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  • 8 months later...

So time for an update. So here is a bunch of older stuff (warning pic heavy)

There's a lot I didn't show here in the WIP subforum, lets begin with my Thousand Sons Mauler.

Thousand Sons Maulerfiend "Schesep Anch" front

Thousand Sons Maulerfiend "Schesep Anch" left

Thousand Sons Maulerfiend "Schesep Anch" right

Thousand Sons Maulerfiend "Schesep Anch" back

I love that beast.


My Ferrum Infernus Dread with custom Flamestorm Cannon and count as Siegedrill (Forcestaff).

Thousand SonsTS Ferrum Infernus Dreadnought 1

Thousand Sons Ferrum Infernus Dread 2

Thousand Sons Ferrum Infernus Dread 3

Thousand Sons Ferrum Infernus Dread 4

A Laser Destroyer Rapier with crew.

Thousand Sons Rapier /w Laser Destroyer finished

Some of the renegade Militia/Cultists. I still need way more of those.

Renegade Militia Cultist group of five

Some Black Legion Plaque Marines.

Black Legion Bringers of Decay Plague Marine for ETL group 3/6

My Cypher Conversion. It's based on the DA from the Overkill Game.

Cypher conversion for ETL V

Cypher conversion for ETL V

Cypher conversion for ETL V

One of the BL Oblit conversions.

Black Legion Sons of the Cyclops Obliterator for ETL Nr1 1

Black Legion Sons of the Cyclops Obliterator for ETL Nr1 1

Black Legion Sons of the Cyclops Obliterator for ETL Nr1 1

And a Herald of Tzeentch.

Herald of Tzeentch


Tomorrow I'll post some of the WiP projects I'm working on at the time. You could also visit my other tread in the Chaos subforum (see sig) or click trough my galery here on the B&C (also see sig).



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Woa what an update. well worth the wait, those are stunning. I'm loving the BL plague marines and have been struggling with a decent test model of my own at it just ended up to monotone on the first try and nothing stood out, you definitely avoided that here and I may pinch some of the ideas to see if it'll help with mine.

Nice job all round

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And now, a lot of WIP pic of ongoing projects:


I revisited an old conversion I wasn't sure about. It was this Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch:


Lord on Disc of Tzeentch WIP front1

I didn't like how the legs worked out. Something was off and missing. So I changed some bits here and there and he now looks like this:

Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch conversion on Dics of Tzeentch wip 1

Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch conversion on Dics of Tzeentch wip 2

Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch conversion on foot wip

I just need a new more tzeentchian looking staff. He looks a bit like the Tzeentchian Pope. I love that hat. 
Now, I dont know if I will field him as an Exalted Sorcerer or as an Tzeentch Herald or a mere culist leader (on foot) but definitely like the idea of him as a summoner in my force. An ancient Thousand Sons Summoner who wears an ancient and archaic mark of power armor. Some sort of old relic from the distant past of mankind, to shriveled in flesh for normal power armor. A bit like Ctesias from the Ahriman novels by John French. He is still a bit bigger than a normal BaC marine but a bit less bulky. 

And I finally finished a Tzeentch DP conversion I started around 2011 a few weeks ago. I bought the old metal DP back then and didn't really know how to make him tzeentchian enough. There are many nice conversions on the net, but non quite like I wanted it. With time I tried Balrog wings, dragon wings, LoC wings and the plastic DP wings but one very obvious thing I somehow never thought of: the Necrosphinx wings. And since the burning cariot was released I wanted to use the cheesy old school moon/troll face on something. The transition is a bit messy, but primer and color will cover it. Or maybe I put something there, who knows. 


Hope you like it so far. Pics are bit crappy.


Tzeentch Demon Prince Pt.1

Tzeentch Demon Prince Pt.2

Tzeentch Demon Prince Pt.3


First parts of the Prince are already painted.


Tzeentch Demon Prince right arm finished

Tzeentch Demon Prince left Arm

Thousand Sons Demonprince of Tzeentch legs Wip1

Thousand Sons Demonprince of Tzeentch legs Wip2

Thousand Sons Demonprince of Tzeentch legs Wip3


The base, both arms and legs are done. Next step is the torso and maybe the head. I'm rather unsure how to paint the head. I was thinking of something brighter, more like the skin of the last herald of Tzeentch I finished 2 weeks ago. What do you guys think?


