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  1. So I have randomly acquired a sealed set of Forge World upgrade parts for Cadian veterans with shotguns among a big eBay box of mostly Horus Heresy stuff. Problem is, by the looks of things there are only four torso and arm sets (plus one loose shotgun), so not enough for a ten man squad, and I also can’t see shotguns as an option for any unit n the Index anymore. One thought I had was just to make a command squad with them and proxy for lasguns, but I thought I’d ask you good folks here if you had any ideas what else I could do with them or what unit they could represent. Feel free to conjecture right out of the box because I’m really interested in any possibilities and don’t mind some proper kitbashing. I’ve got a bunch of old-style plastic Cadian infantry I can use to do something with them. I’ll add a photo later of what I’ve got in the pack. Thanks in advance!
  2. Another day, another thread for a new novel. Deathworlder - Victoria Hayward Every time I pick up one of these new Astra Militarum books, I fear the worst kind of generic military page-filler. While not every book has been great, they've all proved me wrong - you'd think I'd have learned by now. I should probably get around to completing the set with Catachan Devil, huh? I think this is the first novel where I really buy the horror of Tyranids. They're usually an afterthought or are reduced to flavourless "chittering masses" for the protagonists to fight. Here, probably in part because I didn't recognize most of the variants and could imagine something scarier than the tabletop models, they're genuinely threatening, dangerous, and downright gross. I hope you're ready for a few passages describing things getting digested. This isn't a world getting stripped of life, it's a world curdling into a slurry for things beyond the stars to slurp up in stage by grotesque stage. Hell yeah Frater. With such descriptions in mind, the book is more of a trek through a putrefying hell than some protracted battle against endless foes. The 'Nids clearly aren't paying any special attention to the protagonists and the journey is more of an effort to go around them where possible than some non-stop battle; the bioforms are a deadly part of the environment more than a horde of individuals. Which isn't to say it's all shock value, the characters get lots of time to introspect throughout, and their tactical decisions often require much deliberation as well. Speaking of the characters, the Catachans are already well drawn by the end of their introductory chapter. It takes some books upwards of a hundred pages to pull that off, meanwhile Deathworlder makes you understand each Catachan within a few passage. Our Cadian tag-along, Anditz, takes longer to solidify and his introductory chapter is probably the book's weakest moment. Worry not though, he becomes more and more compelling as things go. By the end you want to see him pull through just as much as the Catachans. Our two other side characters are also great, Wrathe is believably cordial despite her machine-cult fanaticism, and the cultist Lamya is a fun look at how someone who drank the Tyranid Kool-Aid reacts to their actual presence. None of them are anything super novel, but Hayward's strength comes in giving each believable layers to their surface-level tropes. The Catachans having plenty of respect for patience, tactics, and teamwork despite what other regiments see them as is probably the book's central example. Not much to critique, IMO. Once they reach their goal things start to get a little shaky, with a few attempts at pathos that seem random when every character has emotional investments to be pushed on already by that point. As an example, Major Kahn notices a dead married couple towards the end of the book which stokes further hatred in her (despite not knowing what wedding rings are.) Considering she was already pretty fired up by both the loss of her regiment and many dead civilians throughout, it seemed almost out of place. This happens a few times in the last quarter - I think the scenes are written well but they read like a late addition to an already complete novel. I also think it could have ended with something more bleak, but that's an issue I level at 99% of Black Library books, and I know it wouldn't be to everyone's taste. 8.5/10, honestly great stuff. My mind was never blown, but I was constantly thinking "excellent, well handled" throughout. Another new author I want to read more novels from.
