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Dusk Howlers Vindthursar
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Primaris Space Marines
A Dusk Howlers Vindthursar ('Wind-Giants') are a subset of Blooded Claws. This specialist unit is composed of the most headstrong troublemakers from each Blooded Claw pack and are often "rewarded" by reassignment to a Vindthursar Assault Pack and thus serve as the Chapter's equivalent of Primaris Inceptors.© Algrim Whitefang
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Dusk Howlers Hellblaster
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Primaris Space Marines
A Dusk Howlers Grey Slayer in the role of the Primaris Hellblaster.© Algrim Whitefang
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Thunder Coyotes Scheme and insigina
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Thunder Coyotes
Scheme and insignia for the Thunder Coyotes--icon isn't the best but it'll do for now.-
- Thunder Coyotes
- Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch
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Uncrowned Princes Armorial
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
"The measure of true glory is not to give battle in the bright noon of war, surrounded by brave comrades upon the field of victory, but to valiantly fight on alone in the darkness, with no hope of aid or even remembrance, and to spit defiance in midnight's eye." — Lion El'Jonson, Reflections on the Mirror of War, Vol III The Uncrowned Princes are a recently-founded Successor Chapter of the Dark Angels that was created during the recent Ultima Founding during the 42nd Millennium and is comprised entirely of Primaris Space Marines. Styled after the old Dark Angels Legion that existed during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, the Uncrowned Princes, as they have been known as, have also inherited the old tenets of the Lion during their creation. Due to this, they are noted to have made many major tactical and organizational deviations from the Codex Astartes, as they use a modified version of the Hexagrammaton, which was how the old Dark Angels Legion was organized. Hailing from the forested death world of Blackhaven, which is virtually identical in both climate and culture to Caliban, the destroyed death world that served as the homeworld of the Dark Angels, their parent chapter. The Uncrowned Princes have been forged into Astartes due to their experience of hunting down the large monsters of their homeworld as they seek to take on the biggest foes they can find, whether in sheer size or sheer numbers. During their founding, the Uncrowned Princes were given a significant portion of the old First Legion's arsenal to use in battle. Read More: Uncrowned Princes© Algrim Whitefang
Uncrowned Princes Primaris Interemptor
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Uncrowned Princes Primaris Interemptor Kerubiel Decar, 'Righteous Seraph of the Unknown Spire', assigned to the 10th Company. He is armed with a rare and exceedingly powerful relic Plasma Burner.© Algrim Whitefang
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Uncrowned Princes Primaris Intercessor
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Uncrowned Princes Stormwing Intercessor Battle-Brother Ezekiel Crohne of the 5th Company, 2nd Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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Paladins of Caliban Armorial
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
The Paladins of Caliban or in High Gothic the Custodians Calibani are a Successor Chapter created from the lineage of the ancient and mysterious Dark Angels. As they're an Ultima Founding Chapter, they're composed entirely of Primaris Space Marines. As a member of the Unforgiven, they've learned their progenitor chapter's secrecy and, as such, have been known for being extremely secretive towards their allies during battles or campaigns. Read More: Paladins of Caliban© Algrim Whitefang
Paladins of Caliban Sergeant
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Paladins of Caliban Sergeant Armaros Sorail ('Stern Guardian of the Undying Altar'), 5th Company, 8th Battleline Squad.© Algrim Whitefang
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Paladins of Caliban Master Paladin
Algrim Whitefang posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: Dark Angels Homebrew Chapters
Pictured Above: Paladins of Caliban 3rd Company Master Paladin Sangrariel Kazarar ('Unforgiving Exterminator of the Dark Maelstrom').© Algrim Whitefang
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So I have been away from the block for some time, and I have now begun a new project. I am still working on idears for the Void Rangers, but for now I am working this project, which is a Salamander Ultima founding, but following their own degree. This degree share basic similarities with the Iron Hands, with the theme around night, ice and cannibalism. I hope you will enjoy and give me some constructive feedback. ++++++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER NAME: .............. ...Novo Wardens FOUNDING: ............................Ultima CHAPTER WORLD: ...............Neculmar II FORTRESS MONASTERY: .... Winterfall GENE-SEED: …………...........Salamanders KNOWN DESCENDANTS: .....NONE Allegiance: Imperium of Man Chapter Master: Attion Bul'lek Current Size Estimate: >1000 Specialty: counter-insurgency and Heavy Assault Colours: Gold, dark blue, and black Symbol: ??? Battle Cry: "To Ice and death" The Chapter was among those Salamander Successor Chapters that were created by Archmagos Dominus Cawl during the Ultima Founding. Cawl did so without informing the Salamanders and when they learned of this, they began making contact with their Successors Chapters. However, the Chaplain the Salamanders sent out to teach the Novo Wardens of the Promethean Cult, Shen'ven, was killed in a challenge issued by the Novo Warden Attion Bul'lek for leadership of the Novo Warden's cult. The Wardens now follow their own teaching, crafting their own understanding of hardness as warriors, willpower and devotion to humanity as taught to them by their first Chapter Master Bul'lek "The king of Night and Ice", and their Lord Chaplain Tul'kan "The White Walker". The Novo Wardens was assignet to garrison the ice worlds in the Neculmar system, ensuring the rebellious population are kept in line and their mines and forges on fire; ensuring the much needed production of war material needed for the Wardens is never stopped. Chapter Master Bul'lek has sworn to keep the worlds in the Imperial fold and keep pushing the Indomitus Crusade ever forward. The Salamanders has launch complains to Lord Commander Guilliman over the Wardens' for development and have spurn all contact with them; degreing them to not be true sons of Vulkan. This semse not to bother the Novo Wardens, who now rule the Neculmar system with an iron fist…
