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This Again? Before someone complains about me bombarding the Age of Darkness forum with threads, I'll say that this thread is a direct result of my decision to retire the "IHF's HH Designs" thread. Basically, with the investment in a graphics tablet, I'm now able to expanad the media I can work in - namely, creating images from scratch - and I'm hoping to explore a number of avenues for creating new images all around the setting of the Heresy. Very Important Stuff: A massive thank you to: Dominic Oedinger Rachel Pierce Rhys Pugh Paul Rudge Ian Strickland who provide the amazing talent to bring to life the 30k universe we know and love. Obviously I also want to thank the writers who create the framework in which these artists work, which spans the pantheon of BL and FW writers. What's This Thread for, Anyway? This'll basically be where I compile any artwork I'm involved with, so that includes line drawings & sketches. If there are relevent rules associated with the image(s) from over on my HH rules thread, I'll post them with the finished image(s). My intention is to keep the 1st couple of posts updated with new stuff as I post it, so there's a single point of reference for all this stuff, but it might seem a little empty for a while as it gets started. ....Sorry: I just wanna say straight off the bat, that I don't take requests, and I don't do commisions. This is partly because of the amount of requests I get for this kinda stuff, and partly because of the time it actually takes to produce a design that's up to the standard I'm happy with - I've got my own plans / narrative for the designs I do, and even if I did take requests, I'd encounter the problem of selecting which ones I'd want to do whilst avoiding any kind of favoritism. Plus, this is a hobby for me, and the time I spend on it waxes and wanes depending primarily on how much I have to focus on my Degree, amongst other things - the time I do spend making new artwork is best spent if I'm really enthusiastic about a project. Now, occasionally in the past, I have included factions designed by other members of the board amongst the work, but that's primarily if I'm being lazy - ultimately, I don't have to make new background or design new insignia because I get to draw from other users' crazy imaginations. This is pretty rare, becuase I have ideas for pretty much all of the different 30k factions, and the faction in question has to fit into the narrative I've got planned.
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- Artwork
- Mechanicum
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From the album: Caliban Rises
- Dark Angels
- Ravenwing
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From the album: Legio Crucius
From the album: Legio Crucius
© Martin Evans 2019
From the album: Legio Crucius
© Martin Evans 2019
From the album: Legio Crucius
© Martin Evans 2019
Armiger Talon Intermission
Noserenda posted a blog entry in Noserenda's meandering path to dubious glory
Lil big knights! 368698878_10161052381015797_2401397191367279107_n As a bit of an intermission, our group is doing a throwback to our classic apocalypse games with a 30k, 30k game and after a weekend with a horde adjacent Anathema army i really wanted to run something Elite, and aint nothing more elite than Knights with Custodes allies! Both forces having barely seen table time all together, essentially being allies and addons to myriad other forces over the years (Especially the Red King!). It was also a great excuse to pick up a couple of War dogs and marginally de-Chaos them as my faction of House Gevauden is technically a traitor force but the sides needed me to play loyalist, just ignore some of the heraldry ;) 400303054_10161244507290797_8257101360268758453_n I also tried a few new techniques on these, fully switching basing scheme and trying a semi metallic metals scheme on the skeleton and trim from Eons of Battle (Check him out on Youtube!) 400006884_10161244507150797_3023115354319267329_n This is the Talon leader, marked by the Eye of Horus and lack of chains, but still only allowed a Crescent moon rather than full house colours. Oh and a battered Eagle head :D 399880337_10161244507090797_7942327079519253352_n The Leader also has a Claw instead of a chain cleaver because i presumably used it somewhere else, i was working with two Wardogs and a Helevrin but had spares from previous projects that provided the melta guns and one melta lance. 400415867_10161244506935797_5570782737444248837_n On to the next doggo, the basing went a bit wrong on these when you look, i mixed some foamboard in under the basing foil and no amount of filler or glue would make it sit right! Its fine at eye level though. I hope :P 399797527_10161244506625797_8193884184582457400_n Armiger pilots not of noble lineage are chained into their thrones, they arent trusted not to eject too early, this way the hull has to take a few good hits to make that possible... 399790842_10161244506255797_4945938056430139404_n The aged metal effect from Eons of battle really works for knight skeletons, i hate spraying them silver and working down, this comes up from zenithal black/grey with only a sprinkle of silver/gold drybrush, i thing i did too much honestly but im quite happy with how irregular it is :D 400221941_10161244506185797_6771008524261359581_n Their arms are technically poseable a little, if a bit stiff, but saves me a job trying to glue them mid painting! 400575055_10161244506110797_4002206168623378400_n There is logic to all the seemingly random pauldron art, i had a depository of all my AT scale knights designs unfortunately lost in a Harddrive dying (always backup kids!) Some nice battle damage on this angle too! 400209212_10161244505905797_1777089904988940389_n So three more Armigers for House Gevauden, hopefully the new model curse is merciful... Im sure ive spotted a few errors of course looking at the shots, always more work lol Thanks for bearing with me!- 2 comments
