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Hi! So I was given a random assault intercessor by my son, which I converted into a vanguard vet using spare parts I had in my bits box, including a sanguinary guard jump pack. This has inspired me to start a Raven Guard army, as I’ve always loved the idea of an all-beaky force. Here’s the first guy. I’m quite proud of the hand painted symbol on the shoulder pad. Found a great image at which gave me a step-by-step method that made this really much simpler than I thought it would be. Also posted a screenshot of that image in case it’s handy for anyone. Next up will be my attempt at Kayvaan Shrike!
- 72 replies
- Raven Guard Chapter
- Kayvaan Shrike
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So I really need to clean this thread up and make it less disorganized and stuff. So in here you will find: 40k Grey Knights Adepta Sororitas Inquistion Exorcists Chapter Deathwatch Militarum Tempestus Adeptus Mechanicus Imperial Knights Raptors......No longer have this army Thanks GW 30K Raven Guard Adeptus Custodes Sisters of Silence Necromunda Redemptionist Completed models/ squads HQ Terminator Librarian Reynald de Vichers Inquistor (Interigator) Abygayl Selene Brotherhood Champion Landry de Lauzon Techmarine Talus ELITES Venerable Dreadnought Draper TROOPS Strike Squad Tancrede de Hautville Strike Squad Gaiwan de Monglane Strike Squad Godfrey de Caux Termnator Squad Tibauld De Gaudin FAST ATTACK Interceptor Squad De Plessiez HEAVY SUPPORT Purgation Squad Des Barres FLYERS DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Razorback "Long Swords" Kill Team Octarius Hand of Titan Raptors Hqs 10th Co Chaplain Arthurus Phobos Libraian Hes Elites Chief Apothercary Chraddas and Apothecary La Rocha 5th Scout Squad led by Veteran Sgt Helios Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedicated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Other Project Back to Badab Kill Team- Raptors Team 7 909th "Hell Rain" Charlie Company (Inquistorial Strom Troopers) Hqs Ordo Malleus Termiantor Inqusitor Lord Martyn Odum Ordo Malleus Inquistor Lord MyKel Westen with his Alcolytes Commissar Lord Kiera Lynx Elites Troops Alpha Squad Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedicated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Order of the Valorous Heart Hqs Elites Troops Fast Attack Heavy Support Dedciated Transports Flyers Lord of War Terrain Completed Grey Knight Group Shot (12/05/2021) Raptors Completed Group Photo (02/23/2021) Order of the Valorous Heart Completed Group photo (11/07/2021)
- 214 replies
- Adepta Sororitas
- Grey Knight Chapter
- (and 8 more)
From the album: Sarment Sector Colour Schemes
Colour Scheme of Experimental Company x19 of the Raven Guard. Note the red stripes down the right hand third of the Armour. -
From the album: Sarment Sector Colour Schemes
Emblem of the Raven Guard's Experimental Company x19 -
Hey, I'm back from my self-imposed exile. I've been crazy busy with work for quite a while. Unfortunately I had a choice to make: I could use my little free time talking about Warhammer here, or I could use it actually building, painting, and playing. Since I haven't been around in a while you know which one I picked. I've been very disillusioned with 9th edition 40k of late, and have very little desire to do anything with it. Fortunately, Horus Heresy is a thing, and I've been greatly enjoying it over the last couple years. I'm going to use this thread as a repository of my 30k Raven Guard stuff. I have a few pics to drop here, and I'll be adding more as I take them.