- Ultima Founding
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This is a major WIP still and currently I have been working on it on and off for most of the past few months. The colours of the chapter will be bone armour, blue as a secondary colour and gold accents. The marines will be converted to have some aspects added which I am still yet to decide on. However the main feel/look I am going for is a celtic/slavic vibe with draconic features. aspects I have thought of for their look is scales on the armour (draped over or as apart of the armour), totemic items that link back to their homeworld culture, bones or other items as trophies from hunts, rune engravings (which is highly likely on the librarians and chaplains) and they will mainly wield spears and hammeraxes as melee weapons. I have included Librarians and Chaplains into the description as they play important roles within the chapter itself. Successors of the White Scars and apart of the Ultima Founding. Despite the youth of the chapter they have adopted a new step into the trials. One that is not a test of the aspirant but a part of the trials all the same. This new step occurs at the end of an aspirant's trials. It is unknown if this step does anything for the marine or it’s merely a placebo effect because no matter the marine they always feel tied to their clan and family which bolsters their morale. This step is from the culture of their homeworld. They have adopted the drinking of the “Dragons Fire”, a fiery alcoholic drink that's meant to mimic the hot breath of the beasts that once called their homeworld home. It’s an act of the denizens of their homeworld to mark a coming of age. It’s marked as being a part of the world where the now near extinct apex predator of their homeworld and a part of each other. While on their homeworld it is near extinct the beast exists on other planets of the solar system. There are a variety of subspecies; they all have aspects that unify them, a winged beast and their scales are as hard as ceramite and they can project bolts of heated plasma from their mouths. Customs of the Chapter On their homeworld the culture and customs of the native population and the recruits have resulted in impacts on the chapter as a whole. These range from minor cases such as the “Dragons Fire” a fiery drink that makes the coming of age for all to for more major impacts such as the adoption of a clan like structure. Each clan is self-governing and is for all purposes the equivalent of a company. This brings a great deal of unity among each clan and each person whether human or astartes they see them as family. Each clan handles its own recruitment, recruiting from different sections of the homeworld. After they have been trained by a sergeant they must undertake the first trial. The first testing the mind of the aspirant and their purity. Unlike some other chapters the chapter serfs must also pass this test. It is in this trial that they will face temptation if they pass they move onwards to serve the chapter or continue on with their trials. There are several other trials that take place after this which are reserved for aspirants on the path to become a space marine. While some of these are commonplace of the chapter others are unique to the clan. Once one has passed the trials set by each clan they move onto the final aspect of their trials. They are given the Dragons Fire in a coming of age ceremony. The final task of an aspirant is to hunt one of the draconis variants that inhabit several worlds in the solar system where their homeworld resides. Though this never occurs on the homeworld due to the draconis species being brought to near extinction. The only known members of the species native to the homeworld are kept by the chapter itself. Some do not return, succumbing to the beast they hunt. This has formed a chapter cult around this custom and the beasts they hunt. The eventual chapter marines often wear trophies from their hunt on their armour. This flows into wearing trophies from challenging hunts or fights, those they deemed worthy of remembrance. Unlike other chapters the pilots of their aircraft are not piloted only piloted by techmarines but some members of the clans who have proven themselves have been given the knowledge and skill to fly. Almost every marine wishes for this honour. This is the result of them idolizing the winged draconic beings of their home system and the desire to feel the rush of freedom that the aircraft gives. Much like how their progenitors desire the freedom given to them in the seat of a bike. This is carried on into the chapter's dislike for dreadnaughts. Every single marine views becoming one a fate worse than death. Knowing if they are trapped within one of these mechanical coffins they will never feel the freedom of being in the cockpit of an aircraft or voidcraft. Another way that the chapter has taken to venerating the winged draconic beings of their home system is the use of plasma weapons. This is due to the winged beasts firing bolts of plasma from their mouths. This has led to the chapter having a large stockpile of plasma equipment at their disposal. Company Organization Each company is known as a clan and is responsible for its own recruitment and management. This has led to the chapter being semi-feudal in nature. When an aspirant is taken in by one of the clans they are taken through the trials that are overseen by the clans librarians and chaplains. When a clan recruits they occasionally get those who are strong enough in psychic ability or wish to progress into the role of the chaplain, techmarine or apothecary they will remain within the clan though should the need arise they sometimes work as a part of other clans when they cannot do it themselves. Though they may act as a part of another clan their home is and always will be with their clan and view them as family. Much like a company of a chapter having its own areas, each clan has its own dedicated areas within the chapter's fortress monastery. This is very similar to how other companies would have theirs. However there are a few areas that each clan would have. This includes a small hall dedicated to honouring the members of the clan. This is separate from