  3. Welcome to the thread: I'm hopefully going to post up a combination of my homebrew Lore for the regiment, modelling/converting logs and guides, and painted models showcases featuring troopers, officers, grenadiers and vehicles. Just to keep things on-topic, let's keep it restricted to Rogue Trader Imperial Guard for the moment. I had imperial guard models since 2nd edition; I got into the hobby via having a copy of the old Rogue Trader 40k Compilation which had the first Genestealer cult articles and lists in it and the brood brother models made with 1st ed Imperial Guardsmen really appealed to me. They weren't available however- apparently the moulds got broken. So I started off with some Cadian models and collected a medium-sized (at the time) force. Some time in my teens, Warhammer World opened and I was extremely happy to discover I could mail order things- even RT era things- in the shop. So I ordered a load of the metal RT era troopers- the ones with poseable arms. Eventually I worked out which ones I liked best and narrowed down my force exclusively to the models sculpted by Mark Copplestone. There was something about the heavy look of the armour and boots in his sculpts that appealed to me. I originally had all my RT guard painted in the same ice/urban blue-black and blue-grey scheme I'd had my cadians in, which was pretty similar to the original RT IG colour scheme. Sometime a couple of years in I decided I didn't like that any more and went with a scheme inspired by the enemy marines in the massively influential video game Half-Life; at the time I think I must have put several thousand hours into that game. There's one trooper in particular that pretty much just is the beret guy from HL. That scheme has persisted to the present, although very few of the original models have survived unmolested: fairly early on, I decided to ditch the RT era lasguns, which is a decision I'm still happy about, as it happens, and make autoguns for the troops as similar to the MP5 submachineguns and shotguns that the HL marines had as I could make them. This is the decision that put me where I ended up now- that is, saddled with a self-imposed directive to convert pretty much every trooper. Each autogun is converted from a RT bolter, a length of space marine power axe or chainsword handle and the magazine and barrel from a necromunda autopistol. Pretty work intensive, but not a bad go at the mp5 while still keeping some recogniseable 40k features. The shotguns are from the same necromunda weapon set as the atuopistols, but cut down a little. Having comitted to converting all the guns, it wasn't long before I was converting all the arms too: I'd already done a lot of head swaps due to there being only four basic Copplestone trooper sculpts -and two of those needing some heavy converting just to make them 'standard'. Things just sort of snowballed from there. I'll show some more detailed stuff about why this all is if people are interested, as well as how I do it, I guess. I reckon there's a rich vein of posts to be mined to get where I have the troops today, which is a long distance indeed from where they were. I'm going to say right here in the first post that this will be a thread I update slowly: I don't get a lot of time for modelling and painting anymore on the one hand, and on the other I want to comment on modelling and converting individual troopers because that's the kind of thread I like best and I want to create something I would like to see myself. Please feel free to make requests and offer comment; I'd really appreciate it. In the meanwhile, here are some 'action' shots of my guardsmen, mostly set up for Apologist's 'War of the false Primarch' collaborative blog, which you should definitely check out if you haven't. Thanks everyone
  4. The project is finished (at least for now) and here are the results! An overall view: A Warlord : A techpriest lady: and a few closeups: there is a small astropathic choir(in a black stormcoats) overall: 6 infantry squads 2 platoon commanders 2 company commanders 3 astropaths 4 leman russes 1 shadowsword 2 wyverns 1 manticore the WiP of this project can be seen in http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/353759-necromunda-astra-militarum-project-log/
  5. Just stomped my friend's Necrons with this list. Maybe I was just lucky, so any toughts on the list are welcome. Battalion Detachment 1500pts, 79PL Specialist Detachment: Emperor's Fist Doctrine : Gunnery Experts, Jury-Rigged Repairs HQ 1. Tank Commander Warlord -Kurov's Aquilla -Demolisher Siege Cannon -Hull Weapon- Heavy Flamer -Sponson - Heavy Flamer -Hunter Killer Missle, Dozer Blade, Augur Ray, Track guards 2. Tank Commander -ACE : Weapon Expert -Punisher Gatling Cannon -Hull Weapon- Heavy Flamer -Sponson - Heavy Flamers -Hunter Killer Missle, Dozer Blade, Augur Ray, Track guards HEAVY SUPPORT 1. Leman Russ -Battle Cannon -Hull Weapon- Heavy Flamer -Sponson - Heavy Flamer -Hunter Killer Missle, Augur Ray, Track guards 2. Leman Russ Conqueror -Conqueror Battle Cannon -Hull Weapon- Heavy Bolter -Sponson - Heavy Bolter -Hunter Killer Missle 3. Manticore -ACE : Full Payload -Hull Weapon : Heavy Flamers TROOPS 1. Infantry Squad 2. Infantry Squad 3. Infantry Squad 4. Infantry Squad -flamer 5. Infantry Squad -flamer DEDICATED TRASPORT 1. Chimera -Turret: Heavy Flamer -Hull Weapon: Heavy Flamer 2. Chimera -Turret: Heavy Flamer -Hull Weapon: Heavy Flamer So the idea was just to literally drive towards the enemy, shooting twice with turrets and than legit charge into combat. I put flamers so I dont get locked in combat with my blast weapons unable to shoot, also overwatch is great with flamers. Since my plan was to get really close, this worked great. Also I erased all his vehicles turn 1. The guards were there to sit behind and hug the objectives, while Chimeras were there to follow the tanks and clear objectives (with 2 flamer squads). I love the list, but I fought only Necrons and only once with it so I dont know if it would work as a general list.