From the album: March of the Legions
- March of the Legions
- Raven Guard Legion
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From the album: March of the Legions
- March of the Legions
- Raven Guard Legion
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Shattered Legions By Shadrak Meduson So I started this shattered legion project around the start of March 2020, I was mainly just getting parts and kits ready before that. Now I'm about 2k into the army fully painted, and going for another 2k. So here's my work so far, not all but most. I also have a Terrax Pattern Assault Drill in Iron Hands colours, and a Raven Guard Fire Raptor. But I have still to take some proper photos of them, same goes for my characters. Medusan Immortals Salamander CC Veterans Mor Deythan Strike Squad Iron Hands Tactical Squad
- 29 replies
- Shattered legions
- Iron Hands Legion
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Afternoon B&C! So, I just discovered this little section of the forum... I have been a member here forever but rarely visited for a long time. I have created a WIP log in PCA but thought this may be a good place for more detailed Raven Guard questions! I have gotten back into the hobby recently after a drunken eBay spend Mainly as a way to chill out. Getting beat by 12 year olds at FIFA isn't that relaxing after work so painting may be. Not really a gamer, have in the past but no one to go play with now so just collecting. But still want to collect in an army list manner. Enough rambling. Here are some of the current RG. Pics are still awful as still on phone and haven't really got anywhere easy or good to take them but you should get the idea. Current state of the 10 marines I picked up to paint first. Not even a proper squad but starting somewhere. Can we all have at lieast some paint on now. Also started doing the bases on first 3 and tidying up a little. Then the 3 different things I am trying on armour. First one has been drybrushed Eshin grey then inked with Nuln oil. Second has been drybrushed with Eshin then again with Dawnstone and nothing else. Third is Eshin drybrush then a neaten using Abbadon. I will then add an edge of dawnstone. I actually like each of them. I might try a really light glaze of nuln on the middle and hopefully that will be a quick black. I also got 5 terminators out the dettol and cleaned then sprayed today. Will do them after these guys and do them the same time as a contemptor. Cheers
Hi All, So I've been looking at starting my RG army ever since the Montka formation dropped. I had never really been into SM's but after the new formation dropped it pushed me over. I decided for my collection I would initially base it around a Pinion Battle Company. Which would consist of + Core + Pinion Battle Demi-Company Assault Squad [2x Flamer, Jump Packs] Captain[bolt Pistol, Power Sword] Devastator Squad [2x Lascannon, 2x Plasma Cannon, 9x Space Marines] Scout Bike Squad [2xScout Biker with Astartes Grenade Launcher] Scout Squad [shotgun] + Land Speeder Storm [Heavy Bolter] Scout Squad [shotgun] + Land Speeder Storm [Heavy Bolter] 3x Tactical Squad [Flamer, 4x Space Marines] + Razorback [Twin-linked Assault Cannon] + Auxiliary + 1st Company Task Force Sternguard Veteran Squad Drop Pod [storm Bolter] 2x Veteran [Combi-grav] 2xVeteran with Special/Heavy Weapon [Grav-gun] Veteran Sergeant [boltgun, Grav-pistol] Sternguard Veteran Squad Drop Pod [storm Bolter] 2x Veteran [Combi-grav] Veteran Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-grav] 2x Veteran with Special/Heavy Weapon [Grav-gun] Sternguard Veteran Squad Drop Pod [storm Bolter] 2x Veteran [Combi-melta] Veteran Sergeant [bolt Pistol, Combi-melta] 2x Veteran with Special/Heavy Weapon [Meltagun] 'Raptor Wing * Land Speeders Land Speeder [Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolter] Stormtalon Gunship [Typhoon Missle Launcher] Stormtalon Gunship [Typhoon Missle Launcher] 'Shadowstrike Kill Team * Scout Squad [3x Boltgun, Heavy Bolter, 4x Scouts] Scout Squad [Missile Launcher (Frag & Krak), 4x Scouts, 3x Sniper Rifle] Vanguard Veteran Squad 4x Veteran [Lightning Claw, Lightning Claw] Veteran Sergeant [storm Shield, Thunder Hammer] I imagine this should cover most my bases for casual and competitive play. My only real concern is the 1st CTF and SSKT. Both of these are made of veterans which are very expensive and each time I've played them I felt like they haven't really earned their points and I could invest in better options. Particularly in a competitive environment. So definitely open to suggestions on that. As for colour scheme for some reason I've gone mad and decided that I will do my entire army in an urban digital camo... Not particulary SM I know, must be the guardsmen in me coming out. (Which doesn't make to much sense given I play Mordians! ;) ) I'll probably use this thread as a WIP too. Here's what I've done so far: (NB: Lots of my PA guy's are missing shoulders and heads because at some point I want to do a FW order to have them all with RG shoulder pads and Corvus helmets).
I thought this would be a fun running topic of games played, hobby expansions for those of us that dont have a dedicated thread, etc My raven guard scouts have been exploring the promethium fields of armageddon. Been playing a bunch of shadow war lately and its a nice break from tournament practice.
