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  • Mike Zulu

    Dakota Minor Defence Corps (PDF)

    By Mike Zulu

    Introduction Like many established Imperium worlds, Dakota Minor has a planetary defence force simply known the Dakota Minor Defence Corps (or DMDC). Most of its number are conscripted from the local population; a small number of citizens willingly join to escape the tedium of farm life that is prevalent on Dakota Minor. The DMDC is organised in a manner similar to Astra Militarum regiments, albeit more limited in their makeup. For the most part, it consists of dozens of infantry battalions
  • Bouargh

    AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

    By Bouargh

    Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa
    • 1 comment

Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Chaos Knights

So another quick battle report write up, this time I had a game against the Chaos Knights of a fellow local club goer. This guy kicked my ass last time against my Eldar, so I thought I'd bring out the Blood Angels to see if they could fare any better. Spoiler: They didn't.   1500 Blood Angels Arks of Omen (Elites): Primaris Chaplain on Bike - Warlord (gift of foresight), relic (Armour indomitus - 2+, 3++, +1W), angel exemplar (artificer - mantle) mantra of strength Sanguinary


Xenith in Battle Report

The Warlord Walks!

So after the renewed enthusiasm for AT that came from getting a game in at WHW, I've decided I need to get the rest of my titans built - so far in the pile of shame were the 2020 christmas box maniple - a warlord, reaver and 2 hounds. Lacking any larger titans, I decided to tackle the warlord first, assembling, breaking the toes a lot to try and make him stride forwards, then spraying with a lot of leadbelcher.    Paint job at 80%, missing transfers. I didn't like how I did the checks


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Master of possession wip updated... greenstuff

So i got green stuff started. Some parts im very happy with others not so much. The backpack id want to swap for a more ornate one... may have the one... somewhere but placeholder. The staff i think is perfect. Happy with cables too. Prob should have done gs work pre assembly. Would have liked to bulk arms but think easily look wrong. Leg armour... i dont think will look right til paintedthe horns beside helm arnt great and need shaped a bit when hardened. If they dont look right will see if i c

This hasn't started well....

So it's March and this is entry one on the blog....the plan is off to a rocky start. I largely blame this on having a baby - definitely eats into the hobby time!   The is the current WIP area of my desk:   No less than 5 armies represented in a small space. I'm a hobby magpie, and I'm not ashamed of it, but it can be an issue.  The big impact of reduced hobby time, is that I find it easy to find time to build. Not for extensive conversions etc, but building is an e


Doobles57 in Grey pile

Cornelivs Maximvs Allies - Dwarves (count as Astra Militarum)

In the Cornelivs Maximvs books that I have written the dwarves are mentioned as being allied to the imperial forces, so as part of my attempt to build forces that represent my books, I have built and painted some Einherjar from Wargames Atlantic to represent them. In addition, the dwarves have a somewhat symbiotic relationship with a species of sentient giant spiders and they often fight side by side, so I got some of the dwarves to be mounted on giant spiders (also from Wargames Atlantic) for r


GreenScorpion in Cornelivs Maximvs

Battle Report: Adeptus Titanicus - Tempestus v Xestobiax

In the trip to WHW, we also all brought our tiny titans, being one of the funnest games GW makes (probably). I managed to get a quick 1250pt game in against @Olis's Legio Xestobiax and their Black Iron cores.    I was using (and forgot to use the rules for) a Ferrox light maniple with additional reaver (+1 to armour rolls within your scale in inches) against Olis's nimble Corsair maniple:   Tempestus Indefatigable (Indy): Reaver (princeps) - melta, gatling, turbo laser,


Xenith in Adeptus Titanicus

Battle Report: Craftworlds vs Alpha Legion

I had a trip to WHW with a few other B&C folk a couple of weeks ago and managed to get some games in, mostly with @Excessus, either playing with or against him!   It's been a while since he'd played, so we just did primaries on a random mission, which turned out to have 5 objectives, we did 5pts per command phase for each objective held, and used nachmund rules.    My list 1250pts Craftworlds Patrol - Swift strikes and mobile fighters Autarch, Warlord, 2+" move,


Xenith in Battle Report


Welcome to the blog! This is the first step in my testing out one of the new shiny functions of the Bolter and Chainsword since it crossed the Rubicon Primaris in 2022. I'm still a slave to the old ways, so will be claiming this first post for usage as a directory of sorts, of needed. This isn't intended to replace my other painting logs, the Blood Angels, Tyranids, Chaos, Xenos and Heresy Blogs you might have already seen, but to compliment them. I see this is more a repository for completed wo


Xenith in Introduction

I've succumbed to the power of Chaos (Updated)

Wow its been a spell!! That whole work/life balance thing has been out of whack but its starting to level out again, a very positive thing. With the out of balance thing mind ventured into areas I never really went to before, namely Chaos!  Sure I've painted a few Underworlds Warbands & the odd Death guard model but the 40K Chaos astestic never really appealed to me. Aspects of it for sure but most seemed to GWAR-ish for my taste. Now I have followed many peoples Blogs over the years & h


