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  1. It's the very first time I've tried my hand at T'au. In my own mind, they, like Sisters, Dark Eldar and Necrons are still "New Races" as my first foray into 40k back in Rogue Trader and early Second edition, they didn't exist. With that in mind, I never really looked into them all that much when I returned at the back end of fifth edition. That said, I have a substantial Sisters army (circa 3-4k, half unpainted) and a few Drukhari that might see paint one day. That leads me to T'au. I'm not entirely sure what has lead me to the Greater Good, but having read a little in the Xenos II book, it piqued my interest somewhat. It's pure coincidence that they're getting their Codex this weekend. So far, i have a squad of Fire Warriors from the Kill Team box. I intend to get a few more models and get assembling soon. For now, i can only show you all what im working towards in the list below. Bear in mind I've never made a T'au lost before, so if I'm making any glaring errors, please let me know! :lol: It centres around Shadowsun and like most of my armies, my decisions on what to take are based on rule of cool just as much as strategic soundness. Hidden Content ++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (T'au Empire) [83 PL, 1497pts] ++ + HQ + Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 166pts]: Advanced targeting system, Early warning override, High-output burst cannon, Missile pod, 2x MV4 Shield Drone, Puretide Engram Neurochip Commander Shadowsun [9 PL, 184pts]: Exemplar of the Mont'ka, MV52 Shield Drone, MV62 Command-link Drone, Warlord + Troops + Breacher Team [6 PL, 116pts]: DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ Missile pod, 9x Fire Warrior, Fire Warrior Shas'ui, MV1 Gun Drone, MV4 Shield Drone Breacher Team [6 PL, 116pts]: DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ Missile pod, 9x Fire Warrior, Fire Warrior Shas'ui, 2x MV4 Shield Drone Strike Team [6 PL, 116pts]: DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ Missile pod, 2x MV1 Gun Drone . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Carbine . 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle Strike Team [6 PL, 116pts]: DS8 Tactical Support Turret w/ Missile pod, 2x MV1 Gun Drone . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Carbine . 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle + Elites + XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [6 PL, 90pts] . 3x Stealth Shas'ui w/o support system: 3x Burst cannon XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [13 PL, 174pts]: 2x MV4 Shield Drone . Stealth Shas'ui w/ Early warning override: Burst cannon, Early warning override . 3x Stealth Shas'ui w/o support system: 3x Burst cannon . Stealth Shas'vre: Burst cannon XV8 Crisis Battlesuits [14 PL, 223pts]: 6x MV4 Shield Drone . Crisis Shas'ui: Burst cannon . Crisis Shas'ui: Burst cannon . Crisis Shas'vre: Burst cannon, Early warning override, Plasma rifle + Heavy Support + XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [9 PL, 196pts] . Broadside Shas'ui: 2x Smart missile system, Early warning override, Heavy rail rifle, Seeker missile ++ Total: [83 PL, 1497pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe I'm also mulling over a few colour schemes. Whilst I want to stay fluffy with Shadowsun being in white, I'd prefer to honour my Liber roots and create a DIY Sept. I'll get back to you on what I decide on :) Thanks for looking! ^_^
  2. The arrival of the transport aboard my ship left me uneasy, my discomfort well known amongst my crew. An hour earlier another had arrived. I hadn't greeted the occupants of the latter, as they had not graced me with their presence. They were waiting for this ship, late by a standard hour. No doubt a deliberate way of annoying me. But then the owners of the ships were both able to get under my skin as much I could get under theirs... The engines finally shut down. It was an ugly craft, designed to do ugly things. It was squat, box like and painted a dull colour. The sight of the crest on the side made me remember who they were, and who I am. We are Inquisitors, each representing the three major Ordos. Tensions were always high when more than two met, even if they're from the same Ordo. The fact that we three hate each other deeply and have each threatened to kill the other just made it worse. But the situation is desperate. Forces are gathering that we three can not stand against alone. We must put out differences aside. For now. The first crafts belly yawned open, and a woman stepped from the darkness. Her armour was similar to mine. Old, personally tailored to her body. Her face had a few newer scars upon it, but she still had that look of smug arrogance I've come to detest. Behind her stood a group of former Guardsmen who threw their fates in with hers. Their regiment doesn't exist any more, spent in a war that was barely important. Having met those individuals, I reckoned the Holy Imperium could stand to lose a few scum like them. The occupant of the other craft was revealed, her single remaining flesh eye looked at us both with scorn and undisguised contempt. Her minions looked no better. Unkempt, with a Laiss
  3. I entered my Lady's chambers at her command. The room I was required to wait in was empty. Unusual. My Lady normally had her consorts around her at all times, usually to watch them torture a Mon'Keigh. I had no idea how long I was to wait, so I stood. It would not do to anger her. Her mood has become darker and darker of late, especially after hearing news of Ynnead's emergence. It was dividing the Dark Kin more than ever, many taking sides hoping for an advantage. The Biel Tan Craftworld in ruins a Mon'Keigh King has re-awoken and worse still, rumours afoot of my Lady's arch rival wishing to destroy Commoragh. My lady wishes to stop him. I have no idea how. A curtain to her private chamber is flung back, and an underling leaves, his face ashen. I am glad I am not in his place. "Ml'Hur." The tone in her voice was not encouraging. Whilst slow to anger, recent events has changed this. I must tread carefully... "My Lady Malys." I bow deeply in genuine respect. My loyalty is hard earned, and she has done so a thousand fold already. She beckons me to her chamber. I pause, unsure of what to do. My instinct is to accept my fate. She had already summoned four of her advisors already. They haven't been seen since. She knows of my discomfort, and makes no secret of her pleasure. I approach the threshold and enter. I am surprised to see a very conservative decor. Many Kin I have served in the past lived in opulence, even for