  6. Evening! So, I've been jumping on and off the hobby lately due to work, although I've been building (and lately painting) steady for the last year. Although now that the 8th edition hit the shelves I feel quite lost in how to "finalize" my army with an army list. Last edition was pretty clear and easy, since the plan was going full veteran and everything with it. Is going full Vanguard detachment army actually viable (if I've understood the detachments correctly)? Anyway, if any of you'd like to come with suggestions or a draft/design on a fitting army list I would really appreciate it. My plan is/was to have 1 Elysian detachment and 1 Astra militarum detachment - If that's viable. Any suggestions are welcome! The inventory so far (both created and planned modelwise): HQ 1x Company commander with a boltgun 1x Command squad - Nothing planned yet. Meat 1x Guard Squad - 3x Sniper & Lascannon 1x Guard Squad - 3x Grenade launcher & Rocket launcher 1x Guard Squad - 3x Plasma & Rocket launcher 1x Guard Squad - 3x "Not yet built" & Rocket Launcher 1x Guard Squad - 3x Melta & Not yet decided HW (skip?) 1x Guard Squad - 3x "Not yet built" & Autocannon 1x Scion Squad - 2x Plasma 1x Scion Squad - 1x Melta & 1x Flamer 1x Scion squad - 1x Grenade launcher & 1x "Not decided" 5 or 6 man squads? Transport 1x Chimera - Autocannon & Flamer 1x Chimera - Autocannon & Heavy bolter 2x Taurox Misc 1x HW mortar squad 1x Tauros Venator - Lascannons 3x Sentinels - 2x plasma cannon, 1x lascannon (not yet decided). Air support 2x Valkyrie - Rocket pods? 1x Marauder Destroyer 1x Thunderbolt So that's basically the inventory. Units that I can make/have/bits/whatever: Commissar/commissar lord Bits for making a few more squads or characters of "meat". Master of the Fleet/Ordonance Inquisitor 5x DW Space marines Of course, I'm happy to make/take in other units that might be vital and so on if I'm missing anything - No shortage on bits! Anyway, thank you in advance, I'll be happy to supply you with any details if I missed anything. Best regards!
  7. Patient Zero: a lone soldier, the sole survivor of an Astra Militarum army killed by disease, wanders from Imperium base to Imperium base warning of the impending epidemic. Little does he know that HE is the primary carrier of the plague, because...like all humans...he can see corruption everywhere but within. Army composition will basically be a single Guardsman (HQ: Renegade Commander), groups of Nurglings (Troops: Nurglings) then Imperial Guard artillery pieces (Wyverns, Earthshaker Batteries especially). I can tie these elements together, thanks to the Renegades & Heretics list from a Forgeworld Imperial Armour Index. Imperial Guardsmen from a Heavy Weapons Team sprue, thx to my friend Timperial Guard, with duffle bag from a 3rd party, Italeri. Nurglings painted with experimental technique. Using yin-yang basecoating (basecoat all black, then white from a light angle, so it retains some black shadows) then wash with inks. Learned technique from: http://hivezero.blogspot.hk/2014/02/speed-painting-nurglings-little-ranting.html. Oh, and the colours? Aside from being bright primary colours to contrast against the darker olive artillery, I chose them because they looked like Dr. Mario and the boardgame Epidemic, both great games. I basically envision the Nurglings infecting the targeting operating system with Space Invaders. Many, many thanks to the Lost & the Damned board right here on B&C.
