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About this blog

Welcome to my blog! In this space I'll be collecting my various painting projects, battle reports and general musings on the hobby as we know it.


B&C Long Fangs may already know of my Blood Angels, Tyranids, Xenos and Heresy painting logs, and this will not replace them, however this will collect the products of all of these, and be the home to my battle reports!


Army Specific Discussions

The Blood Angels 4th Company and Red Scar Crusade
Hive Fleet Jabberwocky

Xenith's Xenos

Advanced Infiltration: Alpha Legion




Entries in this blog

Necromunda: The Rampage of Hive Primus

The Forgeking has been killed. The underhive is in chaos. What little order that was has now been replaced with gangs warring to obtain a piece of his smoke Blackened empire...     Hi all, I'd been thinking about getting into Necromunda for a long time, playing one game in ~2021 or so and getting mashed on a 2x2 board by some corpse grinders, when someone at my local club proposed a new campaign. About 6 of us were interested, and it took off from there.    The star


Xenith in Necromunda

Necro-fun-Da: Rad Reavers Rise

I think I might have shared these already, however since October I've been involed in a Necromunda Campaign at my local club, which has been very fun and rewarding, and captured my imagination, attention and obsession like a GW game hasn't since maybe, mordheim? Early heresy 2.0 is up there also as I collected a brand new Alpha Legion Army.    My blog has so far been primarily battle reports, however none for necromunda so far, so I'll be having a go at typing up reports of my games so


Xenith in Necromunda

Battle Report: Eldar v Orks

I had a fight with some orks last night - my first game of 40k in some weeks, and maybe only my third since 2023. Needless to say, I'm a bit rusty, but keen to get the Eldar on the table again.    Eldar Warhost 1.5k Warhost (1490 points)   Aeldari Strike Force (2000 points) Warhost     CHARACTERS   Autarch (90 points)   • 1x Dragon fusion gun     1x Star glaive   • Enhancement: Timeless Strategist   Farseer (85


Xenith in Battle Report

BatRep: AT Tempestus vs Solaria

Quick photo dump of a recent game with my Tempestus playing against my friends Legio, using Solaria Rules to maximise warhounds. This was a first for us as he wanted to play using all AT rules and not just part, so we used stratagems, Legio traits, and I brought out a corrupted titan for a laugh. I might be reading it wrong, but is there a way to get more than 2 strat points other than being the underdog?   My Force was: Corsair maniple Aegis Fidelis - Reaver princeps - volca


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Battle Report: AT Tempestus v Xestobiax

Quick shots of a recent battle against @Olis   Both of us looking for a quick and fun game, I suggested that we don't bother with orders and just roll the dice for each titan each turn, and to hell with the consequences, for additional chaos, I think Olis suggested we just have the machine spirit activate automatically on a MS roll, as opposed to the command check. Some angry titan fights ensued!    We got to play on this glorious table at WHW, which is the Legiones Imperiali


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Battle Report: Adeptus Titanicus - Tempestus v Mordaxis

A quick visual battle report of a recent game where Legio Tempestus faed down th Evil Mordaxis.   Legio Tempestus Corsair Maniple Reaver - volcano, laser blaster, missile Reaver - melta, gatling, volkite Reaver - fist, chainfist, laser Warlord - volvano, quake, missiles   Legio Mordaxis Venator Maniple Reaver -  volcano, melta, lasers Warhound - plasma, lasers Warhound - plasma, lasers   Reaver - laser fist, missiles


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

AT: Reaver #3 and Warhounds #3 & 4

Clearing more of the backlog, these guys have sat primed on a shelf for ~8 months, and I always forget how fast titanicus is to paint, so I managed to crank the reaver out in 2 days, and make good progress on the warhounds in another 2 days, enough to get into the detailing:   Reaver in legs & guns akimbo pose in homage to the old artwork. This guy is on the loyal side so he gets white banding.    Heat bluing on the laser blaster.    Initial bit of wea


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

BatRep: Tyranids v Votann

I had a small game against Votann last night - my opponent was very experienced with 8/9th however life got in the way of 10th ad they have only had a couple of games so getting used to it, much like myself.    We said 1250 to allow us both to get some tricks in, while keeping the game quite small.    Hive Fleet Jabberwocky (Things with G's got a grudgin'.) 1x Parasite G 1x 20 gaunts 1x 10 gants fleshborers 1x 10 devilgants 1x 10 gargoyles 1x exo


Xenith in Battle Report

Battle Report: Crusade - Jabberwocky v Daemons

Long time no post! I've been organising a crusade campaign at my local club, and members have gotten really into it, with plenty of games occurring each week, and using the Leviathan campaign rules and supplement.    This month, after an imperial win in month 1, the nids are on the back foot as the imperials take the fight to the swarm. The Chaos raiders are doing some looting and pillaging, and the imperial archive worlds are under assault from both material and immaterial enemies. 


