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I didn't want to comment on the paint job with the potato cam pics, but man that is not a good execution of NMM. Theres just no one on their painting team that can really do the style; go look at their sigvald and then Richard greys to see what a good nmm gold actually looks like.

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Wait there’s people here complaining about Dante being primaris? The model doesn’t look good? Shocker.


I think this is an excellent step in the right direction, Dante has needed a new model since Jesus walked the earth (arguably could have been the emperor) I’m not going to complain now we finally got something.


it’s amazing and I want one, yesterday.

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6 minutes ago, Alternis said:

Wait there’s people here complaining about Dante being primaris? The model doesn’t look good? Shocker.


I am always shocked as well when people have a different opinion from me - why would they choose to be wrong, when they can just look at what I say and agree with that?


There are just some things we were not meant to understand.

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5 hours ago, Lysimachus said:

Here's an idea, what about trimming the mask off the helmet, and adding it back on to a bare-headed Blood Angel head? Maybe a few GS pipes to tie it into the tech gubbins...

I actually like that they added the mask to a helmet. I always wondered how Dante was supposed to fight in space and other dangerous environments wearing the old mask, since it's not fully enclosed. I think they could have made it look like the mask is part of the helm instead stuck to the front of it though.


I was wary of them doing Dante as Primaris, but I think they've done a really good job with this one.

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1 hour ago, Alternis said:

Wait there’s people here complaining about Dante being primaris? The model doesn’t look good? Shocker.


I think this is an excellent step in the right direction, Dante has needed a new model since Jesus walked the earth (arguably could have been the emperor) I’m not going to complain now we finally got something.


it’s amazing and I want one, yesterday.

Use the ignore function.

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5 minutes ago, EnsignJoker said:

That’s definitely Dante. I was gonna say it’s kind of underwhelming; the axe, the lack of ornamentation beyond the armor, the mask being a bit Silence of the Lambs-y. But then I realized that this is what Dante is, and it’s a welcome upgrade into the new era for him. This look bodes well for Primaris Sanguinary Guard and hopefully a Primaris sanguinary priest though.

For what it’s worth I like the Calgar, Mephiston and Azrael remakes better than this one, so I think it’s just Dante’s overall aesthetic I’m meh on, (I don’t even like the art of him they showed on WarCom) and not the model itself. 


I'd say Mephiston is the clear winner.

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1 minute ago, Inquisitor Eisenhorn said:

These threads always make me feel like I'm missing something, I literally have no idea what the problem with the mask is, it looks fine to me!  I guess I'm easy. 

I agree…maybe we’re just not very good at our jobs as inquisitors.

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I absolutely love the Dante model! I think it's a fantastic remake. I must admit, I was a bit nervous about another remake after seeing what happened with the Shrike model. However, seeing how faithful the Dante model is to the old miniature is a relief, and it makes me very happy. While there may be a few small details that could be improved, overall, I'd rate it a 9/10 as a huge Blood Angel fan.

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6 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

It’s not ‘wow cawl magic’

this is based on a real world procedure to make people taller.

Just because you’re unaware of certain things doesn’t make them ‘magic’



I don’t know why I would need to point this out to anyone but hacking someone’s limbs apart to create structurally questionable aesthetic changes is certainly not comparable to someone being ‘Captain America’d’. This doesn’t increase the size of the muscles or the body overall and is not something anyone engaging in serious physical activity should be going anywhere near. Utterly bizarre.
Anyway the scale is not something anyone seems to have an issue with; besides the mask appearing a little too small like he’s an adult wearing a child’s halloween mask for a party. 

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The mask is a little strange and I think the loincloth isn't posed at quite the right angle for his angle of descent, but overall I really like him. The anatomical armor especially got translated to Primaris really well, I think.


The pose is a really good fit, too - the Golden Demon Blood Angels diorama recently had a similar pose.

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I don't know where this "Bone cutting" thing came from, but it's specifically not necessary for crossing the rubicon as the growth spurt is triggered by the magnificat after implantation.

Not to mention that if they did that during surgery the following reawakening by the belisarian furnace, along with the sinew coils, would immeadiately snap bones treated in such a manner.


I wouldn't be surprised if some BL author thought it sounded cool and grimdark, without realising how implausible it was.

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4 hours ago, Inquisitor Eisenhorn said:

These threads always make me feel like I'm missing something, I literally have no idea what the problem with the mask is, it looks fine to me!  I guess I'm easy. 

face-mask helmets are quite contentious, see the entire stormcast line and people's common complaints
I think it is cause they look awkward at miniature scale, and the expression don't help either

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3 hours ago, Castellan Wulfrik said:

I don’t know why I would need to point this out to anyone but hacking someone’s limbs apart to create structurally questionable aesthetic changes is certainly not comparable to someone being ‘Captain America’d’. This doesn’t increase the size of the muscles or the body overall and is not something anyone engaging in serious physical activity should be going anywhere near. Utterly bizarre.
Anyway the scale is not something anyone seems to have an issue with; besides the mask appearing a little too small like he’s an adult wearing a child’s halloween mask for a party. 

the question was about how first born get to be primaris sized, when older aspirants make shorter marines.

the process of crossing the rubicon has a section that is based on an already available surgical procedure that's described in lore

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2 hours ago, Nephaston said:

I don't know where this "Bone cutting" thing came from, but it's specifically not necessary for crossing the rubicon as the growth spurt is triggered by the magnificat after implantation.

Not to mention that if they did that during surgery the following reawakening by the belisarian furnace, along with the sinew coils, would immeadiately snap bones treated in such a manner.


I wouldn't be surprised if some BL author thought it sounded cool and grimdark, without realising how implausible it was.

it was in the book where mephiston crossed the rubicon.

right...cutting bones to lengthen them...that's the straw that breaks the camel's back for you in regards to plausibility of creating 7ft tall super soldiers who spit acid and can read memories by eating brains...

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Wow, great stuff GW. Kudos, keep up the great work. Between this rendition of Dante, Azrael, Mephiston and Ragnar Blackmane, they’ve done pretty well at reinventing some of the classic characters. Would have added Calgar to the list too, but I would have preferred they had of waited until they redid the Terminators and given him Terminator armour, but he’s ok I guess.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Smashy Pants said:

Wow, great stuff GW. Kudos, keep up the great work. Between this rendition of Dante, Azrael, Mephiston and Ragnar Blackmane, they’ve done pretty well at reinventing some of the classic characters. Would have added Calgar to the list too, but I would have preferred they had of waited until they redid the Terminators and given him Terminator armour, but he’s ok I guess.

Might still put him back in terminator armor

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People are allowed to have differing opinions and both be correct. For those that like, fine. Those that don't, also fine. Not everyone has to agree and people don't have to be offended just for difference of opinion.


Imo he looks ok but out of him, Snikrot, farsight, etc, farsight is for me the best update.


Overall Mephiston is superb as it resembles the MG art so well. Otherwise I don't think the primaris updates generally evoke the  same level of wow as the originals but that may be nostalgia talking.

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