- 1389 replies
- Raven Guard Chapter
- Raven Guard Legion
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I have been trying to piece together (just to satisfy my own curiosity) which Primarchs & Legions were close/friendly with Corax & the Raven Guard and was hoping you guys could maybe enlighten me on anything I may have missed. I know that Corax served beside Russ & the Rout- Russ was wounded iirc. So this would more than likely has established some sort of bond I would imagine. Corax also seemed to be friendly with Guilliman from what I remember, with them playing battle games against each other & Roboute even adopting the Moritat unit from the Raven Guard along with Corax's use of 'non-traditional' fighting forces. The only other Legion I know of the Raven Guard having a relationship with is the Imperial Fists contingment under Captain Noriz. Whether this led to a lasting bond with the VIIth Legion I am not sure. Anyone I am missing? Or does that cover it so far?
Whilst not a particularly vigorous poster, I have lurked here a while now and with the New Year upon us, I thought I would try to start up a bit of a dialogue. I've been on lots of forums for many a year, but the vibe here is particularly supportive so I thought this might gain some traction. I've done this elsewhere as a bit of a challenge so let's see how it goes... I am not a very good hobbyist. My time is limited and I find painting can be laborious. Hence, it takes me a millenia to complete any army. As a result, I find that competitions or friendly blogs etc help keep me motivated, which is sort of the purpose of this. That said, I have been building up for years and most of my Raven Guard are sorted - just some odds and ends here to finish it off. With 8th being fairly fresh, and this being a New Year, my Resolution this year is to finalise the painting on this list: ++ Brigade Detachment +9CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [120 PL, 1999pts] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard + Heavy Support + Devastator Squad [8 PL, 165pts] Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Devastator Squad [8 PL, 165pts] Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 165pts]: Plasma incinerator 4x Hellblaster Hellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol + HQ + Captain [6 PL, 121pts]: Jump Pack, Plasma pistol, Raven's Fury, Thunder hammer Captain [5 PL, 94pts]: Combi-plasma, Power axe Captain [5 PL, 76pts]: Chainsword, Storm bolter + Elites + Vanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 160pts]: Jump Pack Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol Veteran Sergeant: 2x Plasma pistol Vanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 160pts]: Jump Pack Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol Space Marine Veteran: 2x Plasma pistol Veteran Sergeant: 2x Plasma pistol Vanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 90pts]: Jump Pack Space Marine Veteran: 2x Chainsword Space Marine Veteran: 2x Chainsword Space Marine Veteran: 2x Chainsword Space Marine Veteran: 2x Chainsword Veteran Sergeant: 2x Chainsword + Fast Attack + Assault Squad [6 PL, 101pts]: Jump Pack 2x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Plasma pistol Space Marine w/Special Weapon Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol Space Marine w/Special Weapon Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol Assault Squad [6 PL, 101pts]: Jump Pack 2x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Plasma pistol Space Marine w/Special Weapon Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol Space Marine w/Special Weapon Plasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol Inceptor Squad [10 PL, 135pts]: Assault bolter, 2x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant + Troops + Scout Squad [6 PL, 65pts] Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun 3x Scout w/Boltgun Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter Scout Squad [6 PL, 65pts] Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun 3x Scout w/Boltgun Scout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolter Scout Squad [6 PL, 75pts] Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle Scout Squad [6 PL, 75pts] Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle Tactical Squad [5 PL, 93pts] 3x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun Tactical Squad [5 PL, 93pts] 3x Space Marine Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun ---- Now, with a year to do this, I'm hoping I achieve it... I intend to update this as things go on. Do any of you have any burning hobby resolutions you wish to complete?