the great hall which is for the chapter as a whole. Finally each clan has its own dedicated crypt. However all other parts of the fortress monastery are for the chapter as a whole and is seen as such by all of the clans. It should also be noted that each clan holds a small holding within the location of the world where the clan was originally born. The clan will always try to recruit from this location before branching out to other worlds to recruit from. A clan will never recruit from another clan's grounds. Though recruitment from other worlds are shared among the chapter. However, unlike other chapters the space marines are often very close to the chapter serfs of their clan which they view as family and treat them as such. This has been frequently looked down upon and seen as a weakness by other chapters but the clan and chapter see this as a strength of unity. While they do not see the chapter serfs of other clans as family they do treat them with a great deal of respect and view them in a way as a stepfamily member. Librarians Before its rediscovery the population of psykers was not overly excessive but it was more common than other worlds of the imperium. This resulted in the development of a monk-like subculture. Much like the runepriests of the space wolves and the stormseers of their progenitor chapter they use the natural power of their homeworld. It’s this that serves as a limiting intermediary that protects them against the malign influences of the warp. Post rediscovery these practices were all but lost. However it was the founding of the chapter and discovery of the old monastery that reawakened the practice and its common place within the culture. The Librarians of the Draconis Invictors serve the chapter in numerous ways and their identity is spread out. As with all other recruits they are recruited by a clan and their first calling is often to that clan. Though with librarians they also remain in the chapter as a whole and occasionally have roots or some kind of connection to the monastic order. To the clan they serve as advisors, guide and teach initiates of the chapter the lore and history of the clan. When an initiate is first chosen a librarian is present at each of their trials. Except for their final one. To the chapter they undertake the role that librarians of all other chapters would undertake. The final role they undertake is their role within the monastic order of their homeworld. Due to the nature of the Librarians and their connection to each clan they are sometimes used interchangeably with chaplains. An example of this is if a space marine feels they are in need of guidance they can see the clans' chaplains or librarians for guidance; in rarer cases they may seek the guidance of both. This is due to the nature that each represents and they will often have different advice they can and will offer the space marine. A librarian will offer more practical advice while a chaplain will offer more spiritual advice. Chaplains Chaplains of the Draconis Invictors have a similar role within the chapter as the Librarians of the chapter; they still have a crucial role within the clan and the chapter as a whole. Like the librarians they are with the aspirant from day one. Unlike the Librarians whose roles have a strong focus on the homeworld culture the chaplains focus is on promoting the values of the chapter as a whole and the spiritual health of the marines. This includes veneration of the Emperor and the values of the draconis. Like the wolf priests of the space wolves the chaplains of the Draconis Invictors are known for having draconic skull helmets. Homeworld (Uber WIP) The Homeworld of the Draconic Invictors is known as Ormr and is classified as a Civilized World. It's a lush tropical world sporting a variety of dense jungles, floating mountain ranges that float in the air and coastal reefs. Before its rediscovery its religion revolved around the winged beasts in a totemic/shamanistic way and a monastic order of psykers was born on this world. Which was saved by the founding of a space marine chapter on the world and which progenitor had a positive view on psykers in a religious capacity. The technology of the world itself is on the level of Advanced Space or Warp Travel. Despite this type of world not being ideal for space marine chapter the culture of the population is one where warriors are idolized in history and a warrior culture was born on this planet.
Founding: 27th (Ultima) Gene Line: Raven Guard Specialisation: Void Combat/Anti-Insurgency Origins: "It is a thankless, lonely task I set you men. There will be little glory out in the darkness between the stars, few grand wars to be fought. But it is a true purpose, vital to the Crusade, to Humanity and to the Emperor Himself." - Roboute Guilliman. Born of Guilliman's Ultima Founding, the War Dogs were formed from a portion of the fleet elements of the Unnumbered Sons Of Corax. Assigned by the Lord Commander to operate behind the battle lines of the Indomitus Crusade, the War Dogs were originally missioned with protecting Imperial supply lines and eliminating pirates and insurgents, whether Chaotic, heretical or Xenos in origin. The Chapter took to this task with a vengeance, ranging out across the stars in the swiftest vessels they could find, eager to harry and destroy the enemies of the Imperium wherever they could be found. By the end of the Indomitus Crusade, with some small measure of stability returned to the Ultima Segmentum, the Chapter has refocused a sizeable part of its attention on the Cicatrix Maledictum. All along the edge of the Great Rift, the War Dogs track and hunt those traitor vessels that attempt to slip quietly across its borders and target unsuspecting Imperial worlds. Chapter Organisation: "A hundred Space Marines? Hah! I'll do it with thirty-four!" - Captain Maric, 18th Patrol, 'Iron Raptors'. Although the War Dogs were organised according to the strictures of the Codex Astartes at the time of their creation, in the centuries that followed they have adapted to better fulfil their purpose. The primary division of force within the Chapter is now the Patrol. Each Patrol consists of around thirty Primaris Space Marines, led by a Captain. The Chapter uses this higher rank because each Patrol leader is also commander of one or more of the many ships of the Chapter Fleet. This fleet is primarily made up of squadrons of Gladius-class frigates and Hunter-class destroyers, supported by deadly Nova-class frigates, though Patrols have been seen using repurposed Navy escorts and light cruisers. While