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- Space Wolves Chapter
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- Space Wolves Chapter
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So as I said in my Drakeslayers thread, while I had stalled out on paint work, I developed a name generator for my Wolves in the vein of GW's, but I find those a little lacking (36 names vs. the 216 I included in mine, without counting the variations in choice) - and I wanted to share it here, in case anyone else might find it useful. The way the first part (given name) works is thus - the number code is the result of three d6s in a row (I personally tend to roll three different colored dice at once and review the three results to see which name seems to fit better). This is separated from the name by the first dash. In the name, you will find a group of letters surrounded by parentheses and separated by forward slashes - these represent choices for the given name, and the resulting name will still have the same meaning, just with different spellings. If the group is in bold, then it is a mandatory choice - leaving it out would alter the name or make the name meaningless; if the group is in italics, then the choice is optional, even as a single letter - leaving it off will not change the meaning. Finally, after the second dash, is the meaning (or approximate) as best that I could find from many sources I worked from (both physical texts and Internet), but I will admit that there are some (to many) that could be off. I typically kept to Old Norse names, but there are a few of Scottish, Irish, Old German, or even made up origins included. 1,1,1 - Ake - ancestor 1,1,2 - Aart - powerful as an eagle, eagle-like 1,1,3 - A(d/dd/th)elmar - noble strength/character 1,1,4 - A(d/dd/th)elram - dark and noble 1,1,5 - Aegir - water giant 1,1,6 - Aesir - god 1,2,1 - (A/Ö)gmund(r/ur) awe or terror/edge or sword-warded/protected 1,2,2 - Agnarr - awe or terror/edge or sword-warrior 1,2,3 - Alari(c/ch/k) - emperor/king of all/all-powerful ruler 1,2,4 - Albrecht - noble and bright 1,2,5 - Al(d)ri(c/ch/k) - wise sage/noble ruler 1,2,6 - Alois/Hlödvig - loud/famous fight/battle/warrior 1,3,1 - Alfhar - elf warrior 1,3,2 - Alvar/Alvge(i/y)r( r) - elf spear 1,3,3 - Anders - manly, brave, strong 1,3,4 - A(n)sg(a/ei)r( r) - god-spear 1,3,5 - Arjac - meaning unknown 1,3,6 - Arlen - vow/oath/pledge 1,4,1 - Arn(e) - eagle 1,4,2 - Asvald( r) - divine ruler/might/power 1,4,3 - Atli - Terrible, violent, wild 1,4,4 - Audun - friend of wealth 1,4,5 - Aun - possibly shortened name meaning ‘friendly destiny’ 1,4,6 - Avang(r/er) - meaning unknown 1,5,1 - Bald(e/u)r - prince/god-son/light-bearer 1,5,2 - Barend - as brave as a bear 1,5,3 - Beoric - bright power 1,5,4 - Bertram - bright as a raven 1,5,5 - B(e/i/y)r(g/gh)(e/i/y)r - one who helps or protects/keeper 1,5,6 - Bj(o/ö)rn - bear 1,6,1 - Bj(o/ö)rnst(e/ei/y)n - stone bear or bear-stone 1,6,2 - Bodvar - battle-army 1,6,3 - Borgen - from a fort town, castle 1,6,4 - Bran - raven 1,6,5 - Bran(d/t/dt)( r) - sword/fIre/torch/burning log or pole 1,6,6 - Brynjar - armored/helmed warrior 2,1,1 - Brynulf - armored/mailed wolf 2,1,2 - Calder - harsh and cold waters 2,1,3 - Canis - dog 2,1,4 - Cord - bold/wise counselor 2,1,5 - Dag - day 2,1,6 - Dagrún - day-secret/lore 2,2,1 - Dol(f/ph) - noble wolf 2,2,2 - Drekken - dragon/drake 