- 238 replies
- Raven Guard Legion
- Raven Guard Chapter
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Well, I started a thread on the 23rd of July but with the DB crash and roll back dogs ate it along with my homework. The beauty is you now will get a lot of WIP pictures like some rapid time lapse across a fortnight without my inane rambling. That won't last The downside is there will be lots of pictures in one post, but not much I can do about that as I am having to play catch up. The Wall of Bronze Beasts Printed scans from my copies of the IA books for inspiration and direction. The First Five Gotta start somewhere and as I want half in Mk VIII a squad in my take on that armour was the obvious starting point. At this point I was pleased. Mk VIII Chests How I did Mk VIII chest so the abdomen cables aren't exposed. I obviously could only do so many before I ran out so you'll start to see white bits as I lifted a cast of my modified chest plates. Losing Focus Rather than staying on point I wondered what the second squad in MK VIII would look like as I intend to give them Tigrus bolt guns. Great but still not one squad built Focus still lost... And what they would look like with a plasma gun, Ryza pattern of course. Second squad again, still off with the fairies... Standing on things is cool Lorenzen said so (at least I think he did long ago). And he is right. And he is doing Minotaurs too! Although I won't have bare flesh anywhere on mine, too page 3 exposing themselves and helms are more menacing. Note I went back to squad one again at this point. I was going to make this guy the combat squad leader but didn't which has led to problems (see later). Arguably you could say I'd regained my focus... Captain who became Sciron ...but you'd be wrong. An idea that escaped and broke focus. On the original thread the consensus was the name Sciron suited him more than Carcinus. When I say consensus like one person responded. Both are spare names from the FW brass etch sheet. I like him, pity I'll hardly ever use him. He is more progressed now and I will finish him for Grotsmasha;s challenge as a "funsies". Finally the Heavy I stopped procrastinating and prevaricating and finally built the squad heavy weapon. Quite happy with this, so I put all my avoidance energies into the special weapon bloke. Sons of Medusa No, really. Whilst avoiding doing the flamer I started fiddling with Sons of Medusa. I should write a book called Focus Lost or something. Flamers need bunkers to burn So, Armies on Parade and themed terrain is well important, more so than having an actual squad built, so I am doing this in tandem. Big, isn't it? Note I will be attacking this as Minotaurs so it'll be ouch time for me. Fits with them perfectly of course thus me doing it. And the fact I had the FW Siege of Vraks moduler resin trench stuff lying about gathering dust. More on this later but I'll be picking up the foam board and ply tomorrow. The gang is not all here Nine. Sort of like the Nazgul except not. Flamer guy all sinister on the right side. Missile launcher man strangely giving out quests. Sinister Close up of too many to be a combat squad and not remotely loaded right even if they where. Dexter And too few for a combat squad but at least a close up of elusive flamer chap. Note I cannot make my mind up on the last bolter man, who may also be squad leader, so I'll make another nine and then decide which one goes with these guys and then give the others Tigrus, then vacillate for ages over who gets to be Sergeant Aristophane, and then avoid building their plasma gunner and heavy bolterer for ages whilst building a full 6 ft. by 2 ft. trench system. However tonight is gym, then selling my FW Reaver on eBay, and then adding bulbs to all their ankles.
- 826 replies
- Minotaurs Chapter
- Crimson Slaughter
- (and 7 more)
Hi, I'm just mulling over the Raven Guard rules. Legion Rules - I like them. Infiltrating 20 man squads is very powerful, and the potential to launch a nice alpha strike is great. Furious charge on Terminators is good; it gives them an edge over the standard - I would have liked to Infiltrate my Spartan, but that is life. Rite of War - I like the idea. It is Orbital Strike without many of the restrictions, allowing you to pod in the units that need it, such as Support squads. Personally, I'm opting out since I always use my Heavy Support squads. However, you can use Rapiers to compensate nicely. It is gold with tacticals, since you can pod in, and unleashing Fury right off the bat. Also, character assassination is just plain cool Mor Deythan - these are much better Recon marines. The addition of Stealth, BS 5, and Fatal Edge makes them worth it, as yo can pop small squads. I really think they should have the Snap Shots that Corax does, do fit the background better.... but other than that, a nice investment. Dark Furies - average. While the Lightning Claws are nice against MEQ, they are too expensive, especially compared to Templar Brethren and Gal Vorbak. Should be 20-5 points for the next squad members, in my opinion. Corax- okay. He buffs the army well. Automatically Running full distance gives the army great mobility, while improving Outflankers is nice. His weapons and fighting scales let him slaughter marines, but he is bad against Primarchs. Why? 2 factors. Firstly, his armour is poor. 5++ really isn't good enough at a against Terminators and other Primarchs. However, he only had WS 7. Why? From the background and novels I don't believe Curze or even Perturabo are more skilled than Corax. If it was to balance him, it works too well, since he loses to both in a fight, when, in my opinion, he should beat both. I am heavily biased, but this made no sense. Why doesn't Corax has a 4++? Curze does, and still benefits from Shrouded fine. Give Corax a 4++ or WS 8 , but to give him nothing is just bizarre. Don't be mistaken by my negativity - he is good for his cost, I just expected him to be one of the best in combat, considering his cost Overall:7.5/10 for the Raven Guard Thoughts?