entirely non-standard, this organisation is perfectly suited to War Dogs' role, allowing their forces to act with far greater flexibility and cover a vastly larger area than an average Chapter. The War Dogs Patrols are typically built around a solid core of Mark X Tacitus armoured Intercessor squads, ably supported by a mix of Phobos and/or Gravis units. Inceptor and Suppressor squads are rarely seen, their jump packs proving far less useful within the cramped environs in which the War Dogs usually operate. Likewise, the Chapter maintains very few vehicles other than void-capable transports such as Stormravens or Caestus Assault Rams. However, mobile fire support is provided by a variety of Dreadnought platforms deployed by modified Boarding Torpedoes, which are able to keep pace with the War Dogs fast moving infantry. While many Ultima Founding Chapters have been supplied en masse with the new Redemptor Dreadnoughts, the War Dogs have continued to favour and request the older Contemptor and Castraferrum Patterns, as their smaller chassis are often better suited for fighting within the relatively narrow corridors of many space vessels. Unsurprisingly the War Dogs Patrols and frigates need a great deal of support, both technical and medical. In an ideal Galaxy, each frigate would have aboard an Apothecary and at least one Techmarine. However, given the sheer number of such vessels within the Chapter Fleet, it is sometimes the case that a Patrol must rely on experienced Chapter serfs in these roles. Combat Doctrine: "Fourteen minutes. Fourteen stinking minutes! That's all the time it took for them to board us, hit the bridge and warp drive, cripple the life support, and leave us to choke... Astartes basta..." - Raun Trenchard, former Captain of the Grand Cruiser 'Ruination', awaiting execution for piracy. The War Dogs are furious close quarter specialists, their equipment and tactics focussed almost entirely on the maelstrom of ship-to-ship combat and boarding actions. Chapter frigates operate alone across the breadth of the Ultima Segmentum, patrolling shipping lanes and searching out the vessels and bases of raiders and corsairs. Brutal boarding torpedo assaults hammer such heretics, delivering squads into the very heart of their defences. In combat, the War Dogs are aggressive and yet tactically precise, channeling their fury into a coldly efficient and effective fighting style. Few renegade Captains are ready to face the physical or strategic power of these highly professional gene-hanced soldiers and are quickly defeated, their crews executed and their ships scuttled. Picapt.ref.WD-221.1+VCM.M41- Sgt Zdravko, 28th Patrol, 'Hellborn'. When heretics are discovered in strength beyond the capability of the Marines of a single frigate or squadron to crush, a Company gathers for the kill, forming a coursing pack consisting of as many as a dozen Rapid Strike Vessels. Any of these ships would be no match for a cruiser or battleship on their own, but as a precisely coordinated fleet, darting in to target key systems or launch boarding parties, they are more than capable of dragging down a far larger foe. On occasion, however, the War Dogs far ranging Patrols will encounter a vastly larger enemy force, an entire Battle Fleet or invasion force. Under such circumstances, the Chapter feels no compunction to engage in a foolhardy or suicidal attack and will instead shadow the enemy, picking off scouts or stragglers even as they send an urgent call for other Imperial forces to prepare a suitably heavy handed response. Homeworld: "For three days it darkened the skies, hiding us from the Emperor-Sun's blazing sight. Then the giants came, clad in iron that turned away arrow, blade and stone, to carry off the youngest of our kin." - Elder Cha'tima, Shaman of the Bison Clan. Given their assignment, it is unsurprising that the War Dogs have never claimed any single world as their home. Instead they operate from a Chapter Barque, the Canis Domum, a huge vessel that travels the stars behind the War Dogs' frigates. It visits all manner of worlds; civilised Hives to feral Deathworlds, primitive Feudal planets to high tech Forgeworlds. From these the Chapter requisitions, trades or simply takes whatever it needs to continue in its mission, whether it be supplies, weapons and ammunition, or young fighters to join their ranks. Within its vast hull, the Barque holds the Chapter's Forges, the Apothecarion where new initiates are transformed into mighty warriors and, at its deepest heart, the stasis-locked vaults that hold the Chapter's precious Geneseed. The vessel's outer edges contain the Labyrinth, a maze of mile after mile of twisting corridors, dead ends, choke points and bastions. This maze forms a part of the Canis Domum's defensive measures, but more importantly also provides the training ground in which the War Dogs learn their skills in short-ranged combat and boarding actions. While the Canis Domum is not a dedicated warship, being too slow to hunt beside the rest of the Chapter Fleet, it is nevertheless fully able to defend itself. Massively thick armour, dozens of void shield generators and countless weapons batteries and torpedo tubes protect its gargantuan hull, not to mention an ever-present and numerous shoal of smaller ships, frigates returning to resupply or awaiting new patrol routes to be assigned. The crews of these vessels would willingly give their very lives to defend the Canis Domum, for it carries within its halls and cavernous holds the future of the Chapter itself. Beliefs: "We are gathered from a hundred different worlds. Tall and short, light and dark, noble men of God and savage hunters. But we are united. United by duty, by training, by purpose. We are the War Dogs, the faithful hounds of the Emperor, and what greater honour could any man ask for?" - Chaplain Acanthio. The cosmopolitan nature of the War Dogs recruits, gathered as they are from countless different worlds and cultures, means that they have no common level of education or unified system of belief. The Chapter considers these differences as of minimal importance. Their Cult is very much a secular organisation, focussing purely on the Marines' duty to the Imperium, the Chapter and their shipmates. Those Initiates gathered from worlds of a religious disposition are permitted to worship the Emperor in their own time as they see fit, with the simple caveat that it must not interfere with either the fulfilment of their battlefield roles or their ability to work together with their brethren as a united force. Hence, Chaplains have become