  8. Fellow Guardsmen! It's been a long time since my last report to Terran High Command! I hope the Emperor can forgive me. But the 409th is ready to emerge from winter quarters and hit the campaign trail once again. Real life demands not withstanding, I plan to get back to the business of putting more boots on the ground and shells in the air. I tried to find my old PLOG thread only to discover that it had been so long since my last update that it had been archived! Disgraceful! I'm fixing to keep this thread from suffering the same fate. I have to admit, it's no coincidence that the arrival of 8th Edition and the new Guard dex coincide with this army coming off ice. The new regimental doctrines sound very fluffy and fun to play with. I plan to try them all out just for kicks since I run my own homebrew regiment. Since it has been so long, like YEARS, since I last seriously posted, for those who don't know about the 409th, it's primarily an infantry based Guard regiment that is inspired by the American Civil War. I've seen random threads here and there on the old Intertrons in the past that were loosely inspired by ACW themes, and always had a mind to tackle it myself. I'm using a lot of third party kit which gets kind of expensive, but I think that this theme demands more than some simple head swaps to achieve the effect I'm going after. It's been a pretty long slog, but the 409th slumber'd for long enough and my boys have their dander up! Anyway, I figured the best way to start the new thread is with a PARADE! Who doesn't love parades, especially military parades glorifying the Emperor! So, I'll start there with some beauty shots of the boys I have all painted up ready for battle: Command Section: Here's a couple shots of the ranking officers, the Senior Officer in the middle and two Junior Officers. And their Regimental Advisors: Master of Ordnance, Astropath, a Fleet Officer and a Priest in there for good measure. And here's the CO with his command squad retinue: Bonus: Checkout my old count-as as Color Sergeant Kell in the back on the right - never got around to actually modelling the actual COLORS he was supposed to be entrusted with, but hes got the power fist and 'power' sword - the only chain sword in my army! Also included for bonus fun, an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor I painted up about the same time as I was doing this regiment initially, in case he ever needed to commandeer the regiment on Inquisition business: I don't really remember where I found this guy, pretty sure he's some kind of Privateer Press mini. Elites: Well, I guess these guys are Elites now, which honestly I feel is not optimal, but oh well, gotta sell those stormtrooper sprues! When I initially envisioned an ACW inspired army on the table I had thought I'd have entire platoons (in game terms) worth of infantry patterned in different uniform styles taken from famous civil war units. However, this is not as feasible as I foresaw from a cost and time standpoint. It became more practical to run Veteran squads in some of the more exotic unit patterns of the day, rather than try and run entire platoons this way. It just costs too much!! In-game it actually works pretty well as a way to distinguish Vet squads from your standard infantry squads, and easily explained from a fluff standpoint - as units gain seniority they appropriate unique attire befitting their veteran status. Anyway my first Veteran squad is patterned after the famous Union Iron Brigade. They were also called the Black Hats since the appropriated Hardee hats as part of their uniform instead of the typical kepis and forage caps. These guys are pretty much all Victoria Mini parts, but the heads are special. Steve Barber miniatures online has a massive range of historal minis for different eras and lots in the 28mm scale. And while historical 28mm is usually too small to be compatibile with heroic 28mm, they do have lot and lots of 28mm historic heads and their heads happen to scale extremely nicely with VicMini scuplts. They also work with GW as well, but mate with VicMini perfectly. I use the Steve Barber heads in this project extensively, they are a near perfect fit for this kind of conversion. Here's more of the squad: The special weapons in initially modelled for this squad was melta, back when melta vets were the hotness. But I guess the hotness is plasma now, so I suppose I'm going to have to go back and bang out a few plasma Vets for the squad. The 'melta' arms are all VicMini and really look the part for the aesthetic. Next Vet squad: these guys are patterned after the 11th New York Fire Zouaves. I really wanted to do some Zouaves units, but pretty much chickened out, since I don't really trust my greenstuff-fu, and no one out there is making baggy Zouave-style pantaloons in the 28mm heroic scale. So these guy are my compromise since they were a Zouave unit when they mustered in at the beginning of the war, and had a different uniform, a silk uniform that fell apart during their initial campaign! This is closer to the unit's second uniform, were they ditched their jackets and adopted