2,2,3 - Dren(n) - meaning unknown 2,2,4 - (Dur/T(h)or)fast - firm/strong thunder 2,2,5 - Dvordin - meaning unknown; likely based on Dvergr (dwarf) 2,2,6 - Eberhard - courageous like a boar 2,3,1 - Edvard - wealthy guard/protector 2,3,2 - Ehren - unclear, hidden 2,3,3 - Egil - inspires fright; awe 2,3,4 - Egon - strong with a sword 2,3,5 - Einar( r) - one who fights alone 2,3,6 - Einrid - one who rides alone 2,4,1 - Eluf - eternal heir 2,4,2 - Engir - meaning unknown 2,4,3 - (E/Ei)r(i/y)(c/k/g/gh) - king of all/forever 2,4,4 - Erlend - outsider/foreigner 2,4,5 - Erling/Ernil - prince (Ernil is Sindarin - Tolkein's elven language) 2,4,6 - Eyvindur - fortune’s victor 2,5,1 - Faf(fnr/nir) - dragon 2,5,2 - Félagi - fellow/partner 2,5,3 - Fell - living in the mountains/from the rough hill 2,5,4 - Fergus - man of force/wrath; strong/virile 2,5,5 - Fenr(i/y)(d/k/r/s) - world name/fen dweller 2,5,6 - Fin(n/nr/r) - Wanderer/wandering 2,6,1 - Fjolnir - concealer, wise one, manifold 2,6,2 - Fj(o/y)r - life, spirit 2,6,3 - Forni - ancient one 2,6,4 - Fraridr - the one who rides forth 2,6,5 - Frey( r) - lord 2,6,6 - Fritjof - thief of peace 3,1,1 - Frodar( r) - wise warrior 3,1,2 - Frode/Frodi - enlightened/wise 3,1,3 - Ganglar - wayweary 3,1,4 - Geigor/Greger - watchful, alert 3,1,5 - Ge(i/y)r( r) - spear 3,1,6 - Gilen - vow/oath 3,2,1 - Gn(j)arl/Gnyrll - snarl/growl; twisted up 3,2,2 - Go(d/t/tt)( b )ran(d/t/dt)( r)/Gul(l)bran(d/t/dt)( r) - god-sword/fire 3,2,3 - Go(d/dd/t/th)r(i/o)(c/k/g/gh) - power of god 3,2,4 - Grim( r)/Gri(m/v)nir - grim, cruel; masked/hooded 3,2,5 - Gung(n)ir - god-spear/swaying one 3,2,6 - Gunn(a/i)r - brave and bold; warrior 3,3,1 - Gunnulf - battle/war wolf 3,3,2 - Gunvald - war leader 3,3,3 - Gunvor - vigilant in war/battle 3,3,4 - Hagan - briar 3,3,5 - Hákon/Hakon/Haakon/Hågen - high or highest son 3,3,6 - Haldor - thunder stone/god-stone 3,4,1 - Halvard - rock/stone guardian 3,4,2 - Havard - high guardian 3,4,3 - Harald - army leader/war chief 3,4,4 - Har(e/i/y)(c/k/g/gh) - high sovereign 3,4,5 - Hauk( r) - hawk 3,4,6 - Heimdal(l)( r) - shining god/guardian of the shining bridge 3,5,1 - Helgan - sainted 3,5,2 - Helg(e/i) - holy/blessed 3,5,3 - Hemming - shape-changer 3,5,4 - Hengir - hone-spear 3,5,5 - Hengis(t) - stallion 3,5,6 - Herleif - warrior descendent 3,6,1 - Herulf/Hjorulf - sword wolf 3,6,2 - Hildulf - battle wolf 3,6,3 - Hjalmar - helmed fighter 3,6,4 - Holger - island of spears 3,6,5 - (H)rafn - raven 3,6,6 - (H)r(o/u)l(f/ph) - renown/famous/well-known wolf 4,1,1 - Hr(o/u)lfg(a/ei)r - wolf-spear 4,1,2 - (H)rothgar - famous spear/defender 4,1,3 - (H)rungnir - brawler 4,1,4 - Hund( r) - hound 4,1,5 - (I/Y)ngvar( r) - holy warrior 4,1,6 - Ivar( r) - fighter with a bow/archer 4,2,1 - Jaeg(e)r - hunter 4,2,2 - Jari - helmeted soldier 4,2,3 - Jarlulf - chief wolf/wolf lord 4,2,4 - Jarn - iron 4,2,5 - Jarnulf - iron wolf 4,2,6 - Jarnvid - ironwood 4,3,1 - Jokul(l) - ice, icicle, glacier 4,3,2 - Jólf( r) - horse-wolf 4,3,3 - Jor( r) - wild boar 4,3,4 - Jor(g)(e/i/y)n - farmer/earth-worker 4,3,5 - Jormund - sword-safe/protected from blades 4,3,6 - Jori(c/k/g/gh) - mighty horse/ horse chieftain 4,4,1 - Jorund - battle winner 4,4,2 - (J/Y)otun(n) - jotun/giant/titan/troll/supernatural being 4,4,3 - Kennet - born of fire 4,4,4 - K(a/j/v)(a/y)rl - chief man 4,4,5 - Kjeld - large pot 4,4,6 - Knut - knot 4,5,1 - (K/T)or( r)vald( r) - Thor’s ruler/chieftain 4,5,2 - Kra(gh/k(u)r) - crow 4,5,3 - Krom - Hyperborean (Robert E. Howard's Conan books) god of war 4,5,4 - (K)veld(o/u)l(f/ph) - evening/night/twilight wolf 4,5,5 - L(au/ei)f - son/descendant/heir 4,5,6 - L(au/ei)fvar - heir-guard 4,6,1 - Logan - little hollow 4,6,2 - Lothar - famous army/warrior 4,6,3 - Lukas - meaning unknown 4,6,4 - Nils(en) - victorious/conqueror of the people 4,6,5 - Nja( r)l - champion/giant 4,6,6 - Njord - strong 5,1,1 - (N/T)org(ei/i/y)r( r) - Thor’s spear or god-/thunder-spear 5,1,2 - Od(ai/i/y)n(n) - high-god/chief god 5,1,3 - O(dd/th)var - sharp point guard 5,1,4 - (Oe/A)ngus - powerful/strong one 5,1,5 - Ofnir - inciter 5,1,6 - Ol(a/o)(f/v) - ancestor’s heir 5,2,1 - Ol(i/y)n - hallowed 5,2,2 - Olv(i/y)r - protected/lucky warrior 5,2,3 - Or(i/y)n(n) - light, fair 5,2,4 - Orvar - arrow 5,2,5 - Orven - brave friend 5,2,6 - Otto - wealthy, prosperous 5,3,1 - Ove - full of terror 5,3,2 - Preben - first in battle 5,3,3 - R(a/ae/ei)g(e/i)r - heron 5,3,4 - Ragnar - military advisor/war knowledge 5,3,5 - Rand - shield-rim 5,3,6 - Ran(u/o)l(f/ph) - wolf shield-rim 5,4,1 - Reidar - home warrior 5,4,2 - Ri(c/k/g/gh)ard - daring power 5,4,3 - Ri(d/dd/th)ar - warrior on horse 5,4,4 - R(h)uarc - rainstorm/squall 5,4,5 - Run(v)ar( r) - secret lore (magic/rune) warrior 5,4,6 - Runst(e/ei/u)n(er/r) - rune/lore/magic-stone 5,5,1 - Ruri(c/k/g/gh) - famous power 5,5,2 - Rymr - noise 5,5,3 - S(a/o)lgeir( r) - sun-spear 5,5,4 - Sigurd - victory guard 5,5,5 - Sigvald - ruler of victory/victorious ruler 5,5,6 - Skallagrim( r) - grim-skull 5,6,1 - Skander - reaver/raider 5,6,2 - Sk(j)old( r) - shield 5,6,3 - Snorri - attack/onslaught 5,6,4 - Solvar(r/d) - sun-protection/watchful sun 5,6,5 - Stal - steel 5,6,6 - Stef - crown 6,1,1 - Ste(i)n - stone or small rock 6,1,2 - Stian/Stig( r) - wanderer 6,1,3 - Ste(i)nar( r) - stone warrior 6,1,4 - St(o/u/y)rlaug(r/ur) - holy battle-oath 6,1,5 - St(o/u/y)rbj(o/ö)rn - battle-bear 6,1,6 - Sv(a/e)rd - sword 6,2,1 - Svarnir - slayer 6,2,2 - Svart(a)bran(d/t/dt)( r) - black blade/sword 6,2,3 - Svart(a)g(ei/y)r( r) - black spear 6,2,4 - Sven(d) - boy/youth 6,2,5 - T(h)orgil/Korgil - Thor’s/god-shaft 6,2,6 - T(h)or(o/u)l(f/ph) - Thor’s/god-wolf 6,3,1 - T(h)or(ben/bj(o/ö)rn) - Thor's/god-bear 6,3,2 - T(ore/hore/hor/har) - god/great/thunder-strength 6,3,3 - T(h)or(f)in(n/nr) - Thor’s/god-wanderer 6,3,4 - T(h)ormund( r) - Thor’s/god-protection 6,3,5 - T(h)orvind( r) - Thor’s/god-victory/friend 6,3,6 - Troels - arrow of Thor/god 6,4,1 - Trygyv - trustworthy 6,4,2 - Tyge - one who hits the mark 6,4,3 - Ul(f)bran(d/t)( r) - wolf-sword/fIre/torch/burning log or pole 6,4,4 - Ulf - wolf 6,4,5 - Ul(f)ri(c/k/g/gh) - wealthy/powerful ruler; wolf ruler 6,4,6 - V(a/æ/e)(ddr/dher/r) - ram/weather 6,5,1 - V(a/I)li - powerful/strong, chosen 6,5,2 - Veurr - shrine-guard/hallower 6,5,3 - Vid(a/u)r( r) - warrior apart, wide warrior, killer 6,5,4 - Viggo - battle 6,5,5 - Vilmar - strong willed 6,5,6 - Vindar - victorious warrior/army 6,6,1 - Vindler - wind-sea 6,6,2 - Vald(r/er) - ruler, mighty one 6,6,3 - Volund( r) - brave in battle, courageous warrior, skillful blacksmith 6,6,4 - Vygar - powerful warrior/armor 6,6,5 - Yrung( r) - stormy 6,6,6 - (Y/I)ng(for/vard/vir) - divinely protected