Xenith in Battle Report

BatRep: The Fate of Anguis IV [Apocalypse]

This is again from a while back, but my local club had an apoc game in May bank holiday which was great fun. This was a custom mission designed by myself to try and force a narrow frontage with waves of models coming at one another, but ended up a bit one sided. We went for a long, narrow table with a depth of deployment, to give long raged guns some chance to shine also (how often do fellblades get to use their 120"range?).   Two players wanted to get away quickly, but hoped to have a


Xenith in Battle Report

BatRep: WHFest Alpha Legion v Custodes

Mission Dominion, Diagonal Deployment   Forces Alpha legion Army List   Custodes Valdor Blade Champion 3x terminators 4x 5 man custodian squads   Achillus Dread - Spear 3x Caladius - 2x anti infantry, 1x anti tank   5 objectives were put in no mans land, and we hadprogressive scoring so 1VP at the start of your turn per objective, giving me the immediate advantage with my infiltrators.    I lost the roll off for depl


Xenith in Battle Report

Call to Arms 2023 Progress

Thought I'd make a quick post to share my Call to Arms progress after 23 days. Everything but the webway gate is undercoated, and the current colours things are are in the list below:   1x Neurotyrant (5pts) 2x neurospore things (2pts) 11x Neurogaunts (11pts) 5x Barbgaunts (5pts) 3x VRL's (3pts) 1x Screamer Killer (5pts?) 1x Winged Tyranid Prime (5pts) 1x Psychophage (5pts) 5x Wraithguard (5pts) 1x Spiritseer (5pts) 1x Webway gate (6pts


Xenith in Forum Challenges

First game of 10th: Tyranids v Dark Angels

I managed to get my first game of 10th Edition in on Weds night and thought I'd report back - there was a lot of on the fly learning going on, so I forgot to take photos from the start, and only remembered to get them well into the game.   This was a 1500pt battle missions/temptest of war style game, we both picked random objectives. Mission - Supply drop - 3 objectives in no mans land, one dissappears in t4, the other in t5. Diagonal deployment.  I don't remember the ex


Xenith in Battle Report

A Call to Arms!

So the Call to Arms has begun! This is the Brainchild of @Grotsmashaand @Triszin, and is the first forumwide painting challenge in what feels like ages, so naturally I'm getting involved.    With the advent of the Leviathan box, Hive Fleet Jabberwocky hungers, and I have to vow for the Fleets, and accordingly updated my 2023 painting goals list...         Check out the Xenos Stronghold below, and vow to paint some models, win glory and prizes!   


Xenith in Forum Challenges

Warhammer Fest Horus Heresy Event - Terrain Discussion

Not gonna lie, my heart fell when I got to WHFest and I seen the tables that the HH event would be played on. There were some ok tables, but others had a clear lack of terrain, and large, wide pen fire lanes. Playing a FA heavy Alpha Legion Leviathal, I braced myself for the worst and to get shot off the table by pretty much everything!    Thankfully (luckily?) the armies I played against were Emperor's Children and Custodes, which had less shooting than me so I blatted them off the bo

BatRep: WHFest Alpha Legion v Emperor's Children - Edited with more info.

