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Does anyone else have ideas for symols to represent Purity?

Angels perhaps, or even the Imperial Aquila, surely there isn't a more pure symbol than the Emperor's himself?


P.S Welcome aboard Sevink

Edited by Ferrus Manus
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The planet had a 'tidally locked' orbit, meaning that the it took to rotate on its axis and the time it took to orbit the system's star were exactly the same.


Mol, you missed a "time" between "the" and "it" in the main IA article (homeworld section). :lol:

Edited by Nine_Breaker
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Thanks for the spot, Nine. The IA as a whole is a bit of a mess, and it's on my list of things to overhaul.


Also, check out the 'Brawling Mechanics' thread I've posted up here. Darth Potato and I talked about a Castigator arena of death. With two II Company Players, two III Company Players, a IV Company player, a V Company player and an VIII Company player, I'm keen to promote friendly rivalries. It'd be cool if each Company could select a Champion and they could fight it out. I'd love to come up with some decent brawling rules and then use them to run an 'arena of death', so to speak.

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Awesome to hear - I was giving some thought to your campaign and the victories you've been having against your friends. I thought it might be neat if there was a Castigator Battle Report thread in the Liber Victorum. It might be cool to collate some of the battles we've been in - and might help ferment that inter-Company rivalry, too. :rolleyes:
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Also, check out the 'Brawling Mechanics' thread I've posted up here. Darth Potato and I talked about a Castigator arena of death. With two II Company Players, two III Company Players, a IV Company player, a V Company player and an VIII Company player, I'm keen to promote friendly rivalries. It'd be cool if each Company could select a Champion and they could fight it out. I'd love to come up with some decent brawling rules and then use them to run an 'arena of death', so to speak.

Sounds intresting, Mol. Reminds me of the honour duels between Imperial Fist successors. Would these champions gain anything for their company if they were victorious,for example first dibs on the next combat zone etc? Also, im assuming that the champions are unarmed and have only a blade to use, or possibly in the style of the Trojans in the Troy series -where they are armed with a dagger and short blade, in which case would there ever be any fatalities, via accident or an over-zealous competetor?


Expect to see a model for Sulla sometime after I get out to Hawaii....

Can't wait. Hope you enjoy Hawaii.


Awesome to hear - I was giving some thought to your campaign and the victories you've been having against your friends. I thought it might be neat if there was a Castigator Battle Report thread in the Liber Victorum. It might be cool to collate some of the battles we've been in - and might help ferment that inter-Company rivalry, too.

That would be such a good idea if I didnt get beaten almost every time I played, I mean we couldn't have the VIII Company being beaten in every campaign now could we? ;)

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Been thinking more on Lycidious's heraldry, what about a swooping eagle with a lightning bolt in its talons? I'm watching your brawling thread with intrest. Would be nice to know which company is better. :devil:


I've talked with Sevink a few times, he seems to be modeling Sgt Soren right now. I've posted on your 2nd company blog also, Mol.


How goes the company banners? How goes the other Castigator companies, haven't seen much lately? Always helps to see the direction others go in.


Thanks, Barret for the link.


Ferrus, what type of angles? Can't go with robed angels to Dark Angels, go with skeleton angels to chaplain like, do you have any ideas? The Imperial Aquila is intresting, but how to use it that it doesn't take from the Emperor.


Mol, did you develop a symbol for the Castigators to use that have served in the Vocates Honor Company? I have thought about maybe having Veteran Sergeant Soren serving for a peroid of time. It would link the Harvesters more and Flesh-smith Pherax. Maybe, make it more personal to Sgt Soren, maybe Soren knew Flesh-smith Pherax before his fall from grace.

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The Reapers fell in M37 or M38 (I can't remember the exact date), so it would be pretty difficult for Soren to've known Pherax! :lol:


With regards to the brawling, I do plan on having the Companies fighting. I'm working on the Fifth Company's Challenger, Bassus the Thorned Fist, as we speak. :) It's definitely good to know you and Sevink are discussing things. I'll leave that blog for the two of you to discuss things - that way you've got a focused area in which to discuss.


The Company Banners haven't progressed, and I'll let you know when they do. Tiberius is exceedingly busy, and with him working for free, I don't want to push my luck too far! :) As for the Fifth Company, keep an eye on Two's Companies. I've been working on a Deathwatch kill-team recently, but there's also been some work put in to Anteas. I really like the model, he has a lot of that youthful vitality that I've been looking for.