And finally I could grab a box of Exalted Sorcerers and build three of those awesome chaps on discs. I pretty much build them as they are. No conversions on those three. The kit is awesome, you have so many options and you get some bits for more conversions. There are at least another 3 or 4 Sorcerers in that box if you have some spare robed bodies and other bits.


Exalted Sorcerer of Tzeench on Disc No1

I love the look of the disc inside the box, it's a shame there's only one of them.

Exalted Sorcerer of Tzeench on Disc No2

This Disc was borrowed from the burning chariot box. I have another one somewhere here. In the end this guy will get one without a book.

Exalted Sorcerer of Tzeench on Disc No3


This disc is from the Gaunt Summoner from AOS. I really don't like the fart-flame this body is levitating on and the pose is a bit off. So I replaced it with a stand from a small flying base. Now he is levitating on his disc as the gaunt summoner was before him. 


Now this thread is more or less updated, hope you like it. Next posts will be simultaneously done in the CSM subforum and here.

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Wow, you have some amazing conversions in here, excellent use of bits all around! Your last prince is awesome, you're lucky to have a necrosphinx, they're very hard to find this days... However I have to admit that I'm not convinced about your last sorcerer, the one that is floating over his disk, I don't really like that set of legs, and levitating over a levitating disc seems absurd... But everything else is great, I might borrow some ideas from here if you don't mind, specially the exalted flamer bits look very cool!
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the demon prince is brilliant and the moon face a fantastic addition. I wasn't so sold of the necrospinx wings but seeing paint go on as allayed any of my fears and it looks fantastic. 
the other conversions are solid though despite the sculptor being one of my best friends the floaty bird feet just dont do it for me and I'd be tempted to go with some robed legs as it'll work better with the disk.

some great progress and it's good to see paint going on that prince so quickly. 

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I think the Tzeentch Demonprince is finished. With only ~ 30 to 45 mins a day of painting I came a long way for this fella. Now that he is painted, I start really liking him.


Thousand Sons Daemon Prince of Tzeentch finished 1

Thousand Sons Daemon Prince of Tzeentch finished 4

Thousand Sons Daemon Prince of Tzeentch finished 2

Thousand Sons Daemon Prince of Tzeentch finished 3

Thousand Sons Daemon Prince of Tzeentch finished 6

Thousand Sons Daemon Prince of Tzeentch finished 5

Hope you like him! There are a few spots I have to revisit, but not in the next few weeks. 

Wow, you have some amazing conversions in here, excellent use of bits all around! Your last prince is awesome, you're lucky to have a necrosphinx, they're very hard to find this days... However I have to admit that I'm not convinced about your last sorcerer, the one that is floating over his disk, I don't really like that set of legs, and levitating over a levitating disc seems absurd... But everything else is great, I might borrow some ideas from here if you don't mind, specially the exalted flamer bits look very cool!


Thank you! I have an unopened Necrosphinx Box under my bed. I think I'll build a second Mauler with that kit. And borrow whatever you like, I'm exited to see what you come up with, your Magnus repose is so amazing. 

The floating sorc over a floating disc is inspired by the floating Gaunt Summoner, I thought it looked better than the floaty-fart-flame. Maybe I'll change the angel off that sorc and attach the disc to his feet, that could help.


Where did you get the extra bits for the mauler!?


From the Tombking Necrosphinx.


the demon prince is brilliant and the moon face a fantastic addition. I wasn't so sold of the necrospinx wings but seeing paint go on as allayed any of my fears and it looks fantastic. 
the other conversions are solid though despite the sculptor being one of my best friends the floaty bird feet just dont do it for me and I'd be tempted to go with some robed legs as it'll work better with the disk.

some great progress and it's good to see paint going on that prince so quickly. 


Thank you! As for the bird feet seorc, see what I wrote in response to The Traitor.


Nice conversions! I like the cultists in particular. May I ask which bitz you used for their heads?


Thank you! The heads are from MaxMini, think they are called "steam knight nobles heads" or something like that.

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Yesterday I had the urge to build something khornate after seeing Augustus b'Raass new Khornate Marines for his Deamonkin. I don't have any of the fancy new AoS Khorne stuff but almost 30 something of the old 40k Berzerkers flying around in my bitzbox, so I was restricted to the rather outdated look. And I now Berzerkers don't have access to eviscerators or chainglaives but I still thought it might look cool. Ingame it will count as one CCW and a bolt pistol (in holster, right hip). I'm thinking of painting him in Black Legion colors, as an Hound of Abadaba, as I already have some Black Legion allies and no real World Eaters. In the end this will be a small unit of khornate CSM or Berzerkers.


