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Found 11 results

  1. After a recent patch of creative energy and finding/fixing my camera and flash, for the first time I actually have some finished miniatures I feel relatively happy sharing on here for C&C. First up, a Forge World Praetor - Captain Iskander Locke - to lead my Ultramarines. The theme is Scouring / 'early-40k' hence the use of a HH model. Not world beating painting, but I was aiming for a fairly grimdark, semi-Blanchitsu style which I hope I've achieved! Secondly, an old Dreadnought that has been sat in a box painted for years. Rather than stripping it, I instead worked on adding washed and neatening up the metallics, as well as adding weathering. The original paint job was clean but quite thick, which is why it looks a little bashed around. Have also JUST noticed the overspill of blue onto the back exhaust... Let me know what you think!
  2. ...or Roboute Guilliman... who came up with that crazy name and how do you REALLY pronounce it? Hail Brothers and Sisters of Ultramar and the Greater Imperium! After many years of lurking I've come out of the shadows to post my first major topic. Wish me luck. I hope you like it. Here gooooes........ Ever since being sucked into GW's mad and wonderful universe of 40k I've had a special interest in the fluff. And I've had an extra special interest in the origins and symbolism infused in the fluff. Some is more obvious than others. Take that crazy mixed up Konrad Curze (call me Night Haunter) and his troop of happy go lucky Night Lords. It doesn't take much of a Google search to see the inspiration of Joseph Conrad and his works ('Heart of Darkness', 'Nostromo', etc.). Then there's your favorite chapter and mine (at least mine) the Ultramarines. If you read just a bit of the fluff it's easy to see the Greco Roman influence and the idea that Ultramar is the Roman Empire with a smiley face. But what about some of the details. Why Ultramar, who came up with the name Marneus Calgar, and how do you really pronounce Roboute Guilliman and how do you know? Perhaps you asked Matt Ward over a pint at Bugman's. Perhaps Graham McNeill confided in you that Uriel Ventris was really named after his great grand uncle Uriel Ventris McNeill. I'm very interested in any stories you have or any undocumented ideas you may have. I know this seems a rather broad topic, but I suspect there really isn't a lot of information out there. I could be wrong, and if I am...JACK POT! Just a few rules to remember before we get started: Ultramarines lore only This is not a discussion of actual lore origins and ideas behind the lore only Official GW sources are great Your own personal ideas are great too Thoughts?...... The floor is yours.
  3. Good day, lads. I want to ask you about how you deal with Ultramarines with Guilliman armies. I have played several games versus them and suddenly realized that I can't actually win these games against Guilliman + literally anything. I would not lie, my opponent is quite experienced player, still the army he plays is actually nothing special. It's all bout endless rerolls of everything, and I'm not that good at safe rolls (if this can be an issue ). When your opponent hits with 90% of everything and wounds with 80% of them hits, it's pretty difficult to survive, and I have no actual idea on how to counter this thing. It's usually Guilliman + centurions + any kind of heavy support, for example predators or land raider. My army is a mixture of detachments of different chaos legions. Commonly I bring some Spearhead detach. on Alpha (havocs, obliterators) and Batallion with Berzerkers + Chaos Lords in Rhinos (sometimes Chaos Land Raider) on World Eaters. I'm eager to hear your opinions on this topic, please share your thoughts and experience, thank you.
