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Hey everyone, welcome to my hobby thread! If you're looking for one of the colour scheme tutorials from my 'March of the Legions' project or one of the basing tutorials, please check the bottom of this post for all of the relevant links. If you can't find what you're looking for or if you have a question that's not answered in the relevant post, please feel free to send me a private message. Regards, Kizzdougs. For more regular updates check out my Instagram account @raptorimperialis I've recently been feeling the urge to start a new 40K project. After much musing and many false starts, i've decided on the Thousand Sons, Pre-heresy. They aren't my favourite legion or chapter but the TS have always be a legion full of character, imagery and conversion opportunities. A perfect combination in my opinion. This project has been at least two years in the planning process. It all started when i converted a PH TS sorcerer for a conversion competition at my local GW (which i was lucky enough to win). After building the Sorcerer i knew i had to make some more TS, they are just so fun and different. Unfortunately it has taken me over two years to finally get here. The Sorcerer who started it all. He is a relatively simple kit bash with minimal GS work. I took inspiration from the Thousand Sons art in 'Collected Vissions', especially that of Ahriman and Uthizarr. The test mini. I used bits from several kits to build this terminator, the majority are from the GK terminator kit and the Tomb Guard kit (WHFB). With crest added. I can't decide whether to give all the terminators these crests or just keep them for the squad leaders. Any opinions and suggestions are welcome. A close up of the force weapon. Such a simple conversion but i'm fairly happy with how it turned out. Sorry about the bad lighting. Hopefully this project will develop and progress at a not too slow pace (fingers crossed). I plan on adding some Sisters of Silence and maybe even some Custodes at a later stage. I'm certainly feeling the necessary inspiration at the moment. Any and all suggestions and advice are more than welcome, as are questions and queries. Thanks for looking EDIT: March of the Legions Painting Tutorials: Space Marine eye lenses Legions without tutorials: World Eaters Iron Warriors Sons of Horus The Rout Imperial Fists Night Lords Thousand Sons White Scars Legions with tutorials: Blood Angels Death Guard Emperor's Children - Palatine Breachers tutorial Emperor's Children Metallic (airbrush) Salamanders Ultramarines Raven Guard Word Bearers Alpha Legion (no airbrush) - Alpha Legion (airbrush) Effrit Stealth Scheme Dark Angels Iron Hands Thousand Sons World Eaters Hobby tutorials: Basing - ZM/industrial Greenstuff tutorial Desert/rocky base building Desert/rocky base painting Eye Lens Tutorial
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- pre heresy
- thousand sons
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"Milites! cur pugnamus?" "nam Imperator populusque humanity!" "filii Imperatore! mors inimicos eius!" - Coms excerpt from 95th company during compliance of 1929-27. High Gothic was the standard battle tongue of the 9th Millennial. "I am my father's son. His shadow weighs a ton" - unknown Terran philosopher, 3rd millennium. Chapter Master Karonghyontye stared out from the balcony, drinking in the views from the fortress monastery. His captains had left, the cheers and their acclaim still ringing in his ears, following his confirmation as the new master of the Red Eagles. His reverie was broken by the polite cough of the Chief Librarian, standing in the shadows. He approached Karonghyontye and produced a stasis tube containing a battered, old book. “Again, congratulations my lord. I’m afraid to puncture the moment of your ascension but I must divulge to you the true history of the chapter that you are to lead…” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the closing decades of the Great Crusade the 1929th expedition was sent on a long term mission to achieve the compliance of Wagar's Reach. The reach was home to numerous advanced xeno species and lost human worlds. Such an undertaking required significant fleet, army and legion power including: - 3rd Legion, 9th Millennial - 8th Legion, 5th Chapter - 13th Legion, 22nd Chapter - and 15th Legion, 60th Company. Warp unrest in Wagar’s Reach meant that the tumultuous Post-Ullanor events of the late crusade passed the 1929th by. Only upon it’s triumphant return to imperial space, did we become aware of the storm brewing in the galaxy. - “The Betrayed Phoenix.” By Sergeant Ali Pasha 95th Company, 9th Millennial, 3rd Legion Lord Commander Joseph Brant “The Red Eagle” was elected leader of the expedition. He was a Terran veteran of the Unification Wars, well regarded by our cousins of the other legions but less so by the Primarch. Brant’s assignment to the 1929th was a welcome exile from political foes like Lord Commander Primus Eidolon. On the eve of our return to imperial space, 9th Millenial stood approximately 3000 strong in 4 battalions of 5 companies. 91st-100th and the 391-400th companies. We of the 95th were a veteran line company, unbroken by the horrors of the crusade; but the news of our legion’s betrayal shook us to the core. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thus begins the third incarnation of this army. I've been playing since 2nd edition and got into heresy when the card game came out and we had no forgeworld models. The first version was a cobbled together affair, the second with actual rules and to completion. And then came truescale. I'd been aware of the different methods for years and idly had a go one day. This may have been a mistake as now I'm retrofitting the whole 95th company. My test model and new scheme after the KizzDoggs method. It's so shiny! The fruits of the truescale efforts. Using the primaris as a base with heresy parts, and some greenstuff, produces some nice results.