Black Legion Hounds of Abaddon test mini wip1

Black Legion Hounds of Abaddon test mini wip12


Next is an Aspiring Sorcerer build from an Dark Angels veteran I used for a botched conversion and some spare parts from the Exalted Sorcerers kit. I want to build a unit of Chosen aka Aspiring Sorcerers for my Thousand Sons. This guy sports a force weapon (mace), bolter and boltpistol. I have to dig into the new Kill Team Rules, just in case they changed in the Kill Team Box, and think of some cool configuration for him and some fitting SRs.


Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer WIP

C&C is always welcome!
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The khorne berserker is defenitely looking good, maybe painting him with BL colours would be the better option as if you want to ally them with your Thousand Sons it seems fluffier.

The aspiring sorcerer is awesome, I haven't got one yet but I've been told that the Exalted Sorcerer box comes with lots of cool spare bits and, judging from what you've done, it seems to be true!

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Fantastic daemon prince, both modelling and painting are very well done. It's seems no matter what model you convert, you always find the right ideas and bits to make them a true follower of Tzeentch. Painting the berserker as a Black Legionnaire sounds good to me, as it's similar to what you did with your obliterators.

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After I started converting I couldn't stop. I now have 6 Chosen count-as Aspiring Sorcerers for a Kill Team. Most of them aren't finished. I'm still waiting for some bits to arrive, like some new backpacks. And I need more of those cool collars from the Exalted Sorcerer box. And a new head for the axe-guy.


Thousand Sons Aspiring Sorcerer WIP

Thousand Sons Chosen Aspiring Sorcerer /w Lightning Claw

Thousand Sons Chosen Aspiring Sorcerer /w Power Fist

Thousand Sons Chosen Aspiring Sorcerer /w Power Axe

Thousand Sons Chosen Aspiring Sorcerer /w Melta

Thousand Sons Chosen Aspiring Sorcerer /w Autocannon

Thousand Sons Chosen Aspiring Sorcerer Group2

Thousand Sons Chosen Aspiring Sorcerer Group1

All of them can swap their weapons for a force staff, I just need a few more of those. Some of them are not in their finished form, I have some doubts about some of those weapons choices I made because I thought it looked cool.



The khorne berserker is defenitely looking good, maybe painting him with BL colours would be the better option as if you want to ally them with your Thousand Sons it seems fluffier.
The aspiring sorcerer is awesome, I haven't got one yet but I've been told that the Exalted Sorcerer box comes with lots of cool spare bits and, judging from what you've done, it seems to be true!


Yes, definitely some very cool bits left from the box. I'll definitely will buy another one some time and a lot of bits from that box to spice up nearly everything for my Thousand Sons.


Fantastic daemon prince, both modelling and painting are very well done. It's seems no matter what model you convert, you always find the right ideas and bits to make them a true follower of Tzeentch. Painting the berserker as a Black Legionnaire sounds good to me, as it's similar to what you did with your obliterators.


Thank you very much! I love your Night Lords, hope there will soon be some updates :D

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Thats a cool looking squad nice work. I shouldn't worry too much about load out beyond the mix of CC weapons and that autocannon, simply because if yo play the game it'ed be a shame not to get many shots off with it as you are moving to get into the fight for the rest. 

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As I've stated yesterday I wasn't sold on some of those kitbashed Chosen/Sorcerers and some bits were missing. Well Today the mailman brought me something long awaited. All in all I the new Exalted Sorcerers box let me build 3 of the Exalted Sorcerers without the need for other bits than those provided, 6 more sorcerers that can be used as Aspiring Sorcerers, Sorcerers or Exalted Sorcerers (or Chose, because every single one has a CCW, a boltpistol somewhere,a bolter and grenades) with the stuff I already had in my bits box. And I could build a complete Sorcerer Lord on Jetbike/Bike/Disc of Tzeentch with only a few extra bits. I just realized how tzeentch and Thousand Sons heavy my bits collection is.