- Knights
- Imperial Knights
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From the album: Inquisition
From the album: Inquisition
From the album: Inquisition
Grey Knights Terminator with Banner
Jake3 posted a gallery image in Adepta Sororitas and Ecclesiarchy
From the album: Inquisition
From the album: Inquisition
- Grey Knights
- Grey
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From the album: Inquisition
Grey Knights squad with Inquisitor at the center. (A converted Reaper mini, Talus Tenspell).-
- Grey Knights
- Grey
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From the album: Inquisition
Grey Knights Terminator Paladin w Psi cannon
Jake3 posted a gallery image in Adepta Sororitas and Ecclesiarchy
From the album: Inquisition
From the album: Inquisition
From the album: Inquisition
From the album: Inquisition
Hello everyone, just got lucky in the banking department and thought those fine fellows from Forgeworld could do with a cash injection. The question is what flavour of big 'n' stompy I want to grab. I am not overly interested in being the best on the tabletop, but I can't really narrow it down further based on looks or cool factor, so competitiveness and public opinion shall have to decide it! The question seems to boil down to whether I want Volkite or Imperial Tesla, both of which are very tempting. Honestly, if I have to be on the horns of a dilemma, Knight-based chain-lightning or the sickening, oversized offspring of a Lascannon and my Indomitus Lt's pistol is a good place to be stuck :) I mean, sure, they both have a different piddly gun, but I'm a big picture kinda guy. Naturally, I will be taking the Hekaton siege claw. The rad-cleanser is reason enough, and the smash profile is honestly kind of cruel. So, what is the opinion of the fine members of this forum? Styrix Vs Magaera?
Howdilidoodles to you all, I come seeking advice on starting my own Knight army. For some background, I play BA and IG, and recently picked up a pair of warglaives for pennies, and am now thinking of expanding my force of oversized deathdealers. I quite like the armigers, and would like to know if a list built around them, lead by a Preceptor, is viable, as well as asking if using them as allies is better than running solo Knights. While I'm here, I would also like to ask about general strategies more experienced Barons and High Kings have come upon and would be willing to share with a Noble only just having undertaken the Ritual of Becoming, such as myself.
- 5 replies
- Advice needed
- Knights
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KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN THRONE ++ A TIME OF CHIVALRY AND FEALTY, IN AN AGE OF SACRIFICE ++ "Who could have seen it? What man in their right mind, would have questioned it at the time? Who could have foreseen that the Dragon of Horus was not some Imperial Messenger sent to bring wonder and fortune, but a Tyrant of Iron, who brought only fire, and granted death?" - Freidrich Goetz, "The Iron Hand", Freeblade. What is KOGT? Many moons ago, a noble frater by the name of Noctus Cornix came up with an idea for a Black Crusade RPG game which focussed on the Horus Heresy. This spiralled into a discussion on the Imperial Knight Houses, namely Scions, who might find themselves on different sides, vying for overall control of the House. Part BC and part 'Game Of Thrones', it generated a lot of passionate interest. Now GoT has passed us all by, it has gone off the boil somewhat, but the ghost of both the TV Series and the idea of the game stalk the halls of the RPG Forum. This thread is intended to open the discussion of such a premise being viable, what steps to take to make it work, and how to cater it to both this forum and our frater. Privately, I have conversed briefly with some frater versed in the matter of tabletop stompy robots (Battletech/Mechwarrior to be specific) and they presented several options to me to make a mechanical (pardon the pun) framework upon which to hang an RPG game. This is step away from Fantasy Flight or Cubicle 7 games, providing us with an opportunity to develop an RPG within the Warhammer universe that covers an aspect of the game no other books have outside of individual GM's and their adaptations of already existing materials. So, to move this forward, first things first: What do you all think of the premise, and in order to ascertain how much work is involved, do you consider a ruleset framework to be of value in such a game as this?