- 107 replies
- 30k
- Horus heresy
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++ INCOMING TRANSMISSION ++ Brothers, the dogs of Lorgar have shown their treachery today. Let them know that the Sons of Guilliman do not fall so easily, and make them pay for their betrayal of the Emperor in blood and death. Courage and Honour! ++ END TRANSMISSION ++ Here I go again.. Hi all, with the latest Primaris release firmly cementing my 40K hobby into a 30K hobby, I've decided to start a new WIP log based on updating my old 30K Ultramarines. Originally the marines that I have recently been true-scaling were for a 40K army so that the Classic Marines didn't look too short next to any Primaris Marines I was going to get, but I have set my heart on only focusing on the 30K side of things for now as I am feeling a bit disenfranchised with the current 40K setting. Therefore, everything I have worked on this past year is being retrofitted to make a new, slightly taller, AoD Ultramarines army (still using 8th Edition rules unfortunately as my main opponent only plays 8th Edition Orks). My old topic is here for anybody interested: I decided to restart my Ultras and scrap all the old army as I was not happy with the paint job I had done on them as I have since improved, and I've always wanted to make my Marines slightly taller than standard so they don't look so short compared to Imperial Guard etc. Just to kick things off I thought I would share a few of my favourite figures that I have been working on recently, but I will share more stuff over the coming weeks as I get deeper into the project. To begin with, this is my latest iteration of my homebrew character, Centurion Jay Burgii of the 38th Company. The name Jay Burgii is a play on my own real life name. I have a habit of creating characters that are meant to represent what I would like to be in the Warhammer universe. An as of yet unnamed Chaplain A Librarian for when Guilliman eventually re-allowed them And just some regular marines to show the scale of them compared to regular marines (Note that the red lines aren't perfect but are just there so you can get the gist of the size difference) Obviously there is a lot of work to be done in filling in the gaps and smoothing out the areas that I have shoved plasticard into, but it will all eventually get finished. I currently have all the parts to make 3 10-Man Tactical Squads, a 5-man command squad, and a contemptor dreadnought. I have also got my Sicaran Battle Tank and a WIP Leviathan Dreadnought that I would like to strip to start again, but have yet to build up the courage to do so. Thank you for looking all, and I hope to give you an update in the not too distant future. I have a habit of starting WIP logs and never getting very far with them, but hopefully I can stick to it this time. In my 17 years of the hobby I have yet to complete a fully painted army of any substantial size, which is something I really need to rectify. Especially now that I have finished University and have a full time job so I can actually afford to do so. Thank you for looking, Jay
- 78 replies
- true scale
- horus heresy
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From the album: Legion of Nasou
Although the base is still a WIP he's pretty much finished, as for the colours I was trying to follow those on the Alpha Legion gallery in this link, scroll down: Comments and Criticism very much appreciated.-
- alpha legion
- pre heresy
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From the album: XII
- world eater
- horus heresy
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Still need to paint his plasma pistol for his empty hand and the last one with no weapon is going to have a plasma gun still.-
- emperors children
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Possible Sgt? Did his sword gold to fit in with the ostentatious theme of the emperor's children, good or bad?-
- emperors children
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Another bolter, still need to paint the shells in.-
- emperors children
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Close up shot.-
- emperors children
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Emperors Children - Pre heresy WIP - The Legions
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Some more pics of my emperors children abit further on, just need to add some highlights to some and they should great.-
- emperors children
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From the album: Alpha Legion - Pre-Heresy WIP
- alpha legion
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From the album: Alpha Legion - Pre-Heresy WIP
