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THE MARCH FOR MARCH A casual painting Challege from the Argent Forge Greeting my fellow Brothers and Sisters of the B&C. Welcome to my March for March thread and/or challenge/invitation to you all. As most of you know I am quite mad. Madder then a World Eater thats had to watch the same re-run episode of My Little Pony or Care Bears for three thousands times while being strapped in a room filled with nothing but the softest pillows. Well being the generous guy that I am I would like to share some of that madness with you all. I have set myself a challenge. To paint 500(ish) points of Astra Millitarum in the Month of March. A bold goal. A heroic goal. A totally unrealistic goal. But when have I ever had any grasp on reality? In order to help motivate myself and maybe share the madness just that little bit more I would like to invite/challenge some of you illustrious people to do the same. I am laying down the gauntlet for any that are interested to take up my March for March What is the Challenge exactly? I hear you ask. I maybe thats just the voices in my head. No matter. I challenge people to either: A) Paint a 500pts force of their chosen army, or; B) Paint a full Combat Patrol force of their chosen army. And post pics and then for bonus points - Play and post results (doesn't have to be full report but kudos if it is) of a game with that force. If enough people want to take up this challenge I will make some some simple signature banners maybe. Because we are already into the month and a challenge like this probably takes some fore thought and planning (unless your name is Brother Argent...) the challenge stands till the end of the Month of March and I give people 31 days from the time of their vow to complete. I encourage anyone that want to participate to share WIP progress here. Maybe set a weekly update schedule goal like I am. So how do I participate? Well provided the mods allow me this bot of madness all you need do is post in this thread a vow along the lines of: "I, <insert name here> vow to embrace my madness and complete <insert goal here> of <insert faction here> in 31 days and vow to share my madness with others as I March for March!" Provide a before pic in this thread. And a unit break down if you want. But no need if not, this is a casual thing after all. So, join me (or not) on my mad MARCH FOR MARCH! The Ranks of the Mad Marchers Brother Argent - 500(ish) points - ASTRA MILITARUM (New Eden Rifles) - VOW (1/3) - COMPLETION (due 31/3) FAILED! TheArtilleryman - 500(ish) points - T'AU EMPIRE - VOW (2/3) - COMPLETION (due 1/4) FAILED! guardian31 - 500(ish) points - CHAOS ASTARTES (Red Corsairs) - VOW (2/3) COMPLETION (due 1/4) FAILED! Kennyjapan - 500(ish) points - HERESY ULTRAMARINES - VOW (3/3) COMPLETION (due 2/4) mini_painting_mike - 500(ish) points - SISTERS OF BATTLE - VOW (4/3) COMPLETION (due 3/4) FAILED! Casual Heresy - 500(ish) points - ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Covenant of Fire 9th Company) - VOW (5/3) COMPLETION (due 4/4) FAILED! Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 500(ish) points - NECRONTYR - VOW (6/3) COMPLETION (due 5/4) Reclusiarch Jolemai - 500(ish) points - ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Blood Angels) - VOW (6/3) COMPLETION (due 5/4) TrawlingCleaner - 500(ish) points - CHAOS ASTARTES (Red Corsairs) - VOW (7/3) COMPLETION (due 6/4) Praetorian of Inwit - 500(ish) points - ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Imperial Fists) - VOW (16/3) COMPLETION (due 15/4) Dwango - 500(ish) points ( And then some) - ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Dark Angels) - VOW (17/3) COMPLETION (due 16/4) Mr Oddity - 500(ish) points - NECRONTYR - VOW (31/3) COMPLETION (due 2/5) FAILED!
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- Challenge
- March for March
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So with March approaching I want to share my WIP killteam for the Knives in the Shadows 2025 painting challenge. I haven't played since 2004 so I'm in this hobby only for collecting and painting. I asked permission to @Lysimachus to create something more of a scenic diorama rather than a ready to play kt squad. I like to have a theme, a schedule and to inspire and be inspired by other people works. With his ok, I started to think what I wanted to do. First I was thinking about the marine Raptors chapter since they fit so well with the city fight theme of the challenge. But then, searching through the chapters I (re)discover Wolfspear, a rare primaris founding from the Space Wolves. I really liked the idea of space wolves more silent, with more hunting tactics if you want and the colour scheme was for me intriguing. With some difficulties and some luck I found the 2 years old white dwarf when they spoke about them and the transfer sheet of the chapter that was with it. I will speak about specifics in the next posts but basically it's an ambush by a Wolfspear killteam to a Necron detachment. The scene is in the center of a ruined Imperial city. I will leave the story for last, for now as usually I do, I prefer to concentrate to painting while I'm thinking about the story. edit: grammatical errors
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- Knives in the Shadows 2025
- killteam
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From the album: Saim-Hann Wildhost
From the album: Carlson's Salamanders
Almost done, pre-touchup Salamanders Apothecaries for ++// Augustus' Arena - Event Thread \\++-
- Salamanders
- XVIII Legion
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From the album: Liber Challenge stuff
- Liber
- Adepta Sororitas
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From the album: Liber Challenge stuff
- Liber
- Liber Astartes