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Ferrus, what type of angles? Can't go with robed angels to Dark Angels, go with skeleton angels to chaplain like, do you have any ideas? The Imperial Aquila is intresting, but how to use it that it doesn't take from the Emperor.

Well Mol has used skeleton angels on the Company banners so it would be ok to use them. As for the Aquilla I'd suggest looking at how Sicarius' heraldry is composed. I've used a similar idea for one of my own captains.


With regards to the brawling, I do plan on having the Companies fighting. I'm working on the Fifth Company's Challenger, Bassus the Thorned Fist, as we speak.

Sounds like a plan. Guess I better start thinking up one for the 8th, can't leave you Battle Company guys getting all the glory now.

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Glad to see there's been a decent amount of discussion in the Second Company Discussion thread. :D Darth Potato/Marshal2_Crusaders: Would it be worthwhile starting a Third Company blog-thread?


This past week I've been doing very little, in honesty, but I've written up a 1500 point list in preparation for games soon. That should turn out pretty interestingly. I have, however, been giving some thought to the death of Baraquiel. It's interesting how things fall into place so long after the fact. To me, the death of Baraquiel has always been something hazy - I knew he died, but it wasn't that important. Now I think I've come up with something that might've cemented the Castigators' views.


Consider that during the Castigators' early history, they used psychic librarians - it was only after they found Losanco that the percentage of psykers within their ranks began to dwindle. They fought across the Howling Stars, eradicating the Ryssith. It occured to me that Baraquiel was wounded during the storming of the last Ryssith Nest-world, poisoned by the Ryssith Empress. Baraquiel ordered the Apothecaries not to extract his progenoid glands, lest the Chapter's gene-pool be irrevocably tainted. Knowing his death was imminent, Baraquiel continued to fight, sustained by his supreme force of will. After three days, he fell and could not rise - he was carried back into orbit by his Honour Guard. Baraquiel lay in the Apothecarion aboard the Holy Enterprise, tended to by the Apothecary-Primus. The entire Chapter awaited his death; all ten of the Company Captains kept vigil at his side, awaiting any last word before he passed into the Emperor's care. As he died, he looked upon the Ryssith Nest-world burning from orbit and knew the Howling Stars were free of alien domination.


Upon his death, First-Captain Crassus became Chapter Master. Crassus was also a former Black Consul, and declared that the Chapter would enter fourteen years of mourning, painting their armour black to honour their fallen leader.


I think that helps to cement the Castigators' views towards genetic purity. They were created as a response to the Dark Founding, and then with the death of Baraquiel and the homeworld they were drawn from, the unique chain of events that followed helped shape the Castigators into the Chapter they became.

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Glad to see there's been a decent amount of discussion in the Second Company Discussion thread. ;) Darth Potato/Marshal2_Crusaders: Would it be worthwhile starting a Third Company blog-thread?


This past week I've been doing very little, in honesty, but I've written up a 1500 point list in preparation for games soon. That should turn out pretty interestingly. I have, however, been giving some thought to the death of Baraquiel. It's interesting how things fall into place so long after the fact. To me, the death of Baraquiel has always been something hazy - I knew he died, but it wasn't that important. Now I think I've come up with something that might've cemented the Castigators' views.


Consider that during the Castigators' early history, they used psychic librarians - it was only after they found Losanco that the percentage of psykers within their ranks began to dwindle. They fought across the Howling Stars, eradicating the Ryssith. It occured to me that Baraquiel was wounded during the storming of the last Ryssith Nest-world, poisoned by the Ryssith Empress. Baraquiel ordered the Apothecaries not to extract his progenoid glands, lest the Chapter's gene-pool be irrevocably tainted. Knowing his death was imminent, Baraquiel continued to fight, sustained by his supreme force of will. After three days, he fell and could not rise - he was carried back into orbit by his Honour Guard. Baraquiel lay in the Apothecarion aboard the Holy Enterprise, tended to by the Apothecary-Primus. The entire Chapter awaited his death; all ten of the Company Captains kept vigil at his side, awaiting any last word before he passed into the Emperor's care. As he died, he looked upon the Ryssith Nest-world burning from orbit and knew the Howling Stars were free of alien domination.