When I was at a forgeworld event I was talking to painter while I was there and he suggested this scheme for my alpha legion as it was the scheme they are using. So I thought I would do a few models to see how they compare to purpley blue that I wanted to use and I'm quite impressed with the look but not sure it's right for my pre heresy look, I think it looks abit more post heresy but great still.-
- alpha legion
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My attempt at emperors children pre heresy - WIP
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
- emperors children
- pre heresy
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My attempt at emperors children pre heresy - WIP
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
- emperors children
- pre heresy
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My attempt at emperors children pre heresy - WIP
papalazaru posted a gallery image in Adeptus Astartes/Legiones Astartes
From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Ok so here are my five MK4 emperors children abit closer to completion. As I've painted and posed them I've played around with weapons combos but have finally settled on two with bolters, one with plasma gun, one with a hand flamer and plasma pistol and one with a power fist and sword.-
- pre heresy
- emperors children
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From the album: WIP - The legions - Pre heresy
Here is a selection of my tester/starter schemes for my project. A few different legions covered here.-
- pre heresy
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From the album: Pre heresy Iron warriors
From the album: Pre heresy Iron warriors
- heresy
- pre heresy
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From the album: Pre heresy Iron warriors
- heresy
- pre heresy
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From the album: Pre heresy Iron warriors
"Milites! cur pugnamus?" "nam Imperator populusque humanity!" "filii Imperatore! mors inimicos eius!" - Coms excerpt from 95th company during compliance of 1929-27. High Gothic was the standard battle tongue of the 9th Millennial. "I am my father's son. His shadow weighs a ton" - unknown Terran philosopher, 3rd millennium. Chapter Master Karonghyontye stared out from the balcony, drinking in the views from the fortress monastery. His captains had left, the cheers and their acclaim still ringing in his ears, following his confirmation as the new master of the Red Eagles. His reverie was broken by the polite cough of the Chief Librarian, standing in the shadows. He approached Karonghyontye and produced a stasis tube containing a battered, old book. “Again, congratulations my lord. I’m afraid to puncture the moment of your ascension but I must divulge to you the true history of the chapter that you are to lead…” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the closing decades of the Great Crusade the 1929th expedition was sent on a long term mission to achieve the compliance of Wagar's Reach. The reach was home to numerous advanced xeno species and lost human worlds. Such an undertaking required significant fleet, army and legion power including: - 3rd Legion, 9th Millennial - 8th Legion, 5th Chapter - 13th Legion, 22nd Chapter - and 15th Legion, 60th Company. Warp unrest in Wagner’s Reach meant that the tumultuous Post-Ullanor events of the late crusade passed the 1929th by. Only upon it’s triumphant return to imperial space, did we become aware of the storm brewing in the galaxy. - “The Betrayed Phoenix.” By Sergeant Ali Pasha 95th Company, 9th Millennial, 3rd Legion Lord Commander Joseph Brant “The Red Eagle” was elected leader of the expedition. He was a Terran veteran of the Unification Wars, well regarded by our cousins of the other legions but less so by the Primarch. Brant’s assignment to the 1929th was a welcome exile from political foes like Lord Commander Primus Eidolon. On the eve of our return to imperial space, 9th Millenial stood approximately 3000 strong in 4 battalions of 5 companies. 91st-100th and the 391-400th companies. We of the 95th were a veteran line company, unbroken by the horrors of the crusade; but the news of our legion’s betrayal shook us to the core. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thus begins the third incarnation of this army. I've been playing since 2nd edition and got into heresy when the card game came out and we had no forgeworld models. The first version of this army was a cobbled together affair using the chaos codex. The second with actual rules, models and to completion. And then came truescale. I'd been aware of the different methods for years and idly had a go one day. This may have been a mistake as now I'm retrofitting the whole 95th company. My test model and new scheme after the KizzDoggs method. It's so shiny!