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Predictions and prophecies speak of a rise in Chaos and Warp activity. Ever-watchful for signs of the Arch-Enemy, the Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists has decreed that his Chapter must bolster its strength to counter the upcoming threat. All battle-brothers have been recalled to the Phalanx to re-arm and prepare for the onslaught. New aspirants have been recruited in the hope that a number of them will complete the full transformation into an Astartes to replace losses caused by the upcoming conflicts. The Techmarines and their Servitors aboard Chapter Forge-Ships work ceaselessly to repair damaged wargear and produce new materials of war. The Chapter Ancients are being roused to better aid their Chapter with their extensive wisdom and knowledge in warfare. The Chaplains, deep within the Reclusiam, prepare their sermons and most holy relics. The Librarians steel their minds against the predations of thw Warp, expecting the surge of malefic psychic activity. The line Astartes, each confined for a short time to their hab-cells, reflect upon the upcoming war effort, each Battle-Brother with vows to their Primarch and the Emperor of Mankind upon their lips. And yet, despite the martial prowess of the Astartes under his command and the great war machines that he has at his disposal, the Chapter Master, ever concious of the Legions of Chaos that lie in wait within the Great Eye, has sent out astropathic hails far out into the galaxy, attempting to reach the ears of the other Chapters who claim to be of the great line of Dorn. The Crimson Fists, Celestial Lions, Excoriators, Executioners, Subjugators, Iron Knights, and even the renegade Soul Drinkers, have been contacted to send their own Battle-Brothers to fight back their traitorous brethren and corrupted followers. After many months of preparation, hundreds of fully armoured Battle-Brothers assemble in the Great Hall aboard the Phalanx, before the Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists. The thousand voices all shout the same words, loud and clear, in defiance to the Warp-filth that spills forth from the Immaterium: "For Dorn and the Emperor!" +] RULES AND VOWS [+ +] GENERAL BANTER [+
- 13 replies
- Imperial Fists Expansion
- (and 6 more)
IMPERIAL FISTS EXPANSION IV Are you are loyal Son of Dorn who has models to paint but no motivation? Are you part of the Emperor's finest and wish to beat the snot out of those cowardly Iron Warriors who hide behind their walls with their so-called "big guns"? If this sounds like you, welcome to the fourth edition of the Imperial Fists Expansion! An event that started out very small with only a handful of Frater joining in the fun which has now grown in size and popularity among the Sons of Dorn here on the B&C. Last year we managed to have twenty-five participants with twelve of them emerging as victors over the forces of Chaos that had spilled forth from the Eye of Terror. This year shall be a little different though; indeed the Iron Warriors have seen us muster for painting war and have started gathering their own forces to try and challenge us. This is why I turn to you now, brothers and sisters, children of Rogal Dorn, to join the fight and to give the Iron Warriors and their miserable allies a beating they shall remember until the End of Time. Rise, Sons of Dorn! Mankind calls and we shall answer! Raise shields and stand firm! Blood shall be spilt and glory shall be had! Rise, in the name of Dorn and the Emperor! OUTLINE The Imperial Fists Expansion (IFE) is an event open to all Sons of Dorn, whether in the disant past of M30/M31 or in the dark future of the 41st Millennium, with the aim of getting your unpainted models out of boxes and onto the painting table! You will have four months to paint as many models/points as possible. Since we are competing against the Iron Warriors, the aim shall be to paint more points than they have in the same time frame. While you will only be able to vow Codex-legal units, there will be one small exception that I will cover later on for people who just want to paint a one-off model to test out a colour scheme, join in the fun without committing to paint too much, or both! Reward-wise, there shall be two types: personal rewards shall be in the shape of signature banners for each and every person who completes their vow(s) in the given time and if we beat the Chaos side (which we will ), I shall craft a victory banner for us to proudly display as the winning team. For those of you who are new to this, you might want to check out last year's event to get a feel of what it shall be like (ie. heaps of fun). For the veterans... welcome back, battle-scarred Astartes! RULES The rules for this event are simple: 1. TEAMS You pick a side between the Imperial Fists and their successors or the Iron Warriors and their splinter groups. If you are reading this, the choice is already made. Welcome to the winning team, Frater. 2. VOWS Every participant on either side must make at least one (1) and up to a maximum of seven (7) vows. Each of these vows must have at least one (1) and up to four (4) Codex-legal units. There is no limit on points. To be accepted, the vow must be posted either in this thread (for the Sons of Dorn) or the Iron Without thread (for the Sons of Perturabo) using the following format (minor variations accepted): It is crucial to note the following things:If you fail to complete one vow, then all previous vows are considered void and do not count towards the final points total; You must start work on your vow after having submitted it. Miniatures that are entered into the challenge must be unpainted, undercoated, or in the very early stages of painting. If you are unsure whether or not your models qualify for entry, please ask. A vow must be completed before another is made. Also, once submitted, a vow cannot be modified in any shape or form so think before you pledge! 3. VICTORY Once the event is over and the dust has settled, a number of things shall happen. Firstly, for all of those who have successfully completed all of their vows, there shall be a signature banner celebrating their personal success and the upkeep of their promise. Wear it with pride as you continue your activities on the Bolter & Chainsword! Secondly, Lord Thorn and I shall have the wonderful task of going through all of the vows and do the tally of successful vows to determine which of the two teams is the winner. The winning team will receive a special signature badge to celebrate victory over their rivals. DEADLINES FIRST VOW START DATE: Saturday 20th August 2016 PAINTING START DATE: Saturday 27th August 2016 FIRST VOW DEADLINE: Saturday 17th September 2016, at 18:00 GMT PAINTING END DATE: Saturday 3rd December 2016, at 18:00 GMT All deadlines shall be strictly observed. Make sure you give yourself enough time to post your vows and then complete them to avoid any disappointment! There shall be no exceptions! LEGAL UNITS Each vow must be made up of at