First I build a new Sorcerer for the jetbike I bought last year. Thanks to the new bits he looks so much more impressing, the old one almost lookes primitive in comparison. I took the legs of an aspiring Sorcerer from the new Rubricae Squad, because I thought they would need the least reposing work, I think I was right. All I had to do was some milling with the multitool to make the dent in the right lower leg/knee deeper so that the right leg could be positioned in a straight manner. Than I cut off both legs near the pelvis and fixed them in a fitting way with some florist's wire and fill the gaps with green stuff. Than I wanted the bird-helmet and a collar for him, to go together with the bird skull backpack and a bird skull staff head and the bird claw holding the staff. Very avian heavy. The torso front from the new Rubricae asp. Sorcerer was the only one I think where the cloth thingies were bend backwards, so that it fitted the forward movement of the jetbike. I think I will use him as an TS Lord on Disc of Tzeentch with Seers Bane or as an Sorc to go with bikers or something. Ah, and the staff head can be exchanged for an axeblade or a kopesh blade for some more flexibility. And the whole right arm is exchangeable and could be replaced with a power fist or claw or whatever.



I really love this conversion. Unfortunately the cape I got didn't fit with the vent of the jetbike, I tried some of the other I have used on the Exalted Sorcerers but non fits well with that stupid thing. I need to get another one and cut some space for the vent into it and than use some GS to make it fit and get a smooth transition.


But for now I consider him ready for painting after all the GS is dry. Hope you like him!


Thousand Sons Sorcererlord on Jetbike Conversion 1

Thousand Sons Sorcererlord on Jetbike Conversion 3

Thousand Sons Sorcererlord on Jetbike Conversion 2

Thousand Sons Sorcererlord on Jetbike Conversion 5

Thousand Sons Sorcererlord on Jetbike Conversion 4

Than I revisited yesterdays kitbashed Chosen/Sorcerers. As I wanted every single one of them to have the potion to be fielded as an aspiring Sorcerer or normal Sorcerer on foot I gave every single one a force staff with the option to exchange the staffs head for an axeblade or to exchange the wohle weapon arm with something else. All of them now have nice backpacks and I only need one new helmet and 2 of those fancy popped collars. Ah, and several of those fancy new Tzaangor axes. 

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 1a

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 1b

This guy only got a differen backpack and a cape. I'd like to get some for all of them. Those things fit perfectly to the Rubric Marines backpacks, btw.


Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 2

New staff. Unfortunately my last 0,8 mm drill bit broke off before I could finish his staff, that's the reason why it looks a bit wonky.

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 3

New staff.

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 4a

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 4b

This was one of the conversions I wasn't happy with. Now I think he looks way better. He still needs a collar though. I like the bolter strapped to the backpack.


Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 5b

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 5a

This is now one of my favorites. I wasn't very fond of the staff with the three arms, but now I'm totally in love. And I allways wanted to use one of the khemri shield I have hoarded since their squatting was announced. 

Thousand Sons Sorcerer Conversion 6

This one was my least favorite. Now he needs a collar and a new helmet, both should arrive tomorrow or this week. He needs a different backpack, too. Simply to give him more volume, and a cape. Capes are always good. 
So, hope you like them!




Thats a cool looking squad nice work. I shouldn't worry too much about load out beyond the mix of CC weapons and that autocannon, simply because if yo play the game it'ed be a shame not to get many shots off with it as you are moving to get into the fight for the rest. 

Thanks! The autocannon was for a Kill Team Setup, wheer you could give a member of your kill team the relentless SR.


Some lovely conversions here! Great painting on the DP too! Really nice work!

Thank you very much.

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Great batch of conversions, I specially like the sorcerer in the jetbike, though the one with the shield is also awesome! I must ask, from where are those tentacles in the base of the bike, are they also form the exalted sorcerer box?

Thank you! I'm very proud of those new sorcs, esp. the jetbike dude.

Those tentacles are from the burning chariot of Tzeentch box.

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Really loving the conversions here (the oblits are inspiring), some great looking models. the DP is my favorite so far :smile.:

Thank you! I try to convert every miniature in my army. With the new TS kits it's eben more fun. Next project will be some converted BaC Rubric Marines and some Scarab Occult Cataphractii Terminators.

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I think those two last sorcs are done now.


The one left on the foto got a collar and is finally done. Righty got a better backpack and cape + fancy new hat. Now I really like them. Time to get some paint on them...

As I mentioned once, I have a set of BaC Cataphractii Terminators that I wanted to convert into Thousand Sons Terminators. I'm so happy I waited until the Scarab Occult came out. This is what I came up with.




He'll get a floaty book for the base and maybe a familiar. The staff head can be exchanged with other staff heads or blades etc. I'm pretty happy with him and I'm looking forward to convert the rest of those guys. I'm going to use them as Scarab Occult but I'll give them other weapon options,too. So that I can use them as normal MoT terminators.

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