- 1637 replies
- Mor Deythan
- Dark Furies
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So, I sat down and read my copy this morning to pass a couple hours at work, and I must admit I have been left feeling a bit disappointed. Without ruining the story for anyone, I just found some of the character development a bit lacking and the climatic scenes of the book to be over way too quickly. I did enjoy it, don't get me wrong, but I just felt like it could of been better and for a £30 limited edition I would of liked it to be a bit longer. Anyone else feel this way?
- 10 replies
- Ravenlord novella
- Corvus Corax
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As I'm building a 'Raptor' 30k squad I downloaded the latest Gaven Guard (Should that be 'Raven Gav'?) Audio for nuggets of inspiration. I found it surprisingly enjoyable, and would recommend it to any and all with an interest in HH RG. Overall, more (much more) good than bad
Gather, children of Corax. Gather within the shadows you have mastered, away from prying eyes, and plan out with your brothers your next strikes against those who dare to oppress mankind, be they xenos or traitors. We are all the sons of the Nineteenth Legion, regardless of the colors we choose to wear when we slit the enemy's throat. + The goal of this thread is to bring together players of the Nineteenth Legion, whether they collect the legion before the Second Founding or one of its successor chapters, as well as provide an index of all Raven Guard-related project logs on this forum. As such, please provide a link to your workshop when you come to name your company here. I've been helped by Flint13, SlaveToDarkness and forte. Speaking of the latter, he's improved the badge I'd prepared for the occasion for all those who wish to bear it: I'll use my name for exemple to show what it will look like: Ask here if you want your own badge. And now starts the documentation of the Nineteenth Legion's might! + +RAVEN GUARD LEGION+ 1st Battalion, 7th Chapter - White Ravens - Komrk 2nd Battalion, 7th Chapter (Post-Istvaan) - work in progress - KBA 9th Shadow Company - The Pale Magpie - Flint13 10th Battalion, 1st Tactical Wing - chaplain mortis 21st Shadow Company - old work in progress - The Hydra 99th Veteran Assault Company - The Psycho Company number unknown - Ghosts of Istvaan - jeremy1391 Company number unknown - post-Istvaan force - Barn Company number unknown - Strike Force Nightfall - Nusquam Company number unknown - work in progress 1 - work in progress 2 - angel robertson Company number unknown - suxdavide Company number unknown - Tyrant's Bane - Knight of the Raven +RAVEN GUARD CHAPTER & SUCCESSORS+ Raven Guard 1st Company - SyNidus Raven Guard 1st, 2nd and 5th Companies - work in progress - Shrieker Raven Guard 1st, 3rd, 8th and 10th Companies - Damo1701 Raven Guard 1st & 4th Companies - 4th Company detachment - The Call of the Hunt Raven Guard 1st & 4th Companies - work in progress - Voron Raven Guard 2nd Company - work in progress - GreyCrow Raven Guard 2nd Company - work in progress - Uginius Raven Guard 3rd Company - work in progress - Asamodai Raven Guard 3rd Company - Ulrik_Ironfist Raven Guard 3rd Company - Lord Ravenhood Raven Guard 3rd Company - Realityburn Raven Guard 4th Company - Tiger9gamer Raven Guard 4th Company - Jacques Corbin Raven Guard 4th Company - Valaas Raven Guard 4th Company - Bedouin2 Raven Guard 4th Company - work in progress - Chaplain Dosjetka Raven Guard 5th Company - dracpanzer Raven Guard 5th Company - work in progress - Race Bannon Raven Guard 7th Company - Darkthorns Raven Guard 8th Company - gallery - Brother Tiberus Raven Guard - Lord Lorne Walkier Raven Guard - Archon_77 Raven Guard - work in progress - pompeyladbfp Raven Guard - work in progress - Nostalgia Raven Guard - Vindicet Honorem forward strike detachment - thewarriorhunter Black Guard - work in progress - deathspectersgt7 Raptors 2nd Company - Inquisitor Eisenhorn Raptors 2nd Company - luke6116 Raptors 2nd Company - Vulkan454 Raptors 2nd Company - work in progress - mithrilforge Raptors 5th Company - work in progress - The Yak Raptors 10th Company - work in progress - war009 Revilers 3rd Company - Retribution Force Nasalle - Daemonifugue Revilers 7th Company - Reviler Death Spectres - work in progress - deathspectersgt7 Crimson Spectres - Index Astartes - Cormac Airt Ghost Warriors - Index Astartes - GreyCrow Sable Hawks - Index Astartes - trub Eagle Eyes - Index Astartes - work in progress - JeffTibbetts Predators 2nd Company - RG-Predators Crimson Shrikes - the Fourth Shrine War - kobrakei The Sons of Ananta - Index Astartes - gallery - The Sons of Ananta Sons of Corax - ltvyper Void Hawks - work in progress - Tyriks Night Claws - work in progress - Mr. Poe unknown - Antarius unknown - Helias Tancred/Kyvus Garn