least one unit from the latest Codex: Space Marines, Imperial Armour Vol 2 - War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes, the Angels of Death supplement, or the relevant Forge World Horus Heresy books and dataslates. These can be mixed and matched but their source must be clear. If you have any doubts, please ask. There is one exception to this rule for the people who just want to join in for a bit of fun without painting masses of models: You can vow a single, infantry-sized model (in power armour and variants or Terminator armour) of your choice as your first vow. No other units can be pledged in this first vow and you can only make such a vow once during the whole event. Whatever the wargear choice, model in game terms, etc. this entry will always have a fixed value of 50 points. This is to give people the opportunity to model and paint a one-off model of their choice while also allowing them to contribute to the overall effort. Deathwatch The question has come up a couple of times whether Dornian Deathwatch members are allowed or not. While you cannot use the units in Codex: Deathwatch, most of them have equivalents in Codex: Space Marines so if you'd like to paint up a unit in Deathwatch colours which is made up 100% of Imperial Fists and/or successors, feel free to do so! IMPORTANT: It goes without saying that all models must represent a member of the Imperial Fists Chapter/Legion or one of their many successors. It also goes without saying that all vowed models must respect WYSIWYG as much as possible. Last but not least, your models must be anywhere between a 'still-in-box' state to assembled and basecoated with the main colour to be accepted. If unsure, please ask in the General Banter thread or PM me. TROPHIES Since we are doing this event in tandem with the Iron Warriors B&C community, Lord Thørn and I have decided to introduce the concept of trophies. Trophies are a way to add detail to your models while also giving you a small points bonus for the overall points score. The given bonus will be a +10% point increase (rounding down) for the trophy'd unit when we do the totals at the end of the event. To be eligible, at least 50% of the unit's models need to have a trophy. For example, in the case of a Dreadnought unit made up of one Dreadnought, you only need to add a single element to the Dreadnought's base (a split helmet) for it to be considered trophy'd. However in a five-man Tactical Squad, three of the five models need to have a trophy for the unit to be considered trophy'd. In the case of a ten-man Squad, at least five models must have a trophy. A trophy can be one of the following (non-exhaustive list):The helmet of a fallen warrior; A banner that has been cast down; The burning remains of armour/a vehicle; Etc It goes without saying that these trophies must represent the opposing team (in our case, Iron Warriors) and must immediately recognisable as such. BANNERS 300 x 100 px 33 x 100 px IMPORTANT STUFF Out-of-competiton vows There could be cases that what people want to build/paint cannot be reconciled with the rules posted above. For example, some might want to do crazy conversions or scratch builds; others might want to paint miniatures from other gaming systems, such as Epic, BFG, etc; some might miss the deadline for joining in; or some want to paint models which aren't included within the allowed Codecies and books. It’s also a possibility that some cases people might want to paint miniatures from the rival team (HERESY! ). With that in mind, out-of-competition vows are allowed and can be added to the Rules & Vow thread (this one) but shall not be counted towards the team totals at the end of the event! You are expected to finish your vow(s) however so make sure you get them done by the deadline! If unsure... I could put whole list of other things here but most of that is common sense. However, if you have any questions concerning anything that might be unclear or not mentioned in the post above, please do not hesitate to ask by posting or by sending me a PM! The most important rule of all Have fun! Ave Imperator!
- 792 replies
- Imperial Fists Expansion
- (and 7 more)
Greetings, brothers! Has GW neglected one of your favorite character models for years? *cough*Abaddon, Phoenix Lords*cough* Has GW given you an unsatisfactory character model? Did they never make one? Even if it's none of the above, do you think you can do a better job of it or not want to drop the cash? Then have I got the challenge for you! Beginning September 1, 2017 and running until October 1, 2017, I will be hosting a conversion challenge to build your own version of a special character! Rules, which I have shamelessly stolen borrowed from some of Grotsmasha's earlier challenges, are as follows: 1) The finished model is not to be painted and the conversion should be bare plastic/resin/metal though the odd painted piece stolen from a previously painted model is OK. 2) WYSIWYG applies here, so all relevant gear needs to be on the figure. 3) Maximum of 25% existing Character model: ---25% consists of the following combinations; --- Head- 0% can be from any existing model ---1x Arm- 12.5%, 2x Arms- 25% either from the same or separate models ---1x Leg- 12.5%, 2x Legs- 25% either from the same or separate models ---Torso- 25% ---Things like FW's Red Scorpion upgrade pack DO NOT count toward the 25% limitation. ---If the character never had a model, this part applies to any existing character model you might want to use parts from. This is a conversion challenge after all! 4) Green Stuff/Sculpting putty is fine, from small details up to a full sculpt if you think you can pull it off. 5) 1 calendar month build time; September 1st 2017 until October 2nd 2017. 6) Multiple entries will be accepted provided you finish your first entry. 7) You must declare participation a minimum of 24hrs prior to declaring completion! 8) Characters must use their most recent rules, whether from one of the indexes, or their respective codex if it is available. But what if you want to make a counts-as for a character that's no longer with us? Grukk Face-Rippa, Nuadhu Fireheart, Sly Marbo, Most of the Dark Eldar characters, Captain Cortez, and Old One-Eye being just a few examples. Well, you can do that to, but the above rules still apply. If you're interested, start gathering ideas and bits and a sign-up thread with signature banners will follow in a few weeks.