- 15 replies
- 30k
- Horus heresy
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Hey everyone, one of my new year's resolutions for 2015 has been to devote some more time to a couple of hobby projects that have been sitting on the backburner for quite a while. One of the projects in question is the one that will be detailed in this new thread of mine: My kitbashed Legio Custodes army, the Lionsguard. So what we are looking at here is a small army of Pre-Heresy Custodes, the Empire’s personal bodyguard. I have been in love with the Legio Custodes ever since I read through German WD 112 (from April 2005): Not only did it feature rules for a Horus Heresy campaign, but it also marked the first time I ever saw Dave Taylor’s spectacular Legio Custodes army. There was something about those guys that really clicked with me. And even now, quite a few years later, Dave’s Custodes are still easily one of my favourite armies ever. So the seed was planted, and when I took a at all the fantastic Space Marine kits, my love for the Legio Custodes was rekindled. I wouldn’t even have to work nearly as hard as Dave, since all the cool new bits would allow me to build the models by mostly sticking to kitbashing. So I did a bit of research and discovered some more great Custodes armies (Kaleb Daark’s Custodes thread here on B&C and Hashashin’s blog The Buddy Times come to mind, above all else). And so everything was in place. To make things a little more challenging, I wanted to kitbash the entire army from GW (plastic) parts. I also wanted to explore several different unit types: The iconic Praetorians with their conic helmets as well as Custodes in older pattern Astartes armour (again, a callback to Dave’s army), Cataphractii Terminators, jetbikes and maybe even Sisters of Silence. I started by building a small squad of Custodes Praetorians, using parts from the Grey Knights, Dark Angels Veterans and the Sanguinary Guard (and the occasional Tac Marine bit). I also used heads from the WFB White Lions of Chrace: As you can see, this recipe allowed me to create a couple of pretty convincing Custodes models. Here’s a look at the whole squad: Squad Heraklion One of the Praetorian squads in the Legio Custodes’ elite Lionsguard, squad Heraklion consists of warriors as fiercely loyal as they are accomplished. Clad in the traditional Praetorian plate and wielding an array of mastercrafted weapons, the members of the squad know no goal more important than guarding the life of their Emperor. Leading the squad is Centurio Jastilus Petrarca, a relatively young but exceedingly talented officer. In spite of his young age, the inside of his ceremonial plate already shows an astonishing number of engraved names and titles, earned through great feats and deeds of honour. As my next project, I started building a squad of Custodes in regular power armour. I am not sure whether there is any precedent for this in “official” HH artwork, but the fact that Dave Taylor had also done a squad like that was definitely a good enough reason for me ;-) I tried using different plastic parts to make the armour resemble various, older patterns of power armour that would have been widely used during the Heresy. My background for this squad is that they are basically “field-testing” different marks of armour before they are adopted for mass production for the Space Marine legions (and they sticking to their older armour even after the testing phase is completed, as a way of showing the pride they take in their task). Now I do of course realise that trying to kitbash this squad using "regular" GW plastic parts rather than actual Heresy era stuff by Forgeworld may seem like a pointless (and futile) exercise to many of your, but it was a part of the outline I had set for myself on this project, and also part of the fun First up, a model in armour resembling the Mk. III “Iron” pattern: Next, a model wearing armour resembling the Mk. V “Heresy” pattern: This next model was rather easy to complete, wearing straight up Mk. VI “Corvus” armour: There’s no actual precedent for the next model’s armour design. Still, I think the rather classical, almost "hoplite" look, makes it fit in rather well: And finally, the squad leader in mastercrafted armour (actually measly Mk. VII, but that hadn’t officially been invented during the Heresy, so…): All of the models in the squad were built using parts from different Marine or Chaos Space Marine kits, with a bit of deft cutting involved in places. Here’s the finished squad: Squad Asklepian, “The Artisans” The members of squad Asklepian forego the classic armament of the Legio Custodes and are instead clad in different marks of power armour. But this is no token of shame, for the squad’s honoured veterans are tasked with testing newly developed armour patterns in combat. That is why their armour is highly individual, with many different patterns across the squad. Some of its members are even wearing patterns that were never approved for mass production, yet they maintain their plate with utmost pride, sometimes even further embellishing it. For it is due to squad Asklepian’s diligent work that the legions of the Imperium may be armoured to the best possible standard, and Centurio Kletian Varios and his men take pride in that knowledge. Putting these guys together proved to be so much fun that I decided to add additional models to the squad until every armour pattern from Mk. I to Mk. VI was represented. Here’s a sneak peek at some additional models: After having built these two squads, I wanted to add a commander to make the models I had so far “legally” playable as a very small army -- at least in theory ;-) Shield Captain Fennias Andronicus, “The Old Lion” One of the commanding officers of the Lionsguard, Fennias Andronicus is a veteran of the Legio Custodes: Many are his honorary titles and names, and they cover every inch of the inside of his master crafted armour. Called “The Old Lion”, Shield Captain Andronicus’ age and experience make him a skilled and levelheaded tactician, yet his name is also synonymous with heroism and prowess in combat. When the Legio has to face an enemy on the field of battle, Andronicus leads from the front, relic blade in hand, and becomes and instrument of the Emperor’s wrath. So far for my first post about the Lionsguard. There's more to come -- much more, in fact: Since this project has been ongoing for a couple of years, I have lots and lots of additional models. Sadly, most of them remain yet unpainted, but I hope that I'll be able to change that sooner rather than later -- after all, once Forgeworld gets around to releasing "official" Custodes models, nobody will want to take a second look at my own effort So yeah, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more! And, as always, let me know what you think!