- 309 replies
- Raven Guard Legion
- Raven Guard Chapter
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Wut? Welp, this arrived today, so I guess it's time I got round to making this thread: You're mad, IHF doesn't do models - what have you done with them? I'll concede the first point, this is dumb even for me. Since B@C's release I'd planned on getting in on the plastic heresy action, and with rumours of vanishing stock, I finally got the push I needed to actually go and buy it. I'm not going to pretend that this is the start of a crazy-fast painting spree that will end in a full army after a couple of months - I'm bad at finishing projects, painting fast or painting large numbers of models at once - plus I love obsessively converting every model & painting totally unnecessary freehand details, none of which is conducive to successfully collecting an army. Instead: baby steps - stupidly ambitious plans, but sub-divided in to teeny, tiny baby steps. What's a 'Brannsar'? Clan Brannsar is my homebrew Clan for the Iron Hands Legion (very WIP Liber Astartes thread: ) - Brannsar is Norwegian for 'burn' because I am absolutely awful at coming up with names for stuff. There's a dark corner of my brain which whispers about plans to expand this into Shattered Legions Sallies, Raven Guard & Imperial Fists, plus Solar Auxilia, Mechanicum, Imperialis Militia, Titan Legio & Knights but that's crazy talk. Show me an army list, I have to see an army list The way I'll be constructing this army is slightly unusual - for me, fluff is everything so how I'll proceed is to plan multiple 'detachments' (each based around a small formation within the Clan) which can be combined to form a functional (albeit likely noncompetitive) army list representing a portion of the Clan's 4th Order. If that's a little tricky, here's an example of a 'detachment': Zone mortalis / siege assault infantry Phalanx: here a Phalanx constitutes a third of a full company, so it might contain: 1x 10 Cataphractii Termies, 2x 10 Breachers, 3x Graviton Rapiers, 1x Contemptor (possibly in addition to enough Anvilus / Kharybdis Assault Claws to carry them all) The first detachment I'll be working on is the titular Seeker-Killer Cohort Ultor - a mechanized anti-infantry division mainly equipped with MkIV plate due to its mobility & enhanced sensor suite, for which B@C will form the core. The end goal for Ultor's organisation is as follows: HQ: Praevian Consul Centurion + 3 Vorax Battle Automata Elites: Techmarine Troops: 10 Tacticals with Rhino 10 Tacticals with Rhino 10 Support marines with Rhino (these will probably double for a heavy support squad too) Fast Attack: 10 Seekers with Rhino Heavy Support: 3 Predator Executioners Land Raider Phobos (MkIIb) Victory is Vengeance Anyhow, back to the baby steps - I'm gonna start off Ultor by first making a ViV Extermination warband based off the formation's constituents, so the first models to be attempted will be: * Praevian Consul * Techmarine * 5 Tacticals * 5 Seekers * 2 Vorax This might change a bit, but expect it to remain within the framework of Ultor's larger organisation as set out above. ...This is an opening post without any actual pictures of models, isn't it? Guilty I've got loads of stuff to set up before I really crack on with this, so I wouldn't hold your breath for any actual painting within the next month (apart from painting all the bare heads in B@C because I want to experiment with skin-tones / circuitry tattoos), but I'll probably be doing a load of converting, so expect plenty of grey. Anyhow, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy this new project of mine
- 176 replies
- Betrayal at Calth
- Xth Legion
- (and 7 more)