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- Brother Chaplain Kage
- Conversion
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- Welcome, battle brothers and sisters, to the first BCK's Conversion Challenge: Characters! Any of you who have seen my thread know that I am afflicted with a converting madness and I'd like to spread it to share it with the rest of you in a series of challenges. Once upon a time, converting was a massive part of the hobby that was actively encouraged by GW by offering conversion articles and showing off conversions their staff had done in White Dwarf and the various Specialist Games issues, as well as allowing you to order individual bitz to make your crazy ideas reality. It was a sad day when the bitz shop closed, let me tell you. These were also the days when large gaps existed in their catalog and many characters, units, and even vehicles had no official models and it was up to you to convert them. It was in those early days that I caught the madness and it has only grown in the time since. The purpose of this first challenge is for you to convert a replacement for a character model. Why do that? Maybe you're tired of waiting for an updated version, or you saw the updated version and don't like it. Maybe you think you can do better than their designers. Whatever the reason, if you ever wanted to make your own character model, this is the time to do it! The Rules: Rules, which I have shamelessly stolen borrowed from some of Grotsmasha's earlier challenges, are as follows: 1) The finished model is not to be painted and the conversion should be bare plastic/resin/metal though the odd painted piece stolen from a previously painted model is OK. 2) WYSIWYG applies here, so all relevant gear needs to be represented on the figure. 3) Maximum of 25% existing Character model: ---25% consists of the following combinations; --- Head- 0% can be from any existing model ---1x Arm- 12.5%, 2x Arms- 25% either from the same or separate models ---1x Leg- 12.5%, 2x Legs- 25% either from the same or separate models ---Torso- 25% ---Things like FW's Red Scorpion upgrade pack DO NOT count toward the 25% limitation, nor do parts from generic models (multi-part plastics, etc). ---If the character never had a model, this applies to any existing character model you might want to use parts from. This is a conversion challenge after all! 4) Green Stuff/Sculpting putty is fine, from small details up to a full sculpt if you think you can pull it off. 5) 1 calendar month build time; September 1st 2017 until October 1st 2017. 6) Multiple entries will be accepted provided you finish your first entry, but you must choose only one for judgment. 7) You must declare participation a minimum of 24hrs prior to declaring completion. 8) Characters must use their most recent rules, whether from one of the indexes, or their respective codex if it is available. A character that has not been reprinted in the current edition is still legal as long as it did have official rules at some point in time in another edition. 9) If you wish to enter a non-character model, it will not be considered a competitive entry and will not be eligible for judging or winning the prize. However, I will be doing a generic HQ challenge at a later time if you wish to wait until then. Pledging Your Entry: Please use this format in your pledge entry: I, (your name) pledge to convert (character name) for (codex/faction name) in the Character Conversion Challenge and finish on or before October 2nd 2017 to be eligible for judgment. Progress: A photo of your model's condition before beginning (parts, figures you're going to chop up, etc) is required on September 1, or when you pledge your entry after September 1. When you finish, pictures of the front, back, and both sides are required for judgment. If you wish to post other in-progress shots along the way, I'd love to see 'em. Swag: I will choose a Conversion Event winner and a runner-up at the conclusion of the event. The winner will have first pick of these two prizes: The runner-up will receive the other. I've also made some participation badges should you wish to display it in your signature.
- 103 replies
- Brother Chaplain Kage
- Character
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Welcome, battle brothers and sisters, to the second BCK's Conversion Challenge: Walkers and Monstrous Creatures! The purpose of this second challenge is for you to convert what was formerly classified as a Walker or a Monstrous Creature, and this will include Lords of War that fall into those categories, so anything from a Killa Kan to a Warlord Titan is eligible. Other Lords of War, such as tracked vehicles, will be included in another challenge. Here's an example of some previous entries in a similar challenge Grotsmasha did. The Rules: Rules, which will differ significantly from the first challenge, are as follows: 1) The finished model is not to be painted and the conversion should be bare plastic/resin/metal though the odd painted piece stolen from a previously painted model is OK. 2) WYSIWYG applies here, so all relevant gear needs to be represented on the figure. 3) The entry must still be recognizable for what it is, so no calling a Bio-Titan an Imperial Knight. 4) Green Stuff/Sculpting putty is fine, from small details up to a full sculpt if you think you can pull it off. 5) 1 calendar month build time; November 1st 2017 until December 1st 2017. 6) Multiple entries will be accepted provided you finish your first entry, but you must choose only one for judgment. 7) You must declare participation a minimum of 24 hours prior to declaring completion. Pledging Your Entry: Please use this format in your pledge entry: I, (your name) pledge to convert (character name) for (codex/faction name) in the Character Conversion Challenge and finish on or before October 2nd 2017 to be eligible for judgment. Progress: A photo of your model's condition before beginning (parts, figures you're going to chop up, etc) is required when you pledge your entry. When you finish, pictures of the front, back, and both sides are required for judgment. If you wish to post other in-progress shots along the way, I'd love to see 'em. Swag: I will choose a Conversion Event winner who will receive a Forge World Death Guard Contemptor and two Volkite arms for mortis choom!