less religious, mythic figures within the Chapter and more morale and cultural integration officers. As such, they are most commonly found aboard the Canis Domum, working closely with the Chapter's recruiting Sergeants. The training given by these stern and dutiful veterans instills in the Chapter's diverse warriors an attitude of professionalism and humility. The War Dogs, as their name implies, see themselves as nothing more than simple, loyal servants of the Emperor and Mankind. While Marines are sometimes boisterous and boastful with their squad mates, like any band of soldiers, there is generally little concern among the brethren for such a nebulous concept as personal glory or any kind of self-aggrandisement. Honours won in battle are nevertheless treasured, but these tend to be kept with a Marine's personal effects rather than emblazoned across their armour. In fact, the Chapter seems to view such decorative adornments as overly ostentatious and ill-befitting for true soldiers of the Emperor. Geneseed: "...Implantation Success: 79%... ...Genome degradation: 0.06%... ...Status: Acceptable..." The War Dogs hail from the Unnumbered Sons of Corax. Unlike that of the inheritors of the Raven Guard since the dark days of the Horus Heresy, the Geneseed of the Primaris Marines created by Belisarius Cawl appears to have been cured of all degradations and losses. The War Dogs thusly have a full complement of working implants, though only time will tell whether these will continue to function on a permanent basis. Like all the sons of Corax, the skin tone of the Chapter's warriors tends to pale over time, even as their hair and eyes darken, though this does vary somewhat depending on the planetary origin and genetic makeup of each Marine. War Cry: "Kill! Kill! Kill!" - Captain Jabari, 22nd Platoon, 'Dragon Axes'. The diverse cultural origins of the War Dogs Marines, compounded by their Patrols' propensity for working alone for lengthy periods of time, has resulted in a vast variety of battle calls and chants among the brethren. It is often the case that these cries are tied in with the preferences and experiences of their Captains, ranging from the devout to the barbaric. However, some appear to be common to most battle groups, 'For the Emperor!' or 'For Corax!' being unsurprisingly ubiquitous. ***** Discussion Link
- Lysimachus
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++Founding++ Ultima ++Progenitor Chapter++ [REDACTED] ++Role++ Urban Pacification and Proto-Heresy Cleansing ++Homeworld++ None. Fleetbound, Company Level or Smaller Deployments ++++++ Following the events of the Fall of Cadia and the formation of the Great Rift, the Inquisition found their forces spread thin on the ground. Administratum auditing and Inquisitorial reports indicate a significant likelihood of increased heretical ecclesiastical and political organizing, as civilians "lacking in sufficient willpower and courage" begin to doubt the strength and correctness of the Imperial cause. As a result, permission was granted for the requisition of a new Chapter of Astartes from Guilliman's Ultima Founding. The Shepherds Ad Astra would be tasked with rooting out and destroying cults or organizations deemed likely to result in widespread civil unrest. In cases where Red Hunter or Grey Knight involvement is considered too overt or too catastrophic to social order, and Officio Assassinorum agents are unable to be requisitioned, the Shepherds Ad Astra are deployed. A typical Shepherd deployment is headed by, or nominally under the command of, an Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus. Cult meetings are infiltrated, members are identified, and compounds are put down in swift, brutal fashion. Particularly insidious groups are handled by a strict "One-Degree" policy, whereby all personally identifiable associates of cult members are pacified subsequent to the initial action. Transported via Strike Cruisers, the Shepherds almost exclusively make use of Phobos Armor and its derivatives, cutting cultist defenders down with disciplined bolter fire from Infiltrators and Eliminators, while Reivers breach holdouts and chase down fleeing members. The Shepherds Ad Astra are primarily composed of foundlings on Hive Worlds left in the care of Ecclesiarchy, selected by specially assigned Inquisitorial agents. This has caused a not-insignificant degree of resentment among members of the Schola Progenium, who view the chapter as stealing their best potential recruits out from under them. Likewise stormtroopers and inquisitorial agents often see Shepherds as unwelcome rivals. ++++++ Hey gang! For my first post, I wanted to show off my custom chapter, the Shepherds Ad Astra; Inquisitorial attack dogs, massacre boys, unquestionably responsible for an unpleasant number of innocent casualties but also unquestionably responsible for keeping numerous worlds out of the hands of the GSC, T'au, or Chaos. I'll be posting some fluff for them, as well as a proper color chart, heraldry, and the characters in the Third Company I've decided will make up my physical army. Thanks for reading, and I'd always welcome feedback!
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Hail and well met! Herein lies a small PLOG dedicated to my Primaris Marine force which I am assembling basically because my son wanted to get the Know No Fear starter set, and wanted the Death Guard, because he likes all things gruesome. The in-progress background to this force of Primaris Marines, based in the Palmyrene Cluster, can be found in this thread here. And with no further ado: 1st Squad, 5th Company. Sergeant Artemisia frequently goes into action bare-headed, preferring to "see and smell the enemy with mine own senses". She is not, however, suicidal, and carries her Mark X helm with her for use at a moment's notice. The glare-goggles pushed up on her head are a personal affectation. 7th Squad, 5th Company. Note lack of Chapter insignia or company number on left kneepad. It is common for Palmyrene Spears to go into action with few or no markings on their battleplate - advanced IFF data is available to all Marines through their helmet HUDs - in order to confound their enemies' intelligence gathering. It has also been known for the Spears to operate with deliberately incorrect markings on their armour, too. Further note the Mark VII helm on Sergeant Dehiya - she has deliberately chosen to wear this older helm for its greater sensor suite, as evidenced by the externally mounted ranging LIDAR. Next - Captain of the 5th Company, Mavia Anasartha. After that? Inceptors!