- 87 replies
- Knights
- Chaos Knights
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From the album: Christmas Models
Here is a Christmas model I made. He is a grey knight.-
- Grey Knights
- Grey
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Knight House Romlas Title: The Jannissary Court of House Romlas Household Rank: Secondus Patent: Warrant of Imperial Immediacy recorded .930 M30. Allied Legions/Forgeworlds: Bound servants of Forgeworld Iskolaa Warden Domain: The Locast Plains, Forgeworld Iskolaa Cogonem: None Motto: We are Bonded in Ruin! Alliegence: Fedelitas Constantus The tale of House Romlas is full of darkness and misery. Initially founded when a Knight World title was granted to the world of Peltan, House Romlas was one of five noble houses to settle on the world. Peltan was a relatively gentle world for a Knight House, with vast plains for agricultural herds and high mountains perfect for Knight keeps. The local fauna was dangerous to the human colonists, but with five strong Knight houses the conditions improved greatly. Unfortunately, the coming Age of Strife threw Peltan's pastoral lifestyle into chaos as multiple incurions by xenos raiders decimated the human forces. After millenia of struggle, records show House Romlas and their brethren at last broke the final xenos bands and reclaimed their world purely for humanity. This was not to last, as the treacherous xenos (still unknown to the Imperium, though the mysterious Eldar stand high in investigators theories) had seeded Peltan with a genetic timebomb. When the nearby Forgeworld Iskolaa sent out Explorator fleets, Peltan was discovered to have been changed beyond all recognition. Once grass-clad plains had become disease-rotted marshes, the air itself toxic and foul. Magos Biolagis adepts were startled to find the remants of the human colony clinging to life in the mountain fastnesses, reduced to near-feral levels of technology and culture. Locating what had been House Romlas' seat of power, the Locast Keep, the Magos of Iskolaa found buried in the mountainside an enormous sealed vault of Knight armor. Retrieving old databanks and combining them with the feral tribe's oral myths, the tech-adepts learned that the Knight Houses of Peltan had acted swiftly when the genetic plague erupted by sealing all their armor in Locast Keep and attempting to shepherd as many of the colonists as possible to the hopeful safety of the higher mountains. It is unknown what happened to the last scions of the Knight Houses, but the tribes' stories speak of ancient warriors that faced death clade in naught but skin, welcoming the deadly plague-spoors. The adepts of Iskolaa made the decision to take all the Knight armor and the remaining feral humans from Peltan, leaving the world to decay and rot. Forgeworld Iskolaa became the new home of the former Peltans, and soon the Taghmata Iskolaa took control of the tribes. The vast majority of the former tribesmen were inducted into the Skitarii of Iskolaa, to bleed for the Forgeworld in thousands of battles. A few though, were destined for greater things. House Romlas was birthed anew, on the renamed bedrock of the Locast Plain. The Magos of Iskolaa gene-screened and selected the best and brightest of the former tribes and forgeworld workers to become the new House. Pyscho-indoctrinated and mechanically-augmented, these new scions strode to war in both the recovered Knight armor from the old houses and newly forged suits from the factorium of Iskolaa. The Binary Council and the Lord-Korbaci Perhaps unique among the Knight Houses, House Romlas is governed by a council of eight, headed by the elected Lord-Korbaki. The Lord-Korbaki is not a King, but the first among equals, and has the final deciding vote on all matters pertaining to war. The Binary Council rules the Knight House, and wherever House Romlas strides so does the will of the Council. The ruination of their ancient Houses and former homeworld has left House Romlas with a grim duty to scour the stars of the enemies of Man. The motto of the House states both their purpose and status, "We are Bonded in Ruin", for the Knights of Romlas bring about burning destruction at the bidding of their Mechanicus masters. The Lasthold and the Scarving The Lasthold is the vast fortress of House Romlas. Massive tracts of desolate rock stretch from tall, black walls constantly washed in the oily hydrocarbon rains of Iskolaa. On these barren plains do the Knights of Romlas train in their arts of war. Gouts of fire, lances of energy, and the thudding reports of hard rounds echo on firing range, while massive servitor-forms in combat arenas get cut down by revving chain-weapons and crackling fists. Deep in the depths of the Lasthold is the Scarving chamber. The magos of Iskolaa use the chamber to bond the scions of Romlas to the will of the Mechanicus. Ranks of ancient steel cylinders line the chamber, each with room for a single Scion's body. The cylinders are comprised of psych-scourges, pain-goads, and memory blanking augers- this is the Scarving. By going through the Scarving, Romlas Knight pilots are permanently bonded to the Mechanicus of Iskolaa, loyalty coded and emotion-repressed deep in their brains. This process makes the scions cold and distant when interacting with their Imperial allies and has led to a reputation of a House that is utterly without emotion and capable of any act of destruction against their enemies.
From the album: stuff
Pip of the happy couple