- 52 replies
- Conversion
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On the suggestion of midnight angel, I am setting up a new thread for the actual contest. Rules are basically the same as those posted in the discussion earlier, the only change being that an independent character can be added to another unit. Rules 1. Each Participant may only enter 1 legal unit from Codex: Space Marines. This may include an attached independent character and/ or dedicated transport. They may be painted in the colours of the Imperial fists, official successors, or homebrew successors. Official chapters of other lineages are not allowed. 2. To enter a participant must post their intention to enter the contest in this thread along with a photo of the assembled models. These models may be primed or un-primed. 3. A successful contestant must post photos of their completed models in this thread before 11:59PM November 30, 2013 Eastern Standard Time. 4. Voting. There shall be 2 categories that will be voted on: first is best painted unit; second is best conversion. I am willing to consider submissions for other categories until the second of November. 5. Who can vote. Anyone who enters the contest can vote in any or all categories. Once I have the voting thread up, people will have 1 week to vote. Your vote will be cast by posting in the voting thread. You are not allowed to vote for your own models in any category. If you have any questions feel free to ask them. Posted at 0.820.013.M2
- 34 replies
+ Walls Fail, Fists Do Not! + [+image source+] + + + + + "Since the dawn of the Imperium, the VIIth Legion was known for its mastery of siegecraft. During the glorious Great Crusade, the Imperial Fists were tasked with defending Terra, birthworld of Mankind. They were elevated above their brothers to make sure the bastion of Humanity was safe from any threat. Alongside this unique honour, they were also deployed on battlefields where their brother Legions could not succeed without great loss of life and equipment. The Fists fell upon enemy fortifications like a hammer, blasting their way through rock and steel to make way for the armies of the Emperor. They were also the last line of defence when the thrice-cursed Horus led his corrupted Legions to assault Terra and successfully held the Traitors at bay for months on end. After the Heresy and the rise of the Codex Astartes, the Imperial Fists and their successors are still the undisputed masters of siege warfare. Despite a large number of Chapters finding other areas of bloody expertise, no Son of Dorn has truly forgotten the art of siegecraft and will always stand ready to raise new bastions or tear down the walls behind which the enemies of Mankind cower." + + + + + Introduction With the dust having finally settled from the last Imperial Fists Expansion, it is now time to move on to our next event! This one shall be shorter and in many ways easier than the aforementioned challenge. The idea is for each participant to create a model which represents the Dornian passion and expertise in all areas of siege warfare. Whether you choose to create a Crimson Fist Battle-Brother with a breacher shield or Interdictor Assault Marine with a scenic base representing a blasted Imperial fortress, it is up to you! The limits are your imagination, not the wargear options of the Codex: Space Marines ! Rules Pledge: You must vow to fully assemble and base a single infantry-sized model by 12:00 GMT on Sunday 17th January. The model does not have to be "Codex-legal" and may include items of wargear that are not a part of Codex: Space Marines or the Horus Heresy army lists. An infantry-sized model means a model in Artificer/Power/Scout/Terminator armour. Point values for the models are completely irrelevant for this challenge.Note: The thread will automatically lock once the deadline is reached but shall be re-opened shortly afterwards for the final announcement and rewards. Awards Each completed vow gives a single point towards your total in the Hall of Heroes (incoming). If you choose to paint your model and successfully do so before the deadline or if you add a piece of fluff about the model (of at least 50 words), an extra point shall be awarded. If you paint the model and write a piece of fluff, you will receive two extra points. Signature banners or List of Participants@nortran11 @Dosjetka @Wulfgar Ironmane @Capitano @jimbo13 @Disruptor_fe404 @Helias Tancred @Son of Carnelian @The_Chaplain @Bob Hunk @Brother Cambrius @valhalla130 @BattleBrotherJohn @Logiter @Lachdannan @Thedarkprincesnun @Soric @Brother Pheidias @DracoFox [...]
Summary: ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Disciples of Caliban ▪ FOUNDING: Sentinel Founding ▪ CHAPTER MASTER:Asimov ▪ CHAPTER WORLD: Menov ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: Anwar Peak ▪ MAIN COLOURS: ▪ SPECIALITY: Tailored Warfare ▪ BATTLE CRY: "Lions Roar" ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: Full Strength ▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None Known Obsidian Lions The Sentinel Founding saw a great number of Chapters being created to reinforce the Imperium’s strength that had taken a toll in the preceding millennia. The Obsidian Lions were founded to help patrol the fringes of Segmentum Tempestus which had assaulted repeatedly by Xeno. Although the Obsidian Lions are a Dark Angel Successor they were instead trained by the Howling Griffons. This seeded distrust on behalf of the Dark Angels towards the Lions that eventually led to the Obsidian Lions to break ties with the Dark Angels and the rest of the Unforgiven. In the many millennia since the schism the Obsidian Lions have moved past the shadow of the Unforgiven and forged their own image amongst the Astartes. The Lions are well known for being able to tailor their forces and bringing the right tool for the battle at hand. Origins: The Obsidian Lions have had an air of suspicion since their inception. No one has been able to clarify with any proof as to why they were created from the Disciples of Caliban so soon after their creation. Many say that the request to have the Disciples created doubts about why the Dark Angels wanted a new Successor. Rather than openly accuse one of the original Chapters of any wrongdoing they decided to put the gene-seed to the test. Following their creation and training with the Howling Griffons they adopted the world Menov as their homeworld. They fought many battles alongside the Howling Griffons honing their skills of war. Their tactical ingenuity was praised and long after their training had finished