Spazmolytic in Red Corsair

Zero bits challenge progress

In a previous blog post I spoke about the self imposed Zero bits challenge that I have decided to follow in order to clean up all of the spare bits generated by my miniature purchases. Today I want to speak about the overall progress I have made since I initially started with this challenge and give an overview of what is still pending to be done. Some time ago I have create a spreadsheet to track my purchases and my progress in terms of building and painting and eventually I decided t


GreenScorpion in DYI

Inquisitorial Forces Update

So while doing some reorganizing the other day I took inventory of  my =][= Forces:     My Inquisitor  Erasmus Cartavolnus is sitting currently primed and awaiting paint. Still need to prime/ paint 3 Culexus, Vindicare, and Callidus Assassins. I need build my Imperial Navy Breachers, Voidsmen, 15 Militarum Tempestus (including making a new Tempstor), 2 Taurox  Prime, and Valkyrie.  Hopefully I'll add some Arbites.       


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

Hobby Updates

Well I had some weekend projects in mind earlier this week, work on my Blood Angels Combat Patrol, Purchase Arks of Omen: Angron and Space Marine Boarding Patrol box.     I built the Librarian from the Combat Patrol put magnets on all the bases for the My Blood Angels, did make to Local Warhammer store and did my preorder (Arbites Coin Yeah!). But since the weather here in AZ has bee crazy it started off at 42* Friday morning but was 75* when I got home at 2pm from work so I was able t


W.A.Rorie in Hobby Time

The Wallet did break, or rather I did.

Hello folks - welcome to 2023!    If you read my last blog entry, which by the way was too long ago, you will know that the reveal of new Astra Militarum aka Imperial Guard minis had me quite excited, and I talked about trying to resist starting a Guard army, especially if other regiments were to get the same update treatment as the Cadians. The new stuff is fantastic, and following that last blog entry there were some other reveals too, such as the Lord Solar (BraveStarr) on his steed


Cyrox in General

Regiments of Abistrev

Surrounded by interdimensional space storms for many centuries, the system of Abistrev was completely isolated from the rest of the Empire and thus deviated from the organization of the forces from the nearby systems. Knowing the storms would end one day, the Abistrevians trained hard, creating powerful and disciplined regiments, well prepared for defensive roles, especially when garrisoning fortifications like the large city-bunkers where most of their population lived. After the defeat


GreenScorpion in Cornelivs Maximvs

More Grey Knight Terminators

So I purchased another 5 GK Terminators that I needed 3 to make Variant models for the squads if I didn't want heavy weapons in my units. The other 2 models became my 3rd Apothecary and 2 Ancient.    So I have Unprimed  15  Terminators, Crowe, 11 Purifiers, 2 5 man Purgation Squads, Interceptor squad. 3 NDKs, GMNDK, and box dreadnought. Primed I have Storm Talon, MKIV Dreadnought, Paladin Ancient, Librarian (#4), Apothecary #2, 10 paladins. and I have 5 Paladins I need to resume workin


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Brutality of Boarding Actions

So after a long hiatus, due to work, I was able to hang out with my local gaming group, Metal Head Armory, for some much need Grim Dark action. I played 3 games of Boarding Action all with my Grey Knight Terminator Strike force and we played Mission 6 form the current White Dwarf # 484.    My list: Blades of Victory Brotherhood Brotherhood Librarian (Stormbolter, halbred, warp changing & Empyric Amp)  5 terminators (Justicar Daemon Hammer, Psycannon, halbreds) 5


W.A.Rorie in Grey Knights

Content Architecture at the Bolter & Chainsword (an editorial of sorts)

The purpose of this article/editorial is to provide some insight into the concepts and methodologies employed by the staff in enforcing the site’s on/off topic rules.   A few terms are used within this article/editorial:   Information architecture (IA) focuses on organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective and sustainable way. The goal is to help users find information and complete tasks. Instead of “information architecture” the term “content architecture”

Brother Tyler

Brother Tyler in Editorials

1st post of many........

So for the last few years I have had  blog over at W.A.Rorie's Gaming blog and well I have tried to stay active there and here on the B&C with all my various build and paint logs. So for ease of record keeping I'll slowly end my other blog and continue here with my blog. Below is are Links to my various paint blogs and hopefully I will be more active here.    Grey Knights     Raven Guard (HH) and Raptors Chapter (40k)   Adepta Sororitas   Inquisitorial


W.A.Rorie in 1st B&C Blog Entry

The end is but a new beginning...

First full entry with pics coming soon.  This is the start of my return to The Bolter & Chainsword after a long time away.  I have been working on my 6th Death Guard army since the start of 8th, and it is nearly finished, just 10 models to go.  I have owned a Death Guard army in every edition since 2nd, and my latest one is almost finished being painted.  This blog will catalogue the end of that project and the start of a new one, Dark Angels in 2023.  Dark Angels was my first real army whic


HuronBH in 2023 General

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