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Additionally, Brother Bors of the Black Templars is now 90% done




"I'm abso-lutely disgusted by this heretic mess! Didn't anyone bother to clean up the galaxy while I was at work?"

Really good job on the faces! :smile.:

Thanks! I'm actually learning I like painting faces, as long as I don't try to copy the GW 'Eavy Metal style, as that one has kind of.... harsh lines, which don't look good to me :lol:


"I'm abso-lutely disgusted by this heretic mess! Didn't anyone bother to clean up the galaxy while I was at work?"





Bought a Primaris Chaplain this morning. Gonna try and paint the first HQ for my Templars since I'll have to wait until December to be able to really start them....



They look great nice job!



In other news, if anyone was wondering what all that resin was in the bag on page 23, it was my friend's birthday present to me.


A Kromlech Orc Tigerwagon:



This thing is a brick, no seriously, the casemate section is a SOLID CHUNK OF RESIN. The rear is hollow-ish, but still.


I am also going to be magnetizing the ever-living crap out of this thing because LOOK AT ALL THESE OPTIONS:


Edited by Gederas

That's a nice looking hunk of resin you got there, and I would definitely magnetize the crap out of it with that many options. Can't wait to see more work on it! And because I'm a WWII and 40k nerd...


One of the many innovations of Orkimedes, the personal mek to Ghazghkull Thraka and developer of the advanced "tellyporta" technology that was shockingly effective during the Third War for Armageddon [inquisitor's note: Acolytes should never underestimate a foe, but praise of a xenos treads upon heresy], the Tigerwagon was a refinement of the Gork-Mork-Wagon (ork terminology for a breakthrough vehicle). The GMW first appeared in 937.431 in the years prior to the Second War for Armageddon in 943.M41. In a number of clashes against the Imperial Guard, the armor and weapons of the GMW proved woefully ineffective. It is believed the remnants of the GMW production were used as fodder during the Siege of Hades Hive on Armageddon. 


A newer version of the GMW, referred to on ork transmissions as the GK 36.01, began making appearances in 956.M41, and introduced the overlapped and interleaved road wheels. This unique suspension design would reveal a fatal flaw on the ice world of Turbriksa against the Valhallan 32nd Armored Division in 970.M41, where the massive number of armored vehicles churned the icy battlefield into mud which then collected between the interleaved road wheels and froze again, immobilizing the ork tanks. The ork forces were quickly routed when their armored companies became easy targets for the guns of the Valhallans. 


It would be on the ash wastes surrounding Hive Acheron during the Third War for Armageddon that the Tigerwagon would make its debut, arrayed in vast armored columns that supported the enormous gargants and millions of ork infantry, and pummeled the Armageddon Steel Legion in their first encounter when its heavier armor and stronger weapons put the defense forces in disarray. It was only the ingenuity and combat experience of the Steel Legion that would prove the better of the Tigerwagon as new tactics were quickly devised to deal with the heavier ork vehicles. 


While never seen in such vast numbers since the Third War for Armageddon, the Tigerwagon is still seen in many ork forces, primarily as a single command vehicle or in small numbers as a heavy assault or breakthrough unit. 

That's a nice looking hunk of resin you got there, and I would definitely magnetize the crap out of it with that many options. Can't wait to see more work on it! And because I'm a WWII and 40k nerd...

Thanks! Thankfully, I just got a bunch of magnets when a friend and I did a Puppetswar order.


Also, that write-up..... I'm so stealing that :lol:


Personally, I was thinking of using the Tigerwagon as a Battlewagon with Supa-Kannon or Gunwagon, as it's the same length as the Battlewagon when you remove the main gun barrel.


love the skin tone of the chaplain. Is there a write up you followed or something?

It's just the newer WarhammerTV tutorial for Dark skin. Catachan Fleshtone > Reikland Fleshshade > Bloodreaver Flesh > Knight-Questor Flesh. I just didn't do the all-over layers as I never liked the result (and I'm too lazy to do glazes on every single face :lol:)


Haha, nice wagon! But I still see some free space for adding bitz.... :biggrin.:

There IS a such thing as 'too cluttered' on ork vehicles y'know :P

Your Templars are well-painted.



That Ork vehicle is cool looking, love how they can pretty much take anything and turn it into something!

I know right? Then again, it's literally just an Orkified Tiger I chassis :lol:

That's neat you can change out the hatches on the top of the tank!  Eventually when I get better at painting i want to snag some Ork stuff and make a cool Road Warrior inspired vehicle.

That's neat you can change out the hatches on the top of the tank!  Eventually when I get better at painting i want to snag some Ork stuff and make a cool Road Warrior inspired vehicle.

Yeah, there's a lot of pieces on this model. I probably didn't need to magnetize it as much as I did, but hey. It works :lol:


In other news: Got the Aspiring Champion for my Night Lords finished (aside from the eye-glow, which will be done with the rest of his squad):


I like it!



Got two more members of his squad done today, with the other three in progress. Should have all of them done tonight/tomorrow



Looks wonderful!



I need to get cracking on the next six Marines, then that'll only leave the two characters I need to finish painting, and my Call of Chaos vow will be done

Started on the Lord Discordant for my Night Lords



Ready for priming!


I know not my models but the eye colour doesn't win me over, a light blue or green might work better imho. Other than that you did a stellar job.

Thanks! And I like the red eyes, because blue on blue isn't enough contrast, and I don't think green would have looked good

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