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Hey all, My idea for a Primaris Chapter and incorporating them into my soul drinkers chapter... Let me know what you think (including my ideas of the soul drinkers predecessor chapter). See my notes at the end. After Guilliman announced to the Imperium his intentions of distributing Primaris marines across the galaxy and the Blood Angels had recalled all of their successor chapters to aid in the fight against the rising chaos threat, Guilliman was contacted by the chapter master of the Imperial Fists who claimed to have a small detachment of Soul Drinkers that he had sent to the galactic far-east to explore and bring a few troublesome worlds to enlightenment. The request was made to resupply these few Soul Drinkers with Primaris support. Gulliman flat-out refused to use the tainted Soul Drinker geneseed to create more marines. But, needing every man in the fight against the rising Chaos threat, he recalled the Soul Drinkers to support the Blood Angels. For in the process of creating the primaris Marines, Bellisarius Cawl had discovered that the Soul Drinkers were, in-fact a successor chapter of the Blood Angels. The signs were there, the cup of the Soul Drinkers sigil, the consumption of the enemy's brains after battle, the unorthodox chapter organisation. The Soul Drinkers were ordered to rendezvous with a Blood Angels Chaplain on the moon of a planet just outside the combat zone. This was fortunate as a mental sickness had begun to take hold of the chapter causing almost half of their brothers to act strangely, overly blood thirsty on the battlefield and easily irritated off it. They had managed to keep this secret from the Imperial Fists. They meet with the Chaplain who explains that the affliction is the black rage that affects most blood angels successor chapters. he goes through the process of establishing the death company within the soul drinkers. The chaplain is not alone. With him is a newly founded chapter of Primaris Marines: The Errant Custodians. Their Armour a pale Grey with dark green trim (undecided) and their sigil the three-headed dog; Cerberus. The Errant Custodians are a new chapter, developed from the geneseed of the grey knights and tasked with fighting alongside and watching over ex-comunicat traitoris chapters who claim to remain loyal to the emperor. As with the Grey Knights, each squad must be capable of acting as an independent unit as they are to spread across the galaxy and act as supervisors and battle-brothers to the few loyal members of traitor chapters. There are no captains among the Errant Custodians and each squad sergeant has a vote at the table of the 'Council Custodae.' The acting captain of the Soul Drinkers is told that he too has a seat at the council. After each battle, the council selects a sergeant to become Battle-Commander to lead the next engagement. This is because the absent Chapter Master of the Errant Custodians insists on maintaining the rank of Captain. His name is Garviel Loken. Also known as "Cerberus." The Errant Custodians are one of 8 new grey knights successor chapters, each with their own special task to perform outside of the grey knights' purview. Each named for and commanded by one of the founding space marine captains of the errant knights and thus, the creators of the grey knights. I know there are a few die-hard Grey Knights fans and a few people won't like the idea of any soul drinkers surviving but let me know if anything is off. I like to build my fluff off other stories rather than starting from scratch. My thoughts on Garviel Loken, the grey knights and successor chapters... I figured that Loken probably wouldn't have stayed with the Grey Knights long after their emergence from the warp otherwise he would have turned up in the fluff of their history more. One thought is that Loken is off doing whatever he is doing and that the Errant Custodians probably haven't even met him. Another thought is that he might travel from one posting of the Errant Custodians to the next. Seeing as he'd be pretty old by now (even though Astartes are essentially immortal), I might make it so he has been made a redemptor dreadnought. - thoughts? My thoughts on the Soul Drinker survivors. I thought that maybe one soul drinkers ship might have been lost in the warp long ago and returned after the events on the Phalanx. The fists might choose to kind of banish them to the outskirts of the galaxy where they can do some good but won't attract the attention of the inquisition. The blood angels succession is something that I thought was coming in the books. And I think it might work well with the threat to Baal.
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- Soul drinkers
- Grey Knights successor
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With the new edition and the Ultima Founding, I couldn't help but notice, the Salamanders didn't get one confirmed successor chapter. I felt like the Ultima Founding would habhave been the perfect opportunity to do so. The Blood Angels got the Sons of the Chalice, even with their genetic flaw. The Raven Guard got ANOTHER chapter despite their losses. As a Salamanders player I feel after 10,000 years, it's about time we get a successor Chapter...a confirmed one anyways. I know I'm ranting but I'm kinda salty about it.
Hello brothers and sisters of the Liber! I finally got every piece at hand to start working on a Liber article about a Dark Angels Primaris successor chapter. Basically I was asking myself of what would happen if Caliban born Primaris are confronted with the secretiveness of their Dark Angel brothers. Would they be accepted in the ranks of the Unforgiven? Would they be suspicious? How would they react about their homeworlds destruction? Would they venerate the Lion and Luther like they did as recruits? Would they uphold the traditions and culture of the Order? How would they see the Fallen? As brothers? As traitors to the Order? The Ebon Blades will be my attempt of dealing these questions and trying to answer them appropiately (well, on a DIY level of course). I will block the second and third post of this new thread for the finished article and some fanfic stuff, etc. So here's my initial concept: Name: Ebon Blades Geneseed: Dark Angeös Homeworld: not decided until now Specialty: siege warfare, overwhelming assaults, total annihilation of the foe Warcry: "For the Lion!" "We do what others cannot!" OR "We have come. We are death." First draft of their history: Some bits are still in progress. The real confrontation between Alther and the Inner Circle will be written down in a separate fanfic story. Some additional ideas: - their homeworld is a former Knightworld on