  4. For the Indomitus Crusade! Please enjoy my revamped Ultramarine blog/thread. Guilliman has awoken to a lot of change, and most of it isn't good.... We take on this challenge with the invention of the Primaris units, and the awakening of the Primarch. Chaos pushes us back, but yet we will prevail. This revamped blog turns the page into a new era, of painting, Primaris, battle reports and general Ultra coverage. Thank you for checking it out.... NEW Ultramarine Battle Reports for 8th Edition Codex (typically in order of newest to oldest): Prot's 3rd Ultramarine army is SOLD in 2019... .. and Reclaimed in 2020! (see new links below for 9th edition work:) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ultramarines Miniatures / WIP / Finished work: 9th Edition work: From newest to oldest + Eradicators (Indomitus boxed set). As I anticipate the arrival of my Ultra army, I decide to prep some units from a boxset me and a friend split. +LINK+ + Intercessors. You can never have enough, right? Well these are just some dudes I wanted to finish since I had spare parts laying around! +LINK+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8th Edition is below this point: Painting and Wip's of Ultramarines for 8th Edition (the list below is in order of newest-to-oldest): + New Ltd Edition Primaris Captain with Plasma Pistol and Fist: I finally finished this fig and it's one of my favourite Primaris sculpts.+LINK+ + Primaris Phase 1 Completed! Entered in GW Konor Painting Competition: At the end of the Konor Campaign I entered the painting competition so this post has a few finished shots of the units featured individually below. There is one or two shots of the Primaris project as I finished it for the competition: +LINK+ + Primaris: The Project is nearing completion: The enemy thinks they have us on our back foot... but Guilliman pushes us outwards and onwards, to greater heights For Konor, for the Primarch, for the 500!!!. Posts for specific units: 1. Aggressors (Yes I know this is a repeat, I just want to put all the better pics in one spot) +LINK+ 2. Ancient: I like how the banner turned out! +LINK+ 3. Redemptors: I love these guys. Fun to paint. +LINK+ 4. Repulsor: A BEAST of a model. check it out: +LINK+ + Primaris Aggressors: Completed: LINK + Some Primaris in game, and Guilliman: LINK Contents: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ultra-Fiction: + Macragge's Honour: By Dan Abnett and Neil Roberts. I do a quick run down and 'show off' my limited print! LINK + Strategem: A short audio story by Nick Kyme. Released during the Black Library Christmas Calendar Event. My review: LINK Strategic / Tactics / Unit Discussion: + The Kauyon Campaign Book released in Fall 2015 features Tau (bleh), Ravenguard and White Scars. Here's a tactical discussion, and testing thread on how we can apply these to our Ultramarines. Are they worth including in your army? LINK +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ARCHIVED Painting for 7th Edition: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + The bottom of this first post includes my first new finished piece; the Stormtalon. + WIP Tactical squad #1: LINK + Tactical Squad #1 COMPLETE!: LINK + A generic Captain, and Librarian (for the Conclave!) are completed: LINK + The 7th Edition Ultramarines Assault Squad is complete: LINK + My take on the Armour of Faith character - Chaplain Sentina: LINK + I refinish a favorite model - Captain Proteus: LINK + WIP shots from a game of my Gladius Battle Company Transport vehicles. About 75% done!: LINK + FINISHED the above WIP project! Transports + Anti Air Defense Force for my Battle Co!: LINK + Finished a pile of Tacticals and an attack bike, plus an Ironclad for my Battle Co: LINK + A long time coming... The Landraider Inexōrābilis Ultramar is finally completed! LINK + My homage to the Horus Heresy Character: Aeonid Theil in a 40K setting, with more pictures of the Landraider Inexorabilis Ultramar. LINK + Finally I paint up the 10th Company Auxiliary Formation. LINK + A second Stormtalon is now completed for my Stormwing Formation (or Raptorwing!). LINK + Two Vanguard Veteran Squads are complete! LINK + Stormraven completed!!! Plus pictures of the completed Stormwing formation. LINK + Multiple characters now finished including Tigurius, Sicarius, and Telion. LINK + A new Imperial Knight which is magnetized to be a Paladin or Errant. Please meet: Divinus Veridian a noble house from the early days of Horus' treachery. LINK + The 2015 Boxing Day 24 Hour Challenge: I put up an unassembled Venerable Dreadnought and put myself to the test: LINK + I just managed to finish 13 new Tacticals (32mm bases) and magnetize some part for them to go with the Dreadnought above: LINK + 30th Anniversary Space Marine shwag! I got my ID Imperial Marine, did you? Also bought stuff for Sky Hammer too: LINK +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks for looking.