dark trousers to replaces the baggy zouave pants that had disintegrated. Back in the old dex, (I'm talking 5th Ed. when I was heavy into planning this unit out,) There was no regiment restriction, and Harker was an interesting addition for a veteran squad. Zouaves drilled in light infantry open-order tactics - running these guys as light infantry infiltrating harassers was what I intended. This squad has sniper rifles - cheap and cheerful harassment weapons, inspired by the 'sniper' rifled muskets of the era. This squad is lead by my 'count-as' Harker. Is he even IN the next Dex or just the 8th Ed. index?? Well, he's a cool conversion anyway, don't know if he'll find the table for a while. And speaking of snipers, these guys can run as their own counts-as rattlings (although I do need a few more) or as part of a command squad for the BS3+. They are inspired by Berdan's 1st and 2nd US Sharpshooters. They were special regiments that recruited soliders who were proficient with the rifled arms of the day and could actually aim (most couldn't). They were used often as skirmishers at the divisional level instead of fighting in traditional two-rank battle lines. These guy are my own count-as Commissars. Every civil war regiment usually had a Sergeant Major, who was the senior NCO of the unit. Anecdotally these guys were known to be tough as nails and unflappable. In my fluff, these guys are senior NCO's who get inducted into special Officio Prefectus training programs and come out the other end as Sergeant Major Commissars. I always intended to get a couple actual Commissars painted up, but never got around. There's more I'd like to do for these guys to make them really stand out as Commissars on the tabletop. And here's another 5th Ed. relic: my counts-as Marbo. I think the Index still let's you run him?? But maybe its just Shadow Wars now? He was fun one to convert, but doesn't have a place right now in an 8th Ed. army. Pity.
  9. Hi I bring you The Complete Guide to Buffing Astra Militarum Infantry! You can read it here https://cadianshock.com/buffing-astra-militarum-infantry-guide/ It also contains (embedded in the page) a little helper app, you can view that as a stand-alone page too here https://cadianshock.com/infantry/ The article includes everything and anything that can help Astra Militarum Infantry on the battlefield and the help app makes looking up which unit buffs which other units very easy. See image at the bottom of this post. Please let me know any feedback, mistakes and your experiences!
  10. Greetings fellow commanders! After a long absence from the hobby (since 5th edition) I feel really drawn back into it with the release of 8th edition. Always wanting to start a Guard Army, an idea started to form in my mind: I wanted to play a ''crusading pilgrim'' Guard force whose commanders relinquished command to an inquisitor who likes nothing more than getting up close, spray holy promethium and inhale the rewarding smell of burning xenos and heretics. So I devised an army list of a mobile and aggressive force that includes a spearhead of multiple hellhounds and flamer chimeras, who take the first incoming blows as they screen a huge force of advancing infantry equiped with flamers and plasma, backed up by a small long range support division. I might even throw in a couple of cyclops demolition vehicles (converted to have suicidal drivers seeking redemption for their sins) for the heck of it. The catachan regimental doctrine comes out, and I'm pretty excited: that's a very fitting doctrine for an army based on a heavy flamer and inferno cannon assault! But here's the thing: I like modelling and painting my army as much as playing it, and visually the catachans are just not attractive for me to work on. With their short legs, broad backs and enormous biceps they look like a human-ork crossbreed, or abhumans at the very least. Added to that, I doubt their line will get updated soon (for how many years have people been begging GW for plastic sisters!?). The prospect of painting a 100 of these guys turns me off. I was actually thinking of using Cadian miniatures and give a bunch of them catachan arms by just buying some catachan bits, like this: My footsloggers: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6dtrGCR6UBoeWJTSWFudU1mSUk/view My Inquisitor: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6dtrGCR6UBoVktGYTE1SExTdTA/view So my first question is: would that be accepable for in store or tournament play, or do you I HAVE to use catachan models to make use of the catachan doctrine? My second question, and here I am pushing it a bit too much perhaps. Fitting with the general theme of a faith based crusading force, it would be cool to use Ministorum Priests as officer stand-ins and Mistresses of Repentance as Commissar stand-ins (forwards, or get whipped to death!). Would that be ok or is that violating WYSIWYG common sense too much? I'm looking forward to hearing your opinions! Suggestions for fluffy conversions are welcome too! Once the codex comes out I might upload a draft army list for this army of flame loving zealots.. Cheers!
