It has been a while since I completed the first 2 buildings of the Volkus Sceney pack. I prepared these 2 repackaged quick fit buildings as my entry for january into 12 MoH 2025.   In general I am already owning 2 sets alike, which came with the Vertigus boxed set. It was 9th Ed., correct?     When I painted these, I set a more or less stadard PlastCrete colour scheme that I had oportunities to disclose in some early entries of this BLog s

First progress of the year

January Progress   In trying to keep my new years resolution of posting on my blog more regularly, here's the first update for the year:   First up we have the models I need to clear off my desk before the Aeldari deluge begins - The company heroes i got for Christmas along with a squad of incursors and another of Infiltrators, left over from buying a few too many models to create my Phobos kill team.   Next we have my Xmas present to myself, a full


drakheart in Progress

Knives in the Dark - Reginalds Irregulars

As part of the knives in the dark competition I started work on the Ratlings Kill Team, and their Ogryn allies.  Special thanks to @Lysimachus for putting together this competition!  I officially got started painting these models on Jan 12th, priming adding a zenithal to the team Assembling the team went pretty quickly, the ratlings were even smaller than I anticipated (notsurewhatIexpected.gif), but none of the parts were particularly fiddly. I'm going to magnetize the arms of the bullgry


zulu.tango in Kill Team

Getting Started

Theoretical Following a few years of what I can only describe as 'bumbling around' in the hobby - jumping around and enjoying dalliances in Heresy, 40k, Kill Team, Age of Sigmar, Battletech, etc - my buddy and I decided it was time to 'lock in' and commit to some hard-and-fast hobby and gaming, preferable in a system that wouldn't change its clothes on us as soon as we finished slapping paint on our models. I did a deep dive into some of the older editions of Warhammer, looking for an editi


TheSpeckledTrout in Meta

Crusade - Game 2 - A Sudden, But Inevitable Betrayal

CRUSADE GAME 2 - TAU VS ELDAR Who could have foreseen this?   Immediately after successfully fending off an Imperial tank push, the two order-aligned Xenos factions have, inevitably, fallen to their own squabbling. Game 2 for the Crusade saw 500 points of Tau V Eldar on an alarmingly small board. It's fine, neither of us brought much in the way of close combat, which is more than can be said for the Chaos fight that used the board before us. We're probably going to enlar


Wormwoods in Crusade

Hobby Challenges of 2025

Well, its certainly been a hot minute this time hasn't it. I'm not really sure where 2024 went but I didn't get an awful lot done last year, and I'm determined to do things better this time!   Last year I progressed a bit more with the Leviathan boxset, and by year's end had just eleven space marines left to do. Which sounds good until you consider that in my last post that number was eighteen and that the space marine contingent started off at twenty four. Yeah, I didn't hobby well. T

Crusade - Introduction & Game 1

CRUSADE INTRODUCTION & GAME 1 Mêlée à Two-V-Two   Aaaah, it's been too long! Truly, Crusade is the only way to play modern 40K. 10th may not be perfect - far from it - but for largely casual, theme-focused Crusade games? It's a lot of fun. After ending my last Crusade early - you can find how that all ended over on my WIP Thread Post Here - we all took a break to paint something other than Space Marines and Tyranids (and, in one case, to have a child!) before finall


Wormwoods in Crusade

"Heretic!" - Memories of an old Bat Rep Recreation

Hi Folks,   While chating in the Amicus Aedes forum, @TheArtilleryman raised a point about impact of time on army sizes, model counts and point values. The topic is large and may require an overview of arguments and opinions shared in the tread there:     One of the points raised is the one of recreating old WD Bat Reps and how we evaluate the impact of the various Editions and their evolutions on the posibility to recreate these in a satisfying way. From time to t


Bouargh in Edito

Hobby Burnout, and How to Avoid It

Having recently finished painting Heavy Intercessors and a Gravis Captain (3rd Company Captain, Kaius Timaeron), I’m still committed to getting a 2,000 point force for this army painted up over the coming months (on top of the 4th Company Boarding Patrol units I’ve already done!) – so that means straight into painting the next units, two Desolation Squads.     With the Crusade campaign I’m currently running/participating in, I’ve added a bit of additional pressure for myself

Timeline (WIP)