our kind. This room was...unnerving. "Do you know why I have summoned you?" I did not and responded as such. "I know you have heard things. Things that even I know nothing of. Let us discuss current affairs. I do not wish to be kept in the dark on the mood of Commoragh." She beckons me to sit next to her. Her beauty is intoxicating, balanced by an extremely shrewd mind and a ruthlessness I have rarely seen. "Tell me. Tell me what you know of Yvraine..." ++++++++ Hello and welcome to my WIP for my eventual Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue! I've never played Dark Eldar before. When I first played 40k in the late '80's/early '90's and before my previous retirement from the game (end of second edition to very late fifth), they didn't exist (as didn't Tau, Necrons and Sisters as we now know them), so I've only recently thought of making a small army. I was drawn to Lady Malys, mainly because of her fluff, but also it served as a chance to kitbash my own model, seeing as she doesn't have one. So, to begin with here are a few WIP pictures of her and Ml'Hur. I have a squad of Wyches, a Succubus, Leilith Hesperax and a Raider as well, but they'll be added to this topic soon. As Lady Malys has a bladed fan, I was struggling to work out how to make one for her. As I'll be using the generic Archon rules, it wouldn't have any effect in the game, but she it's an iconic part of her, so I knew I wanted to make one. In the end, I cut three Witch Aelf blades from their hands, glued them together and whilst it isn't perfect, it certainly passes muster for now. I added a DE weapon to her hip to finish her off. The Marine shoulder guard at her base will have the badge of a known Chapter soon. Just need to work out which Here is a picture of what she looks like with some paint along with Ml'Hur: Forgive the poor pictures, as my proper cameras can't be used as I lost the memory cards and they aren't easy to get replacements for these days! I will make sure to take better ones soon though. Thanks for looking!
  4. Hello! I've decided to add to my ever growing list of armies to start! I had originally wanted to do a Flesh Tearers army sometime ago, but I was waylaid by various other projects and real life. I was sorting out my bedroom earlier and rediscovered my Shield of Baal box set I'd bought. When I got it, I also bought the new Sanguinary Priest, a box of Blood Angel tactical Marines (half of whom are partly painted as a Blue armoured Successor, the Sons of Cruor ). I also got a never painted, metal Gabriel Seth model. I got a Deredeo Dreadnought that was for a XIII Legion project that I lost interest in, as well as a metal (never painted) Techmarine with harness. I have a few other bits and bobs too that I might be able to add into this. This blog will also resurrect my Flesh Tearers Space hulk models project too. I don't have any progress yet, short of finding the box: . I'll be reading Index: Imperium 1 to see what options I should give the Tactical squad etc and take it from there. I wouldn't normally start a topic without at least something to show, but I could do with some advice. I've spent the last few days looking high and low for a recipe for the shade of Flesh Tearer I want. The trouble is, whilst there are a lot of links via google which can be previewed, clicking the link results in telling me the picture was hosted by Photobucket and thereby unusable I'm sure that Morticon had exactly the right shade I wanted, a dark red, some might call it a claret. Any advice on achieving such a shade would be most welcome. I just need to order copious amounts of shoulder pads to make this a lot easier! Thanks for looking and for any advice you can give
  5. Well, its been a while...:lol: I've had a rather long sabbatical from the hobby, insofar as actually building stuff. I've accumulated a few of the new Sisters models (including three plastic Celestines and the twins :lol: ), but ultimately haven't done anything substantial. Recently, I've had a few ideas regarding how I want the second version of my army will look. They'll still be white, but I'll be going for a purer white over the dirty white of the metal army. I'm currently working out what models I want to field (basically all of them, but I'm unemployed right now, so it'll be a while :lol: ). So, what have I been up to? Well, besides getting some Seraphim from the box set, the Sister superior model (which I have a specific purpose for, but I don't have the parts ready...yet), Canoness Veridyan (times two) and a Razorback I forgot about. Yes forgot about. It was going to go to my Rainbow Warriors army, but since heading to the Sisterhood, it was left to gather dust... When I found it, I mulled on what to do with it. I have two Mark II Immolators (which will still be put in service with the new army) and a number of regular Rhinos. But I don't have a Repressor. Looking on eBay, I found an Immolator top plate sprue (cost waaaaay more than I wanted, but still) and set out to make a custom one. I've seen a number of other Frater make them here over the year's, and each are awesome, but I wanted my own, unique one. That got me thinking. Today, I had a major brainwave, and after tearing half of my flat/apartment apart to find the sprue clipper and craft knife, I got on with it. Below is the result. This is the basic idea. I used two different Rhino turrets and glued them together. The turret top: The bottom: The bottom one has the two part hatches added to fill the gap and to have a "maintainance hatch" the turret will be attached to the front panel, by cutting a section away as shown below: From the front: From the back: The cut wasn't perfect, but the gap will be filled up using plastic from blister packs I have lying around. The remaining view point will have the plate that goes over the top, but I wanted the join between the turret to properly harden before doing it. The Flamer. One thing about the Flamer on the official Repressor is supposed to be a heavy Flamer. It isn't that much different from the one that a Guardsmen could carry, much less one that needs to mounted to a vehicle. So, I bulked it up. It's made from the Razorback turret mount and the Immolator Flamers. So, that's that sorted. The turret won't be glued down to the Immolator turret. The fit is tight enough, and it'll allow it to take less room when being transported. Oh, yes. I said I wanted this to be a custom one, right? Well... I used to love electronic projects back in the day, and whilst this will be very basic, it'll be what I hope will be the start of something more. Thanks for reading!
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