  11. In an all abhuman regiment (as in one that hasn’t been broken up into auxiliary units to be attached to other regiments), who would have overall command? Would an officer be brought in from outside the regiment? Would the senior commissar have command duties? It would practically have to be one of those two in the case of stuff like ogryn or ratlings, but if the abhumans in question had the faculties for it, would the Munitorum (or Ecclesiarchy, or Inquisition, or anyone, really) actually condone an abhuman officer being in command of anything? The thing is, there really isn't any concrete fluff to align with here. While there have been a few references to full abhuman regiments, beastmen being particularly of note, there have been zero details as to how such regiments function or are commanded. So in the end, I suppose it’s really a question of what would make the most sense. Thoughts? Theories? Suggestions?
  12. Hi everyone, Since I've been admiring all your armies on these pages and love the constructive comments and cheering for WIP threads, which I follow eagerly myself, I recovered my camera and will start my own. I hope you enjoy these photos, and am very interested in your feedback for my armies. I am not a very experienced painter, but I like taking my time to make the most of what I can while learning in the process. I noticed I thin my paints more every day Due to a busy life and tons of work, this won't be a fast thread I suppose, but I'll try and keep it regular. The basic idea behind my forces is a Sisters of Battle army that descends from the Order of the Argent Shroud (hence the silver liveries). I yet have to make their background more substantial, and find a name that I am happy with (it's been changing over time ) but here are a few things: - Descended from the Order of the Argent Shroud, the order was founded initially as a crusade force and maintains their habit of not staying very long in once place - They consider the Emperor to be the only human who can read in the minds and souls and see the future of Humanity, and loathe psykers of all kinds. However, as they are a combat force that has been engaged in many theaters, they realize that some minor psykers of humanity can be tolerated for their helpfulness on the battlefield, although they keep a tight eye on them. - They have an escort of a Freeblade brotherhood, imperial knights they have helped from various worlds during their campaigns in the past and who have vowed them their service. One of them was a last defender of a tyranid-infested world and holds dear to eradicate these bugs from the stars. The Sisters see insectoid psykers with even more hate than human ones as they are a race doomed to heresy for they cannot be turned to the Light of the Emperor. - Sometimes, commander Karmov and his penal legion of Imperial Guards joins them for both heavy support, meat-shield...err, tactical protection, and because sisters have a very strong tendency to show the Light to criminals - either through prayer, or through promethium. - When required, the Ordo assasinorum assigns an agent or two to assist the sisters in their tasks, albeit the psykery kind have a tendency to disappear before returning to their masters, once the job is done... That being said, it sets the path for the upcoming work in progress. Sisters are assisted by knights, and I am focussing on these two codices for the moment in terms of modelling and painting. I do enjoy conversions, but it's a steep learning curve to make them look nice, not just cool, so I started off with some simpler ideas Here is the scheme on a couple of sisters - they need a bit of polishing and basing, still. The base is chaos black spray, followed by a Leadbelcher for metals, and Khorne red for cloth. Then it's layers of thinned Ironbreaker and Stormhost silver, that I particluarly like, shades with Nuln oil and its Glossy variant, and Necron compound. Cloth is highlighted with ever more thinned Wazdakka red, and washes are made with Scarborough crimson. Finally, gold is a Bronze base followed by lighter Glenna's gold and Auric armor. I kept those paints unmixed because I don't have drip bottles at home and want to have consistency. http://i65.tinypic.com/wlx9ht.jpghttp://i63.tinypic.com/3yi6e.jpg