Mission Onslaught, Dawn of War Deployment   Forces Alpha legion Army List   Emperor's Children - 3k points Maru Skara Praetor - paragon, volkite pistol* Legion Champion - paragon   5 tartaros - mixed loadout in Spartan* Contemptor Talon - 2x with autocannon and fist*   3x10 man tac squads 2x5 man scout squads with rifles   2x quad las preds Fire raptor Leviathan, storm cannon, grav bombard   Mission On


Xenith in Battle Report

The Tyranids of 10th Edition: Leviathan

I thought I'd share a few of the photos I took of the models from the new 10th edition 40k boxed set, these are amazingly painted, and I look forward to getting my hands on them:   Neurogaunts   Neurotyrant   head detail on the Neurotyrant   Screamer Killer - look at the paint work on the dome!    Psychowhatsit   The Von Ryan's Leaper - lovely models, the GW photos don't do them justice, and a nice homage to the

Alpha Legion Status Update

Quick update after I based essentially a 3000pt army last week to take to WHFest:     The full list of completed units is longer than that, but I'm happy to say that I've managed to make, paint and base over 4000pts of Alpha legion since the release of HH2.0 last June, which is, I think, insane. My younger self would never have thought this possible. This is also with minimal unit upgrades, so cataphractii are costed at 175pts for 5, etc. If I add in wargear this could easil


Xenith in Alpha Legion

Battle Report: HH Alpha Legion vs Custodes

In the run up to WHFest I managed to get another game in, this time against Adeptus Custodes. They're a really tough fight in 40k, and I had no idea what they would be like in HH.    War of Lies, triangles deployment pointing at one another. This game I ditched the preds, despite how much I love them, to run a Leviathan in a HH Leviathal. I also swapped the Deredeo and something else for a Delgatus with nemesis and 3 sky hunters with MM's and a fist.    Custodian Army Cu


Xenith in Battle Report

BatRep: Alpha Legion v Death Guard 30k

Not so much a batrep as showing off my friend Dom's gorgeous DG army. I'm trying to get in some practice games for WHFest, and Dom has been working hard on these awesome DG so we got a game lined up!   Alpha Legion - No RoW Vigilator - nemesis, dagger Librarian - telepathy, force axe, power maul, pinning wlt.    Contemptor talon - 1x melta, grav fist, 1x las, fist 2x rapier grav cannon 5 fulmentarus, 3 fists, 2 axes 10 Effrit - daggers   10


Xenith in Battle Report

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Chaos Knights Round 2!

After the absolute kicking I received from Ted's Chaos Knights, I was eager to temper myself against them once more and see if I can beat them - he's the only person in my club to beat my Blood Angels so far, and they won't stand for it! The last game was an absolute whitewash, something like 40 - 95, and so I wanted to approach this one a little better, and using basically the same army I used before. We tried to set up the terrain more like GW's tourney maps, with the 4 large obscuring pieces


Xenith in Battle Report

Hobby Goals for 2023

So in my various painting logs, I tallied all the painted points and models I managed to complete in 2022 and then set some optimistic objectives for models I'd like to get painted to round out some armies in 2023 - turns out that several small goals across nids, eldar necrons and Titanicus add up fast... Thankfully the warlord is maybe 10% of the year total, and that's all done bar the basing. This is also before I get to the Alpha Legion I want to paint. If I add in gift-warhammer I've receive


Xenith in 2023

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Chaos Knights

So another quick battle report write up, this time I had a game against the Chaos Knights of a fellow local club goer. This guy kicked my ass last time against my Eldar, so I thought I'd bring out the Blood Angels to see if they could fare any better. Spoiler: They didn't.   1500 Blood Angels Arks of Omen (Elites): Primaris Chaplain on Bike - Warlord (gift of foresight), relic (Armour indomitus - 2+, 3++, +1W), angel exemplar (artificer - mantle) mantra of strength Sanguinary


Xenith in Battle Report

The Warlord Walks!

So after the renewed enthusiasm for AT that came from getting a game in at WHW, I've decided I need to get the rest of my titans built - so far in the pile of shame were the 2020 christmas box maniple - a warlord, reaver and 2 hounds. Lacking any larger titans, I decided to tackle the warlord first, assembling, breaking the toes a lot to try and make him stride forwards, then spraying with a lot of leadbelcher.    Paint job at 80%, missing transfers. I didn't like how I did the checks


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Battle Report: Adeptus Titanicus - Tempestus v Xestobiax

In the trip to WHW, we also all brought our tiny titans, being one of the funnest games GW makes (probably). I managed to get a quick 1250pt game in against @Olis's Legio Xestobiax and their Black Iron cores.    I was using (and forgot to use the rules for) a Ferrox light maniple with additional reaver (+1 to armour rolls within your scale in inches) against Olis's nimble Corsair maniple:   Tempestus Indefatigable (Indy): Reaver (princeps) - melta, gatling, turbo laser,


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

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