the Griffons still sought the Obsidian Lions assistance. Eventually they fought alongside the Dark Angels at the Battle of Zenith. After the battle the Dark Angels acknowledged that the Obsidian Lions were indeed of their lineage, while the meeting was amicable the Lions could sense an air of unease emanating from the Dark Angels. They vowed to prove to the Dark Angels that they had the strength of the Lion. As time passed the Lions began to mimic the organization and tactics of the Dark Angels, including Deathwing and Ravenwing. No matter what victories the Lions secured or how many Imperial forces gave laurels to them they always seemed on the outside of the Dark Angels’ circle of allies. There had been many times where the Obsidian Lions were not privy to objectives or tactical information when heading into battle when fighting alongside the Unforgiven. Many times they would be leading the vanguard only to realize that their allies have changed tactics and objectives or left the battlefield all together. Their oath to prove themselves to the Dark Angels started taking its toll on the Obsidian Lions. They had been fighting at half strength for a while and whenever the Unforgiven chased their own targets the Lions end up paying a steep price. It all came to a boiling point when the Angels of Absolution were supposed to flank the enemy at the Wavium Conflict. The Angels of Absolution changed tactics and attacked the leadership without notifying the Lions. This lead to the Lions quickly being surrounded and if not for timely reinforcements from their Battle Barge, the Lion’s Den, they would not have survived the battle. While the Angels were successful into throwing the enemy forces into disarray the Obsidian Lions sustained a large number of casualties. Amongst the casualties was their Chapter Master, Naziel, who was found battered surrounded by bodies including his broken obsidian swords. The Lions confronted the Angels about their treachery and the Angels replied that it was an mean to an end, casualties were an unfortunate side effect. The two forces began to fight as Chief Librarian Solomon scanned the minds of the Angels and saw that they saw them as tainted. In his fury he saw unleashed a psychic force that killed many Angels of Absolution before his ire was reeled in. The Angels decided to retreat seeing this as a battle they could not since they were outnumbered both on the ground and in orbit. Following this event the Obsidian Lions took time to rebuild and restructure as they saw the Dark Angel’s tactics and structure flawed. They also no longer responded to the Unforgiven’s calls for assistance. They would carve their own destiny apart from the Dark Angels and their progeny. Chapter Home World: Menov was established as the Obsidians Lions’ home planet shortly after their creation and has been extensively fortified over the millennia. They had made planet fall to answer a call for assistance against a Tau force that had attacked some of the kingdoms on the planet. The Tau was a small reconnaissance force and the Lions were able to make quick work of them. While they were battling the Tau they had come across black lions with silvery manes and they took this as a sign. It did not take long before their entire fleet was in orbit over the planet. Menov is a feudal world with many kings carving out their kingdoms within the forests. A few of the kingdoms have grown strong and technologically advanced enough to be able to expand their borders. The thick forests isolate the kingdoms so conflict between the kingdoms is rare, survival is more about battling the elements of the planet than other kingdoms. Two continents dominate the planet with small oceans separating them. Menov’s water seems to be concentrated in the rivers and lakes that cut through the forests that cover the large continents. The larger continent is Nemea, which has a mountain range that runs diagonally through its center. The Obsidian Lions made Anwar Peak their home, greatly expanding the already massive cave system within the mountain. The second continent, Damond, is smaller, but not by much, and is very similar to Nemea but their mountains ranges are much smaller. The vast Gedoc Desert in the center of the continent is its distinctive feature; it is the only sizable dry area on the planet. All rivers seem to flow around the Gedoc and no water flows into the desert. The most distinctive flora on the planet are the forests that canopy the continents and the fauna is varied although the lions top the food chain. The Nemean Lion is the creature that drew the Obsidian Lions to the world, is the largest carnivore on the planet and its razor sharp claws can gouge plasteel. The Nemean Lion is scared to the people of Nemea so it is never hunted unless it attacks an Astartes. The only lion to exist on both continents is the Crephym. The Crephym is a winged lion that is smaller and lighter than the Nemean Lion but is a dangerous predator that rules the skies and mountain peaks of the planet. Another member of the lion family is the Damond Lion, also called a Lightningback because of the golden streak of fur on its back, is the smallest of the lions on Menov. The Damond Lion hunts in packs and has an acidic spit that it uses to lure prey. While the spit itself will not cause take down most animals it on its own it can cause major damage if multiple doses are applied. The Damond Lion will use it to get prey’s attention and lead it into an ambush where the rest of the pride is waiting. Present Activities: Currently their forces are split in two, a Strikeforce was sent to the Masade System to assist with the increasing Necrons presence. The rest of the Chapter has been deployed to fight the Black Crusade. Battle Honors: Wavium Conflict - This battle lead to the schism between the Lions and the Dark Angels. The Lions answered the call to assist the Angels of Absolution in quelling a rebellion. The Lions deployed a sizable force and were to lead the frontal attack while the Angels' Ravenwing was supposed to attack the enemy's flanks. During battle the Angels were nowhere to be found and the Lions were soon engulfed by the opposing forces and the firepower they brought to bear was more than they anticipated. Reinforcements arrived their flagship to turn the tide but the Lions lost more than a full Company and among the casualties was their Chapter Master. What the Lions were not told is that the rebellion was incited by Traitor Marines and among them were suspected Fallen. The death of their Chapter Master lead to blows between the two Chapters and