which a Ork Waaagh had nearly annihilated all Households; only one is still alive, which allies themselves with the Ebon Blades; some Orks survived and have degenerated into savage wildorks; a good sourve of training for both, Knights and Primaris - thus, the Ebon Blades share their homeworld with said Knight Household - their culture will focus on the Knightly aspect of the Dark Angels and especially with the culture of both, Caliban and the Order; that's why I'm currently rereading Dark Angels by Mitchel Scanlon - they see themselves as the very last sons of Caliban and the true adherents of the Lion - trying to protect civilians but if necessary, ready to sacrifice few in order to save many; enacting an Exterminatus on a world to safe a system? Sure. Kind of resembling the pragmatic character of the Lion. - Combat doctrine will resemble the 30K Dreadwing, annihilating their foes, focusing on siege battles, etc. - Organization will be basing on the regular Codex Astartes with slight modification in terms of heraldy, signs, etc. (adjusted to a Primaris chapter) - color scheme: 30K Angels with grey shoulder trim, Dark Angel green inlets and red details; still working on a Primaris scheme but I'll upload a more traditional Mark VII version - possible archenemies: Orks, Thousand Sons, Khorne Daemonkin So this is my basic concept. Thoughts? Cheers, Kelborn
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Founding: 27th (Ultima) Gene Line: Raven Guard Specialisation: Void Combat/Anti-Insurgency Origins: "It is a thankless, lonely task I set you men. There will be little glory out in the darkness between the stars, few grand wars to be fought. But it is a true purpose, vital to the Crusade, to Humanity and to the Emperor Himself." - Roboute Guilliman. Born of Guilliman's Ultima Founding, the War Dogs were formed from a portion of the fleet elements of the Unnumbered Sons Of Corax. Assigned by the Lord Commander to operate behind the battle lines of the Indomitus Crusade, the War Dogs were originally missioned with protecting Imperial supply lines and eliminating pirates and insurgents, whether Chaotic, heretical or Xenos in origin. The Chapter took to this task with a vengeance, ranging out across the stars in the swiftest vessels they could find, eager to harry and destroy the enemies of the Imperium wherever they could be found. By the end of the Indomitus Crusade, with some small measure of stability returned to the Ultima Segmentum, the Chapter has refocused a sizeable part of its attention on the Cicatrix Maledictum. All along the edge of the Great Rift, the War Dogs track and hunt those traitor vessels that attempt to slip quietly across its borders and target unsuspecting Imperial worlds. Chapter Organisation: "A hundred Space Marines? Hah! I'll do it with thirty-four!" - Captain Maric, 18th Patrol, 'Iron Raptors'. Although the War Dogs were organised according to the strictures of the Codex Astartes at the time of their creation, in the centuries that followed they have adapted to better fulfil their purpose. The primary division of force within the Chapter is now the Patrol. Each Patrol consists of around thirty Primaris Space Marines, led by a Captain. The Chapter uses this higher rank because each Patrol leader is also commander of one or more of the many ships of the Chapter Fleet. This fleet is primarily made up of squadrons of Gladius-class frigates and Hunter-class destroyers, supported by deadly Nova-class frigates, though Patrols have been seen using repurposed Navy escorts and light cruisers. While entirely non-standard, this organisation is perfectly suited to War Dogs' role, allowing their forces to act with far greater flexibility and cover a vastly larger area than an average Chapter. The War Dogs Patrols are typically built around a solid core of Mark X Tacitus armoured Intercessor squads, ably supported by a mix of Photos and/or Gravis units. Inceptor and Suppressor squads are rarely seen, their jump packs proving far less useful within the cramped environs in which the War Dogs usually operate. Likewise, the Chapter maintains very few vehicles other than void-capable transports such as Stormravens or Caestus Assault Rams. However, mobile fire support is provided by a variety of Dreadnought platforms deployed by modified Boarding Torpedoes, which are able to keep pace with the War Dogs fast moving infantry. While many Ultima Founding Chapters have been supplied en masse with the new Redemptor Dreadnoughts, the War Dogs have continued to favour and request the older Castraferrum-Pattern, as its smaller chassis is often better suited when fighting within the relatively narrow corridors of many space vessels. Unsurprisingly the War Dogs Patrols and frigates need a great deal of support, both technical and medical. In an ideal Galaxy, each frigate would have aboard an Apothecary and at least one Techmarine. However, given the sheer number of such vessels within the Chapter Fleet, it is sometimes the case that a Patrol must rely on experienced Chapter serfs in these roles. Combat Doctrine: "Fourteen minutes. Fourteen stinking minutes! That's all the time it took for them to board us, hit the bridge and warp drive, cripple the life support, and leave us to choke... Astartes basta..." - Raun Trenchard, former Captain of the Grand Cruiser 'Ruination', awaiting execution for piracy. The War Dogs are furious close quarter specialists, their equipment and tactics focussed almost entirely on the maelstrom of ship-to-ship combat and boarding actions. Chapter frigates operate alone across the breadth of the Ultima Segmentum, patrolling shipping lanes and searching out the vessels and bases of raiders and corsairs. Brutal boarding torpedo assaults hammer such heretics, delivering squads into the very heart of their defences. In combat, the War Dogs are aggressive and yet tactically precise, channeling their fury into a coldly efficient and effective fighting style. Few renegade Captains are ready to face the physical or strategic power of these highly professional gene-hanced soldiers and are quickly defeated, their crews executed and their ships scuttled. Picapt.ref.WD-221.1+VCM.M41- Sgt Zdravko, 28th Patrol, 'Hellborn'. When heretics are discovered in strength beyond the capability of the Marines of a single frigate or squadron to crush, a Company gathers for the kill, forming a coursing pack consisting of as many as a dozen Rapid Strike Vessels. Any of these ships would be no match for a cruiser or battleship on their own, but as a precisely coordinated fleet, darting in to target key systems or launch boarding parties, they are more than capable of dragging down a far larger foe. On occasion, however, the War Dogs far