And here is a seraphim in the making: http://i67.tinypic.com/x1aiyv.jpg I have also converted a Baal Predator to an immolator. I just put on Dreadnaught exhausts chopped in half around the main flamer nozzle, and used the Forgeworld sororitas rhino doors and front plate. I had a broken Celestine so she ended up adjusted to "man" the turret still needs work, these are the base layers to guide me in the process, but the Black main colour will stay, to pop out in the army of silverware : ) http://i63.tinypic.com/2j6249w.jpghttp://i68.tinypic.com/2vmimc7.jpg And finally for today, the venerable Knight in the making. He follows a similar colour code as the sisters, he'll be basically schemed with the same palette on these base coats. He just got a Leadbelcher base, copious amounts of Nuln oil everywhere (I should have used a shower ) and got cleared up with Leadbelcher and Bronze, as well as Khorne red, to guide me for the next phase. He's magnetized in the arms so all the weapons are adaptable from the Renegade box. He'll get nice Fleur de Lys decals when they arrive from fallout. He'll be based on a huge round 160mm citadel base with a dead Hive tyrant at his feet (have yet to decide how dead it will be ). http://i64.tinypic.com/mj9wqw.jpghttp://i68.tinypic.com/eq5myt.jpg Thanks for reading so far, hope to post updates soon! On a side note, is it OK by forum rules to post the Knight based with a huge xenos at his feet? The bug ill be dead and not a centerpiece, in that it is not an exhibition miniature, but one for the tabletop. Just want to be right on the regulations Cheers!
  13. just hosting some pics of a friends Guard army, he's redoing them with the new GW Bases and re painting the Fatigues in a Fenris Grey...trying for an urban theme. will note that he has used all scout heads on this unit...i didn't realise till i was taking the pics... and went huh...somethings different about em ... here are the new Wip pics of his force, i will show some pics of how they used to look beforehand after these ones... i think these 2 count as a hvy wpn team... a Very angry Vox operator... Generic dude(just showing how seamless the scout head looks) that's it for now, next post i'll show his old paint jobs. cheers, Mithril
  14. O.K. here is a test scheme for a squad i'm working on to go with my guard army, they will represent some Imperial Navy grunts from Cadia that are from a naval fleet that got away from Cadia and are now playing the role of supporting ground elements with extra troops,vehicles - tanks and Taurox's and also Heavy Tanks and Valkyries. (In my mind i had the idea like Battlestar Gallactica a fleet of ragtag group of ships with mixed equipment doing the best they can... All the Vehicles will be painted generically in ThunderHawk Blue as a standard kinda like all WW II vehicles were Olive Drab this works for me as i have not painted any vehicles for my guard so this helps break the boredom of painting a new colour so i stay enthused the troops are in standard armed forces Fatigues(Deathworld forest to help tie them in to my main force's uniform) but the armor is Naval fleet issue so i'm going with a blue colour (ThunderHawk Blue) it's not contrasting but will be what they call Accented Analogous ..see below for my colour selection. Lenses on Helms,weapons,Vehicle screens etc will be Red as the contrast to the middle colour, pouches will be leather look and rifles will either be all gunmetal or have Black casings...not sure on that one?...feedback may be needed to tweak that idea ... officers that have little or no armor will be dressed in Dark Blue Coats to stand out from standard troops...haven't thought that far ahead yet... this is the basic scheme, the green will be highlighted up to be a bit brighter and the armor will be highlighted too...whats the best highlight colour for thunderhawk blue?...i was thinking the extreme spot highlight will be screaming skull but i'm kinda stuck on the middle highlight colour?!?... C&C please Cheers, Mithril
  15. Cap'm Heckus


    From the album: Chalnath

    3rd and final update. Pledge complete.
  16. Cap'm Heckus


    From the album: Chalnath

    Update #2 for chalnath.
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