  5. I know everyone comes here for pictures.... so I'll keep the babble short. + I'm starting this thread with one or two pictures from my finished 40K Ultramarines' projects of the last 12 or so months. + The pictures and content in this thread is derived of content entirely from my long term Ultramarines thread which includes Fiction Reviews, WIP's/Projects, and most importantly... lots of Batreps with several of the Formations. You can check that out here: +LINK+ + If all you're here for is the pics, what I've done is take essentially one or two pics from last year of painting my Ultramarines to kick off this thread. Then I hope to add more later. Some of these older pics show how I've evolved my scheme over the last 12 months.... my first tactical squad: The Big Boys: Centurions Then I bought this big box set.... for the limited Captain. I had to have it. (Turns out the Strike Force Ultra in the new codex is a lot of fun btw). And from that, came the start of the something bigger... Then had to do a generic Captain dude: LIbCon seemed like a good idea to add... some Librarians: The new Assault Squad box really sparked my motivation. As with most things I paint, I was very inspired by the Black Library portrayal of Chaplain Sentina from the Orath Mini-series of Space Marine books: This was my take on him: My Strike Force Ultra Limited Captain finally was re-touched, and completed: And a few months ago I decided to take the plunge and try to finish my Battle Company, starting with vehicles... ugh. Lots of vehicles: Here's a better shot of the Razorkbacks, with the Anti-Air Defense Force in the back: Coming up.... Part 2:
  6. Hello, everyone. Welcome to my new WIP thread, in which I will chronicle the construction, and hopefully completion, of my take on the Ultramarines Third Company. My aim for this army is to build a full Battle Company in the colours of the Third. Along the way, I hope to improve my painting abilities, including speed and precision. I've been collecting Warhammer, both Fantasy and 40k, for over eight years. I've had many armies along the way. The latest that I've shared was this, also Ultramarines Third Company. Like every project before it, it didn't work out for a variety of reasons. But now I think, I hope, I've found something that I can stick with (knock on wood). I don't want to go on a long rant about what my models will be like, but I'd like to share the basic stuff. Colour scheme is typical Ultramarines, red trims for the Third Company, and all lenses and Plasma weapon coils will be orange-red, to both limit my palette a bit, and to provide a complimentary spot colour to the blue. So far, I like it. Each model will be an individual, with a unique combination of parts and pose. I've bought, and will buy, lots of Forge World sets, which helps greatly with variations. I also use parts from the other Power Armour armies, such as helmetless heads from the Blood Angels range. And for the first time in years, I might use waterslide transfers. The results weren't pretty last time I used them, mostly because I'm terrible at applying them. But I think my abilities have progressed enough that I can make it work. I tried out a few from the standard GW Space Marine sheet on some spare bits. Went well, compared to the last time around, and I've got Micro Set and Micro Sol on the way. If I can make it work, I'll buy some transfer sheets from Forge World. At any rate, they'll probably be smoother and cleaner than my freehanding... Additionally, each model will be named, and I will create a small description/back story. Don't expect literary wonders, I'm really just doing it for fun. That's enough boring text for now. Moving on, here's what I'm working on right now. The first squad of this army is squad Aurelius, the first Tactical Squad in the company. Led by Veteran Sergeant Arcadius, an honoured veteran of the company, Aurelius is widely thought of as a solid, dependable squad. Most of the members have served Third Company for a long time, and are amongst the company's best. The first Astartes I'm working on is Battle-Brother Marius, Aurelius' Plasma Gunner. Though taciturn, he shares a strong bond of friendship with Arcadius. His armour is a combination of the newer Mk. VII, and Mk. III armour originating in the days of the Great Crusade. He has earned the right to wear such ancient armour in the fires of countless wars, never faltering in the service of Guilliman and The Emperor. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/MariusLearchusPIP.jpg (The picture is no particularly good; the colours are a bit off. That's another thing to work on.) Obviously, Marius is the one on the right with the Plasma. He is not quite finished, but it won't be long. The blue on the backpack still needs some work, but aside from that, it's mostly just touch-ups, weathering, transfers, and flocking the base that I need to do. The torso and shoulder pads are Forge World Mk. III armour, the Aquila is FW brass etch, and the helmet is from the Tank bits sprue. Rest is just standard parts from a Tactical Squad box. The Marine on the left is Learchus, a regular Battle-Brother. He has a Mk. IV helmet, and a Mk. V-variant torso (from a Chaos Marine set, actually), but other than that, is just made up of regular plastic parts. The missing parts will be attached sooner or later, as I make progress in my painting. I've also done some Blu-tacked mockups of six other marines of squad Aurelius, including Veteran Sergeant Arcadius. He's the one in the middle, with the Power Sword. http://i660.photobucket.com/albums/uu321/Ramell_of_Cadia/Ultramarines/Work%20In%20Progress/SquadAureliusBlutacMockup.jpg I've pledged Squad Aurelius for the Dark Angels Painting Challenge. This should hopefully help motivate me to finish the squad in a somewhat-timely manner. I think that's it for now. I will keep this thread updated, at least once a week, on Sunday evenings. Beyond that, I will post whenever I feel like it, and I will try to reply to your comments within twenty-four hours. I would very much like your comments, in particular constructive criticism, so that I can improve my painting. Thank you for reading. Courage and Honour!
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