ranging Patrols will encounter a vastly larger enemy force, an entire Battle Fleet or invasion force. Under such circumstances, the Chapter feels no compunction to engage in a foolhardy or suicidal attack and will instead shadow the enemy, picking off scouts or stragglers even as they send an urgent call for other Imperial forces to prepare a suitably heavy handed response. Homeworld: "For three days it darkened the skies, hiding us from the Emperor-Sun's blazing sight. Then the giants came, clad in iron that turned away arrow, blade and stone, to carry off the youngest of our kin." - Elder Cha'tima, Shaman of the Bison Clan. Given their assignment, it is unsurprising that the War Dogs have never claimed any single world as their home. Instead they operate from a Chapter Barque, the Canis Domum, a huge vessel that travels the stars behind the War Dogs' frigates. It visits all manner of worlds; civilised Hives to feral Deathworlds, primitive Feudal planets to high tech Forgeworlds. From these the Chapter requisitions, trades or simply takes whatever it needs to continue in its mission, whether it be supplies, weapons and ammunition, or young fighters to join their ranks. Within its vast hull, the Barque holds the Chapter's Forges, the Apothecarion where new initiates are transformed into mighty warriors and, at its deepest heart, the stasis-locked vaults that hold the Chapter's precious Geneseed. The vessel's outer edges contain the Labyrinth, a maze of mile after mile of twisting corridors, dead ends, choke points and bastions. This maze forms a part of the Canis Domum's defensive measures, but more importantly also provides the training ground in which the War Dogs learn their skills in short-ranged combat and boarding actions. While the Canis Domum is not a dedicated warship, being too slow to hunt beside the rest of the Chapter Fleet, it is nevertheless fully able to defend itself. Massively thick armour, dozens of void shield generators and countless weapons batteries and torpedo tubes protect its gargantuan hull, not to mention an ever-present and numerous shoal of smaller ships, frigates returning to resupply or awaiting new patrol routes to be assigned. The crews of these vessels would willingly give their very lives to defend the Canis Domum, for it carries within its halls and cavernous holds the future of the Chapter itself. Beliefs: "We are gathered from a hundred different worlds. Tall and short, light and dark, noble men of God and savage hunters. But we are united. United by duty, by training, by purpose. We are the War Dogs, the faithful hounds of the Emperor, and what greater honour could any man ask for?" - Chaplain Acanthio. The cosmopolitan nature of the War Dogs recruits, gathered as they are from countless different worlds and cultures, means that they have no common level of education or unified system of belief. The Chapter considers these differences as of minimal importance. Their Cult is very much a secular organisation, focussing purely on the Marines' duty to the Imperium, the Chapter and their shipmates. Those Initiates gathered from worlds of a religious disposition are permitted to worship the Emperor in their own time as they see fit, with the simple caveat that it must not interfere with either the fulfilment of their battlefield roles or their ability to work together with their brethren as a united force. Hence, Chaplains have become less religious, mythic figures within the Chapter and more morale and cultural integration officers. As such, they are most commonly found aboard the Canis Domum, working closely with the Chapter's recruiting Sergeants. The training given by these stern and dutiful veterans instills in the Chapter's diverse warriors an attitude of professionalism and humility. The War Dogs, as their name implies, see themselves as nothing more than simple, loyal servants of the Emperor and Mankind. While Marines are sometimes boisterous and boastful with their squad mates, like any band of soldiers, there is generally little concern among the brethren for such a nebulous concept as personal glory or any kind of self-aggrandisement. Honours won in battle are nevertheless treasured, but these tend to be kept with a Marine's personal effects rather than emblazoned across their armour. In fact, the Chapter seems to view such decorative adornments as overly ostentatious and ill-befitting for true soldiers of the Emperor. Geneseed: "...Implantation Success: 79%... ...Genome degradation: 0.06%... ...Status: Acceptable..." The War Dogs hail from the Unnumbered Sons of Corax. Unlike that of the inheritors of the Raven Guard since the dark days of the Horus Heresy, the Geneseed of the Primaris Marines created by Belisarius Cawl appears to have been cured of all degradations and losses. The War Dogs thusly have a full complement of working implants, though only time will tell whether these will continue to function on a permanent basis. Like all the sons of Corax, the skin tone of the Chapter's warriors tends to pale over time, even as their hair and eyes darken, though this does vary somewhat depending on the planetary origin and genetic makeup of each Marine. War Cry: "Kill! Kill! Kill!" - Captain Jabari, 22nd Platoon, 'Dragon Axes' The diverse cultural origins of the War Dogs Marines, compounded by their Patrols' propensity for working alone for lengthy periods of time, has resulted in a vast variety of battle calls and chants among the brethren. It is often the case that these cries are tied in with the preferences and experiences of their Captains, ranging from the devout to the barbaric. However, some appear to be common to most battle groups, 'For the Emperor!' or 'For Corax!' being unsurprisingly ubiquitous. *****
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Hello fraters (and sisters, don´t want to exclude anyone of course ), I just wanted to ask around how you treat with the new storyline which came with "Gathering Storm". The Ultima Founding, which brought us the Primaris Marines, how do you incorporate them into your existing lore of your IA´s (I mainly aim at the ones who already wrote their IA´s before this happened, but others can of course share their experiences, too)? Did you update your IA´s? I guess they aren´t fully incorporated in theofficial standard chapter organisation, are they? So did you change your personal lore in some points? Did it bring with it problems with your concept? Or did you, for some reason, decide not to use them because you just feel they don´t fit in? I am eager to hear your experiences! :) Greetings, Velype (pictured: Primaris Raptor from the "The Mighty Brush" blog, not mine obviously)
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