M24: Some 58 years or so before the Age of Strife began, Christian priests across the galaxy received a prophetic dream foretelling a great disaster. One of these priests, Noah, was given the STC for a massive void ship & told to build one on Terra as well as coordinate construction of others across the galaxy. These Arks took around 10 years to complete, during which time many priests preached to the masses of the oncoming doom, gathering as many believers as they could save, while gatherin


Kaede45 in History

Iron Warrior Characters

Been  while since last blog post. Recently I have been trying to give myself a few more character options even though I'm fairly happy with how my iron warriors list looked on the table top. I've seen more and more online about master of executions being a great pick and how they can stack in a unit, so I figured to make one. Ive had an old metal bile body siting for a while planning to build some form of iron warriors medic however as no option in codex i figured he can be a good base for a MOE

Craftworld Ythiril - Silver Spears & Fire Prism

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST SILVER SPEARS & FIRE PRISM   Three Spears of The Wild Hunt.   Iyanneth's mount snarled in her mind, and bucked beneath her with every searing blast she let off with her laser lance. The bike wanted those kills for itself, or better yet to feel the hot wash of Mon-keigh blood against its hull. She soothed it - for a moment - with a gentle push through their psychic link, calming the blood crazed jetbike's proto-soul long enough to allow h

The Arks

The Arks are enormous colony ships created by an engineer by the name Noah. After receiving a vision of dark times to come, he was told to build a massive ship to ferry the faithful to a safe world. While he personally constructed the very first Ark on Terra, Noah also coordinated with engineers across the galaxy, aiding them in building their own Arks. When all the Arks were constructed, they immediately made their way towards the world of Eden on the fringes of the Milky Way galaxy. While most


Kaede45 in History

3D printing and the hobby.

A Little Background   I have always been into model making from my earliest Airfix kits as a child, I then picked up my fist warhammer miniature at the age of 12 and was hooked on the hobby and my model making followed that direction. During the early days of WH40k Rogue Trader with the lack of larger models we had to kit bash our own, with many of my early Airfix models being sacrificed to this end. Any of you old enough will remember the White Dwarf articles on building your own and I


drakheart in Analysis

Religious freedom in the Golden Kingdom

As a deeply religious faction, the religion of the populace is heavily regulated as allowing outside beliefs to flourish can become quite dangerous & can lead to a weakening of the faith for the entire community. However, some religious freedom is allowed, albeit in limited circumstances. Newly conquered worlds as well as POWs are allowed to practice whatever religion they desire, though they are encouraged to accept the teachings of Christ.   Worlds conquered by the Golden Kingdom


Kaede45 in Diplomacy

Xenos in the Golden Kingdom

Unlike the Imperium, the Golden Kingdom’s view of xenos is not as extreme. Individual xenos are viewed through the lens of their own individual actions & rarely are all xenos of any species lumped together as a whole. Xenos who are willing to dedicate themselves to Christ are welcomed into the Golden Kingdom & afforded the same rights therein as any other human would be. Aeldari, Orkz, Necrons, Tau, Kroot, etc., if any are willing to accept Christ as their savior, then they are welcomed


Kaede45 in Diplomacy

Abhumans in the Golden Kingdom

As with the Imperium, abhumans are not uncommon within the Golden Kingdom. However, they are generally treated better than they are in the Imperium. That isn’t to say that dangerous abhumans are ignored, nor are any of them afforded more special privileges than any others. Abhumans are treated as any other human, having the same capacity for good or ill.


Kaede45 in Diplomacy

2024 - Year in Review - Ky'Vash Recon Cadre

2024 - YEAR IN REVIEW KY'VASH RECON CADRE   A whole lot of Tau.   So, my first Call to Arms was productive! Pictured here are all the Tau I painted in 2024, all but the pathfinders and sniper teams being painted during CtA 2024. That's 1,550 points, and 63 models, including the first tanks I've painted since returning to the hobby in 2020. I'm quite happy with them. While most of these models have shown up on the B&C either elsewhere in my blog or on the CtA, I'

Chapter Cult and Influence on the local Imperial Faith

The One and the Nine Notes on the Chapter Cult and its influence on the local Imperial Faith Opening Thoughts While I do love to read sourcebook lore and do occasional deep dives on stuff that interests me, I started building my chapter more than 15 years ago with little knowledge of the universe beyond what was in the Assault on Black Reach Booklets, and even as my knowledge expanded, the rule of cool was my primary rule and GW was offering wicked cool kits with great looking bi


Arikel in Lore/Background

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