Hello, So I got another game up after a weeks work away from home. Me and two friends are joining a small friendly tournament in January, and our games from now until then will be practice game in preparations for this event. I was going to record the game, as last time and try to make a new and better battle report, but due to lack of time and the lighting was not sufficient enough. Pictures had to fill in instead. I optimised my list from the last game vs Eldar. My friends list has proven it self in the past, to hit hard and fast. The tournament uses Eternal War missions, Maelstrom in the same game. Eternal war objectives are in the end worth the most and generate most tournament points. Maelstrom missions are secondary, and generate moderate points. And thirdly the First blood (first strike in our case), slay the warlord and line breaker as minor tournament points. Not going into detail about it, but the most important thing is that you only need to win each category and you will get a set amount of of points. In case of a draw the points are shared. So it doesn't matter if you have 18 vs 0 in maelstrom missions cards, or 13 vs 12. All you need is to win that category to get the points (or share in case of a tie). Anyhow, to the lists. We need to have one CAD (mandatory) and one optional formation from the same faction. 1750 Deathwatch: CAD Librarian with Beacon 5 Veterans with Frag cannon x2, meltagun x2, Rhino 5 Veterans with Frag cannon x2, grav gun x2, Rhino Drop pod WATCH COMPANY Captain with thunder hammer and lightning claw, tome of ectoclades Aquila 1 5 Veterans with Stalker pattern boltguns/boltguns 1 Terminator with cyclone missile launcher Aquila 2 5 Veterans with Stalker pattern boltguns/boltguns 1 Terminator with cyclone missile launcher Aquila 3 7 veterans, with frag cannon x2, heavy thunder hammer, storm shield 1 terminator with thunder hammer and storm shield 1 drop pod Aquila 4 7 Veterans, with frag cannon x2, meltagun 1 Terminator with heavy flamer, meltagun 1 Drop pod SPACE WOLVES (No clue really to be honest) Librarian equivalent with jump pack Librarian equivalent with re.roll relic These two belonged to a special formation giving some magic buffs. Ulric the slayer Iron priest on thunder wolf mount, cyber wolf 10 grey hunters, power weapon, plasmagun x2, rhino 7 grey hunters, close combat weapons, meltagun, wolf standard, terminator with frost sword and combi melta, drop pod with deathwind launcher. 5 Wulfen, two frost axes, 2 thunder hammers and storm shields, frost claws on the leader (name) 4 Thunder wolfs, power fist, storm shield x3, wolf claw and storm shield 5 Sky claws, frost sword, two flamers 5 Long fangs, plasma cannon, lascannon x3, terminator with storm shield. So I stared off by winning the deployment zone. As usual, we just take the side where our models are hanging out. We are to lazy to move around... I deployed my Two rhino units (forgot to load up one of the veterans form the CAD into the drop pod, but turned out to be a good choice to let them ride in the rhino...). Two units of Stalker patter units deployed too. Space wolves, who went first with deployment, gather up more or less on one flank. Keeping the pack together. SPACE WOLVES DEPLOYMENT DEATHWATCH DEPLOYMENT SPACE WOLVES TURN 1 Movement phase - Drops in the 7 grey hunters and terminator, + the librarian guy with no jump pack. - Moves around his units to prepare for a drop pod assault demo the deathwatch. Psychic phase - The drop pod librarian kills off every Veteran with stalker patten boltgun + the terminator... I didn't save a single 2+ save, and my 3+ saves where horrible. Shooting phase - Long fangs shots at the other Stalker pattern unit with the plasma cannon and the lascannons on the one rhino they can see. - The terminator fails his cover save and dies. Other members saves. Assault phase - there are no assaults Points gained - First strike (kill an enemy unit in your first turn (replaces first blood)) DEATHWATCH TURN 1 Movement phase (start of phase) - Drop pods come - Beacon shenanigan, pulling in rhino and deploys. - Second rhino goes after the SW drop pod unit Psychic phase - I try to do a psychic shriek, but get denied Shooting phase (all hell breaks lose) - The 5 veterans in the rhino who goes after the drop pod unit... kills them all. Was thinking of baking them up with the stalker unit - The rest of the army shoots at the Thunder wolves and Wulfen. Mixed results here, but I do manage to take down the warlord (iron priest) and enough thunder wolves and wulfen to feel comfortable. The wulfen even fails moral. But don't run to far away. Assault phase - There is none Points gained - First strike - Slay the warlord SPACE WOLVES TURN 2 Movements phase - Wulfen curses the sky claws and thunder wolves with +3" move. - All the remaining forces except for the long fangs moves in for the kill on the dropped Deathwatch units. Shooting phase - Thins down my lines, taking out 1 frag cannon from each unit and some random boltgun/shotgun guys. Assault phase - Grey hunters go in first, multi charge. They lose 5 members on the charge and fail leadership and runs away (not sure if thats right but to little time to check) - Thunder wolves, sky claws and wulfen heads in. No casualties on the charge there, but a wound inflicted on a thunder wolf. - Deathwatch kills the sky claws and the remaining librarian (6 models) and the deathwatch loses 9 models spread among the 3 units. - Deathwatch captain and his lone veteran survivor flees, and so does the veteran squad from the rhino. The Aquila team stays, as they have a terminator. - Thunder wolves and aquila team locked in combat - Wulfen in the open Points gained - Rhino moved forward to claim an objective DEATHWATCH TURN 2 Movement phase - Regroups the chicken units - Position my self for shooting at the remaining SW units Psychic phase - casts terrify and Thunder wolves fail ld, and runs away. Flees of the table. Shooting phase - Stalkers and two last guys form the rhino pull, kills the wulfen The Remaining Space Wolves bows to the power of the Deathwatch. Promises to control the Wulfen and have them cleaned. And also they need to provide members to the Deathwatch. My friend just gave up all hope after his horrible leadership roles. The game was zero tactical, we were in each others faces from turn 1. I did tell him that my army wants to be within 12", and his army within charge range. Once this happens, its straight forward whats going to happen. Since I hit his flank hard, he had to turn his sky claws around and join the fight. And since he turned his sky claws, I focused more on that flank. Anyhow, he decided to change his list a bit. Exchanging his sky claws for a Scicarian. With this he can block me better (one rhino plus the scicarian). Also its a good answer to eldar jetbikes, transports and what not.