the Obsidian Lions have not answered an Unforgiven heed for assistance since. Redemption Crusades - Following the Wavium Conflict the Lions took time to rebuild their Chapter and restructure. After a few decades they began to lend aid to every call outside of the Unforgiven's that they could. They made sure to show themselves in force and never stretch themselves too thin. They wanted to make amends for turning their backs on their founding Chapter and to prove to themselves that their blade was still sharp. Cebitus Struggle - The Lions responded to reports that Orks had encroached the Cebitus system and suffered their first major defeat. The Lions applied a strike of one hundred Astartes and were pushing the savages back after each battle. The Orks proceeded to crash their ship into the surface killing the long range support iand the swarm of Orks that survived quickly overwhelmed the Lions. There were no survivors but were avenged by a combined effort of the Obsidian Lions and Howling Griffons. This changed how the Lions constructed their strikeforces to make sure they always had contingency support. Xibalba Wars - The Lions fought alongside the Void Angels against the Watchers of Prophecy. When arriving on Vespertilio the Obsidian Lions saw the population in deplorable state, the Watchers had turned the population of the the planet into were-beats. After the initial battles they ruled that the world was beyond reprise and deemed Exterminatus extremis necessary. Shortly after the Void Angels arrived looking for the Watchers of Prophecy. They finally cornered the traitors on the planet Calor and they followed the Watchers into their keep. Once inside they could not be found, some believe that the Tzeentch himself saved them while others say that they had found a webway entrance. Chapter Organization The Obsidian Lions deviate significantly from the Codex Astartes as they feel that their organization allows for more tactical flexibility that was instilled in them by the Howling Griffons. After they severed ties with the Unforgiven they expanded the Dark Angels structure they had adapted to. They saw merit in having specialized units but why just two companies, so they shifted to specialize all their companies. The first and second Companies mirror those of the Dark Angels, Silver Manes and Hunters respectively. The Silver Manes are the Veterans from all of their Companies. Upon reaching the rank of Veteran Knight they join the other veterans of the Chapter, which has led the Silver Manes to rise above 100 Astartes. The Hunters are a fast attack Company like the Ravenwing. The 3rd through 6th are the Chimeras, their Tactical Marines. They are the only units who try to train in all aspects of warfare and are the backbone of all strikeforces. The 7th Company are the Crephyms, their Assault Marines. This Company is an all out assault force and have no bikes or other vehicles attached to them. The 8th Company are the BLANK, the Devastators Company. The 9th is the Iron Company, which is their Armored Company. The Iron Company are skilled in piloting and wielding the devastating power of the Chapter’s tanks and airships. The Iron Company has honed their skills attempting maneuvers and pushing their machines to levels that most other Chapter’s would not even attempt. Finally the 10th is the Scout Company in which all Astartes start their training. They also deviate in how the Astartes are ranked. When a Scout joins any of the Company he has the rank of Squire until he has proven himself in battle. Once he has felt the heat of battle he gains the rank of Brother. From here an Astartes can reach the rank of Knight through battle and through the Broken Sword Tournaments. A Knight are the elites with each Company and it is from here that Sergeants are chosen from. Those who excel are then promoted Veteran Knight and they then join the Silver Manes. In other Companies Astartes earn their rank based solely on their performance, but in the First Company they are directly competing with their fellow Veterans. The top 20 Veteran Knights have the title of Champion-Knight, which is a bittersweet honor because those Astartes who lose the title feel a sense of dishonor. The Champion-Knights can then become a Knight-Captain to one of the Companies of their discipline. Once they have proven their prowess to leading others the can become Knight-Commanders who lead the Strike forces into battle. Fleet Assets The Obsidian Lions are a very active Chapter and have a large fleet of vessels. Lion’s Den – is the Chapter’s flagship Nomadic King – Battle Barge Leo Tenebris – Battle Barge Midnight Prowler – Strike Cruiser Emperor’s Aegis – Strike Cruiser Wrath of Menov – Strike Cruiser Recruitment The Lions primarily recruit from the Kingdoms of Menov. Every generation the Obsidian Lions will request that the kingdoms hold their own tournaments from which recruits will be chosen from. It is a great honor in the kingdoms to have their children inducted into Obsidian Lions. Some families train their children from a very young age for these tournaments. Chapter Master Silver Manes Terminator Hunters Chimaeras Predators Lightningbacks Iron Pride Combat Doctrine The Lions’ principles of war are based on flexibility and applying the proper pressure to the enemy, this has been shaped by their mentors, Howling Griffons, and their progenitors, Dark Angels. The Howling Griffons instilled tactical flexibility in the Lions, to never become too rigid and always use the best tool for the battlefield. The Dark Angels’ Deathwing and Ravenwing showed them how effective specialized Companies can be. The Obsidian Lions create strikeforces for each engagement taking squads of each Company. Normally the larger campaigns are lead by Knight-Commander but for smaller operations a Knight-Captain can lead it. The Strikeforce leader will deduce what elements will be needed to fight the enemy at hand and also what forces he will need for contingency. Local rituals On Menov the Obsidian Lions hold a tournament every year to test an Astartes strength and skill. The tournament includes singles combat, squad-based combat, marksmanship, among other things but the highest honor is to win the Gauntlet. A race through the forests of Nemea with no armor, armed only with a combat knife. The victors of each tournament have the privilege to wear the silver Broken Blade on their left knee until the next tournament. These tournaments are also where a Squire will get their first taste of combat, testing their training to confirm they have what it takes to be an asset on the battlefield. Beliefs