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From the album: Parted Sons Space Marines
The whole army. Still ongoing!-
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- Parted Sons
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From the album: Jolemai's Imperials
Vow one WIP one-
- Jolemai
- Great Baalite Bake Off
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From the album: Harleqvin's DA
So with the new lore of redeemed Fallen, and them being called The Risen, I messed around with designing my own icon for them as GW hasn’t done so yet. Based/Inspired by The Fallen icon. Reshaped the hood and upper jaw section of the skull, removed the quasi chaos points, and replaced with a halo.-
- Dark Angels
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I felt like doing a project log. I should have started earlier since I've been doing the odd bit of Black Legion for most of the year but better late than never and the Death Guard release is round the corner so I want my Black Legion out of the way. Black Legion were my second 40k army from over a decade ago but I never really painted that many of them. This thread will be for Black Legion, Death Guard and Fallen Angels. I got my BL ready but only got to play one Fate of Konor game my army was more or less this: Proxied Cultists due to not wanting to buy or paint more autogun chaff right now and a rhino I actually earmarked for Death Guard due to not wanting to have to work on that many rhinos. Everyone was based for the campaign and the khorne berzerkers got rebuilt. Daemon Prince is only there because my Lord never got finished. Berzerkers were the only chaos unit I actually 'finished' when I was a wee lad. I don't have a 'before' pic for the berzerkers I rescued them but here are some left over bits to give you an idea of the state they were in. Now they look like this. Mostly made up of berzerker bits because I wanted to finish them without any further investment but there are some chaos knight, possessed and regular chaos marine bits in there. They aren't quite finished but they'll do for now. Banner is a plague monk one. Work in progress possessed. The rest of the squad I won't post because they're not very different from when I got them painted second hand (only thing I did was the black legion symbol and a coat of black over Iron warrior grey). Daemon Prince I started years ago and redid the trim and eyes to bring him up to scratch along with throwing a wash on him. Earlier this year I did these squads: Havoks with Forge World autocannons and mixed csm/mark 3 bits. Still need one last top knot. I did some touches up on my old chaos lord before noticing that he was way out of scale compared to the Dark Vengeance models I had just painted. I had planned on just changing the bases on my metal terminators since they were still kind of okay scaled to the 3rd edition chaos marines and berzerkers but the newer models were going to cause issues. So I bought a Terminator Lord Cadre and a Scarab Occult box to combine with a bunch of second ed metal terminator arms to make: Still kind of WIP Terminators Cyclopia Cabal (never actually used it before the new edition removed formations). Still a legal Supreme Command detachment but too expensive to use. I have a "terminator officers only" rule in my Black Legion which only my Exalted Champion is breaking. Motor pool with WIP rhino. Can't remember how I used to do eyes and have DG rhinos to do so its on hold. Bikers are only slightly converted because I needed to do something to make them come close to living up the ludicrous concept that is "CHAOS SPACE MARINE BIKERS" but also wanted to be able to get them out of the way. Stuff I did less recently. Chosen I did a year or so ago and are the current 'standard' I followed up with on the havoks and terminators. Guys on the right are my old 'possessed' from 3rd edition who I made without properly checking the unit entry while the guys on the left were done 7 or so years ago just after my daemon prince' first colour scheme back when I was checking out if p3 Blighted Gold was going to be the way to go. All were rebased recently. Mace chosen gets used as an exalted champion, the others get to be aspiring champions.