Upon his death, First-Captain Crassus became Chapter Master. Crassus was also a former Black Consul, and declared that the Chapter would enter fourteen years of mourning, painting their armour black to honour their fallen leader.


I think that helps to cement the Castigators' views towards genetic purity. They were created as a response to the Dark Founding, and then with the death of Baraquiel and the homeworld they were drawn from, the unique chain of events that followed helped shape the Castigators into the Chapter they became.

I believe a third company discussion thread would be helpful Mol, yes.


As for the death of Baraquiel, it sounds much more concrete now and I like it. His death exemplifies what it means to be a Castigator.

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Just a quick suggestion Mol, I've just finished Battle For the Abyss, theres a passage in there which tells us about an honour bout between two astartes, might give you some ideas for the new rules system. Ill talk to you in more depth when I get the chance on messenger.
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Does anyone else have ideas for symols to represent Purity?

Angels perhaps, or even the Imperial Aquila, surely there isn't a more pure symbol than the Emperor's himself?


P.S Welcome aboard Sevink


IMHO: I think the whole angel thing is used too much throughout the Adeptus Astartes, I mean I know their are supposed to be very holy and pure, but it seems sort of repetitive. Instead of an angel, it could be something like a crystal, a flower of some sorts, a ray of light, the sun, the moon, or even a weapon of some sorts. You could even use a symbol of Baraquiel or something since the Castigator's revere him so much. Since he is what a Castigator is all about, he could be seen as the "purest form" of a Castigator.


Captain Kael :HQ:

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You're entirely welcome to your opinion, Kael - I think a lot of it stems from the idea that the Adeptus Astartes are to be "Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of Man... for a thousand times a thousand years, unti the very end of eternity and the extinction of mortal flesh."


I think it's a little like this - there are twenty-six letters in the alphabet, and we draw upon the ones we need for each word in a sentence. Similarly, there are a number of themes inherent within the Space Marine archetype, and within the scope of each Chapter (canon or DIY), those different themes and ideals are portrayed to different extents. The knight, the soldier, the monk, the zealot, so on and so forth. The Castigators would certainly emphasise the role of the "zealot", but the other themes in the background serve to distinguish them from, say, the Black Templars. (Though they do seem to prove popular with Black Templar players....)


I don't mind the Angel theme, though I don't give every Space Marine wings or the like. I think it's an acceptable element. I've only used Angels in the Castigators once, though - in the Tenth Company. Captain Vatrenus bears the heraldry of an Angel coveting a skull, whilst the (currently in-progress and subject to change) Tenth Company Standard shows a winged skeleton. That might well get dropped, though. The reason for that comes from the mention in the IA article that the inhabitants of Losanco see the Castigators as angels in the service of the God-Emperor. It's appropriate that the Company responsible for recruiting from Losanco would be influenced by that angelic ideology.


I have seen some nice heraldries recently in a thread in the PC+A - the Desert Angels? Something like that? He has an army of bikes and terminators, and uses the brass-etch Forgeworld aquilas. There was a nice powerfist with three aquilas, and I could see that being incorporated with the symbol of the Second Company (a horizontal white stripe, I believe.) I'll have to give it a thought.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alas, I haven't been able to get much further with the Castigators recently. Work on my dissertation along with the other Castigator players absenting themselves from the internet has meant that development's slowed.


I've continued to develop the Fifth Company in preparation for a Campaign I'll be participating in against Black Legionnaires. Having named all of them, I'm working on squad histories. The double-page spread in the latest Space Marine Codex has influenced me, and I like the multiple layers of loyalty that a Space Marine would find himself holding. Squad rivalries, Company rivalries... it all works to keep the Space Marines strong and battle-ready!


I've also started working on homegrown rules for the ever-handsome Senior Sergeant Caetrus - feedback is appreciated.


I think the next stage (as ever) will be overhauling the IA article to make it a bit more palatable, and then I'll be looking for peoples' opinions as to what to detail next. :o

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I just received a PM from Nash Trickster with a very interesting link - if any of you guys still play Dawn of War it might prove interesting to you:


Hi Mol,


Just wanted to let you know that here you could find a "fan"'s attempt at a Castigator B&B set...


He asked me to let you know since he doesn't have an account here at the B&C ;)



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