The Lions revere the Emperor and their Primarch like any other Chapters with the exception that they feel they have not lived up to Lion El’Johnson’s legacy because they turned their back on the Dark Angels. The first thing they do when becoming an Astartes is to take the Oath of the Broken Blades, an oath to uphold the ideals of the Lion and to never abandon an ally. They hold oaths in a very high regard but compared to the Griffons, the Lions swear few oaths. A completed oath is a source of much personal pride and it is typical for a satisfied oath to be inked onto the skin of the Astartes. On the other side a failed oath brings shame to the Astartes, it is not unknown for an Astartes to take a vow of silence or denounce their rank because they were unable to fulfill an oath. Gene-Seed: Description of origin and current status - Dark Angels, Obviously! Battle Cry “Lion’s Roar!” litany before battle – “The enemy lies at the tip of our blade and it shall weep with their blood.” Champions of the Chapter Asimov - has been the High Commander of the Obsidian Lions for the last century. He is not one to rush into any fight and rarely gives into the battle fury. His level headedness has always allowed him to make sound tactical decisions and to always weigh his options. He is held in high regard by his men because he always leads from the font lines. He is the only High Commander to have never won a tournament for his prowess was on the battlefield. He wields the Broken Blades of Naziel and wears the Silver Fleece. Naziel - was the third Chapter Master of the Obsidian Lions. He was a great warrior who never backed down from a battle and always pushed his men on to glory. But what he is remembered most for is his death. During the Wavium Conflict he was leading the Lions into battle waiting for the Angels of Absolution to attack the enemy's flanks, the Angels never arrived. He was enraged at the constant disregard the Unforgiven had towards his Chapter. With his obsidian blades in had he cut down traitor after traitor until he was killed by a melta blast, then the traitors began to mutilate his body out of anger. When reinforcements arrived and the Lions were able to finally clear a path to Naziel they found his battered body laying next to his broken obsidian swords. This marked the end of the Lion's wanting to live up to their progenitor's ideology and no longer sought their acceptance. Renock - is currently the Chapter's top Champion-Knight. Renock was a Chimaera and was part of he Fifth Company. He was proficient with any weapon that he wields to the point that he one of the few Obsidian Lions to have won every tournament he entered. He is a great combatant but his tactical sense has come into question at times. There are whispers that for all his battle prowess he will never make the rank of Knight-Commander, something that he intends to prove wrong. He is the current owner of the Starwall and wields the Sword of Oaths. Nasla - was recently promoted to Knight-Commander. While he has only fought a few battles since receiving his new rank, Nasla is a seasoned commander as the Knight-Captain of the 4th Company. He is a very reserved individual and never boats about his accolades. He carries the Emperor's Peace. Gar - is the current Knight-Captain of the Predators. Gar is a fearsome close combat fighter, always looking to challenge enemy force's champions. Always looking for combat opportunities that if he is not leading a strikeforce he will volunteer to accompany his men in a different strikeforce. Gar wields the Fateripper and a Nemean Hide. Relics Broken Blades of Naziel - Naziel's blades were taken after the Wavium Conflict and put fitted into a pair of lightning claws replacing the claws. The blades can be protracted for a better reach and also used to penetrate armor. The blades are given to the High Commander upon his ascension. Heart of Anwar - is a master crafted Power Hammer. These hammers were worked on many times to better deal with the dense Menovian rock during the initial expansion of the caves. All the hammers were lost with the exception of one. Later on they were able to use better equipment for the expansion but this power hammer has shown to be a strong weapon of war as much as well powerful tool. Sword of Oaths - This master-crafted claymore was given to the Obsidian Lions by the Howling Griffons after their training had been completed. The Griffons held the Lions in high regard and saw a potential in their fervor. This blade was a symbol of the oath of brotherhood that sworn by the two Chapter Masters.The sword is given to the highest ranked Champion-Knight. Lion's Tail - This cimbi-melta is that was wielded by Galtan on the world of Rayvon. The Lions assaulted the Dark Eldar on this Shrine world to stop the desocration of the the world where the Emperor had visited while he still lead the Great Crusade. The only surviving Lion was allowed to clean his equipment in the moat that surrounded the main cathedral, the moat is said to be blessed for the Emperor himself drank its water. The Lion's Tail has never malfunctioned since that day. Silver Fleece - Menov's rarest and most dangerous predator's, the silver Nemean Lion, hide has special characteristics that create a small field of protection when charge is applied to it. The Nemean Hides are worn only by the Obsidian Lion's officers and the Silver Fleece is a masterpiece among them that is passed from High Commander to High Commander. Tower of Lions - This storm shield was created for the first Chapter Master to receive the tile of High Commander. While the artificers expertly crafted and adorned the shield as a tribute to the new title, the High Commander was unwilling to part with the Blades of Naziel. He asked his Commanders to duel for the shield. Whenever the owner of the shield passes the remaining Commanders and whoever is elevated must duel to see who the new owner is. Trinity of War - The Trinity of War is a set of weapons that was commissioned for the winner of the first Gauntlet tournament. The owner eventually joined the ranks of the Veteran-Knight. Since his death the weapons are dueled for during for during the Broken Blade Tournaments and only one other person since has possessed all three weapons. Fateripper - a master crafted power sword. Emperor's Peace - A master crafted bolt. This weapon is able to shoot a volley of bolts without jamming. Starwall - is a master-crafted combat shield. Whenever the the field is struck the energy ripples resembling a wall of stars.
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