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- Black Legion
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Once more I return to the Liber. I really need to stop disappearing as I've done in the past but I can't stop real life. Anyway a while back I vowed to create a chapter for the Brotherhood of Angels (nice little link here for the thread) and so I intend to complete that before I move on with some penitence for all the other vows I've failed. Anyhow, enjoy and any C&C would be great: The Blades of Truth “"In truth, we rise." Summary ▪ GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): Dark Angels ▪ FOUNDING: Unknown ▪ ALLEGIANCE: Chaos (Presumed), themselves ▪ CHAPTER MASTER: Lothen ▪ CHAPTER WORLD: None ▪ FORTRESS MONASTERY: The Strike Cruiser. “Lions’ Truth” ▪ MAIN COLOURS: Black edged in red ▪ SPECIALITY: Hit and run ▪ BATTLE CRY: “Destroy their lies!” ▪ CURRENT STRENGTH: Barely two companies of space marines, human numbers unknown ▪ KNOWN DESCENDANTS: None ORIGINS The day Caliban was destroyed. The day lies descended on the Dark Angels Legion and turned brother against brother. This day proved a catalyst for Sergeant Lothen and has squad. Loyal to their primarch, Sergeant Lothen had been taken prisoner along with the rest of his squad for defying Luther and the path they had chosen. When the Lion rained wrath on his own planet, the squad escaped the bars only to be confronted by a lie. Believing themselves saved, they were shocked when the Lions’ forces opened fire on them, believing them to be traitors and like many marines that day, Lothen and the surviving members of his squad were thrown into time and space. Having now become Fallen Angels it wasn’t long, to Lothen at least, for their brothers to hunt them down and began readying themselves that was sure to come. The Fallen Angels soon began work preparing themselves, working their way into the criminal hub of the outcast world and working their way to the top of the foodchain. Soon enough, supplies along were possessed and their numbers had been boosted not only by the mortal mercenaries but by renegade space marines who had been rejected by their chapter for one reason or another. Then they arrived. The Dark Angels reborn in the form of the Angels of Vengeance. Their forces? A battle company aboard the Strike Cruiser ‘The Lions’ Wrath.’ On patrol, they had heard reports of pirates and the possibility of a base hidden away in the system. Easy prey for space marines. The hunters were in for a surprise once the ground assault had been issued. Tough fighting ensured. The Angels of Vengeance were caught by surprise by the mercenaries appearing out of thin air from the deserts only to disappear again. In the end, the space marines had been wiped out with their battered strike cruiser now in the hands of Lothen and his forces. What resources the planet still had were used in repair the strike cruiser and then left to become ruins. PRESENT ACTIVITIES Recently, Lothen and his ‘Blades of Truth’ as he called them have been on the hunt, taking supplies when needed and hitting the Dark Angels and their descendants whenever they can. The Lions Wrath has been sighted during the 13th Black Crusade most recently, seemingly helping the forces of Chaos in their goal to cause havoc. Reports suggest that the Blades of Truth have been known to fire on chaos forces and that the lure of Chaos may not have taken them as well. RECRUITMENT The Blades of Truth lack the means of creating their own space marines with ease. Instead, renegade space marines or outcasts have been recruited to help increase and replace any marines lost during combat. There are rumours however of marines being captured and forced to serve, though the methods used are not known. It is very likely that because of this, the Blades of Truth have focused themselves on using hit and run tactics along with going after easy targets that ensure success with minimum lose to life. It is possible Lothen is planning on getting a more secure way on creating marines. This can be concluded from Unforgiven gene seed being missing from fallen brothers. One of the biggest reasons Lothen has managed to succeed this is that because of his mistrust of Chaos and of its taint, he will not reason with the Dark Mechanicus or any similar force willing to offer the required services. GENE-SEED While the Fallen Angels of the group possess Dark Angel gene seed, their renegade brothers possess gene seeds from most legions such as World Eaters, Imperial Fist and so on. Those recruits that have been made appear to use stolen Dark Angel gene seed. This can be concluded from the remains of Unforgiven space marine corpses having their gene seed missing on recovery. BELIEFS “I will not damn ourselves so we can destroy our foes!” From what can be gathered, it appears that the Blades of Truth believe to have been wronged by the forces they served. This reaches down in to the renegade guardsmen and mercenaries that follow them. Brotherhood is also an important belief, the most likely reason why the group has stayed together and not stabbed each other in the back. This has led to them always trying to keep each other alive and forged a bond of trust amongst themselves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is all I have done so far and I'll try and update this as much as I can before the deadline. As I said before any C&C would be greatly appreciated.
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- Fallen Angels
- Renegades
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