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Thousand Eyes

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About Thousand Eyes

Profile Information

  • Location
    Dublin, Ireland
  • Faction
    Thousand Sons

Thousand Eyes's Achievements

  1. Loving your paint jobs there, so very smooth. Iron Within!
  2. Looking well all together, but that lightning is spot on. It is easy to over do it but you have it down.
  3. They are coming together, hoping to see more paint on them soon.
  4. I'm not dead, but these are: Yes I have drifted into Xenos in my time away from uploading here and not just lurking. But I thought fair was fair, I should actually post something and not just hit like on so many other good posts here. I was given the Necron half of the Indomitus box-set and things spiralled a little since then. My favourite piece is the Hexmark Destroyer, who I converted from a Skorpekh Destroyer. Essentially a unit of six Skorpekh isn't that useful compared to five and I love the idea of the Hexmark. Since I was then left with a spare Skorpekh I figured it was time to create a gun-slinging head hunter for my Necron Lord.
  5. Good stuff, who doesn't like a challenge?
  6. Nice looking troops so far. Nice to see the pieces of background with them as well.
  7. Loving the look of these, strong play.
  8. Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.
  9. Loving how your Blood Angels are coming along. Plus I love the old dreads, very much my favorites of the dreadnought lines.
  10. Good work, love the classics. I plan on doing a marine army in time, with no Primaris.
  11. Good stuff. Lockdown has proved handy in getting models done at least, silver linings. Liking how it all is coming together.
  12. Those are some angry bikers. Good work making the three of them look individual.
  13. Some lovely conversions in there, bravo.
  14. Really like the original terminator. I have a squad or so of those around somewhere that I keep meaning to work on.
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