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From the album: The Black Hand of Melanchthon
Bases for my initial Night Lords 30k army - basic GW/Citadel sand flock with GF9 rocks and GW/Citadel skulls. Primed/basecoated with Zandri Dust spray (GW), washed with Agrax Earthshade (GW), dry-brushed with Tyrant Skull (GW). Rims done in Battlefield Brown (P3).-
- Night Lords
- Horus Heresy
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Preparing to Call to Arms 2023 - Basing tests
Bouargh posted a blog entry in Bouargh´s miniatures´ closet clean-up
As a new blog entry into the road to Call to Arms 2023, here are some tests for prospective basing. As I am a little bit feed up by tanned earth and plascrete type of basing, I wanted to try something else. My attempt to swampy bases as not been to my taste, but as my Wraithlord was getting quite a good contrats on its white primed base, I wondered: Why not stay like that? Huh. "Stay like that?", really? Well, not really: I will try a Iced World basing. Maintaining the red to white contrast. A. First step - or rather before first step B. Second step - Adding texture with some sand and stones - they will be mostly covered with snow and are here to give relief C. Third step - Painting it with splashes of whites and greys plus some frosthearth. If snow flakes do not cover everything, I expect that what will remauin visible, by somekind of see-through/transparency effects will enhance the snow/ice effect. This here we see a small issue: I used Vallejo paints and the GW Contrast do not wet well - resulting into a Frostearth doing puzzeling effect and not giving the rending expected in the texturized areas. For plain areas I corrected the pearling effect by spalshing some GW grey seer before applying the hearthfrost. I will have to revise this by selecting over undercoats if I want to maintain the icy blue... D. Fourth step - PVA and snow flakes I use Army painter snow. This mico plastic is quite fine but it may sometimes stick everywhere by electrostatic effect. Once PVA glue is dry a smooth cleaning is required to remove what is staying were not desired... I decided not to cover every thing but keep working by splashes of flock. One of the benefits of Vallejo paints (especially the well named gloss white) is that they they give this gloss that is fine for mimicks of light reflections o icy substrate... Or at least it is what I want to believe. And here is the final result - an old school Wraithlord ready to join a Saim Hann war party: I think I have the basing I want for this army...-
- Call to Arms 2023
- Aeldari
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Hi everyone! Today I bring you three ways to make fast and easy bases for your minis, in five steps. Enjoy!
From the album: White Scars
I have some of the old GW lush type grass and want to use this in developing a very grassy basing scheme - not the more patched affair you usually see but rather predominately grass, something you might imagine on a Maiden World. Obviously it can't be 100% grass as that will look weird, I have some 6mm flowers to spread around and can look at little stones and the like for rocks to spice it up - I'm stumped on what goes under the grass. I don't want it to be completely flat or look lazy by going straight on the base, but I can't figure out what will work. I've thought about some modelling sand but it might make the grass appear too high next to the model? Or should I be looking at one of the texture paints? Any help would be appreciated, all the more so with examples and such
Small little tutorial on how I do crackled bases and how to use Crackle Paint. Hope you guys like it!
So I have a problem... I'm very much a hobby butterfly. I make progress on all my projects, just not usually on the same project. And I start way more projects than I finish. As a result of this, I've got a number of dead project logs across the B&C, some for projects I started years ago and am still making progress on, but I figure nobody wants to see a project update once every other year. I know I don't, but such is the curse of my hobby attention span. To remedy this, I humbly present Seneschal's Forge-Fane, a single thread for all my various 40k projects, where hopefully I can show some progress on some project every once and a while. I love the community on B&C, and y'all's input and feedback is extraordinarily helpful and valuable to me. Hopefully y'all will enjoy reading this thread as much as I will making it. I'll start each section with the below icon for the relevant faction, which will help (me!) keep everything straight. This post will serve as a table of contents for the thread - to the extent that I can keep it straight! The VII Legion Astartes Consolidation of Prior Entries #1 Consolidation of Prior Entries #2 Consolidation of Prior Entries #3 Sigismund WIP Sigismund & Leviathan Sicarans, Typhon & Apocalypse Game Grey Knights & The Orders of the Inquisition Consolidation of Prior Entries Ordo Reductor of the Mechanicum (Coming Soon) Adeptus Sororitas (One-Time Commission) Commission
- 15 replies
- Sisters of Battle
- Inquisition
- (and 7 more)
Greetings, fraters! Here is my third video tutorial, "How to Weather Zone Mortalis Bases". My next video will be on how to paint and weather a Dreadnought Drop Pod from start to finish. Next Saturday (if everything goes well): how to prime the Drop Pod and do a rust undercoat, in preparation for chipping effects. I am not a commission painter or youtuber. I am just making the videos which I would have liked to have when I started. If you have any requests for future videos, please let me know. Regards, Lovecraft0110
- 7 replies
- zone mortalis
- weathering
(and 2 more)
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Long time lurker, first time poster! I've started putting together the Dark Imperium Primaris, and I've put cobbled wallpaper on their bases. This is a nice enough basic texture, which can be nicely brought out with a wash and a highlight, but I'd like to add some 3D/visual interest to the bases. However, I have never done 28mm cobbles before, and it's not quite futuristic enough for slabs of ferrocrete and rusty decking all over the place. My initial plan was to wend some alien-looking flock between cobbles to look like an overgrown and long-lost city from the DAoT, but that seems a little flat. The cobbles will be shades of grey, and I was hoping B&C could give me some ideas on what else to put on them to make them a) more interesting and more 40k. My current ideas are: - Spent bolter shells - Crushed-up bricks as brick-rubble - Chunks of cork tile concrete with paperclip rebar - Skulls? Alien skulls? A bit OTT. - Identifiable scraps of my last few bits of City of Death - Blobs of polyfilla/blutak/green stuff covered in sharp sand as rubble The army are in cream, brass and green if that affects anyone's ideas. Thanks in advance for any and all help!