- 91 replies
- legio custodes
- adeptus custodes
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Find any remnants of the new betrayers that remain in the system. Use whatever and whoever you need. Take them or destroy them as you must. Do it now, my son.” -Rogal Dorn, upon learning of the Massacre at Isstvan V +++ Though Yartsev wore armor that bore markings of the 317th Grand Battalion of Iron Warriors, he only ever referred to his battalion as "The Gravel Eaters." They bore the name as both compliment and insult in equal measure. It had come from a particularly grueling campaign on some forgotten world at the edge of the Ghoul Stars, where they had dug their emplacements in the rough earth so fast that their allies remarked that they must have consumed the gravel beneath them rather than shoveling it. Yartsev had responded with a remark about excreting bricks, which earned him the favor of everyone in the 317th who heard it. But the siege ended and so did whatever good humor the Gravel Eaters possessed about their lot in the universe. They certainly hadn’t expected reassignment to the Sol Sector. Fortifying what few cities existed beneath Pluto's artificial atmosphere seemed like a thankless task and the Gravel Eaters hadn’t exactly relished rearguard duty. He remembered brawl after brawl between squads (the luster of Olympian discipline on full display). Better fighting lay well beyond the bounds of the Sol Sector. Proximity to the throne world meant nothing, either. What had the Emperor ever cared for them? When they received new orders from Perturabo himself though, then things had gotten interesting. Suddenly the Gravel Eaters became the vanguard, tasked with establishing a foothold in the domain of the Emperor Himself. Treachery had proved kind to them. No more nagging from useless Engiseers who didn’t understand the importance of a sound bunker versus yet another edifice in praise of the Machine God. Even better, they had killed the few Imperial Fists who Rogal Dorn had insisted oversee their work on Pluto. The arrogance of him. The swill-swallowing coward. They had dug themselves in for months, arrayed themselves for war in a way that might even make their temperamental primarch proud, and drilled until their post-human bodies sang in exhaustion. So the fact that Sigismund had broken their lines within the first minutes of engagement came as something of a surprise. They had assurances from Perturabo this would not happen. Their primarch said that any retribution coming for them would stay soundly on Terra after he crushed the Imperial Fists force bound for the Isstvan system. All that had fallen to shambles. Sigismund had come and brought the wrath of his father with him. Worse, he had brought a group of Imperial Fists that seemed as zealous as himself. Not just the idiots who stood in front of their damnable Temple of Oaths (Temple of Arse, more like), but every single legionnaire seemed a cut apart from the famous stoniness of the Imperial Fists. They roared their hate at the Iron Warriors for the oaths they had broken to the Emperor and then they bellowed their own dedication to the Iron Warriors’ eradication. Before Yartsev could even reload his bolter for the first time in the fight, he took a kick to the head that sent his empty weapon flying and his form sprawling against the opposite side of the tench he had occupied. He felt a massive blade crash his ribcage and pin him to the wall of the trench. The Black Sword gleamed with light from nearby fires, its ebony surface as dark as the sky above. “You will tell me where your Warsmith is, Iron Warrior.” Yartsev tried to spit at the First Captain of the Imperial Fists, but the saliva didn’t leave his MK II helm. He simply shook his head in protest, the pain of his impalement driving the words from his mouth. Sigismund tore his sword free and with a single swift stroke, split the Iron Warrior’s helm vertically. “Damn traitors. Can’t even follow the orders of a superior officer now.” +++ And thus it begins. With the all-but-confirmed plastic Heresy set coming at us in the fall, I took the plunge. More accurately I put my foot in the water to gage the the temperature, but yeah. I'm in there. So the idea for the force is to represent Sigismund and his brethren in the Age of Darkness, before the siege of Terra. These Fists are striking out across the Sol Sector on Dorn's orders and eliminating the remaining traitor legionnaires, like the Iron Warriors on Pluto (deployment I made up, happily accepting feedback on my Iron Warriors portrayal). I have some strong ideas about where Sigismund's character is at this point and how he starts thinking about the legions during this time. He isn't the first High Marshal yet. He isn't even the Emperor's Champion yet. But and that changes how he thinks. Anyway, expect some construction in the future and maybe some paint in late August/early September (when I'm back in school).
- 190 replies
- horus heresy
- imperial fists
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