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- Deathwatch Chapter
- Deathwatch battle report
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So, I finally got to try out my DW for the first time. Needless to say, I was very impressed. Don't have any pics, unfortunately. The game was a little hurried as I had other things to do in the evening. it was a 3v2 4500 points vs 3000 points (chaos/daemons vs imperium w/warhound). Here's what I brought (DW anyway): Aquila kill-team: -Librarian (ML2, tome of ectoclades) -Veteran squad (3 frag cannons, 2 meltaguns, xenophase blade on the sarge) -drop pod T1 they dropped down and stripped a nurgle knight down to 3 hull points (I inflicted 9 HP of damage, but he was REALLY good at his ion shield rolls). The damage output is quite spectacular. Librarian cast electroshock and killed 3 plaguebearers. In our opponents turn I lost two frag cannons from LC's from a land raider. They got charged by the knight. My iron hand melta-gunner managed to blow the knight to kingdom come in a single shot! ( penetrated hit, rolled a 3 for additional hullpoints lost). Everybody but the sergeant was killed in the ensuing titanic explosion. BUT, my opponents HoN, GOU, and 9 plaguebearers were sent screaming back to the warp with them. Very satisfying. The sergeant went on to murder a depleted unit of Plaguebearers with his xenophase blade (love those things). Then he got unceremoniously killed by a cultist autogun. Welp. My biggest takeaways are that Frag Cannons are really a thing (I'm sure you knew that already lol), and that these kill-teams are insanely fragile for how expensive they are. But they sure made a helluva distraction for my opponents. I look forward to fielding two kill-teams with my SW's and Skitarii in a 2000 point grudge match against my FLGS. He's the most brilliant guard player you'll ever meet. Hope to take some pics of that battle.
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- allied
- Deathwatch Chapter
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Greetings Fraters of the B&C. Here are some pics of the army I'm currently painting up and I apologize for the picture overload, but this is my first time. Be gentle. My Chapter is a Successor from the Dark Angels/Angels of Vengeance. Most of my army is undergoing repainting to get it in line with the color scheme I have revised for my units (New scheme posted): Battle Companies: Normal marine: Vet. Sergeant (can be a Deathwalker Candidate or a former Deathwalker): or Company Vets: Command squads (majority will be former Deathwalkers, one or two may be Candidates that are about to be inducted into the 1st Company) & Company Master: 2nd Company - Boneseekers Normal biker (generally considered "more" veteran): Boneseekers Veterans (similar to the Company Veterans idea - I'm hoping there is a new 2nd Company Vets squad in a new Codex): Vet. Sergeant (will all be Deathwalker Candidates or returning Deathwalkers): or Command squads (per Battle companies) & Master of the 2nd (this will probably be a little more unique than this in some way, but look very similar): 1st Company - Deathwalkers Normal Termie: Sergeant, Command Squad (will look the same, but with a red helm stripe) Master of the 1st (trying to come up with something slightly more unique for him) Current Army Shot (minus WIP Landspeeder): The horde cometh: Predator: Dreadnought: With Missile Launcher replacing DCCW: We don't talk about the poor lone Assault Marine. His greaves and chainsword are still the wrong color and none of his compatriots have had any love (they are all still waiting to be repainted).
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- Stoneburners Chapter
- Dark Angels Successor
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